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Thread: Hardest Part of Writing Sexfight/Titfight Stories for You?

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    Senior Hostboard Member Rivals_Rapture's Avatar
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    Question Hardest Part of Writing Sexfight/Titfight Stories for You?

    There are a ton of active people on this forum, not all of whom are writers, but for those of you that are:

    What is the hardest part for you when trying to write sexfight/catfight/titfight stories? Or the hardest part about writing for you in general?

    For me, my most pervasive and frustrating issue is trying to figure out ways to start a sentence differently than I have before, to avoid repetition (not that I am always or even often successful at that).

    Second, figuring out nicknames or titles by which I can refer to heavily involved
    characters without just re-using their names over and over again.

    How about for all of you?
    Last edited by Rivals_Rapture; January 26th, 2017 at 01:56 PM.

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    Hardest Part of Writing Sexfight/Titfight Stories for You?

    Ragnar0k's Avatar
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    Re: Hardest Part of Writing Sexfight/Titfight Stories for Yo

    Quote Originally Posted by Rivals_Rapture View Post
    There are a ton of active people on this forum, not all of whom are writers, but for those of you that are:

    What is the hardest part for you when trying to write sexfight/catfight/titfight stories? Or the hardest part about writing for you in general?

    For me, my most pervasive and frustrating issue is trying to figure out ways to start a sentence differently than I have before, to avoid repetition (not that I am always or even often successful at that).

    Second, figuring out nicknames or titles by which I can refer to heavily involved
    characters without just re-using their names over and over again.

    How about for all of you?

    An interesting read, and great idea for a thread.

    I find that I have similar issues in terms of trying to avoid repetition, and the effort involved in referring to characters without resorting to 'Mary did this, Mary felt that...' all the time.

    I rarely have problems coming up with a basic concept or scenario: in fact I must have dreamed up hundreds of different ones over the years, most of which are unlikely to be realised in writing.
    One reason that I have only recently started writing and posting here is that in the past I found the creative act of writing up the scenario to the standard I am happy with simply too exhausting; consequently I would often start something but never finish it and then move on to the next thing without finishing it either.

    Even now, I tend to post relatively short chapters because I find that I run out of steam fairly quickly and have to post then sit back to recharge my batteries. I still have the ideas brimming over but the execution: things like basic sentence construction; and the challenge of finding different ways of describing a sex-fight without it sounding too repetitive are all things I find I toil over at times. I wouldn't say I'm a perfectionist, but I still find the finished product contains clunky sentences and cliched descriptions that I am not always sure how to improve.

    I was lucky enough to get great positive feedback early on from some of the exceptional writers and regular posters on the board, and this has encouraged me to continue writing despite such occasional misgivings. There's also a certain thrill in realising that your work is potentially being read and appreciated by dozens of people who share the same or similar interests. I do write for personal pleasure: the situations are fantasies that I enjoy exploring: even if they are far-fetched that is the nature of the genre.
    Last edited by Ragnar0k; January 26th, 2017 at 07:08 PM.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Rivals_Rapture's Avatar
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    Re: Hardest Part of Writing Sexfight/Titfight Stories for Yo

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragnar0k View Post
    I rarely have problems coming up with a basic concept or scenario: in fact I must have dreamed up hundreds of different ones over the years.
    This is exactly how I feel, in terms of it being easy and incredibly fun to come up with scenarios, but it also being a much harder task putting it all into writing.

    I've thought about, as you mentioned, writing shorter chapters, but as I just started writing these kinds of stories, I don't know that I've hit the necessary point of exhaustion to push me into it yet.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Anubisx's Avatar
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    Re: Hardest Part of Writing Sexfight/Titfight Stories for Yo

    I think like Ragnar0k: 100% agree!
    MY SEXFIGHT E-BOOKS: Anubisx's Amazon

    MY DEVIANTART: Anubisx's DeviantART

    MY LAST SEXFIGHT E-BOOK: Resort Showdown

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    Hardest Part of Writing Sexfight/Titfight Stories for You?

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    Re: Hardest Part of Writing Sexfight/Titfight Stories for Yo

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragnar0k View Post
    An interesting read, and great idea for a thread.

    I find that I have similar issues in terms of trying to avoid repetition, and the effort involved in referring to characters without resorting to 'Mary did this, Mary felt that...' all the time.

    I rarely have problems coming up with a basic concept or scenario: in fact I must have dreamed up hundreds of different ones over the years, most of which are unlikely to be realised in writing.
    One reason that I have only recently started writing and posting here is that in the past I found the creative act of writing up the scenario to the standard I am happy with simply too exhausting; consequently I would often start something but never finish it and then move on to the next thing without finishing it either.

    Even now, I tend to post relatively short chapters because I find that I run out of steam fairly quickly and have to post then sit back to recharge my batteries. I still have the ideas brimming over but the execution: things like basic sentence construction; and the challenge of finding different ways of describing a sex-fight without it sounding too repetitive are all things I find I toil over at times. I wouldn't say I'm a perfectionist, but I still find the finished product contains clunky sentences and cliched descriptions that I am not always sure how to improve.

    I was lucky enough to get great positive feedback early on from some of the exceptional writers and regular posters on the board, and this has encouraged me to continue writing despite such occasional misgivings. There's also a certain thrill in realising that your work is potentially being read and appreciated by dozens of people who share the same or similar interests. I do write for personal pleasure: the situations are fantasies that I enjoy exploring: even if they are far-fetched that is the nature of the genre.
    Well said Ragnar0K! That's why you're a writer!

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Hardest Part of Writing Sexfight/Titfight Stories for Yo

    Interesting question. Like the other posters here, I don't have many problems coming up with various scenarios myself. Also, as people have no doubt noticed, I often find other writers work or stories inspiring, but I want to put my own spin on their work. In fact, while I have not added it up, it is even possible that a majority of my stories fit into this category.

    For me, the most difficult part of writing a story is not the story itself but keeping up the energy/excitement that I need to write a good sexfight story. In other cases, the problem lies in coming up with a good ending. At least two of the stories on the board that I have not completed have fallen victim to both of these problems - lack of energy and inability to settle on a good ending, and these probably reinforce each other.

    In terms of writing, I don't have too many problems with that. The kind of things that you mention here -i.e, different ways of addressing the characters - is rarely a problem for me. You can describe the women using hair color, skin color, age, profession, etc. I find my greatest issue with these things is usually coming up with different ways to say "each other". Like many others, I sometimes have problems describing the sexual contact in an interesting or exciting way.

    At the end of it, though, I think that any sexfight story is ultimately about the scenario. When you get down to the actual sex, it's all going to be fairly standard. It's getting there, and then how well you describe the feelings and thoughts of the characters, that makes the story work or not.

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    Re: Hardest Part of Writing Sexfight/Titfight Stories for Yo

    Thanks for the topic

    All of us has more than likely dealt with this in our writing. But for me repetition is inevitable, because we are fetish writers and we essentially write about the same things over and over again. I use to wrestle with trying not to say the same thing, but found there is only so many ways to write about the same subject. A tit fight is a tit fight, a kiss fight is a kiss fight and there are only so many ways to say it. It's not the repetition I find a problem, it's the length of time required to make a story become its best. The original artistic writing is good, but going through it and removing the errors and editing the mistakes and misprints and poor wording is time consuming. When I first begin a story I have to get into the spirit of the writing.....for example I have to make my characters become people I know personally (in my imagination of course). I see them as family members or close friends and I try to get into how they think and feel. That part makes the writing exciting for me......but after I finish, I begin going over my mistakes and that becomes endless. I can find errors days, weeks and months later and that ruins the story for me. So it's the long term editing required to make the story work that is most challenging for me.


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    Re: Hardest Part of Writing Sexfight/Titfight Stories for Yo


    I was wondering if someone might eventually get around to asking a question of this nature?had it in mind to ask it myself?obviously I never did.

    We all do indeed face the problem of not wanting to sound redundant. When I write, my laptop's dictionary/thesaurus is always open. That's not just to correct spelling and find interesting synonyms, but probably even more so to be sure the word/words I'm using actually mean what I think they mean and fit the context.

    Like everyone else has stated, I too have no problem creating a scenario. And like everyone else, many scenarios never get fleshed out.

    I totally agree with Ragnar0k. I too, find it a constant challenge to keep the sexual encounters interesting or "stimulating." I can always get by restructuring a phrase or thought or even coming up with the right words. But how do I keep each sex scene different from the last one I wrote? How many different ways can I describe the clitoris?

    This is probably the main reason I keep my sex scenes relatively short, compared to most of the other wordsmiths on this board. I also find that I favor writing a scene that is more erotic and sensual than graphic. Not that I don't like graphic. Just me I guess.

    Shak. I'm an edit as I go along guy. If I didn't do it like that, I would never do it. Editing is tedious, but it can also bring about a new thought or phrase that's far better than the original. This happens quite a bit to me.

    Anyway Rivals_Rapture, best of luck, keep that dictionary-thesaurus nearby and keep writing!


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    Re: Hardest Part of Writing Sexfight/Titfight Stories for Yo

    A few points that come to mind reading the comments:

    One thing that I need to do in my writing is put a lot of detail into describing the actual sexual encounters. As I've said before, the simple reason for this is that the story is playing out in my mind and I am describing what I see. Painting a word picture so that the reader can follow along is very important to what I do. However, I also know that this is not necessary. Some of my favorite stories on the board are quite sparse in how they describe the sex battles, yet are still incredibly erotic. The best example I can think of this, off the top of my head, is Catharsis' "Homewrecker." This is striking because Catharsis provides a very detailed description of the physical fight between his two antagonists, but the sexual encounter, while intense, is described only over a few paragraphs, Yet, it works really, really well and is incredibly evocative. It is also interesting because Catharsis also has stories that provide a lot of detail to the sexfights yet are not necessarily as compelling as "Homewrecker." That is an interesting lesson in how less can be more; providing just enough to engage the reader's imagination can be enough to create a truly memorable story. In that case, the scenario and the buildup to the sex matter the most.

    That being said, I prefer detailed stories, that provide me with the word picture that I need to run the story in my head like a movie. That's one of the reasons I'm such a big fan of AngelDawn's work.

    One other thing that can ruin a story for me is when the writer does not present a clear picture of how the characters get to where they are. For example, if two characters are wearing, say, miniskirts, thongs and heels, but the author only describes them stripping off the skirts and thongs but not the heels (even though it becomes clear that the heels must have gone at some point) it ruins the word picture for me and can wreck the story. I am not sure what I should be seeing in my mind. These are the kind of errors that I am sensitive to, and so try to avoid.

    The actual writing for me is fairly easy. I write all the time in my professional life, so writing is not a problem and I don't find editing difficult, mostly because I don't have to do much. As Shak said, there is going to be a lot of repetition in this kind of writing. I find that once I write a story and "get it out of my system" I rarely go back and re-read it. This gets back to a point I made in my earlier post - for me, the most difficult part of this writing is keeping up the level of energy needed to tell the story. If I don't feel the excitement that makes me want to get the story onto paper, then finishing a story can become a hard slog. Sometimes, that means I need to get away from a story for a while to regain the energy. "Bianca Torres and the Minotaur's Mistress" was like that for me - I started out with a lot of energy, then other things took my time away, then I lost interest in the story. When I went back to finish it off, I found I had regained my energy and interest in doing it.

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    Re: Hardest Part of Writing Sexfight/Titfight Stories for Yo


    It appears that I still have a lot to learn about writing in this genre. I now begin to wonder if I am indeed paying enough attention to those "details" that can give the reader a better picture in their minds. Gotta give that one some consideration.

    I know that my recent work is much improved over my earlier stories. I'm not patting myself on the back. My first two or three stories were essentially "here's one hot woman-here's another hot woman. Therefore, a sexfight." Pretty shallow stuff. I'm learning as I go, and I've learned a few important things from other writers here. Giving my characters depth and dimension is becoming increasingly important to me. So is creating interesting scenarios within a story. Early on, I wasn't doing that. I actually think that, years back, I was underestimating the readers' desire for an actual story to go along with the sex scenes. My bad.

    From other skilled writers here I've learned- 1. Who are these women? 2. What do they do? 3. What brings them to this point? 4. Why do they need to engage in a sexual duel?

    JB57-You mention "energy." By that, do you mean inspiration? Most times for me, when I loose interest in a story, it's because I've realized that the story wasn't really that good. The idea wasn't worth pursuing. On to the next idea. I don't plot my stories out either. I get an idea, I start writing. Sometimes it takes off and seems to write itself...other times it stalls out. That's likely not the best way for a writer to approach the craft. BUT! Telling stories and painting pictures with words is SO MUCH FUN!

    This has been an engaging thread. Looking forward to further responses.

    A. Penman

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