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Thread: New Story- The Kidnapping by JB57

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    New Story- The Kidnapping by JB57

    Dear Board,

    Here is a bit of a surprise. I've taken a temporary break from finishing off "Jungle Queens vs. Cavewomen" to work on this story. This is called "The Kidnapping" and it is inspired by the clip of the blonde and brunette women tribbing in the rain that is up on the board. As I wrote in the thread dealing with that clip, I really love it and it sparked something in me that led me to write this story.

    This story will be relatively short. This is part one. It will only have two parts and an epilogue. I hope to have the whole thing done and up by the end of the week.

    Don't worry, "Jungle Queens" is still coming along, I've just put it on a momentary hiatus to follow where inspiration takes me. I will be getting back to the next part of that story soon. I think it is almost done, with only one or two parts left. Whether I finish off "Jungle Queens" or "The Kidnapping" first kind of depends on where my interest/inspiration goes over the next few days.

    Anyway, I hope you enjoy this!


    The Kidnapping – by JB57

    Ryan gasped as she was pushed hard from behind. She stumbled but rough hands caught her by her shoulders and directed her forward. She felt the cold, uneven ground on her bare feet.

    “Kneel here,” a gruff male voice said. She did as she was told. She kneeled down, her bare knees resting on a concrete surface. Her hands were bound behind her back and her head was covered by a black velvet hood. She had a bit of claustrophobia and the hood was a little tight, but she managed to fight back the panic. She felt her ropes loosen, only for a moment. Then gloved hands grabbed her wrists and pulled them to the front of her body. She felt ropes wrapping around both of her wrists. A moment later, she was securely tied to some kind of attachment in the floor.

    Ryan said nothing. She just tried to focus on the sounds that she could hear and anything else that she could detect with her remaining senses.

    Someone abruptly pulled the hood off of her head. She blinked in the sudden light. A moment later, someone was undoing the ball gag that was inserted in her mouth to keep her quiet.

    Ryan looked around carefully, trying to remember her training. She was an heiress, the only daughter of a very wealthy and powerful family. She had been given lessons in what to do if she found herself in exactly this situation – kidnapped and held for ransom.

    The first thing she saw was a man wearing a full face covering. His eyes were concealed behind sunglasses. She took some comfort in that. If the kidnappers were taking care to conceal their faces then they intended to return her. She observed the rest of the space. She was in what appeared to be an abandoned factory. Her hands were tied to a metal ring in the floor. A table, chairs, a double bed with a chest and a TV were set up in a space designed to resemble an apartment. A couple of carpets on the floor defined the space, one under the table and chairs, the other beside the bed.

    The next thing Ryan heard were high heels beating a staccato rhythm on the concrete floor. A gorgeous blonde woman came into view from out of the depths of the factory. The woman was not wearing anything to cover her beautiful face. Her green eyes were bright. She had shoulder-length hair. Her skin was a golden tan. Everything else about her was incredible. She was wearing a red triangle halter top that barely contained her stupendous, bouncing breasts. Her abdomen was taut and chiseled. Her hips swelled out, girded by a tiny mini-skirt. Her powerful-looking legs were long and smooth. Finally, she was wearing black pumps that announced her presence.

    The woman smiled when she saw Ryan. She whistled appreciatively. “Wow! This girl sure is a hottie!”

    “Agent K, meet Ryan Hartley. Ms. Hartley is the heir to the considerable Hartley fortune. As you know, your job is to watch her and keep her happy and healthy for the next couple of days until the ransom is paid.”

    The blonde stopped and comically saluted. “A-OK, boss,” she chirped. “I promise to fulfill my sacred duty!”

    The man gave the gorgeous blonde an irritated look, but he did not say anything. Instead, he gestured to a cellphone left on the table. “We’ll contact you by a secure line when the ransom is paid. Be prepared to take the heiress where we instruct.”

    The blonde woman nodded, but she was busy studying Ryan. The black-haired beauty tied to the floor by her wrists was an incredible specimen of womanhood. She was wearing only a short black dress. Otherwise, her legs and feet were bare. The dress dipped low on her chest, almost fully revealing two huge, dense and altogether perfect tits. Her skin was a gentle brown, revealing plenty of nude tanning. The heiress was gorgeous. Her hair fell down to just below her shoulders. Her blue eyes were calm, despite the predicament she was in.

    “OK, I’m going now. Take care of the hostage!” the man ordered as he walked away. He disappeared into the darkness just beyond the light illuminating the makeshift apartment space. A few moments later, Ryan heard a door open and then close.

    The woman smiled and walked up to Ryan. She looked down at the kneeling heiress. Ryan glared up at the gorgeous blonde. The woman’s massive tits loomed over her like twin mountains. The blonde looked physically perfect, her taut belly centered around a tight, thin slit of a navel, her flawless legs long and thick. The two women locked eyes and Ryan felt something powerful pass between them. She was not sure what it was but it sent an intense shiver down her spine. This woman was more dangerous than she appeared. Ryan sensed that immediately. But under the sense of danger there was something else, something decidedly erotic. She pushed the feeling out of her mind. She was being confronted by an incredibly gorgeous woman in an extremely revealing outfit. Of course there was a frisson of eroticism in the air.

    “May I have a cushion or something for my knees?” Ryan finally asked. Her hands were tied in front of her but she could move around the ring. Even so, the rope was short and she could not stand.

    The blonde smiled, a slightly sadistic grin. Wordlessly, she walked over to the bed, picked up a pillow, and returned, Ryan stood up as high as she could and the woman shoved the pillow under her knees.

    “Thanks very much,” Ryan said gratefully.

    “So, you’re Ryan Hartley?” the woman asked.

    Ryan nodded. “Yes.”

    “You can call me Riley. We’re going to get along just fine, Ryan, so long as you follow the rules. OK?”

    “What are the rules?”

    “You do everything I say, you don’t try to escape, and you don’t ask too many questions. Deal?”

    Ryan nodded. She held up her hands. “Could I ask you to loosen these? I’m not going to have any hands left if you leave me like this for days.”

    “Yeah, I will. That’s part of the plan, baby. Just so you know: I’m very well-trained in the martial arts. If you give me any trouble, if you try to escape, I can hurt you and I will.”

    Ryan nodded slowly. “I understand.”

    “Good.” Riley kneeled on the concrete in front of Ryan. “Our names are similar,” she remarked, as she undid the ropes. “Of course, mine is an assumed name, but still, that’s weird coincidence.”

    “Why are you letting me see your face?” Ryan asked. She rubbed her wrists, bringing back the circulation.

    “I haven’t seen the faces of the other guys involved in this,” Riley replied. “So, I can’t identify them. You can identify me, but I have ways of vanishing after this is over, so I’m not worried.”

    “One other thing,” Riley said as Ryan relaxed.


    Riley backhanded Ryan full across the brunette’s gorgeous face. The blow was sharp enough to hurt but not enough to leave a lasting mark. Ryan gasped and fell back, caught completely off-guard. A moment later a powerful kick hit her full in the stomach, knocking the wind out of her. She crumpled to her knees, holding her stomach and gasping for breath.

    Riley crouched beside Ryan. She grabbed the woman’s dark hair and pulled her head back viciously.

    “I want to be sure you understand exactly where we stand, babe. I don’t like rich bitches. I especially don’t like rich bitches who relax too much around me. If you get any ideas about escaping or fighting back, I’m going to pound you senseless. Do you understand?”

    Ryan nodded vigorously. Riley smiled. She liked the look of fear in the brunette’s gorgeous blue eyes. It was the first time she had seen the rich girl afraid and it made her feel powerful. Keeping this bitch in line would not be a problem, she decided.

    Riley was seized by a sudden impulse. Ryan’s panting, beautiful face was so close to her’s and a powerful wave of desire washed over the blonde. She had to resist the overpowering urge to kiss the brunette, to drive her tongue into the woman’s mouth, to suck her tongue, to suck back her spit. Riley pushed the desire away, with an effort.

    “When you’re recovered, I’ll give you the tour,” the blonde said nonchalantly. She walked away, leaving Ryan to catch her breath.
    A minute later, Ryan stood to her full height. A tear trickled down her cheek. She brushed it away.

    Riley had doffed her high heels. She had put her bare feet up on a stool and turned on the TV. She glanced up when Ryan stood and used the remote to turn off the set.

    “OK, here’s the tour.” Riley stood up and waved her arm in a circle, indicating the furniture around them. “Here’s the living space. Nice and comfortable, right?”

    “Over there, in that corner,” she said, pointing to a spot about 20 meters away, “is a kitchen with food supplies. We even have a chemical toilet and a makeshift shower installed. The shower only has enough water for about a week, but that should be more than enough.”

    Riley walked over to the bed and opened the chest at its foot.

    “We have some clothes for you. I’d like you to change out of your dress and put this on.” She pulled out a man’s white t-shirt. It looked a bit too small for Ryan but she was not about to object.

    Putting on a brave face, the heiress walked towards the blonde. As she did so, she began pulling her black dress up her luscious body and over her head. As the tight dress pressed over her massive tits, it pulled her breasts up, then let them drop heavily when it released, leaving them to bounce deliciously. By the time Ryan reached the bed, she was naked, except for the tiny thong covering her clean-shaven pussy.

    Riley’s eyes were bright as she watched this display. Her eyes roamed over Ryan’s spectacular, nearly naked body and compared it to her own. This rich bitch was absolutely gorgeous, voluptuous and perfect. It drove Riley crazy that some women got handed everything on a silver platter, even an incredibly sexy body. She detected the slight swagger in Ryan’s step, her sexily swinging hips as she moved across the room. She felt a flare of anger. The bitch wasn’t as afraid as she should be, Riley thought. She considered delivering Ryan another surprise when the slut reached her, but she decided against it. Keeping her temper in check was important.

    Ryan finally reached her captor. The look on her gorgeous face was enigmatic. It was blank, yet somehow challenging at the same time. She handed Riley her dress, hanging from her finger and reached for the t-shirt.

    “One second,” Riley said, holding back the shirt.

    Ryan paused, waiting. She was not sure what the other woman wanted besides, perhaps, more time to study Ryan’s perfect tits and muscular belly.

    “Lose the thong,” Riley instructed.

    Ryan hesitated, then reached down and wiggled the tiny scrap of cloth down her womanly hips and shapely thighs and muscled calves, letting it drop at her feet. She stood straight and completely nude before the blonde woman.

    Riley nodded, letting her eyes drink in Ryan’s clean-shaven cunt. The heiress’ genitals were absolutely perfect and Riley resisted the sudden urge to get down on her knees and shove her tongue into that hot, beautiful fuckhole. She handed the brunette the t-shirt. As she watched, Ryan slid the shirt over her head and down her body. Her massive tits bulged into the thin material, her nipples nearly piercing the cloth. The shirt clung at her wide hips and fit snugly to her luscious thighs and ass. It barely went down far enough to cover her pussy.

    Riley gestured to the bed. “Now, get on and I’ll secure you there.”

    Ryan climbed onto the bed. Riley produced a fur-lined ankle cuff and secured her to the bed by her left ankle.

    “What if I need to use the bathroom?” the heiress asked, testing the new restraint. The chain was long, so her leg could move relatively freely.

    “Well, just wake me up,” Riley replied. As Ryan watched, the blonde reached behind her back and undid the tie of her straining halter. Her massive tits bounced free. The huge glands were incredibly beautiful and Ryan could not help but wonder if they were as big and firm as her own. The blonde unclipped her mini-skirt and let it drop, then slipped off her tiny red thong. She stood before Ryan, completely naked and absolutely magnificent in her nudity. She smiled viciously at the brunette on the bed, then extracted another t-shirt from the chest. It was a plain white shirt, like Ryan’s. Riley slipped the shirt onto her voluptuous body. Ironically, the shirt now covered far more skin than what Riley had been wearing before, but it fit her like a second skin and left very little to the imagination.

    “Are we going to be sleeping in the same bed?”

    “There’s only one bed in this dump and there’s plenty of space.” Riley grinned. “Besides, it’s a great way to warm each other up. This place is going to get cold tonight.”

    Riley pulled up the heavy quilt lying on the bed and allowed Ryan to slip under it. As the brunette settled down, genuinely appreciative of the warmth, Riley climbed into the bed on the other side. Once under the sheets, she picked up a remote control that was set on the floor beside the bed. She hit a button. The lights in the “apartment” clicked off and the entire factory plunged into darkness. As her eyes adjusted, Ryan could make out exit signs and some kind of light near the kitchen area, pointing out where the bathroom was.

    As she settled in, Ryan went stiff as Riley suddenly snuggled up to her under the sheets. The blonde pushed her massive tits into Ryan’s shoulder, the bulk of her titmeat settling onto the side of Ryan’s massive tit. Riley threw a long leg across Ryan’s bare legs. Both women shivered at the contact. Ryan had to admit the bare skin felt good. The weight of the other woman’s tit on her own stirred powerful erotic feelings in her pussy. She felt her nipples growing hard. Riley threw her arm across Ryan’s chest. The brunette gasped as the other woman pulled even closer, almost wrapping herself around Ryan’s body.

    “Don’t be so tense, baby,” Riley cooed in Ryan’s ear. “Aren’t we like girlfriends already? Just think of this as a sleepover with a really, really sexy girlfriend.” Ryan could feel the other woman smiling in the dark. “We can even play some girlfriend games, if you’d like.” She wriggled, rubbing her luscious body even harder into Ryan’s voluptuous form.

    Ryan forced herself to relax. There was nothing she could do about the blonde’s overt sexual harassment. All she could do was accept it. Besides, a part of her was completely into what the blonde was doing. That part of her wanted to respond, maybe even outdo the blonde with flirting and lascivious suggestions. She was holding that part in check for now. Ryan needed to pick her moment when to reveal to the bitch that she was not quite what she seemed to be.

    It had been late at night when Ryan was kidnapped. She had been out clubbing with friends when her bodyguards disappeared and a bag slipped over her head. She was exhausted from the fear and now the continuing stress of her situation. She fell easily into a deep sleep, the pleasant weight of Riley’s voluptuous body draped over her own luscious body providing a strange comfort.

    Late in the night, maybe around 3 AM, Ryan awoke. It took her a few moments to remember her situation. Initially, she was confused by the weight of the gorgeous woman on her body. During the night, the women’s bare legs had become entangled and Riley was practically on top of Ryan. Their t-shirts had gone up and both women’s pussies were exposed. Riley’s thigh was pressing into Ryan’s wet twat; Ryan found her arm caught under Riley’s body and resting on the woman’s smooth ass. She could feel the heat of the blonde’s bare pussy pushing onto her upper thigh. The blonde’s heavy breasts were pushing down on Ryan’s equally heavy pair and the heiress could feel Riley’s nipples through her shirt. Their bodies had acted on a shared erotic impulse. Ryan took a moment to enjoy the delicious contact.

    Ryan needed to go to the toilet. She shook the blonde woman awake.

    “What is it?”

    “I need to go to the bathroom.”


    After a moment, Riley slipped off of Ryan and out of the bed. Ryan felt the quilt lift near her foot and heard the click of the ankle cuff unlocking. The cuff fell away and Ryan put her bare feet on the cold floor and stood gingerly. She began walking towards the distant kitchen light. Riley was just behind her. The women’s bare feet scuffed the concrete floor as they moved.

    Ryan used the chemical toilet. After she left the stall, Riley pointed her to the kitchen sink to wash her hands. The blonde used the toilet herself. Ryan found herself waiting for her captor, an odd reaction that made it clear to her how much she had already been controlled.

    The women walked back towards the bed, Riley just slightly behind her captive, the weight of sleep weighing her down. Ryan knew it was time to act. Estimating where Riley was in the semi-dark, she suddenly stopped, whirled around, and backhanded the blonde viciously. Riley gasped and staggered back. Before she could recover, Ryan’s foot swung up in powerful kick right between the blonde’s legs.

    Riley screamed, grabbed her crotch, and fell to her knees, groaning in agony. “Oh god, you little whore,” she moaned.

    “Sorry, bitch, but I’m not about to wait for some stud to rescue me!”

    Ryan delivered a powerful roundhouse kick to the side of Riley’s head, but the blonde managed to partially block it. Even so, she went sprawling on the concrete floor.

    Ryan ran for the exit, her bare feet slapping loudly on the concrete. She had paid attention when she was first kidnapped and had done her best to estimate how long she had traveled. She surmised they must be in the industrial section of the city. It had a lot of old abandoned buildings and was largely deserted but it was not too far from more populated centers.

    “You cunt! Come back!” Ryan heard Riley shriek. She picked up her pace.

    The first door Ryan encountered was locked from the inside with a deadbolt. She thanked her luck; it easily could have been bolted or padlocked but it was easy to open. She dashed out into a tropical rainstorm. The water coming down was moderately hard but relatively warm. Even so, she knew she needed shelter soon.

    Lights from around the factory lit up her escape. She still did not know her way but at least she was outside and no longer restrained. She was standing on a large wooden platform, surrounded by mesh railing. A mesh door on the far side of the platform opened onto a set of stairs going down to the street. Ryan rushed over to the door to find it padlocked. Just then, Riley burst through the door onto the platform.

    The blonde Amazon looked pissed. Her green eyes flashed with rage.

    “You fucking cunt! I warned you about this!”

    Ryan stood back from the locked mesh door. She had hoped to avoid having to fight it out with the blonde woman but at least she was no longer chained or tied up -and she had a surprise for Riley.

    The blonde advanced on the brunette, intent on beating the woman senseless, as she had promised.

    “I’m going to make you regret that cunt punt, baby,” Riley growled.

    “Fuck off, you whore,” Ryan breathed, getting into fighting stance.

    Riley smirked. “What’s this? You’ve had a bit of training? Not going to be enough, fucker.”

    Riley lashed out with a kick but Ryan blocked it and replied with a flashing kick of her own. Riley barely evaded the blow in time. She was shocked. Ryan might actually be a challenge after all. The women flashed kicks at each other, impressing each other with their speed and accuracy. Both women succeeded in blocking or avoiding the kicks, using the space to move around on the deck. Ryan finally got close enough to Riley to throw a few punishing punches. One of them got through Riley’s guard and hit her in the stomach, making the blonde woman double over. She pulled back but her eyes glared daggers at the brunette, who smiled smugly.

    “I’m going to beat your filthy ass, cunt,” Ryan breathed.

    “Like fuck, whore,” Riley growled.

    She threw herself at Ryan, closing the distance between their lush bodies. Riley was enraged. She was determined to get her hands on this brunette rich bitch and fuck her up. Ryan was equally angry. She had not forgotten Riley’s assault on her and, as far as she was concerned, she barely started paying back the other woman.

    The women’s bodies collided, their equally massive tits absorbing most of the delicious impact. They both immediately went for the other’s hair. They screamed in rage and hate as they dug their fingers into the thick locks and pulled each other around the deck. The rain made the wooden floor slippery and their bare feet struggled to find purchase. Both women freed one of their hands from the other’s head. Holding onto their enemy with the other, they began pounding each other viciously, going for stomachs and tits.

    “You fucking cunt!” Riley snarled.

    “Filthy slut!” Ryan shot back. She was done hiding her skills and strength behind a compliant act. The only thing between her and freedom was this blonde fucker and she was determined to beat this cunt into the ground. They kept punching and slapping, pulling each other around the deck in the rain, struggling to keep from falling.

    Riley used her free hand to grab Ryan’s fist. A brief tussle and the women locked hand to hand, fingers intertwining. They released the other’s hair and were suddenly locked in a hand to hand, muscle to muscle battle to bend their opponent’s wrists back and prove themselves stronger. Riley had been sure she would win such a contest easily. Instead, she found herself straining against an enemy every bit as strong as she was.

    Their bodies trembled, their bare feet slipped on the slick deck as they pitted strength against strength. This was not the best strategy but, somehow, both women sensed this was what they needed to do. At some point, maybe from the beginning, the fight had gone from being about Ryan escaping and Riley trying to stop her to something more primal, something about which of them was the better, stronger woman. Neither women could yet articulate this shift, but both sensed that their growing relationship was deeper than captor and captive.

    Ryan and Riley glared at each other, their massive chests heaving with pants, their naked lower bodies glistening in the rain. Their nipples pushed out of the skin tight t-shirts like bullets, tenting the soaking wet material.

    “You’re a fucking whore, Riley,” Ryan hissed.

    “You’re a dirty little rich bitch, Ryan,” Riley snarled.

    “Fuck you, cunt!”

    “Fuck you, twat!”

    Ryan slipped, her bare feet losing traction in a puddle. As she fell to her knees, one of her hands slipped free of Riley’s grip and she grasped the blonde’s drenched t-shirt and ripped it, nearly jerking it off the blonde’s incredible body. Riley was pulled down to her knees in front of Ryan. Snarling, the soaking wet women threw themselves into each other’s arms. Their arms wrapped around each other’s luscious bodies and they fell in an snarling, snapping tangle onto the deck. Instantly, their powerful bare legs twined and they began rolling back and forth in the water. The women’s t-shirts had long since ridden up to their waists so their lower bodies were completely exposed. Riley gripped Ryan’s naked ass and slapped the taut meat viciously. When she was on the bottom of their rolling catball, Ryan eagerly returned the favor.

    The women tore at each other’s shirts. The cheap material, already weakened by being saturated with water, ripped under their fingers. Soon, the battling women were almost naked, rolling on the deck, their luscious bodies locked up, clothed only in the ragged remnants of their t-shirts.

    Ryan managed to get her foot between their bodies and on to Riley’s stomach. With a grunt, she kicked the blonde away. Riley fell back on her perfect ass.

    The women sat on the deck, facing each other, their tits heaving, their bodies nearly nude. Their legs were spread, displaying their aching, naked genitals. The sexual heat between them grew exponentially. Riley realized that her torn, tattered t-shirt was barely clinging to her voluptuous body. She stripped the ragged cloth over her head and tossed it away. She sat completely nude, her legs wide, facing the brunette bitch she hated so much.

    Ryan wasted no time in following Riley’s lead. She stripped and threw her soaking shirt aside.

    The women glared at each other from a few feet apart. Their naked bodies glistened in the rain. Their equally massive, perfect tits heaved with each panting breath. Their bare cunts faced each other, fuck slits pink and hot, challenging the other’s genitals.
    The heat between Riley and Ryan was nakedly sexual. The erotic tension that had been building between them from the time they met was now boiling over, filling the women’s incredible bodies with unbearable levels of lust. Their mutual desire was tempered and strengthened by their shared hate.

    Riley wanted to beat this bitch, she wanted to reduce Ryan to a whimpering, submissive cunt. She hated the over-privileged little fuck. Ryan wanted to crush Riley. She wanted the blonde whore to pay for hitting her, for trying to intimidate her, for trying to make her feel inferior and weak. She was going to break the blonde cunt if it was the last thing she did.

    As they glared at each other, the women saw the other’s woman’s clit swell and grow, cresting their thick-lipped pussies. Their swollen, thick tits grew even thicker, harder, their engorged nipples ached with heat and tension. Both women knew what was happening. They smiled at each other, their mutual rage, hate and desire barely contained.

    “Let’s settle this, cunt,” Ryan breathed. “Woman to woman.”

    “Gladly, fucker,” Riley hissed. She began sliding towards Ryan on her ass, her body burning with lust and need. She was not entirely sure when this physical battle had become a sexfight but she did not care. Nothing would give her more pleasure than destroying Ryan with her cunt, with all the amazing assets of her incredible body, and that was exactly what she planned to do. She was going to show this beautiful rich bitch which of them really had the better body, the better sex.

    Ryan slid forward to meet the blonde bitch. Her heart was pounding with anger and excitement. She wanted to feel Riley’s luscious body driving against her own, she wanted to feel the other woman’s cunt and clit down in her sex, matching her and struggling with her own sexual weapons. More than anything, she wanted to feel the blonde breaking against her, screaming in submission and spreading her legs in sexual surrender. This blonde whore thought she was hot shit. Ryan was determined to show this gutter tramp that she was willing to get down in the gutter with her and could do it even better!

    The voluptuous beauties pushed up to each other, their pink, thick cunts aching and leaking with cunt juice, their massive tits on fire. Ryan reached out and grabbed Riley violently by the back of her neck; Riley eagerly returned the grip. The women felt the heat radiating off the other woman’s throbbing pudenda. Blue eyes and green locked, blazing with lust and hate. Silently, they signaled. Ryan and Riley pulled back their hips and, with a powerful thrust, slammed their ravenous cunts together.

    Instantly, their mated genitals caught on fire. The women screamed and began ramming their wet cunts together over and over, their asses working furiously, their muscular hips driving like pistons. They slammed together again and again, then began grinding vigorously, keeping their cunts locked but trying to penetrate and seal together. Both women hooked a leg over the other’s hip, locking their bodies in place.

    “Fuck you, fuck you, whore,” Riley gasped as she worked with all her power to lock herself into Ryan’s luscious body. Lust burned in her veins like acid.

    “You whore, you dirty, fucking whore,” Ryan moaned.

    The women’s throbbing clits swelled even larger, reaching their full size and tension. They crushed directly, head to head. A shockwave of pure ecstasy roared through the grinding women. They threw back their heads and shrieked in bliss.

    “JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!!” Riley screamed, the pure pleasure almost more than she could take. She had never felt anything like this in a life filled with sensuality and she could not believe she was experiencing the most intense, pleasurable sex she had ever felt in her life with a black-haired bitch she hated so much.

    “FUCK!! FUUUUUCCCCKKKK!!,” Ryan shrieked. She had exactly the same reaction. The feeling of Riley’s cunt on her cunt, the feeling of their genitals merging and melting into one, of their ravenous twats sealing together in an unbreakable fuck bond -it was more intense than anything she had ever felt before, even in a life dedicated to the pursuit of pleasure. Riley’s cunt locked to her own twat felt better than anything in her life. It felt like their pussies were made to fuck and fight, like their clits were meant to fuse and merge.

    Riley and Ryan fucked furiously, they ground their cunts together with all of their power. They pulled hair and gripped the back of the other’s head, holding them in place. Their glaring eyes tried not to break away but they often had moments when they had to throw back their heads and scream out in pleasure or close their eyes as a shock of pure joy radiated through their driving bodies. They pounded at each other relentlessly, their massive tits bouncing and jolting with every thrust, their muscular bellies rippling as their cunts wrestled. They leaned back and placed their hands on the slick deck, bracing their lush bodies as they drove themselves together with all their power, fucking frantically, desperate to overpower and possess the other woman. They placed their hands on the other woman’s lower thigh, the one looped around their hips, and ground mercilessly. Their pants and moans, screams and gasps, echoed in the night.

    Fucking, fucking, fucking furiously, Riley and Ryan locked into the fork of the other woman’s delicious legs. Cunts sucked and fused, labia merged, hot suction formed. Their clits struggled within the hot fuck arena, pounding pure ecstasy into both women. They whimpered and groaned, each beauty desperate to hold on, to force the other bitch into a submissive orgasm.

    The fucking went on and on, the pleasure built and built, until both women felt like bombs ready to explode, like dams that had reached their full capacity and could not last a moment longer. Their bodies trembled uncontrollably, every muscle quivering with sexual tension and screaming for release, every nerve on fire with pleasure and demanding satisfaction.

    “Cum, you dirty fuck, cum,” Riley gasped. She refused to be defeated by this black-haired fuck but, oh God, it felt good! The pleasure growing inside of her was so intense, so incredibly good, she did not know if she could last more than a few more seconds. But the prospect of being humiliated by the woman she was supposed to be controlling, the woman whom she thought she had already dominated, the rich whore who thought she was better than Riley… that idea gave the blonde just a bit more willpower to hold on.

    “No, you cum, you cum for me, cuntlicker!” Ryan groaned. She refused to be humiliated, she would not let this blonde cunt beat her, not after all the filthy fuck had done to her. But, at the same time, the intense pleasure filling every muscle, radiating through every nerve- oh God, it was too much, it was just too much. Nothing in her life had ever felt so good and she did not think she could last much longer. Every part of her was throbbing, screaming for release.

    In desperation, the women pulled each other in. Their massive tits crushed hard, nipples searing to nipples. They kissed furiously, angrily, for the first time. Their tongues twisted into hot, spitty knots, their throats worked as they sucked spit back and forth, anything to overwhelm the other bitch and push their enemy over the edge. Their taut bellies slapped as they undulated, thrusting with their hips, ramming their clits together, pushing sex horn to sex horn until the most sensitive, nerve-rich parts of their anatomies wrapped together and fused in a searing burst of heat and a convulsion of ecstasy. Riley and Ryan choked back screams and somehow kept going, kept holding in the impossible wave of pleasure until, finally, it became absolutely unbearable.

    An explosion of unlimited erotic power detonated in the women’s interlocked clits, exploding through their perfect bodies like a hydrogen bomb of pure ecstasy. Shockwaves of unrelenting pleasure rolled through them in waves, cycling through their luscious flesh, building and building on each other, growing stronger with every wave. Every muscle in their luscious bodies tensed and released, burning with sexual power. Every nerve lit on fire, then radiated pleasure in waves of heat. Riley and Ryan screamed uncontrollably, at the top of their lungs. They fell onto their backs, their bodies writhing and undulating as they convulsed, grinding and grinding their cunts, bridging, arching their backs so high they looked like they might break.

    The intensity of the pleasure was unbearable. The women screamed and howled, shrieking like banshees as they came over and over again, injecting streams of steaming hot ejaculate into the other. Cum spurted from their locked cunts, gushing into the air to splatter down on their straining bodies, before being washed away by the pounding rain. Some ejaculate entered the women, mixing and filling their vaginal canals like molten liquid, sizzling in their insides, joining them even more intimately and completely. Their nipples spurted, tensing and releasing as they squirted. They bucked and bucked, screaming and gasping, sobbing with pleasure. They began to jerk up and down, slapping their asses into the wet wooden floor of the platform, bridging, then slapping down again. They tried to drain each other of every drop of cum.

    How long it went on, neither woman knew. All that Riley and Ryan knew was that they had fucked each other out of their minds, they had fucked each other senseless. They had given each other pleasure, pure ecstasy so much greater than what either woman had ever experienced before that it could not be compared to any previous sexual encounter.

    For some time, the naked, voluptuous women lay insensate on the deck, their perfect bodies fused together at their cunts, their tits jiggling with every heaving breath, their bodies gleaming with the rain. Their hearts pounded and their clits throbbed and pulsed, locked and twisted into an unbreakable knot.

    Finally, Ryan pushed herself up. She glared at the beautiful blonde who had reamed out her cunt so perfectly, who had made her cum like a fire hose, who had fucked her out of her mind. She hated the bitch. But a much more powerful part of her knew another, deeper truth: she wanted, she needed more. The fucking Riley had just administered to her could not be where it ended. They needed to keep fucking until only one of them could stand.

    Riley pushed herself up to glare at Ryan. The women’s eyes locked. Like Ryan, Riley wrestled with the unbearable truth: what Ryan had just done to her was unbelievably good. She needed more. She had to have more. She had to fuck this bitch until the whore’s cunt gave out, until her body surrendered completely.

    With a mutual groan, the women pulled apart. Creamy ejaculate gushed out of their separated twats until it was washed away by the rain. The women’s thick, massive tits jiggled aggressively. The blonde and the brunette stared at each other, their eyes hot with mutual hate and incredible lust.

    “That didn’t settle anything,” Ryan grunted.

    “No,” Riley agreed. “Are you ready for another round?”

    “I’m ready when you are, cunt.”

    The women glared.

    “Let’s take this inside,” Riley snarled.

    “Fine by me,” Ryan hissed.

    Unsteadily, the beautiful, naked women got to their feet. Their pussies felt hot and hungry, ravenous for more of what they had just tasted. Their nipples pulsed with fever. Despite having fucked each other senseless, their bodies were primed for more.
    Ryan knew that the hunger she was feeling was unprecedented. She had fucked many, many men and women in her life, but no one had ever turned her on or given her anywhere near the intense pleasure that Riley just had. It was like they were made for each other, made to mate and fuse their bodies together in a way that could only bring earth-shattering ecstasy.

    Riley had similar thoughts. She could not believe what the fucking rich bitch had just done to her. But all that mattered now was getting more of it. All that mattered was fucking and fucking the bitch until she knew her place, until she was sexually destroyed and conquered by Riley’s superior cunt.

    Staggering a bit, the naked, incredibly voluptuous women walked back to the factory door. They opened it and went inside. Riley made sure to lock the door again. She did not want anyone or anything to disturb what she and Ryan were about to do to each other.

    To be continued:

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    Re: New Story- The Kidnapping by JB57

    Oh wow! With a title like that I was unsure if I’d like this one, but this is quickly becoming a favorite of mine.

    I’m not used to you writing genuine enemies, so this was very entertaining and something a bit new. You could tell these two really want to beat each other.

    I particularly liked their strength contest and hope to see more. Nothing like two stubborn, equally powerful rivals hopelessly trying to outmuscle each other.

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    Re: New Story- The Kidnapping by JB57

    Very interesting premise. Look forward to more.

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    Re: New Story- The Kidnapping by JB57

    I did not remember such an intense physical confrontation, from the fate of the world it seems to me a good bonues for a story with such an atypical premise, very interested in seeing how this confrontation continues!

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    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: New Story- The Kidnapping by JB57

    One of your best JB. Probably among your very best.
    Of course my taste speaks.
    THESE women who have everything of their female anatomy in big but not unrealistic sizes, have my full attention. I like them !!

    I am 1000% aplauding this story something that happens many times with your stories but not all the times.
    (again : my taste speaks).
    Very good plot, perfectly written, growing tension between them (erotic or not)...
    Most of all : VERY HOT erotic action in detail.
    As a description of an erotic action between two women must be (IMHO) : Neither too short, nor endless.

    If I could ask for something more, it would be more trash talk. But that's me.

    A more than perfect ch. 1 !
    I can hardly wait for chapter 2 !
    Last edited by Giannis-CB; May 22nd, 2022 at 05:08 PM.

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    Re: New Story- The Kidnapping by JB57

    wow, great work!
    perfect length, great chemistry, a sense of urgency that is very hard to conjure.

  7. #7
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    New Story- The Kidnapping by JB57

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    Re: New Story- The Kidnapping by JB57

    Hope will be more, is one special story!

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    Re: New Story- The Kidnapping by JB57

    Hi Catfight! Part 2 is well underway and should be up in the next day or two. "Jungle Queens" will follow shortly thereafter!


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    Re: New Story- The Kidnapping by JB57

    It looks like this will be a three part story after all! I could have completed it in part 2, but that would have taken a few more days and I don't want to keep people waiting. Right now, the plan is for Part 3 to be relatively short. Even so, I hope everyone enjoys Part 2!


    The Kidnapping, Part II

    Ryan and Riley walked back into the dark factory. When they reached the makeshift apartment area, Riley reached down and picked up the remote beside the bed. She hit a button and a number of lights around the living space came on. She placed the remote back beside the bed and turned to face her fuck rival.

    The dynamic between the two women had changed completely. Now, they were equals and rivals. They needed to settle which of them was in control, which of them was the superior woman. They glared at each other, their eyes burning with the heat of their mutual hatred and the fire of their shared desire. They were soaked, their hair plastered to their heads, their luscious bodies glistening with dampness. Riley pulled some towels out of the chest at the foot of the bed. She threw one to Ryan, who caught it and quickly dried herself off, patting out the dampness in her hair. Riley wiped herself down and then tossed the towel aside.

    “OK, cunt,” Riley began. “You have one chance: you can get back on that bed and let me put back on your ankle cuff. After that, you’re going to spread your legs and I’m going to fuck your brains out until our pussies are raw. Or, you can resist and we can fuck this out right here and now. Either way, this ends with you flat on your back, opening your legs and taking my cum. You’re going to spend the rest of your time in this place as my personal sex toy.”

    Ryan snorted, her hands on her luscious hips. “You stupid cow. After what we just did, you think I’m just going to flop onto my back, spread my legs and let you ride me like a horse? Fuck that! If you want to fuck this out, then we’ll fuck it out! But you’re right about one thing: one of us is going to end up as the cum bucket for the other and it won’t be me!”

    Riley smiled. “I’m glad you said that, slut. I’m going to enjoy fucking you down. A rich whore like you thinks her shit doesn’t stink. I’m going to show you that Daddy’s money doesn’t make you any better than anyone else.”

    Ryan grinned. “You’re just jealous because you know you’re cheap gutter trash, cuntfucker. But if you think I won’t get into the gutter with you, then you are even more stupid than you look.” She took a step forward. “I am going to come out on top in this little contest, bitch. After I break you, I’m going to make you suck my clit for the rest of the night.”

    The blonde and brunette were standing on the carpet beside the bed. The two women walked towards each other, their hips swaying sexily, their thick, massive tits jiggling with each step. As the naked women approached, they felt the erotic heat in their bodies grow exponentially. The lust that had fueled their earlier, epic fuckfight began to flow once more.

    Riley placed her arms on Ryan’s muscular shoulders and slid them around the brunette’s neck. Ryan placed her hands on Riley’s smooth, naked hips then slid them around her lower back. The women’s thick, perfectly matched tits met nipple to nipple, sending an electric shock coursing through their flesh. A building heat of sexual delight raced through their lush bodies and they moaned in concert. Slowly, teasingly, they crushed their massive tits together. The dense glands compressed, the thick flesh quivering in tension as all four glands resisted. The women pressed their bare bellies together and undulated, rubbing abdominals, their navels sucking. Their powerful thighs pressed tight, muscle to muscle. They felt the heat coming off their naked pudenda. Their aroused twats glistened with moisture as their desire grew.

    Nose to nose, the gorgeous women glared into the other’s eyes. Their lips touched gently as they panted, sharing hot breath, teasing each other with the temptation of the other’s luscious sex. The heat between their voluptuous bodies increased with every moment. Every place their succulent flesh touched tingled with sexual electricity.

    “You really are hot shit, fucker,” Riley admitted, her voice a hungry whisper, “but I’m hotter and better. I’m going to fuck every inch of your body and make you my bitch. That’s the only way for this to end.”

    “You’re an incredible fuck, you slut,” Ryan responded. “But I’m more woman than you can handle. I’m going to fuck you into the ground and then make you my fuck toy.”

    “Fuck you, cunt.”

    “Fuck you, slut.”

    The women’s bodies raged with heat and lust, their nipples were rock hard and sealed into one, their tits throbbed with every heartbeat. Riley and Ryan were excited beyond words. Their mutual taunting reignited their shared hate and desire. They needed each other’s bodies. They could feel the sexual fever building.

    Their wet lips touched and pressed, their pink tongues slid together. Slowly, carefully, they penetrated each other’s mouths, sliding tongues, sharing spit, then sealing into a kiss that grew hotter, more aggressive as they fully locked up. They placed one hand on the back of the other’s head and pushed their faces deeper.

    “Mmmmmmmnnnnn,” they moaned in concert, their passion growing. They pressed in tighter, harder, their arms closing around their bodies. They undulated gently, rubbing naked flesh, enjoying the heat and smooth curves of their rival. Bulging tits crushed and wrestled, massaging and kneading each other’s thick meat. Pulsing nipples played, burning as they caressed and stroked, sizzling as nipple holes lined up and sucked. Taut bellies rubbed and smooth thighs pressed. Both women opened their thighs enough to let the other push the thick muscle into their opponent’s juicy pussy.

    As the kiss deepened, it became more passionate, more violent. Ryan and Riley struggled to dominate and control each other, mouth to mouth. Their powerful tongues pushed and shoved, their locked mouths overflowed with spit, their cheeks and throats worked hard as they swallowed back saliva and tried to suck the other bitch in. Spit filled their mouths, dribbling out and down their chins to their bulging, trembling cleavage.

    As the kissfight intensified, so did their body to body struggle. They shoved their thighs into the other’s cunt with greater force, their muscular legs twined, their torsos undulated as they rubbed their tits furiously. The women’s luscious bodies went to war. They spun around on the carpet, their bare feet slipping and sliding. They lost their balance and fell to the ground. Gasping, Ryan and Riley broke their kiss in a spray of spit. They wrapped arms and legs around their nude opponent. The voluptuous vixens rolled on the carpet, fighting viciously for the dominant position.

    Grunting, snarling, cursing, Ryan and Riley rolled back and forth in the small space, somehow staying on the carpet though they easily could have rolled off into the rest of the vast factory. They bit at each other’s shoulders and necks in passion and rage, they scratched and clawed naked backs and asses, leaving their marks on the other. The women were unbelievably horny, their bodies aching and burning with hunger. They relished rubbing and grinding naked flesh to flesh until, finally, they pushed each other away.

    Panting, tits heaving, the beautiful Amazons glared at each other from across the carpet. The first dots of sweat appeared on their luscious skin, causing their curvaceous bodies to gleam in the apartment light. Their clean-shaven pussies glittered with moisture and a droplets of cunt juice dripped to the carpet. Their eyes locked, the rage, hate and unbearable lust they felt for each other shining like the sun. Just looking at each other drove them both insane with rage and desire. They got to their feet, panting angrily, crouched down slightly, their breasts jiggling with every movement.

    “Oh God, you FUCK!!” Riley screamed. She threw herself at her rival, her blood boiling with anger and more.

    “Dirty, fucking CUNT!!” Ryan shrieked as she hurled herself to meet the attack.

    The women had meant to come together tit to tit and grind their massive orbs into ecstasy. Instead, they somehow locked up hand to hand. Their fingers intertwined, their palms flat. Their arms quivered with effort as they pitted muscle against muscle in another contest of physical strength. They had done this before, but the rain slippery deck had made the outcome inconclusive. This time, they were both dry and their bare feet dug into the carpet firmly.

    Ryan and Riley’s whole bodies trembled as they matched muscle to muscle, strength to strength. Somehow, for that moment, proving which of them was the physically stronger woman became critically important. Their powerful thighs and calves flexed and strained, their muscular arms rippled. The women’s big tits swung from their chests, taut and heavy, nipples pulsing and hard as spikes.

    Ryan and Riley leaned forward into each other. Their hot breath mixed, they pushed almost nose to nose, gasping and moaning as they tried to overpower the other. Their noses touched, their glaring eyes betrayed their overwhelming desire and their mouths slowly, desperately, sealed tight. Tongues lashed, lips sucked, and the incredible beauties slowly sank to their knees, their bodies still battling for domination. They released their grips and whipped their arms around the other. They hugged hard, leaning the weight of their bodies onto their chests, crushing tits, but never breaking the kiss. They pulled hair, they moaned with lust. Ryan slowly slid her hand down Riley’s hot, flat belly, all the way down to the blonde’s steaming pudenda. She cupped her rival’s throbbing mound, then traced the woman’s slick cunt lips with her finger, before flicking and gently stroking the blonde’s swollen clit.

    Within their locked mouths, Riley shrieked in pleasure. She slid her hand down Ryan’s torso, her palm forming a momentary suction with the woman’s navel, and slipped two fingers deep into the heiress’ succulent genitals. Ryan groaned and a deep spasm ran through her lower body as her tight cunt closed around the invading digits.

    Kissing desperately, the women finger-fucked the other in earnest, their fingers working in and out of tight, wet twats vigorously. The vast factory floor soon echoed with the wet, sucking sound of fingers pumping aggressively and the muffled moans and screams of two bitches in heat. Ryan and Riley stroked and caressed clits until the throbbing sex horns were pulsing and twitching with sexual tension. Their probing fingers ran along sensitive g-spots inside the women’s vaginas. Thick pussy juice trickled to the carpet in a continuous stream. The women finally broke their hateful kiss to rest their faces cheek to cheek, their chin on the other’s shoulder. They panted furiously, struggling to keep in the powerful orgasms growing in their cores.

    “You goddamned fucking whore,” Riley moaned into Ryan’s ear. She bit the heiress on the neck and shoulder, passionate love bites that only hinted at her hate for the beautiful brunette.

    “You cunteating, dirty fuck,” Ryan whimpered. She bit back and pulled Riley’s hair viciously, trying to hurt the blonde bitch as much as she could even as they paralyzed each other with pleasure.

    The race for the finish began as the women felt the overwhelming wave of pleasure starting to surge deep in their cores, deep in their cunts, beginning to lap at their twitching clits. Pure erotic sensations flowed from their clits to every part of their bodies. The women whispered obscenities at each other, they grunted and moaned in distress as they struggled to hold back the wave, refusing to go off before their enemy.

    Ryan felt her entire lower body trembling with tension, she felt her clit throbbing like a drum, filling her entire cunt, filling her entire world. She knew she could not last much longer. She could feel the tremors running through Riley, she could hear the dirty bitch moaning and whimpering, but she feared she might go off just moments before her foe. Gritting her teeth, she released Riley’s hair, ran her hand down the sexy curve in the blonde’s back, and slapped the woman’s firm, round ass with all her strength. The sharp cut of pain, the sting of the blow, sent the blonde vixen over the edge.

    “Oh, you FUCKING BITCH!!” Riley screeched. She shoved a finger all the way up Ryan’s puckered asshole, even as her cunt contracted and released a gusher of hot cum. It splattered both women’s naked thighs.

    “JESUS CHRIST!!” Ryan screamed. She ejaculated like a fire hose, her cum gushing out and intersecting Riley’s emissions in mid-air. The two streams mixed and countered each other, intensifying the splatter for both women. Their hands became soaked and dripping with gooey cum. They continued stroking and pumping each other, even through their continuing orgasms.

    The women ejaculated three, four more times, spraying their lower thighs and bellies in creamy cum. Their hearts pounded. They leaned into each other, tits on fire, bodies trembling in weakness with the momentary release. They pulled each other’s hair frantically, viciously, with their free hand. Gasping and moaning, they rode out their exquisite ejaculations.

    The women turned their gorgeous faces to each other and, almost involuntarily, slipped their tongues together and then locked into a deep kiss. It was surprisingly gentle as they licked lips and shared spit, like grateful lovers. For more than a minute, the fuckfighting women seemed to call a truce as they licked and sucked, scouring the other’s mouth with their tongues, almost in gratitude for the delicious pleasure they had given each other. Then Riley realized what they were doing.

    “Dirty fuck,” the blonde gasped. She shoved Ryan and pulled the brunette’s hair at the same time. The woman fell over on her side. Riley spun her legs towards Ryan’s head and landed on her side next to the heiress, her face pointed at the other Amazon’s juicy, cum-dripping twat.

    “Let’s eat twat, you fucker,” Riley gasped.

    “Glady,” Ryan panted. She rolled over on her back and opened her legs for the blonde. With a groan of pure desire, Riley eagerly mounted Ryan’s luscious body, spread her legs to either side of the woman’s head, and lowered her face to Ryan’s cum-soaked genitals. At the same time, Ryan slipped her arms around Riley’s hips and firmly gripped the blonde’s spectacular ass. She pulled Riley’s succulent fuckmeat down to her beautiful face and immediately buried her nose and mouth in the blonde’s delicious cunt. Riley happily shoved her face into Ryan’s turgid pussy. She rubbed her face around and around in the brunette’s sopping cunt, reveling in the intoxicating scent and the thick, firm cuntlips.

    Ryan licked Riley all the way down her fuckslit and inserted her tongue into the blonde’s wet, tight asshole. Riley moaned in pleasure as she felt the intimate violation. She nipped gently at Ryan’s engorged clit, causing the heiress to whimper and shudder throughout her entire body. Riley dived in, driving her tongue as deep and far into Ryan’s fuckhole as she could. She sucked up the sweet cum, enjoying the taste and texture.

    The women wrapped their lips and tongues around their rival’s clit and sucked lustily. They barely suppressed mutual screams of delight as waves of exquisite pleasure rippled through their bodies from their most sensitive sex organs. Ryan wrapped her wet thighs around Riley’s head and rolled the blonde onto her side. Riley closed her thighs around Ryan’s bobbing head. Eating each other from a position of equality, Riley and Ryan devoured each other’s throbbing, aching cunts. They threw themselves into the mutual sexual assault with wild abandon, both women determined to make her rival cum first.

    The beautiful women’s faces disappeared into the other’s succulent twat. The room echoed with the sounds of their moans and groans of ecstasy as they inflicted greater and greater pleasure on the other. The women’s inner thighs quivered with repressed sexual tension, their gorgeous cunts poured copious amounts of fluid as they sucked and licked and chewed on the other’s labia and clits. Ryan’s and Riley’s tongues worked vigorously, lapping at the other woman’s slit, sliding deep into tart, tight assholes, reaming out juicy labia. The women used their hands and fingers to separate round buttocks so they could better assault ripe assholes and to probe and tease trembling labia, deep vaginal walls and throbbing clits. Their moans and cries of exquisite pleasure spiraled higher and higher.

    After more than an hour, both women’s faces were wet with pussy secretions and their cunts were on fire with pure, raw sensations. Their bodies trembled from the deepest core of their bodies to the tips of their toes. Their moans reflected the pure sexual agony they were both in, as the two vicious rivals struggled to hold back the waves of intense pleasure that threatened to overwhelm and consume their raging bodies. Everywhere the women touched each other burned, every nerve in their bodies enflamed with sexual electricity. Their mouths and lips were fastened around the other’s pounding clit. For both women, the raw sensations flowing off their clits saturated their entire lower bodies and made it feel like their sensitive sex horns had expanded to fill their trembling cunts to the brim. Both women inserted their hands deep into the other’s tight, straining cunts and balled their hands into fists. They screamed in concert as they fisted each other, then twisted their fists and pumped their arms, doing all they could to ream the other out.

    Ryan could not believe how good the other woman tasted, how much she enjoyed feasting on Riley’s exquisite cunt. Riley was overwhelmed with passion. Ryan was incredibly delicious and the brunette heiress was proving to be as skilled at eating cunt as she had proven with using her clit as a weapon. Riley could feel a wave of intense pleasure pounding at the limits of her tolerance, on the verge of overwhelming her control. Ryan could feel herself reaching the same limits. Her entire body was shaking uncontrollably and her ability to keep forcing her muscles to accept more tension, more pleasure, was reaching an end.

    Riley moaned, a cry of pure sexual agony. Ryan sobbed, tears running down her trembling face as the pure pleasure wracking her body became too much. Riley ran her hand down Ryan’s back and grabbed the brunette beauty by her hair. She pulled hard, yanking Ryan’s face back, away from Riley’s cunt. At the same moment, Riley wrapped Ryan’s clit with her tongue, lips and teeth and sucked and bit with all of her skill, struggling to give her rival just the right combination of pain and pleasure. The shock was just enough to push Ryan over the edge.

    “Oh God, you FUCKING WHORE!!” Ryan shrieked. Her cunt convulsed and erupted, ejaculating powerfully, over and over, into Riley’s beautiful face. The blonde clamped her mouth over Ryan’s palpitating cunt and tried to take all of the hot cum in her mouth. An instant later, however, her own pussy exploded in release as she hit the limits of her control. Riley was not even able to swallow the cum when the detonation in her body released a wave of pleasure so intense she could only throw back her head and scream in ecstasy. The two women moaned and screamed as they rolled back and forth, their powerful thighs clamped tightly over the other’s head, holding them both in place as they ejaculated onto each other over and over.

    Riley and Ryan finally stopped thrashing on the ground. Ryan was on top when their pleasure-wracked catball stopped rolling. She was in a sexual daze, but she lowered her cum-splattered face and began licking and lapping up the creamy cum covering Riley’s inner thighs and succulent fuckmeat. Riley raised her head and sucked up as much of the ejaculate coating Ryan’s lower body as she could.

    Grunting, the women rolled apart. They got to their knees and glared at each other. Cum dripped off their gorgeous faces, it coated their hair. Their bulging chests were splattered with creamy ejaculate. Ryan and Riley threw themselves together, tits slapping, bellies clapping with the impact. Arms wrapped around backs, they pulled each other in, and they locked mouths. Moaning in shared delight, they sloshed the cum in their mouths back and forth, sharing it with each other, sucking it back and forth, mixing it with spit.

    For several minutes, the erotic rivals kissed passionately, playing with their mixed, shared cum, until the slimy mixture dribbled from their mouths, down their chins, to the quivering cleavage formed by their mashed tits. They split the gooey mass in their mouths and swallowed it back, both fighting to take more. They broke the kiss and began licking up the dribble.
    Ryan and Riley pressed forehead to forehead, their tongues licking and pushing. Their throbbing tits pulsed, nipple fused to nipple.

    “I’m glad to see you’re willing to get in the gutter with me, fuck bitch,” Riley whispered. “I like it. It’s going to make it so much better. I’m going to take my time humiliating you.”

    “I’m willing to go deeper in the gutter than you, cunt whore,” Ryan whispered back. “I can out-slut you with my eyes closed, and I’m going to prove that when I fuck you into a stain on the bed.”

    “I’m going to break you, cunt,” Riley moaned, shoving her tongue into Ryan’s ear.

    “I’m going to suck you dry, whore,” Ryan moaned back. She bit Riley on the edge of her jaw.

    The women rubbed their tits aggressively against the other pair, then separated and sat back on their asses. As much as they had enjoyed finger-fucking and eating each other, they both knew that the true battle, the real test of woman to woman, was between their legs. They leaned back, eyes locked. Riley and Ryan began stroking, teasing their ravenous twats. They stroked their hot clits and pressed on their delicious fuckmeat, helping their swollen clits pop free.

    “Are you ready to settle this, Riley?” Ryan purred seductively. Her blue eyes blazed with lust.

    “Whenever you’re ready, Ryan,” the blonde whispered, her body, her cunt, aching for the final showdown.

    Smiling, the women slid across the carpet on their lush asses, legs spread wide, and prepared to lock up in the final fuck.

    To be continued:

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: New Story- The Kidnapping by JB57

    I swear you are a machine. I don’t know how you can still pump out so many of these without ever losing your touch or getting stale

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