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    Re: pictures

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    Re: pictures

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    Valeria Rico Hernandez on Instagram: “Garbi ⛰”

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    Valeria Rico Hernandez on Instagram: “Garbi ⛰”

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    Re: pictures of - Right about Now

    Chinese authorities shut out Google and other foreign internet platforms, allowing homegrown alternatives like Tencent Holdings to dominate the Chinese market. '

    No, they did not.

    Facebook is blocked in China because of the 2009 Urumqi Riot, a racial/religious riot that killed over 200 civilians and injured thousands more. Obviously, if a guy says, I?m pissed and I?m going to take my kitchen knife to the street, it wouldn?t have resulted in so many people dead or injured, right? So it had to be a coordinated act by a group of people. Well, it turned out that the coordination was done through Facebook. So the Chinese Government went to Facebook, and asked them to cooperate with the Police. Facebook said, "Meh, freedom fighters. Those dead women and children are just unfortunate collateral in the fight for freedom.

    The Chinese Government said, you have a week to change your mind.

    Facebook said, forget it, we're not changing our commitment to free speech and China said, bye-bye.

    Google issued an ultimatum to the Chinese Government on January 12, 2010, by announcing that it was no longer willing to confirm to China?s censorship laws, publicly: ?We have decided we are no longer willing to continue censoring our results on Google, and so over the next few weeks we will be discussing with the Chinese government the basis on which we could operate an unfiltered search engine within the law, if at all.?

    The Chinese Government was totally blindsided and, for a time, it looked like the Government was going to cave. It was trying to think on its feet, given the short time window Google issued. All sorts of rumors were flying everywhere.

    But the timing of this public showdown couldn?t be worse. Just 6 months earlier was the Urumqi Riot, with hundreds dead and thousands injured. And the US companies such as Facebook publicly supported the ?freedom fighters?. So when push came to shove, the Chinese Government said, we?d be sorry to see you go, but all companies operating in China must follow Chinese Laws. So Google left.

    The riot is the reason that not only Google and Facebook, but also Twitter and Youtube, got blocked in China. Mind you that 7 years prior to this massive riot, 22 Uyghurs were captured at an Al Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan by the US, where they vehemently proclaimed that their training was only meant to be used in China, and that they would never use this training against the US because they were counting on the US support.

    The position of the Chinese Government, to put it bluntly, is that they can operate in China but they can?t be an instrument to starting a civil war or a ?regime change?. That?s the position of the Chinese government, and it?s just not going to change, you know.
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    Re: pictures

    From a product on

    SAANDHHA Oil (Sanda Oil) Massage oil for Penile Nourishment, Harder Erection and Longer performance.
    ( 100% Safe Ayurvedic Massage Oil for Men )

    What is SAANDHHA Oil
    SAANDHHA Oil commonly known as (Sanda Oil) is PENILE NOURISHMENT MASSAGE OIL for men external use.
    SAANDHHA Oil (Sanda Oil) with 100% Safe and Ayurvedic Preparation blended with essential secret aphrodisiac herbs suitable for treating and improving male sexual systems especially related to penile size, strength, and sexual performance.
    SAANDHHA Oil (Sanda Oil) is known as Magic Oil for men. It helps in treating many male sexual related problems like Small Size, Erection problem, Thickness, Sexual Performance, ejaculatory pressure, Premature Ejaculation, etc.

    Major Benefits
    ① 100% Natural. No side-effects
    ② Strengthen and expand the Penile Muscles
    ③ Improve and Enhance Harder Erection
    ④ Helps Longer Sexual Performance
    ⑤ Help to increase male vigor
    ⑥ Repairs damaged veins from over masturbating
    ⑦ Improve premature ejaculation

    Ingredients: Kalaunji Oil, Mustard Oil Base, Aswagandha
    Packaging size: 15ml

    How does SAANDHHA Oil work?
    When SAANDHHA ? Oil (Sanda Oil) rubbed on Penis it absorbed into the Blood Stream and increases the blood circulation and expand the interior cavity of the penis. As a result, it causes your erectile chamber (corpora cavernosa) to expand and enlarge.
    SAANDHHA Oil (Sanda Oil) is conceived to directly load androstenedione (the testosterone/estrogen precursor), Vitamin E and other therapeutic herbs to the penile tissues and cells. This will assist rejuvenate the neuro-arterial synapses for cell regeneration.

    SAANDHHA Oil (Sanda Oil) should be used with caution by men who are allergic to its principal active ingredients.
    Do not apply on wound/cut skin of the penis.
    Do not use water until 30 minutes after massage.
    * Multiple treatments (2 courses) recommended for better results.
    Insist on using the oil and don&#39;t lose confidence, you&#39;ll have a satisfying sex life.
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    Re: pictures of crime

    California police are destroying files and charging high fees to release misconduct records
    LA Times - 10 hours ago

    Sexual assault in jail. Domestic violence complaints against an officer ignored. Knocked-out teeth followed by a cover-up.

    Those cases involving California peace officers are detailed in documents recently made public under a landmark transparency law that undid decades of secrecy surrounding police internal affairs files.

    But six months after Senate Bill 1421 went into effect, some of the state?s largest law enforcement agencies haven?t provided a single record.

    Some law enforcement organizations are charging high fees for records, destroying documents and even ignoring court orders to produce the files.

    ?Dragging their feet?
    The law, authored by state Sen. Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley), covers records of shootings by officers, severe uses of force and confirmed cases of sexual assault and dishonesty by officers. Skinner said the revelations that have come out so far are proof that the law is working to shed sunlight on police misconduct.

    But she said it?s troubling that major state agencies, such as the California Highway Patrol, which employs more than 7,300 officers, haven?t yet produced records.

    ?If the state agencies themselves are acting like they're above the law, that's absolutely the wrong model and the wrong example to set for the rest of the local government agencies up and down the state,? Skinner said.

    Skinner said she plans to call for oversight hearings to push for full disclosure.

    ?We'll have to start being more proactive about really poking them if they're dragging their feet,? she said.

    Officials with many law enforcement agencies insist they?ve done nothing wrong, saying they are trying to release records as best they can. They also dispute that there is anything improper about the records that have been destroyed.

    Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva acknowledged earlier this year that public records requests were "stacking up." He has said he?s asked the county Board of Supervisors for funding to hire more people to handle requests.

    "People are asking for the world," he said. His office did not respond to requests to comment for this story.

    After a San Francisco judge ordered the state Department of Justice to release SB 1421-related records in May, the agency issued two dated internal investigations into misconduct by state agents. The department has since failed to provide additional records.

    The attorney general?s office is expected to appeal the judge?s ruling, arguing that it shouldn?t have to provide the files it has on local agencies and otherwise seeking to narrow the records it is required to release.

    Some of the largest local law enforcement agencies in California have also been slow to respond.

    At a recent San Francisco Police Commission meeting, public defenders addressed the difficulty they?ve been having getting records on officer dishonesty from the Bay Area?s largest police department.

    ?All it takes to support charges and hold individuals in jail is testimony by police officers,? said law student Will Kirkland, who is interning for the public defender. ?Of course many officers in San Francisco are honest and have records of integrity. But for the minority of officers who don't, their word is still being relied upon to keep people locked up. And that's why we are simply requesting compliance with the law.?

    The San Francisco Police Department has released only partial documentation from four shootings by officers ? and no disciplinary records. The department has said promptly releasing the files is too taxing, and it has invoked a dozen extensions. A spokesman said the SFPD is hiring 11 people to respond to requests.

    The failure to disclose police records under the new law is also happening among law enforcement agencies in Southern California.

    Both the Orange County Sheriff?s Department and the Long Beach Police Department have yet to release any records to KPCC, the Los Angeles Times, the Orange County Register or KQED.

    The Los Angeles County Probation Department, which supervises youths held in detention, has declined to release records, claiming disclosure about cases involving minors is prohibited by law. Records from the department, which also also supervises adults, could be redacted to remove names of protected individuals.

    Villanueva has refused to search for records, instead demanding that reporters identify specific cases they are seeking. The Sheriff?s Department released records about one deputy to the Los Angeles Times, a handful of separate files to KPCC, but nothing to the Orange County Register.

    The files from the Sheriff?s Department included internal affairs records for Deputy Caren Mandoyan, who was fired for dishonesty and domestic violence and later reinstated by Villanueva. The documents also showed that Mandoyan had admitted to having a tattoo linked to a secret society of deputies.

    The Los Angeles Police Department has released more than a dozen files and is issuing additional documents on a rolling basis.

    Public access advocates say they?re troubled by the pace of the release of records.

    ?They?re just delaying the inevitable,? said Jim Ewert, general counsel of the California News Publishers Assn., which lobbied in favor of the new law. He added the agencies are ?wasting taxpayer funds? by stalling and dragging out the release of the records.

    $25 a minute
    Several agencies are seeking high fees for the public records.

    The city of Bakersfield estimated that reviewing the audio and body-worn camera footage related to a single shooting would cost about $6,621.60. Footage related to cases from the last five years, when Bakersfield police shot 28 people, would cost an estimated $185,000.

    West Sacramento estimated it would cost $25 per minute to redact its footage, meaning the material from five shootings would cost $25,000 in total.

    The Los Angeles Sheriff?s Department charged KPCC $1,655 to redact audio from shooting investigations.

    The California Supreme Court is also considering a case that could limit the amount that agencies can charge for review and redaction.

    Burned and shredded
    Some agencies destroyed records before they could be turned over to the public. Earlier this year, the Downey Police Officer?s Assn. went to court in an attempt to force the city to destroy records older than five years, arguing that doing so would be in keeping with the records retention schedule.

    News agencies opposed the union. The court sided with the media organizations in May, paving the way for records to be released. Weeks later, the city?s attorney said that many of the records sought had already been purged before the beginning of the year.

    Police shooting investigations can amass hundreds of pages of witness statements, forensic reports and officer interviews as well as video and audio files. The city?s attorney promised to hand over what little was preserved ? a 33-page report, which still hasn?t been provided.

    Sarah Lustig, Downey?s attorney, said the city is producing records in keeping with new law, but also may continue to purge older records based on its retention schedule.

    Though cities such as Downey, Inglewood, Fremont and Morgan Hill destroyed records before Jan. 1, the Yuba County sheriff destroyed years? worth of records ? including internal affairs investigations of dishonesty and sexual misconduct ? on Jan. 16, two weeks after the new law went into effect.

    Yuba had already received requests from the Los Angeles Times, the Bay Area News Group and KQED for SB 1421 records.

    County Counsel Andrew Naylor said this was a routine purge, completely unrelated to the law. But many of the records that were destroyed had already been kept years beyond their required retention dates, and were potentially responsive to pending public records requests.

    Naylor said the fact that they were destroyed just days after they became disclosable was a coincidence.

    ?They?d fallen behind,? he said.

    David Snyder, director of the First Amendment Coalition, called Yuba County?s move ?highly suspicious.? He said that once the county understood that the public was seeking these records, it had a duty to preserve them.

    Legal fight
    Attempts by several police unions to ask judges to block the release of records have largely failed. The unions argued the new law did not apply to records of incidents that happened before Jan. 1.

    In March, more than 170 agencies were either in active litigation or refusing to produce records as they waited for direction from the courts. Now, Ventura County appears to be the only local government barred from releasing records because of active union litigation.

    One of the state?s top police lawyers, who led the fight to block access to pre-2019 cases, said the fact that thousands of those records have nevertheless been released did not create a crisis.

    ?I don?t think the sky is falling,? Michael Rains said in an interview Wednesday. ?If anything, members of the public probably got some reading enjoyment for some of the things police officers do or have done.?

    Rains said most of the law enforcement unions his firm represents had given up on blocking the release of older cases, after a series of losses and rejections in several county superior courts and state appeals courts.

    This story was produced as part of the California Reporting Project, a collaboration of 40 newsrooms across the state including The Times to obtain and report on police misconduct and serious use-of-force records made public in 2019.

    Lau is a Times staff writer. Lewis reports for KQED, Peele for the Bay Area News Group and Gilbertson for KPCC.Lisa Pickoff-White and Alex Emslie of KQED and Tony Saavedra of the Orange County Register contributed to this report.

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    2nd suspect arrested in abduction, shooting of woman left to die on dark Stillwater road
    Luis Alfredo Cortez Mendoza

    June 19, 2019 - 9:31 PM

    An Uber driver rescued a woman seriously wounded from gunfire and left to die by gang members on a dark road near Stillwater, according to charges against the shooter and an accomplice.

    Luis Alfredo Cortez Mendoza, 23, of St. Paul, was charged Monday in Washington County District Court with attempted murder and kidnapping in connection with the abduction and shooting last week of the 39-year-old woman from St. Paul, who was hospitalized in critical condition.

    Angel Ignacio Sardina-Padilla, 31, of Minneapolis, was charged with aiding and abetting attempted murder and kidnapping.

    A manhunt tracked Sardina-Padilla down late Tuesday afternoon in north Minneapolis, the Sheriff?s Office announced Wednesday. Prosecutors believe both are members of the same gang.

    Cortez Mendoza is suspected by federal immigration officials of being in the country illegally from his native Mexico, said Nicole Alberico, a spokeswoman for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

    The agency has placed a hold on Cortez Mendoza, meaning ICE retains the option to deport him once his state criminal case is resolved. He has been sent back to Mexico four times previously, said Alberico.

    Alberico offered no details on Sardina-Padilla?s residency, explaining that ?to determine their immigration status, ICE officers must first interview the individual who still has outstanding warrants for this state investigation.?

    Sardina-Padilla?s criminal history in Minnesota includes a felony conviction in 2018 for receiving stolen property. Hennepin County court records show that a misdemeanor count of giving police false identification was dismissed as part of the agreement for him to plead guilty to the more serious count.

    According to the charges:

    The Uber driver told a sheriff?s deputy that he was between passengers about 2:35 a.m. on Arcola Trail in May Township on June 9 when he saw what he thought was a dead animal in the road. As he drove closer on the dirt road, he saw the head lift and realized he was looking at a woman.

    He pulled over thinking she was drunk and asked whether she needed help. She screamed that she had been shot.

    The driver tried to call 911 repeatedly but couldn?t get a cellphone signal. He picked up the woman, put a blanket around her and placed her in the back of his vehicle.

    He got through to 911 as he drove toward downtown Stillwater, and law enforcement directed him to park and turn on his hazard lights as a signal to responding officers. A sheriff?s sergeant arrived, removed the woman from the vehicle and saw that she was bleeding heavily from a gunshot wound to the chest.

    Several days later, the woman told authorities that she agreed on June 8 to pay $400 to buy a gun from Sardina-Padilla. He and Cortez Mendoza arrived at her home and gave her the gun, but the woman gave them $300 and told them to come back later for the rest.

    Soon after, she texted to Sardina-Padilla that the gun was missing. Cortez Mendoza and Sardina-Padilla soon showed up brandishing guns and demanding the rest of their money.

    Sardina-Padilla heated a metal tool he found in the home and ordered two other people there to hold it while demanding to know who had the gun. Eventually, Cortez Mendoza and Sardina-Padilla abducted the woman and drove around for hours before Sardina-Padilla left the woman under Cortez Mendoza?s control.

    Cortez Mendoza stopped the vehicle on Arcola Trail, ordered the woman to get out and shot her, the charges say.

    Minneapolis police arrested Cortez Mendoza on Saturday while he was driving. He admitted to police that he and Sardina-Padilla are Sure?os 13 gang members, and he said he feared he would be killed if he didn?t shoot the woman.

    He said he gave the gun he used back to Sardina-Padilla and had the car painted black at Sardina-Padilla?s direction. Cortez Mendoza was branded by gang members with a tattoo of ?13.?

    Cortez Mendoza appeared in court Monday and remains jailed in lieu of $1 million bail. A message was left with his attorney seeking a response to the allegations.

    Paul Walsh is a general assignment reporter at the Star Tribune. He wants your news tips, especially in and near Minnesota.

    [email protected] 612-673-4482 walshpj
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    Re: pictures


    image 4 of 16
    This may be one of the more ridiculous finds here in the Vancouver area. We just picked up over 40 new, demo and used 8 track players from the estate of what was the sales rep for TOYO brand stereos back in the late 1960s and early 1970s. These are decent quality made in Japan 8 track players, both stereo and 4 channel/quadraphonic, some portable units, some self contained with speakers, and some stand alone decks, ready to be connected to your stereo. An exact description follows, along with model numbers and pricing. For any box that is able to be opened without breaking the seal, we will be testing all functions of each unit for 10 minutes prior to selling them. Please read the descriptions so you know what you're getting. Google has images of most of the decks online, or you're welcome to inspect the decks yourself.

    There is a mix of new and what I call 'demo' units, 'demo' being defined as open box but in as-new condition. It is possible that some of the demo units are customer returns, where they were purchased, then returned as being defective. There are also a number of open boxes that are labeled 'defective', that may have been swapped out or repaired, as they tested fine, despite the indicated issues on the boxes. There are also some obviously used units, and I will clearly identify those below.

    The good news is, none of the units had bad belts or noisy controls, so it appears that Toyo used decent parts in the unit. As a board level tech, I've seen the insides of many consumer electronics products, and the overall construction quality is typical of late 1960s/early 1970s Japanese made units. Everything is hand soldered and wired, there was no wave soldering back then, for those interested.

    A couple of units will be sold dirt cheap, and as is, with clear defects listed below.

    A bunch of the boxes have wear and tear on them from being stored, but there's no water damage, although some internal styro pieces may be cracked, typical for 40+ year old stereo equipment. Most of the demo units have all original paperwork inside including the manuals, the odd one does not. Any box that is open, I will test the unit prior to shipping and packing, then repack as I found the units.

    CH-632. AM/FM/Stereo 8 track w/amp and internal speakers- demo unit 2 $130
    CH-702-2/4 channel 8 track player w/internal amp-new units 9 $150
    CH-702 2/4 channel 8 track player w/internal amp- used 4 $110
    CH-315- portable stereo 8 track w/foldout speakers-new 1 $120
    CRH-396-portable stereo 8 track/AM radio w/foldout speakers-demo 1 $100
    CH-336- 8 track play/record stereo deck- used 1 $100
    CS-722 underdash 2/4 channel playback 8 track car deck-new 1 $100
    CRH-740 4 channel AM/FM/8 track home unit- demo 3 $175
    CHR-665 stereo AM/FM 8 track play record home unit-used 3 $120
    CHR-630 Am/FM 8 track w/speakers- new 1 $100
    CHR-630 Am/FM 8 track w/speakers- demo 1 $100
    CHR-730 AM/FM 8 track stereo home unit- used 1 $110
    CHR-631 Am/FM 8 track w/speakers home unit- demo 2 $100
    CRH-665 AM/FM/stereo 8 track home unit-used 1 $80
    CRH-730 AM/FM 2/4 channel 8 track home player-new 2 $180

    For the 8 track collector, these are invaluable, getting a 0 or super low hour unit to play your 8 track collection on. Call Curt at (604) 617-8518
    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

    fat ....

  10. #2500
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    Re: pictures

    Birds are a serious problem for the US military, as they cause millions of dollars in damage a year. Since 1995, the Air Force has suffered more than 105,000 bird strikes that have cost the service more than $800 million.

    This is not just an Air Force problem. Every branch of the armed forces has had run-ins with birds. In May, a bird reportedly banged up an F-35 stealth fighter to the tune of at least $2 million.

    Bird strikes have cost the military more than money, too.

    From 1985 to 2016, bird strikes killed 36 American airmen, according to the 28th Bomb Wing Public Affairs Office at Ellsworth Air Force Base, a bomber base where the Air Force has deployed bird cannons to keep geese at bay.
    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

    fat ....

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