Thread: pictures

  1. #2541
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    Re: pictures

    Pomp n circum,


    How to overthink anything.

    Corno di Bassetto2 months ago (edited)
    The infantilization of women in our culture, and their systemic privileges and sense of entitlement, must be challenged on all levels.

    As in many other instances, women claim to reject the patriarchy, yet the fully consent to it, as indeed, they created it.

    For example, how many women woo and court men, shower men with gifts, entice them into relationships?

    Yet women fully consent to men who do that. That is, they consent to the patriarchal practices that underpin the patriarchy. They consent to the patriarchy.

    The systemic privileges of women are part of traditional patriarchal coverture. In that patriarchal system, the man had to "cover" for the woman.

    It didn't matter if the male was the brother, father, husband, or even adult son: he still was responsible for the women's misconduct or financial debts. So the brother, husband, father or adult son had to pay those debts.

    How is it any different today, where the man must still cover for the woman's behavior. Thus if a man and a woman are both drunk and have sex, and the woman later regrets it, or claims she was not conscious or able to give her full consent, the man is still, under the patriarchal principle of coverture, held responsible, not the woman.

    But why can't the man accuse the woman of seducing him, like an infant? Why can't the man complain that by exposing cleavage, the woman took advantage of him and thus, based on his nonage, or subordination to women under the law, the woman must be held liable for seducing the man?

    This goes for any such sexual transaction. If a stripper arouses a man sexually, and thus entices him to sex afterwards, shouldn't the woman be the one held legally liable? If a woman wears a short skirt and entices a man to sex, shouldn't she be held accountable under the principle of coverture, that is, the woman must cover for the man's frailties?

    Similarly, if a drunken frat boy has sex with a woman, isn't the woman liable for taking advantage of his inebriation. Once sober, the man can claim that he would never have voluteered to have had sex with the woman. She should be sentenced to six years in prison and placed on the Sex Offender Registry.

    Why do we continue to infantilize women in this society? How does it happen that a woman can present the news in an octave lower than women normally speak, yet, like a child, she ambulates unsteadily in stiletto heels, evoking paternalistic support from a man, thus perpetuating patriarchal practices?

    Or else she bats her heavily painted eyes like a porcelain doll, as if to say: 'I'm a cute little doll. Please take me home with you and put me on your shelf and take care of me."

    Hominism calls these two affectations, pedomorphism and pediomorphism respectively, that is, presenting as a child or as a doll.

    That's how women get away with a lot of their privileges. These have become systemic to such an extent that they have become invisible and pass for life.

    What man would look sexy if he twerked his butt to an audience. But seeing Miley Cyrus twerk her butt is supposed to be cute, and even sexy, because men expect women to act like children, exposing their bodies, the way that a girl elicits tons of laughter when she enters the dining room partly exposed.

    One pop diva prances about in a ponytail, now even called an "iconic" ponytail and thigh-high boots, presenting as a teenager, though she's already getting on in years. But maturity has never held women back from their pedomorphic or even theriomorphic behavior, presenting as a domestic animal, semi-naked and recumbent on a rug just begging to be petted or to have a collar placed around its neck.

    What else are chokers for (as in the famous painting by Edouard Manet called "Olympia"), or halters, or furs for, except to suggest a domestic, tamed animal, as do the long painted nails and open-toe shoes that resemble the hoofs of animals?
    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

    fat ....

  2. #2542
    Senior Hostboard Member tomt's Avatar
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    Re: pictures

    All the women haters come out,

    4 hours ago


    Kim Kong
    5 hours ago
    hose teen girls was WHORES,,,, stop talking that girls was 11 yrs old...ITS A LIES.


    Petar Petrovic
    a day ago
    He took his life...he is a man of honour.


    a day ago
    let's see... article is WRITTEN BY A WOMAN -- the 'air traffic controller told authorities SHE spotted Epstein exiting his private plane at the St. Thomas airport on one occasion last year with two girls who looked as young as 11 or 12' -- no 'ALLEGEDLY' there -- but words from A WOMAN, who I guess, we're just automatically supposed to believe -- since we MUST BELIEVE ALL WOMEN -- well SORRY count me outta the 'BELIEVERS' group on this one, although it's obvious which group you fall in Kate Seamons -- WOMEN LIE just like men lie -- and EVERYBODY IN THE LAMESTREAM MEDIA LIES. So, not buyin the '11-or-12-year-old' BS. A guy with BILLION$ would simply be too smart to do that (at least in public). The FACT is that they were 15,16,17-&-18-year old runaway- WH0RE$. who GOT PAID. AGAIN -- WH0RE$. NOT 'sex trafficked victims' -- WH0RE$ who got PAID, to be W-H-0-R-E-$


    Petar Petrovic
    a day ago
    Bu the way he is a good loocking fella.


    Petar Petrovic
    a day ago
    Women regardless of their age love rich and powerful is a fact..Epstain is a victim not a perpetrator.


    Petar Petrovic
    a day ago
    There is no way that a person of his intelligence would allow himself to be exposed in such manner.
    In my opinion his Jewish pals wanted to get rid off him..maybe he did not donate money for Israel's cause.


    2 days ago
    I'm so tired of hearin this GARBAGE-- SO WHAT if some 16-18-year-old whores hung out with Epstein-- that DOES NOT make him a 'sex trafficker' --(it is legal in most states to have sex at 16, and in ALL states, girls are ADULTS at 18)-- it simply makes him a horny guy, but becuz he was a RICH horny guy, he got the younger girls to be with him. I never heard of any of them wearing handcuffs or being held by him somehow 'against their will' while flying down to his 'play island' for the weekend -- they were just young horny LAZY girls who didn't wanna work, and found it EASY to spread their legs to get what they wanted. This describes 90%-OF-YOUNG-STUPID-GIRLS in America ! GIMME A FOKKIN BREAK. if we made PROSTITUTION LEGAL NATION-WIDE, we'd have a whole lot LESS 'SEX TRAFFICKING', as in WE'D HAVE NONE OF IT !!! LEGALIZE IT. REGULATE IT. Let the testosterone-throbbing-males get their rocks off LEGALLY, and the harassment of women that DON'T WANT IT would be seriously curtailed, if not STOPPED COMPLETELY ! This is the USA -- can we not shake off this ridiculous 400-YEAR-OLD-Puritanical BS yet ???


    Beautiful Brown bigkahuna
    2 days ago
    You sound like a sick in the head pedophile. Funny how you glommed on to where one of the VICTIMS looked 16/18 but skipped right past the 11, 12 year old one. You can tell yourself those children you want to have sex with are “whores” who are doing it for money but I bet there’s a whole lot of grooming on your part first, isn’t there? I hope you don’t have access to any children and if you do, somebody is keeping an eye on you in real life.


    2 days ago
    well what age did their passports say???


    Arthur Vandelay
    2 days ago
    Bill Clinton's best buddy and travel companion...


    3 days ago
    Interesting to note that people can now, from a distance no less, accurately determine the age of girls nowadays, especially since with all the hormones and other craps corporations have been putting in our food girls have started hitting puberty at increasingly younger ages, sporting bodies far more mature than their chronological age.

    Methinks these people just wanted their 15 seconds of fame.


    3 days ago edited
    I doubt the girls were his daughters, nieces or granddaugthers.


    3 days ago
    Reputridcons are such BSerz
    As F'ing if Obama was pals with a
    Teen pumper/payer like Epstein
    The Fraud R's wouldnt be wild as Trumps Wig.
    S T F U
    This disgusting rat set up
    Illiterate Immigrant Birther Slore
    Melania with Drumpf
    IT MATTERS!!!!!


    jerrymac278 ☆Zaxxon☆
    3 days ago
    Did you escape the cuckoo's nest again?


    Crazy Horse ☆Zaxxon☆
    3 days ago
    translation please...


    Josh ☆Zaxxon☆
    3 days ago
    I see you've been skipping out on your TDS meds again


    3 days ago
    Who GAF about Epstein? I wanna know when we're gonna get rid of some pedo politicians


    Josh billdeserthills
    3 days ago
    There are a record 23 members of the house and congress who have said that they are retiring in 2020 and wont be seeking re-election.

    Makes you wonder just how many of them might be caught up in the Epstein mess and have been told that if they don't run for office then their skeletons will remain the closet.


    3 days ago
    Epstein stories are good and all but I wanna hear more dirt on his relations with Prince Andrew and Donald Trump..

    Epstein Spotted Traveling With Girls Who Looked 11 in 2018
    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

    fat ....

  3. #2543
    Senior Hostboard Member tomt's Avatar
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    Re: pictures

    Deborah Ramirez had the grades to go to Yale in 1983. But she wasn?t prepared for what she?d find there.

    A top student in southwestern Connecticut, she studied hard but socialized little. She was raised Catholic and had a sheltered upbringing. In the summers, she worked at Carvel dishing ice cream, commuting in the $500 car she?d bought with babysitting earnings.

    At Yale, she encountered students from more worldly backgrounds. Many were affluent and had attended elite private high schools. They also had experience with drinking and sexual behavior that Ms. Ramirez ? who had not intended to be intimate with a man until her wedding night ? lacked.

    During the winter of her freshman year, a drunken dormitory party unsettled her deeply. She and some classmates had been drinking heavily when, she says, a freshman named Brett Kavanaugh pulled down his pants and thrust his penis at her, prompting her to swat it away and inadvertently touch it. Some of the onlookers, who had been passing around a fake penis earlier in the evening, laughed.


    To Ms. Ramirez it wasn?t funny at all. It was the nadir of her first year, when she often felt insufficiently rich, experienced or savvy to mingle with her more privileged classmates.

    ImageThe yearbook photo of Deborah Ramirez in The Yale Banner in 1987.
    The yearbook photo of Deborah Ramirez in The Yale Banner in 1987.
    ?I had gone through high school, I?m the good girl, and now, in one evening, it was all ripped away,? she said in an interview earlier this year at her Boulder, Colo., home. By preying upon her in this way, she added, Mr. Kavanaugh and his friends ?make it clear I?m not smart.?

    Mr. Kavanaugh, now a justice on the Supreme Court, has adamantly denied her claims. Those claims became a flash point during his confirmation process last year, when he was also fighting other sexual misconduct allegations from Christine Blasey Ford, who had attended a Washington-area high school near his.


    Ms. Ramirez?s story would seem far less damaging to Mr. Kavanaugh?s reputation than those of Dr. Ford, who claimed that he pinned her to a bed, groped her and tried to remove her clothes while covering her mouth.

    But while we found Dr. Ford?s allegations credible during a 10-month investigation, Ms. Ramirez?s story could be more fully corroborated. During his Senate testimony, Mr. Kavanaugh said that if the incident Ms. Ramirez described had occurred, it would have been ?the talk of campus.? Our reporting suggests that it was.

    At least seven people, including Ms. Ramirez?s mother, heard about the Yale incident long before Mr. Kavanaugh was a federal judge. Two of those people were classmates who learned of it just days after the party occurred, suggesting that it was discussed among students at the time.

    We also uncovered a previously unreported story about Mr. Kavanaugh in his freshman year that echoes Ms. Ramirez?s allegation. A classmate, Max Stier, saw Mr. Kavanaugh with his pants down at a different drunken dorm party, where friends pushed his penis into the hand of a female student. Mr. Stier, who runs a nonprofit organization in Washington, notified senators and the F.B.I. about this account, but the F.B.I. did not investigate and Mr. Stier has declined to discuss it publicly. (We corroborated the story with two officials who have communicated with Mr. Stier.)


    Mr. Kavanaugh did not speak to us because we could not agree on terms for an interview. But he has denied Dr. Ford?s and Ms. Ramirez?s allegations, and declined to answer our questions about Mr. Stier?s account.

    Yale in the 1980s was in the early stages of integrating more minority students into its historically privileged white male population. The college had admitted its first black student in the 1850s, but by Ms. Ramirez?s time there, people of color comprised less than a fifth of the student body. Women, who had been admitted for the first time in 1969, were still relative newcomers.

    Mr. Kavanaugh fit the more traditional Yale mold. His father was a trade association executive, his mother a prosecutor and later a judge. They lived in tony Bethesda, Md., and owned a second home on Maryland?s Eastern Shore. As a student at a prominent Jesuit all-boys school, Georgetown Prep, Mr. Kavanaugh was surrounded by the sons of powerful Washington professionals and politicians. He was an avid sports fan and known to attend an annual teenage bacchanal called ?Beach Week,? where the hookups and drinking were more important than the sand and swimming.

    Ms. Ramirez grew up in a split-level ranch house in working-class Shelton, Conn., perhaps best known for producing the Wiffle ball, and didn?t drink before college. Her father, who is Puerto Rican, rose through the Southern New England Telephone Company, having started as a cable splicer. Her mother, who is French, was a medical technician.


    Before coming to Yale, Ms. Ramirez took pride in her parents? work ethic and enjoyed simple pleasures like swimming in their aboveground pool, taking camping trips and riding behind her father on his snowmobile. She was studious, making valedictorian at her Catholic elementary school and excelling at her Catholic high school, St. Joseph.

    She and her parents took out loans to pay for Yale, and she got work-study jobs on campus, serving food in the dining halls and cleaning dorm rooms before class reunions.

    She tried to adapt to Yale socially, joining the cheerleading squad her freshman year, sometimes positioned at the pinnacle of the pyramid. But Ms. Ramirez learned quickly that although cheerleading was cool in high school, it didn?t carry the same cachet at Yale. People called her Debbie Cheerleader or Debbie Dining Hall or would start to say ?Debbie does ? ? playing on the 1978 porn movie ?Debbie Does Dallas.? But Ms. Ramirez didn?t understand the reference.

    ?She was very innocent coming into college,? Liz Swisher, who roomed with Ms. Ramirez for three years at Yale and is now a physician in Seattle, later recalled. ?I felt an obligation early in freshman year to protect her.?


    There were many more unhappy memories of college. Fellow students made fun of the way she dropped consonants when she spoke, but also ribbed her for not being fluent in Spanish. They mocked her knockoff black-and-red Air Jordans. They even questioned her admission on the merits. ?Is it because you?re Puerto Rican?? someone once asked her.

    ?My mom would have preferred me to go to a smaller college ? looking back at it, she was right,? Ms. Ramirez said. At Yale, ?they invite you to the game, but they never show you the rules or where the equipment is.?

    It wasn?t until she got a call from a reporter and saw her account of Mr. Kavanaugh described as ?sexual misconduct? in The New Yorker that Ms. Ramirez understood it as anything more than one of many painful encounters at Yale.

    Ms. Ramirez also did not see herself as a victim of ethnic discrimination. The college campuses of the 1980s had yet to be galvanized by the identity and sexual politics that course through today?s cultural debates.


    Years after graduating, however, she started volunteering with a nonprofit organization that assists victims of domestic violence ? the Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence, or SPAN. She became a staff member for a time and continues to serve on its board. Gradually she embraced her Puerto Rican roots.

    This awakening caused Ms. Ramirez to distance herself from the past. She fell out of touch with one Yale friend ? who had asked Ms. Ramirez to be her daughter?s godmother ? after the friend?s husband made fun of a book she was reading on racial identity. The husband, a Yale classmate, was one of the students she remembered being at the dorm party that difficult night.

    ?If I felt like a person in my life wasn?t going to embrace my journey or would somehow question it,? she said, ?I just let them go.?

    Mr. Kavanaugh?s confirmation hearings were wrenching, as he strained to defend his character after Dr. Ford?s searing testimony. Thousands of miles away, Ms. Ramirez, who was never asked to testify, also found the hearings distressing. Her efforts to backstop her recollections with friends would later be cited as evidence that her memory was unreliable or that she was trying to construct a story rather than confirm one.


    Ms. Ramirez?s legal team gave the F.B.I. a list of at least 25 individuals who may have had corroborating evidence. But the bureau ? in its supplemental background investigation ? interviewed none of them, though we learned many of these potential witnesses tried in vain to reach the F.B.I. on their own.

    Two F.B.I. agents interviewed Ms. Ramirez, telling her that they found her ?credible.? But the Republican-controlled Senate had imposed strict limits on the investigation. ??We have to wait to get authorization to do anything else,?? Bill Pittard, one of Ms. Ramirez?s lawyers, recalled the agents saying. ?It was almost a little apologetic.?

    Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Democrat of Rhode Island and member of the Judiciary Committee, later said, ?I would view the Ramirez allegations as not having been even remotely investigated.? Other Democrats agreed.

    Ultimately, Senator Charles E. Grassley, Republican of Iowa and chairman of the Judiciary Committee, concluded, ?There is no corroboration of the allegations made by Dr. Ford or Ms. Ramirez.? Mr. Kavanaugh was confirmed on Oct. 6, 2018, by a vote of 50-48, the closest vote for a Supreme Court justice in more than 130 years.


    Still, Ms. Ramirez came to feel supported by the very Yale community from which she had once felt so alienated. More than 3,000 Yale women signed an open letter commending her ?courage in coming forward.? More than 1,500 Yale men issued a similar letter two days later.

    She also received a deluge of letters, emails and texts from strangers containing messages like, ?We?re with you, we believe you, you are changing the world,? and ?Your courage and strength has inspired me. The bravery has been contagious.?

    College students wrote about how Ms. Ramirez had helped them find the words to express their own experiences. Medical students wrote about how they were now going to listen differently to victims of sexual violence. Parents wrote about having conversations with their children about how bad behavior can follow them through life. One father told Ms. Ramirez he was talking to his two sons about how their generation is obligated to be better.

    Ms. Ramirez saved all of these notes in a decorative box that she keeps in her house, turning to them even now for sustenance. One person sent a poem titled ?What Is Justice? that has resonated deeply with her.

    ?You can?t look at justice as just the confirmation vote,? she said. ?There is so much good that came out of it. There is so much more good to come.?

    This essay is adapted from the forthcoming book ?The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation.?
    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

    fat ....

  4. #2544
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    Re: pictures

    22429740 149785898963650 3465655767372136448 n? nc htscontent lax3 1cdninstagramcom& nc cat110

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    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

    fat ....

  5. #2545
    Senior Hostboard Member tomt's Avatar
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    Re: pictures



    - - - Updated - - -

    Shadow (opposition) Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry proposed in a Brexit debate that she would seek the "best deal possible" with the EU, then campaign against it, favoring Remain.

    Scorched Earth Coup
    Please consider Remainers' Scorched Earth Tactics and Premature Triumphalism Will Rebound Spectacularly.

    For the first time in its history, the cossetted, unelected panjandrums in the House of Lords, the epicentre of Remain fanaticism, this week ripped up its rules to ensure that Hilary Benn's squalid Brussels capitulation Bill was fast-tracked through the Peers' House in a dangerous and damaging precedent. By comparison, this Government has played fair. It could well have engineered a much longer filibuster to the Lords motion into this weekend but deferred to the established proprieties and called off the talkathon.

    We are witnessing a strange kind of coup - a "sudden, violent and illegal seizure of power from the government." Instead of tanks or colonels in dark glasses and moustaches, however, we have John Major - demented by Brexit Derangement Syndrome - going to court to fight prorogation, a tactic he himself pursued in 1997, for rather less noble reasons.

    And who encouraged him back then in this draconian and unjustified course of action? His then-Chancellor, the newly Whipless Kenneth Clarke. Karma can sometimes bite you on the posterior.

    For all the turmoil, Boris Johnson retains a united Cabinet, growing public support and poll ratings. He is hugely popular with his membership and Conservative and Brexit Party supporters, who make up around half of likely voters.

    He also faces a split Remain opposition, characterised by cynical opportunism, weakness and risible incoherence, as evidenced by Emily Thornberry's car crash appearance on BBC Question Time last night, in which she promised to campaign for Remain against a Leave deal 'expertly' negotiated by her own party! The voters can see all this and they don't like it.

    Please note that Just 18% of Voters Back Corbyn to Become Prime Minister.

    Clearly one of those is an outlier, Even still, it is best to add Tory votes to the Brexit Party to understand the true setup.

    Queen's Consent
    Tough choices need making: Bercow's interpretation of the arcane device of Queen's Consent in the Brexit blocking Bill is almost certainly counter to the advice of Commons clerks and constitutional law experts and surely nullifies the bona fides of this pernicious legislation. As such, refusal of Royal Assent by Her Majesty must surely have remained an option. However, that ship might have sailed.

    I discussed both Queen's Consent in Bill to Stop No Deal Brexit Passes Lords: Legal Challenge May Come Monday

    Premature Triumphalism
    For all the premature triumphalism of Remainers, they will not seek - at least in the short term - to remove the PM via a vote of no confidence and so we assume that they seek to humiliate him first by sending him naked into the EU conference chamber with the instrument of surrender authored by the EU, Dominic Grieve and others. The disgrace and embarrassment will be theirs and not our Prime Minister's. If it has to be so, it will merely pull the elastic tighter for when it snaps back on his tormentors at the General Election.

    In the meantime, Boris will no doubt take one more lesson from John Major. In one of his most thespian moments during the EU "beef war" in 1996, he promised to be as difficult and truculent as possible with his lords and masters in Brussels, with vetoes on budgets, regulations, directives and the like.

    Boris can and will do exactly the same with aplomb until Macron, Merkel and their coterie honour our democratic mandate and profoundest wish: "Let us go."

    Brexit Trap Set
    I like the term "Premature Triumphalism".

    It's perfect.

    Johnson still has options, and lots of them.

    A Brexit trap has been set. Here's the question: Who is the Trapee?


    - - - Updated - - -

    6 days ago
    Never interfere when the enemy is in the process of destroying its self.



    1 week ago

    1 week ago
    Obviously Britons are incapable.

    EU parliament should deliver coup de gras by terminating their membership.



    1 week ago
    Here are the MPs in British Parliament getting KICKBACK from European Union, does QUEEN know about this ?

    Duke of Norfolk (Edward Fitzalan-Howard) ?473,062 Director of Norfolk Estate Farms Ltd (which operates in Sussex). He said he he did not receive any financial benefit from the firm in 2017 and this had been the case 'for many years'. He added: 'For the last 10 years the main thrust of the farming operation has been to try and find a middle way between sustainable food production and reversing the decline in many red-listed species of birds, broad leaf weeds, wild flowers and insects which used to be plentiful on arable farmland.'

    Richard Drax (MP for South Dorset) ?411,201 He has the controlling ownership of ACF Co Holdings Ltd, the family firm. The family owns the 7,000-acre Charborough estate in Dorset. The payments are received by 'ACF (DRAX FARM)'. He declined to comment. Last year, he told parliament: 'Yes, I did vote for Brexit and yes, I am a turkey voting for Christmas because the subsidies that my farm receives will be considerably reduced, putting my business plan if not at risk then certainly into review. I do not object to that. I voted to leave the EU because I believe that that is best for our country. I believe that this is a wonderful opportunity.'

    Viscount Ridley (Matt Ridley) ?315,589 The large Blagdon estate in Northumberland has been owned by the Ridley family since 1700. Ridley is a director of Blagdon Farming Ltd and Plessey Checks Farming Ltd - payments are made to both those firms. Ridley said the officially published figures for the payments received by the two firms were 'probably not badly wrong, though if anything they seem too high'. He added: 'I have argued against subsidies for farming in general, even though this is against my personal interest in the short run, but that some allowance may need to be made for the way British farmers are restricted in how they can farm competitively because of environmental and other rules. I’ve argued that environmental payments should be by results, rather than intentions, and would welcome moves in that direction post-Brexit, as implied in the agriculture bill.' He said that he did not take a salary or dividends from the company.

    Lord Rotherwick (Herbert Robin Cayzer) ?288,277 He owns the Cornbury Park estate in Oxfordshire. The payments go to Cornbury Park Farms. He says the correct figure for 2017-18 is ?253,688. He said the estate did not run at a profit. 'The farm employs five people and the estate not only comprises farmland but also Grade II parkland, an important historical SSSI forest and historical Grade I buildings. Any surplus from the farm goes to supporting the farmland environment, park and forest environment and buildings. Any diminution of the CAP would impact on the estate's ability to maintain and renovate these historical areas.'

    Richard Benyon (MP for Newbury) ?278,180 Benyon is one of the wealthiest MPs. For years, his family has owned the large Englefield estate in Berkshire, much of which is farmland. He is the chairman of the Englefield estate and lives in Englefield House, the ancestral home. The payments were made to three entities: Englefield Estate Trust Corporation Ltd, Englefield Estate Forestry and Englefield Home Farms. He and the estate declined to comment. He was rural affairs minister between 2010 and 2013.

    Lord Inglewood (Richard Inglewood) ?276,915 Farms as the Inglewood Farm Partnership. He said: 'While the details of its performance are private, the impact of very bad weather in this part of England and global milk prices have meant that taken over the last few years, like others in this part of England with comparable enterprises, I have lost money.'

    Lord Cameron of Dillington (Ewen Cameron) ?266,375 Director, and shareholding, in Dillington Farms. He said he was retired from the farm, but received a director’s salary/pension of just over ?24,000. He said: 'Well done for picking up on the absurdity that is the current system of agricultural support. Hopefully, very soon, we will have a system in place that only rewards services to the wider public.'
    Philip Dunne (MP for Ludlow) ?231,638 In the House of Commons register of financial interests, he declares that he is a partner in a farming partnership, Gatley Farms. He told parliament during the committee stage of the agriculture bill: 'I should declare that I am a livestock farmer and am in receipt of single farm payment.' He did not respond when approached by the Guardian.

    Lord Agnew of Oulton (Theodore Agnew) ?211,794 In the House of Lords register of financial interests, he declares that he and his wife own a farm in Norfolk in a partnership and he has a financial interest in a farm in Suffolk. Payments were made to Winterton Farming Ltd, of which he was a director until October 2017. He owned this firm through another firm, Winterton Capital Ltd, until November 2017. He became a junior education minister in September 2017. He did not comment.

    Lord Waldegrave of North Hill (WIlliam Waldegrave) ?200,374 Director and shareholder of Waldegrave Farms Ltd, tenant of an organic dairy farm. He says the farm has not in recent years made enough money to pay him or his wife anything in dividends or salaries. He says the subsidy maintains 'the employment of those who work on the farm' and the carrying out of 'the environmental and organic requirements we have signed up to'.
    Lord Cavendish of Furness (Hugh Cavendish) ?197,433 Shareholding in Vitagrass Farms (Holker) Ltd. He said he had received no income from Vitagrass Farms in any form in 2017.

    Earl Peel (Willie Peel) ?185,813 Shareholding in Grinton Estate (the payments are made to The Earl Peel, Earl Peel & Grinton Gait Holders, and Earl Peel & Whitaside Gait Holders). He did not say whether he derived financial benefit from it in 2017.
    Earl of Stair (John Dalrymple) ?174,390 Director of Balker Farms Ltd. He declined to say how much income he received in 2017 from the farm, which he said supported the employment of four people.

    Lord Taylor of Holbeach (John Taylor) ?158,600 Chief whip for the Conservative party in the House of Lords. Shareholding in a firm, O A Taylor and Sons, which grows cereals, crops and vegetables. He did not say whether he derived an income from this firm in 2017. He added that he had 'disclosed everything in accordance with the requirement of the Lords code and ministerial code' and had no further comment to add. He was a junior agriculture minister in 2011-2012.

    Lord Ryder of Wensum (Richard Ryder) ?157,665 Director of, and shareholding in, Great Bradley Farms Company, and director of Navigator Land LLP. The former received ?112,950 and the latter ?44,715. He said: 'I am afraid that I don't comment on the details of my financial arrangements.'
    Earl of Home (David Douglas-Home) ?132,377 Director of, and shareholding in, Douglas & Angus Estates. The estates' agent said: 'The payments received are for the benefit the company, rather than Lord Home personally.'

    Lord Bamford (Anthony Bamford) ?123,894 A spokesman said: 'As a director of Daylesford Organic Farms Ltd, Lord Bamford has never derived any financial benefit or dividend from this agricultural enterprise.' Daylesford is a subsidiary of the JCB digger firm of which he is chairman.

    Lord Willoughby de Broke (Leopold David Verney) ?107,548 He has an arable and grass farm in Moreton-in-Marsh, Warwickshire and received payments under his own name ('Willoughby de Broke, Lord'). He said that between April 2016 and March 2017, he received payments amounting to ?86,135. He declined to say what income he received from Ditchford Farm saying that it was 'between me and the Inland Revenue'.

    Lord Palmer (Adrian Palmer) ?105,045 Shareholding in Manderston Farms. He declined to say how much income he derived from the farm in 2017.

    Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown (MP for the Cotswolds) ?102,567 In the House of Commons register of financial interests, he declares that he is a 'partner in East Beckham partnership, engaged in arable farming in Norfolk' and owns agricultural holdings in Norfolk. He declared that in the year to 30 September 2017, he drew ?21,200.81 from the partnership for working 230 hours. He declined to comment.

    Lord Vaux of Harrowden (Richard Gilbey) ?101,416 Owner of Rusko Farm. He believes the subsidy for 2017 was ?72,881, lower than the figure given in the official CAP database. He suggests that payments for previous years could have been delayed and paid in 2017, accounting for the higher figure. He said the farm made a marginal profit most years and in 2017 he drew no income from it.

    Colin Clark (MP for Gordon) ?98,389 Describes himself as a practising farmer who has been 'involved in farming for donkey's years'. He owns farmland in Aberdeenshire and is a partner in Thomastown Farm and Cottages (which trades as R&M Clark). The payments are received by R&M Clark. Approached by the Guardian, he said: 'This is a matter of public record. I have repeatedly in the chamber, Westminster Hall, and on the agriculture bill committee drawn attention to the fact that I am a recipient.'

    Duke of Wellington (Arthur Wellesley) ?90,967 He declares that he is a partner in a family farming business in Hampshire. Stratfield Saye House in Hampshire has been owned by the Dukes of Wellington since 1817. The family estate covers 7,000 acres of parkland, woodland and farming. According to the EU database, Stratfield Saye Farms received ?90,967 in 2017. The estate said it did not recognise this figure. It did not say what it believed the correct figure to be when asked. A spokesman for the estate said: 'None of the partners in the farming business receive financial benefits or dividends, as any surplus, when it arises, is reinvested in the business ... Payments received by livestock farms in general only partially cover the costs of farming to the high environmental and animal welfare standards expected in this country.'

    Earl of Dundee (Alexander Scrymgeour) ?87,029 Director of Dundee Farming Company. He said the company paid him a director's salary of ?10,500 in 2017. He added that the salary was not specific to the farming element of the company which also carries out other commercial activities which he oversees.

    Alister Jack (MP for Dumfries and Galloway) ?83,553 On his website, he says he 'farms (dairy) near Dumfries'. In the House of Commons register of financial interests, he declares that he owns agricultural land in Dumfries and Galloway and has a shareholding in Courance Farms. Courance Farms receives subsidies of ?83,553 from the EU. His aide said he did not wish to comment, when approached by the Guardian.

    Lord Haskins (Christopher Haskins) ?81,649 Director of, and shareholding in, Quarryside Farms Ltd. He said he was a director of the firm but had passed his shares to his son.

    Peter Aldous (MP for Waveney) ?79,032 In the House of Commons register of financial interests, he declares that he is a partner in a family farm in Halesworth, Suffolk and has an interest in a farm near Ipswich. He told the Guardian that he had a shareholding in two entities which received common agricultural policy payments (under the titles of Aldous, J & D S & E and JW, TC & E Aldous). On his website, he says that before entering parliament, he helped look after the family pig and arable farm outside Halesworth.

    Lord Kirkham (Graham Kirkham) ?77,523 Shareholding in farmland in South Yorkshire (LGK Farms LLP). He said that the accounts for LGK Farms for 2017 showed a loss.
    Earl of Sandwich (John Montagu) ?72,350 Life tenant of Mapperton estate (his ancestral seat). He says he derives no personal benefit from the subsidies, adding: 'Small agricultural estates and especially hill farms require this support because of the high maintenance and capital costs and every penny goes into these farms.'

    Lady Byford (Hazel Byford) ?70,457 She said: 'My unrenumerated directorship of Donald Byford Ltd is disclosed in the registry of Lords’ interests which is a matter of public record.' She described the firm as a family farming company. The payments are received by Donald Byford Ltd.

    Earl of Lindsay (James Lindesay-Bethune) ?60,316 Shareholding in Kilconquhar Farms. He did not say what financial income he received from the farm in 2017. He said: 'I have disclosed my farming and other interests in accordance with the requirements of the House of Lords code and have no further comment to add.'

    Lord Curry of Kirkharle (Donald Curry) ?52,165 Partner in DTY Curry, Middle Farm in Northumberland. He said he had a share agreement with two others who had managed the farm for a decade. He added that he was giving up the tenancy of the farm at the end of 2018.

    Lord Gardiner of Kimble (John Gardiner) ?49,358 Junior minister in the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Partner in family farming partnership, CM Robarts & Son.

    Viscount Brookeborough (Alan Brooke) ?38,585 Self-employed farmer. The payments are made to 'Rt Hon Viscount Brookeborough'. He said that, according to his calculations, he received ?37,766 in 2017.

    Lord Colgrain (Alastair Campbell) ?37,280 Partner in Campbell Brothers, a farming partnership in Kent. He declined to say whether he derived financial benefit from it in 2017.

    Lord Boswell of Aynho (Tim Boswell) ?35,655 He is a partner with his wife in a farm at Lower Aynho Grounds, Banbury, Oxfordshire. The payments are made to 'M/S EN & TE Boswell'. He said that the payments did not relate precisely to a specific year as the totals could later be changed. He added that, for that same reason, he could not give a precise figure for the personal income he received from the family farm in 2017. He was a junior minister in the agriculture ministry in the 1990s.

    Lord Berkeley of Knighton (Michael Berkeley) ?33,629 He said he was a partner in a hill farm in Wales with a family. He said he had never received any income from the farm nor taken a dividend. 'Without the subsidy, we would not break even so the money goes to support the necessary investment in machinery etc ... I have always been happy to feel that we are looking after the land and that the farm is supporting a local family.' The payments are made to 'Messrs Morgan and Berkeley' and 'Morgan & Berkeley'.

    Lord Walker of Gestingthorpe (Robert Walker) ?33,602 Shareholding in Gestingthorpe Farming Company Ltd, an arable farm. He says he has not taken a dividend payment from the farm since it started in 1995 until last year when he received ?4,500. He said he has put in hundreds of hours of unpaid labour in hedging and ditching, planting new hedges and establishing a new seven-hectare wood.

    Julian Sturdy (MP for York Outer) ?24,838 He says that before he was elected to parliament in 2010, he was a working farmer in York. In the House of Commons register of financial interests, he declares that he is a partner in G E Sturdy and Son, a farming partnership in Wetherby. He added that he provided 'administrative support for the partnership, as well as doing some buying and selling at certain times' and received ?500 a month for no more than four hours a week. Published records show that G E Sturdy & Son in Wetherby received ?24,838 in 2017. He declined to comment when approached by the Guardian.

    Antoinette Sandbach (MP for Eddisbury) ?23,588 She has said she comes from a strong farming background. In the House of Commons register of financial interests, she declares that she has a shareholding in Hafodunos Farms Ltd (which she describes as agriculture forestry property management). Companies House records show that she (under her married name) has significant control of Hafodunos Farms Ltd as she owns more than 75% of the firm's shares. Published records show that Hafodunos Farms Ltd received ?23,588 in 2017. She declined to comment on the payments or what income she derived from the firm in 2017.

    Robert Goodwill (MP for Scarborough and Whitby) ?20,212 Sole trader of Southwood Farm, Terrington, York, which he says is a "family farm of 250 acres, which we have farmed since 1850". He receives the payments as RW Goodwill. He said: 'I did not draw down any money from the farm business so there was no financial benefit as such other than the occupation of the farm house in [2017].'

    Lady Masham of Ilton (Susan Cunliffe-Lister) ?15,313 She says she farms Badger Farm in Yorkshire, which is just under 200 acres. She did not say what financial income she received from the farm in 2017.

    Mark Spencer (MP for Sherwood) ?13,966 He is a partner in a Nottinghamshire farm which operates as CH Spencer and Son. In the House of Commons register of financial interests, he says he receives 'benefit in kind from the farm of ?5-10,000 per annum in the form of payment of telephone, heating and council tax of my family home' and performs 'a maximum of 80-100 hours per year of otherwise unremunerated work on the farm'.

    Lord De Mauley (Rupert De Mauley) ?11,733 Junior minister in Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs between 2012 and 2015. He owns farmland in Gloucestershire. The payments are made to 'Lord De Mauley'.

    Lady Mallalieu (Ann Mallalieu) ?5,636 Payments made to 'Baroness A Mallalieu'. She said: 'In common with most small-scale Exmoor sheep farmers like myself it is hard to make a profit, even with the single farm payment. I nonetheless, in common with well over 60% of my neighbours in West Somerset, support Brexit.'

    Glyn Davies (MP for Montgomeryshire) ?4,797 Describes himself as a self-employed farmer, receiving the payments as G Davies. He declined to say whether he derived financial benefit from farming in 2017 but did not dispute the official record of the payments.

    Earl of Kinnoull (Charles Hay) Undisclosed He is one of the few parliamentarians who declares in the official register of financial interests that he owns farmland which receives a subsidy under the EU common agricultural policy scheme. He declined to say what the name of the farm was so it was not possible to see what subsidy was received. He is in an organic farming partnership in Perthshire. He said the farm was 'pretty small'.

    Lord Grantchester (Christopher Suenson-Taylor) Undisclosed He is also one of the few parliamentarians who declares in the official register of financial interests that he has a shareholding in farmland which receives a subsidy under the EU common agricultural payments scheme (a dairy farm in Cheshire). He did not respond to a request to confirm the name of the farm, the amount of subsidy it received in 2017, or what financial benefit he derived from the farm in 2017.



    1 week ago
    Wow. No one wins when they bet against themselves.



    6 days ago
    selling out so cheaply that bunch.



    1 week ago
    I support Brexit because that path increases the chances for England's failure, and could create a chasm between them and Scotland/Northern Ireland. I would love to see the bastards lose Wales, too.

    To hell with the English, and the City of London.



    1 week ago
    less donuts more reading and learning perhaps?

    just a thought



    1 week ago
    Shades of " I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it" Kerry. Good grief.



    1 week ago
    That is because she is an idiot (as all labour members), cause there is no best deal possible when you have a law the prohibited a no deal brexit.



    1 week ago
    When she hangs I suggest a tripod stool. It kicks over easier.



    1 week ago
    This "Democary" thing you speak of.... Is that the one the rioters in Honk Kong want.... ????



    1 week ago
    Go Bojo Go!



    1 week ago
    If we recall, somewhere in the Bible, God says something about trap setters falling into their own traps..

    Anyhow, the conundrum remains that Brexit=Scotexit, so bloviate all you want about traps, that conundrum remains regardless..

    Again, if England is sovereign, so too is Scotland..

    Goose sauce is gander garnish, cheers...



    1 week ago
    this is what demagoguery and populism really looks like, que clown theme song



    1 week ago
    Mention was made of the BBC Question Time program, but the best show is Question Time in the British House of Commons. From 4 days ago:


    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

    fat ....

  6. #2546
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    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

    fat ....

  7. #2547
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    Re: pictures



    taste like chicken -

    69223986 148809256336554 8615896881574415712 n? nc htscontent lax3 1cdninstagramcom& nc cat106
    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

    fat ....

  8. #2548
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    Re: pictures

    Par Benjamin Fulford
    La mafia Khazariane, confront?e ? la faillite imminente de sa Soci?t? Washington DC, a organis? une ?attaque? contre la production de p?trole de l'Arabie Saoudite dans le cadre d'une tentative d?sesp?r?e de dernier recours ? d?clencher la troisi?me guerre mondiale, planifi?e de longue date, selon de nombreuses sources.
    L?attaque a un double objectif:
    1. Emp?cher la faillite des ?tats-Unis en faisant monter le prix du p?trole et en obligeant des pays comme la Chine ? acheter du p?trole am?ricain; et
    2. Convaincre les militaires Iraniens et Am?ricains de d?clencher la Troisi?me Guerre mondiale, d?clencher ainsi "l?Armageddon" et ouvrir la voie ? Jared Kushner pour qu'il devienne ?le Messie?.
    La premi?re chose ? comprendre est que le ?guide supr?me? de l?Iran, Ali Khamenei, et le Pr?sident Am?ricain, Donald Trump, sont tous deux employ?s de la famille Rothschild (satanic Red Shield).
    Ceux d'entre vous qui boivent encore le Kool-Aid des m?dias officiels, veuillez v?rifier certains faits. Beaucoup d'entre vous savent qu'il est de notori?t? publique que chaque fois que Donald Trump faisait faillite en tant qu'homme d'affaires, il ?tait renflou? par les Rothschild. Cependant, saviez-vous que l'ayatollah Khomeiny, le leader de la r?volution Iranienne, ?tait en fait d'origine h?raldique britannique et le fils d'un employ? de British Petroleum? Le groupe appartenant aux Rothschild ?tait alors connu sous le nom de P?trole Anglo-Iranien.
    Khomeini and his French Connection | Ruhollah Khomeini | Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
    Voici ce qu'un dissident Iranien a ? dire sur le successeur de Khomeiny: ?Tous les Iraniens savent et d?testent Ali Rothschild (Khamenei) ?
    Cult or Mafia? Ayatollah, Rockefeller or Rothschild?! | News About Iran rockefeller-or-rothschild /
    Nous avons donc maintenant le pr?sident Trump, pr?sident de Rothschild, sur Twitter: ?L?approvisionnement en p?trole de l?Arabie Saoudite a ?t? attaqu?. Il y a des raisons de croire que nous connaissons les coupables; seront arr?t?s et charg?s en fonction des r?sultats de la v?rification. "
    Ensuite, nous avons un dirigeant Iranien Khamenei, esclave de Rothschild, ordonnant ? son commandant de la Garde r?publicaine, Amir Ali Hajizadeh, de d?clarer que l?Iran ?tait ?pr?t pour une guerre ? part enti?re? et menace que "les bases militaires et porte-avions am?ricains, qui se trouvent ? 1 243 milles de l'Iran, ?taient ? proximit? de tir de missiles Iraniens"."
    Il semble ?galement que les hauts responsables Iranien et Am?ricain se mobilisent pour la r??lection, le 17 septembre, du criminel de guerre g?nocidaire, Benjamin Netanyahu, avant que le peuple Juif ne se r?veille et le jette en prison, qui est sa vraie place.
    Beaucoup de membres de la communaut? militaire/intelligence des ?tats-Unis s'accrochent encore ? l'espoir que Trump fait semblant de suivre les Sionistes dans une ruse ?labor?e destin?e ? les soustraire du contr?le des ?tats-Unis.
    Des sources du Pentagone disent donc que Trump a " pi?g? Bibi [N?tanyahou] en vue de sa d?faite avec un trait? de d?fense "mutuelle"".
    Les sources disent que? les forces de d?fense Isra?liennes et le d?partement Am?ricain de la D?fense s'opposent au trait? de d?fense mutuelle controvers? avec Isra?l et qu'il ne sera peut-?tre jamais ratifi? par le S?nat, car m?me le trait? de l'ONU sur le droit de la mer n'a pas pu ?tre ratifi?, en effet il faut seulement 34 s?nateurs pour bloquer. "
    Qui plus est, " m?me si c'est ratifi?, Isra?l ne pourra pas encaisser ce ch?que, car l'arm?e des ?tats-Unis ne versera pas une goutte de sang pour les Sionistes quand elle sera encercl?e de S400s, de bombes sous-marines, de missiles avanc?s et de drones de Russie, d'Iran, du Hezbollah ", indiquent les sources.
    Netanyahou, le ministre du Crime Isra?lien, s'est rendu en Russie la semaine derni?re au nom de ses ma?tres Rothschild, dans l'espoir d'obtenir leur soutien pour les attaques isra?liennes directes contre l'Iran. Au lieu de cela, le Pr?sident de la Russie, Vladimir "Poutine, lui a lu l'acte des ?meutes" et a menac? d'abattre tout avion d'attaque Isra?lien, disent les sources au Pentagone.
    En fait, ?crit Gordon Duff de Veterans Today (qui entretient de nombreux contacts avec l'US Air Force), en r?alit? ce sont les Isra?liens qui ont attaqu? l'Arabie Saoudite et ont tent? de jeter le bl?me sur l'Iran.
    Israel stages F35 Saudi attack after Putin’s smackdown of Netanyahu over Syria – Veterans Today | Military Foreign Affairs Policy Journal for Clandestine Services
    US intel suspects Iranian cruise missiles hit Saudi oil facilities from Iraq base - DEBKAfile
    Malgr? tout cela, certaines de nos sources du Pentagone s'accrochent encore apparemment ? l'espoir que Trump travaille secr?tement contre les Sionistes alors m?me qu'il pr?tend aller dans le sens qui leur pla?t. Ils disent que Trump a envoy? " un sombre avertissement ? Isra?l en virant John Bolton la veille du 11 septembre et en d?non?ant l'espionnage des Isra?liens ? la Maison Blanche et au Congr?s ".
    La source semble croire que le d?ni public par Trump de l'espionnage par les Isra?liens n'?tait qu'une ruse.
    Quoi qu'il en soit, la source du Pentagone affirme que le limogeage de Bolton et une victoire des Houthis sur l'Arabie Saoudite " devraient rendre " productive " une rencontre entre Trump et le pr?sident Iranien, Hassan Rouhani, ? la r?union de l'Assembl?e g?n?rale d'ouverture de l'ONU le 17 septembre. Trump " peut ?tre contraint de lever les sanctions contre l'Iran avec le p?trole Saoudien hors ligne pour obtenir un sommet avec Khamenei, " ajoute la source.
    En outre, le leader Mohanned Bin Salman, marionnette pour Isra?l, pourrait ?tre d?pos?, car les Saoudiens ont ?t? d?faits par l'attaque des installations p?troli?res pr?s de Riyad ", indique la source. Cela "devrait faire ?chouer l'introduction en bourse d'Aramco tout en exposant les missiles de d?fense antia?rienne Patriot comme ?tant inutiles, portant ainsi un coup majeur ? Raytheon et au complexe militaro-industriel", ajoute-t-il.
    Quoi qu'il en soit, l'attaque, apparemment grandement exag?r?e, contre les installations p?troli?res saoudiennes procure des avantages ? court terme au gouvernement de la Corporation des ?tatsUnis.
    ?J'ai autoris? le rel?chement de p?trole de la Strategic Petroleum Reserve, si n?cessaire, en une quantit? suffisante ? d?terminer, pour assurer l'approvisionnement des march?s. J'ai ?galement inform? tous les organismes comp?tents d'acc?l?rer le processus d'approbation des ol?oducs actuellement en cours au Texas et dans divers autres ?tats.? Traduction : "Nous allons ?viter la faillite le 30 septembre en vendant plus de p?trole."
    Des sources de la soci?t? secr?te Asiatique et du SCRS nous disent que les anciens premiers ministres Japonais, Junichiro Koizumi et Yasuhiro Nakasone, ont ?t? arr?t?s, comme rapport? le 2 septembre, par des agents travaillant pour Michael Greenberg, le serviteur Rothschild. Ils ont ?t? lib?r?s apr?s avoir promis de faire pression contre l'?nergie nucl?aire afin de forcer le Japon ? acheter plus de p?trole ? la Corporation des ?tats-Unis, disent les sources.
    Ces efforts pour ?viter la faillite surviennent alors que le Commonwealth Britannique, les Chinois, les Russes et la plupart des autres pays du monde tentent de convaincre le complexe militaro-industriel am?ricain de laisser le gouvernement de la Corporation des ?tats-Unis faire faillite.
    La Corporation des ?tats-Unis, qui a supplant? la R?publique des ?tats-Unis d'Am?rique en 1871, a ?t? une catastrophe pour le peuple am?ricain, surtout ces derni?res ann?es. Le niveau de vie r?el de 90 % des Am?ricains a baiss? depuis 1972 ; les ?tats-Unis ont le taux d'incarc?ration dans les prisons le plus ?lev? du monde ; les d?penses m?dicales sont les plus ?lev?es au monde m?me si la dur?e de vie diminue ; les normes d'?ducation sont lamentables ; et les fanatiques Sionistes contr?lent un Congr?s que 90 % des Am?ricains n'appuient pas.
    Le plan ? l'?tude consiste ? remplacer la Corporation U.S. par la D?mocratie des ?tats-Unis d'Am?rique du Nord. Dans ce plan, les forces d'?lite de l'arm?e canadienne, qui n'ont jamais ?t? vaincues, fusionneraient avec l'arm?e am?ricaine. Pendant ce temps, les Am?ricains obtiendraient un bon gouvernement, de meilleurs soins de sant?, un niveau de vie plus ?lev?, une baisse du taux de criminalit?, etc. Des sources du MI6 promettent que ce plan n'implique pas de mettre les Am?ricains sous le contr?le du fils Castro et probable fratricide, Justin Trudeau.
    Pour ceux qui pensent que Trump est toujours leur sauveur, pensez ? ce qui suit. Il y a maintenant plus de 120 000 actes d'accusation scell?s, mais Trump en emp?che le passage ? l'action ; la v?rit? sur le 11 septembre n'a pas ?t? r?v?l?e comme il l'avait promis ; "QAnon" a ?t? ferm? ; et le gendre de Trump est Jared "666 Fifth Avenue" Kushner. Des sources du Pentagone ajoutent que Trump fait tout ce qui est en son pouvoir pour arr?ter les tribunaux militaires et couvrir les r?v?lations de Jeffrey Epstein.
    Nous esp?rons vraiment que Trump se joue des Sionistes comme beaucoup le croient, mais jusqu'ici ses actions semblent indiquer le contraire. S'il vous pla?t d?branchez la prise et sauvez l'Am?rique des fanatiques messianiques fous qui se sont empar?s du pouvoir.
    Quoi qu'il en soit, m?me si le gouvernement de la Corporation des ?tats-Unis r?ussit ? donner un coup de pied et pousser l'.?ch?ance un peu plus loin, il est math?matiquement condamn?. L'investisseur l?gendaire, Jim Rogers, s'exprimant la semaine derni?re au Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan, pr?dit que le syst?me financier actuel "s'effondrera dans les 2 ? 3 prochaines ann?es" et que la R?serve F?d?rale am?ricaine va dispara?tre.
    Https: // en.
    Rogers, comme la plupart des financiers chevronn?s, sait que le syst?me actuel, lequel repose sur des taux d'int?r?t n?gatifs et qui injecte de l'argent dans des soci?t?s zombies, est vou? ? une mort certaine. Comme le souligne la Bank of America, les actifs financiers des ?tats-Unis valent maintenant plus de cinq fois le PIB.
    En d'autres termes, la valeur des actifs devrait chuter de 80% pour correspondre ? l'?conomie r?elle. Rien d??tonnant ? ce que Rogers, n? en 1942, s?attende au ?pire march? baissier de ma vie?.
    Si le complexe militaro-industriel des ?tats-Unis n'accepte pas une faillite coordonn?e en vertu du chapitre 11 et le red?marrage du gouvernement des ?tats-Unis, ce sera le chaos. "De nombreux gouvernements vont s'effondrer et dispara?tre ", pr?dit M. Rogers.
    Au lieu de l'anarchie, ne serait-il pas pr?f?rable de red?marrer le syst?me financier mondial en commen?ant par un jubil? et une campagne de plusieurs trillions de dollars visant ? ?liminer la pauvret? et prot?ger l'environnement? Les Chinois, le Commonwealth Britannique, les Russes, le Vatican et beaucoup d'autres soutiennent ce plan.
    Seuls les Sionistes messianiques fanatiques et d?lirants font tout ce qui est en leur pouvoir pour emp?cher que cela ne se produise. Ils tiennent toujours ? leur plan de tuer 90% d'entre nous et asservir les autres.
    L'arm?e am?ricaine devrait arr?ter Jared Kushner et le mettre sous observation. Je vous garantis que ce ne serait pas long avant qu'il montre des signes de possession satanique. Ils devraient ?galement lire l'acte anti-?meute ? Trump.
    Sur une note finale, nos sources Russes disent qu?elles v?rifient pourquoi ils nous ont envoy? une photo de l?actrice am?ricaine Janet Leigh en tant que grand-m?re de Melania Trump, mais ils insistent quand m?me sur le fait que celle-ci ?tait bien la Sous-Lieutenant Olga Orlif, de l?arm?e Sovi?tique.
    Traduction Petite ?toile
    Version originale anglaise :
    Note : Pour ceux qui comprennent l?anglais, je sugg?rerais vraiment, que vous vous abonniez ? la lettre hebdomadaire de Benjamin Fulford. Les gens comme lui travaillent fort pour nous, et ce, au p?ril de leur vie. Les soutenir est un tout petit moyen de leur t?moigner notre reconnaissance.

    By Benjamin Fulford

    Benjamin Fulford
    The Khazarian mafia, faced with the imminent collapse of its company Washington DC, organized an "attack" on Saudi Arabia's oil production as part of a desperate last resort attempt to trigger the long-planned third World War, according to many sources.
    The attack has a twofold objective:
    1. Prevent the US from going bankrupt by raising oil prices and forcing countries like China to buy US oil; and
    2. Convince the Iranian and American military to start the Third World War, thus triggering the "Armageddon" and opening the way for Jared Kushner to become "the Messiah".
    The first thing to understand is that Iran's "Supreme Leader," Ali Khamenei, and US President Donald Trump are both employees of the Rothschild (satanic Red Shield) family.
    Those of you who still drink Kool-Aid from the official media, please check some facts. Many of you know that it is common knowledge that every time Donald Trump went bankrupt as a businessman, he was bailed out by the Rothschilds. However, did you know that ayatollah Khomeini, the leader of the Iranian Revolution, was actually of British heraldic origin and the son of a British Petroleum employee? The Rothschild Group was then known as Anglo-Iranian oil.
    Khomeini and his French Connection | Ruhollah Khomeini | Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
    Here is what an Iranian dissident has to say about Khomeini's successor: "all Iranians know and hate Ali Rothschild (Khamenei) ? /
    So now we have President Trump, President of Rothschild, on Twitter: "Saudi Arabia's oil supply has been attacked. There are reasons to believe that we know the culprits; will be arrested and charged based on the results of the audit. "
    Then we have an Iranian leader Khamenei, a slave of Rothschild, ordering his Republican Guard commander, Amir Ali Hajizadeh, to declare that Iran was "ready for war in its own right" and threatening that "US military bases and aircraft carriers, located 1,243 miles from Iran, were close to Iranian missile fire.""
    It also seems that senior Iranian and American officials are mobilizing for the re-election, on 17 September, of the genocidal war criminal, Benjamin Netanyahu, before the Jewish people wakes up and throws him in jail, which is his real place.
    Many members of the US military/intelligence community still cling to the hope that Trump is pretending to follow the Zionists in an elaborate ruse to remove them from us control.
    Pentagon sources thus say that Trump "trapped Bibi [Netanyahu] in preparation for his defeat with a 'mutual' defense treaty.
    Sources say that " the Israel Defense forces and the U.S. Department of Defense oppose the controversial mutual defense treaty with Israel and that it may never be ratified by the Senate, because even the UN Treaty on the law of the sea could not be ratified, indeed it only takes 34 senators to block. "
    What is more, "even if it is ratified, Israel will not be able to cash this check, because the United States Army will not spill a drop of blood for the Zionists when it is surrounded by S400s, submarine bombs, advanced missiles and drones from Russia, Iran, Hezbollah," say the sources.
    Israeli Crime Minister Netanyahu visited Russia last week on behalf of his Masters Rothschild in the hope of gaining their support for Israel's direct attacks on Iran. Instead, Russian President Vladimir "Putin read to him the act of the riots" and threatened to shoot down any Israeli attack aircraft, sources say at the Pentagon.
    In fact, writes Gordon Duff of Veterans Today (who has extensive contact with the US Air Force), it was actually the Israelis who attacked Saudi Arabia and tried to blame Iran.
    Israel stages F35 Saudi attack after Putin’s smackdown of Netanyahu over Syria – Veterans Today | Military Foreign Affairs Policy Journal for Clandestine Services
    US intel suspects Iranian cruise missiles hit Saudi oil facilities from Iraq base - DEBKAfile
    Despite all this, some of our Pentagon sources still apparently cling to the hope that Trump is secretly working against the Zionists even as he claims to be going in the direction they like. They say that Trump sent " a grim warning to Israel by firing John Bolton on the eve of September 11 and denouncing Israeli espionage in the White House and Congress."
    The source seems to believe that Trump's public denial of Israeli espionage was a ruse.
    In any case, the Pentagon source says Bolton's dismissal and a Houthis victory over Saudi Arabia "should make a meeting between Trump and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani "productive" at the opening UN General Assembly on September 17. Trump "can be forced to lift sanctions against Iran with Saudi oil offline to get a summit with Khamenei," adds the source.
    In addition, the leader Mohanned Bin Salman, a puppet for Israel, could be deposed, as the Saudis were defeated by the attack on oil installations near Riyadh, " the source said. This "should derail the IPO of Aramco while exposing Patriot anti-aircraft missiles as useless, thereby dealing a major blow to Raytheon and the military-industrial complex," he adds.
    In any case, the apparently exaggerated attack on Saudi oil facilities provides short-term benefits to the US corporate government.
    "I have authorized the release of Strategic Petroleum Reserve oil, if necessary, in sufficient quantity to be determined, to ensure the supply of the markets. I have also informed all relevant agencies to expedite the approval process for pipelines currently underway in Texas and various other states. Translation: "We will avoid bankruptcy on September 30 by selling more oil."
    Sources from the Asian secret society and CSIS tell us that former Japanese Prime Ministers Junichiro Koizumi and Yasuhiro Nakasone were arrested, as reported on September 2, by agents working for Michael Greenberg, the Rothschild servant. They were released after promising to lobby against nuclear energy in order to force Japan to buy more oil from the Corporation of the United States, the sources say.
    These efforts to avoid bankruptcy come at a time when the British Commonwealth, the Chinese, the Russians and most other countries in the world are trying to convince the American military-industrial complex to let the corporate government of the United States go bankrupt.
    The United States Corporation, which replaced the Republic of the United States of America in 1871, has been a catastrophe for the American people, especially in recent years. The real standard of living of 90% of Americans has declined since 1972 ; the United States has the highest rate of prison incarceration in the world ; medical spending is the highest in the world even though life expectancy is decreasing ; educational standards are lamentable ; and Zionist fanatics control a Congress that 90% of Americans do not support.
    The plan under consideration is to replace the U.S. Corporation with the democracy of the United States of North America. In this plan, the elite forces of the Canadian Army, which were never defeated, would merge with the American army. Meanwhile, the Americans would get good government, better health care, a higher standard of living, a lower crime rate, etc.MI6 sources promise that this plan does not involve bringing the Americans under the control of Castro's son and likely fratricide, Justin Trudeau.
    For those who think Trump is still their savior, think about the following. There are now more than 120,000 sealed indictments, but Trump is preventing action ; the truth about 9/11 has not been revealed as he promised ; "QAnon" has been closed ; and Trump's son-in-law is Jared "666 Fifth Avenue" Kushner. Pentagon sources add that Trump is doing everything in its power to stop military tribunals and cover up the revelations of Jeffrey Epstein.
    We really hope that Trump plays with the Zionists as many believe, but so far his actions seem to indicate the contrary. Please pull the plug and Save America from the Mad messianic fanatics who have seized power.
    In any case, even if the Government of the Corporation of the United States succeeds in kicking and pushing.maturity a little further, it is mathematically condemned. Legendary investor Jim Rogers, speaking at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan last week, predicts that the current financial system "will collapse in the next two to three years" and that the US Federal Reserve will disappear.
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