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Thread: What can we do to help?

  1. #11
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    What can we do to help?

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    Re: What can we do to help?

    Hey everyone. First off, I need to clarify my ownership of this forum.

    I "own" the Titfighting and Sexfighting Forum. I am the one who started it many years ago, on a completely different server, and have moved it around as need be, ending here on Hostboard.

    I do not own or have any stake in Hostboard. Hostboard is owned by someone else. I am simply using their service, which is free. I chose Hostboard all those years ago as the place to park the Titfighting and Sexfighting Forum because of their openness to adult forums being on their system. There are honestly not a lot of options out there and I've watched many services come and go. Hostboard is the only one that has remained intact all these years.

    Unlike what MaskedSuperstar said, I am not "out to lunch" on fixing things and I didn't "accidentally" do anything to this forum. I have had my options set for this forum since Day 1 and have never touched them since as I never had to. The problems we're facing is also forum-wide. Hostboard just hired a bunch of new coders who are working on adding new functionality. On top of that, Hostboard is expanding. From what I understand, they're going through a period of adjustment and that period has, unfortunately, come with some "growing pains".

    As for me, I am actively trying to get the forum's functionality back to normal. This does NOT mean I am sitting here writing code. I have no ability to actually do that. All I can do is manage the forum using the options Hostboard has given me. And, as I mentioned in Shak7's other topic, I currently don't have the ability to do that. Steven, who is one of the owners of Hostboard, has a developer working on fixing my own account to allow me to manage the forum.

    In regards to the Edit function, Steven told me that Hostboard is implementing a new function that puts a Time Limit on editing. So, if you just created a thread, it will be Editable for a certain amount of time before it stops being Editable. This is a forum-wide function, affecting every single forum on Hostboard. However, I have asked Steven to please not implement that function on the Titfighting and Sexfighting Forum because none of us want it. In other words, I have asked Hostboard to do something different for one specific forum on their system. Hopefully, they'll be okay with that.

    And, that's everything, guys. Seriously, Hostboard isn't out to get us and definitely not purposefully ruining our experience. Just bear with them and trust that I am in constant contact with them to try to get things back to normal.
    Check out the Titfighting and Sexfighting Forum at [url][/url]

  2. #12
    Guest MaskedSuperstar's Avatar

    Re: What can we do to help?

    Quote Originally Posted by XP View Post
    Hey everyone. First off, I need to clarify my ownership of this forum.

    I "own" the Titfighting and Sexfighting Forum. I am the one who started it many years ago, on a completely different server, and have moved it around as need be, ending here on Hostboard.

    I do not own or have any stake in Hostboard. Hostboard is owned by someone else. I am simply using their service, which is free. I chose Hostboard all those years ago as the place to park the Titfighting and Sexfighting Forum because of their openness to adult forums being on their system. There are honestly not a lot of options out there and I've watched many services come and go. Hostboard is the only one that has remained intact all these years.

    Unlike what MaskedSuperstar said, I am not "out to lunch" on fixing things and I didn't "accidentally" do anything to this forum. I have had my options set for this forum since Day 1 and have never touched them since as I never had to. The problems we're facing is also forum-wide. Hostboard just hired a bunch of new coders who are working on adding new functionality. On top of that, Hostboard is expanding. From what I understand, they're going through a period of adjustment and that period has, unfortunately, come with some "growing pains".

    As for me, I am actively trying to get the forum's functionality back to normal. This does NOT mean I am sitting here writing code. I have no ability to actually do that. All I can do is manage the forum using the options Hostboard has given me. And, as I mentioned in Shak7's other topic, I currently don't have the ability to do that. Steven, who is one of the owners of Hostboard, has a developer working on fixing my own account to allow me to manage the forum.

    In regards to the Edit function, Steven told me that Hostboard is implementing a new function that puts a Time Limit on editing. So, if you just created a thread, it will be Editable for a certain amount of time before it stops being Editable. This is a forum-wide function, affecting every single forum on Hostboard. However, I have asked Steven to please not implement that function on the Titfighting and Sexfighting Forum because none of us want it. In other words, I have asked Hostboard to do something different for one specific forum on their system. Hopefully, they'll be okay with that.

    And, that's everything, guys. Seriously, Hostboard isn't out to get us and definitely not purposefully ruining our experience. Just bear with them and trust that I am in constant contact with them to try to get things back to normal.
    Might want to work on your reading skills.

  3. #13
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    Re: What can we do to help?

    Quote Originally Posted by XP View Post
    Hey everyone. First off, I need to clarify my ownership of this forum.

    I "own" the Titfighting and Sexfighting Forum. I am the one who started it many years ago, on a completely different server, and have moved it around as need be, ending here on Hostboard.

    I do not own or have any stake in Hostboard. Hostboard is owned by someone else. I am simply using their service, which is free. I chose Hostboard all those years ago as the place to park the Titfighting and Sexfighting Forum because of their openness to adult forums being on their system. There are honestly not a lot of options out there and I've watched many services come and go. Hostboard is the only one that has remained intact all these years.

    Unlike what MaskedSuperstar said, I am not "out to lunch" on fixing things and I didn't "accidentally" do anything to this forum. I have had my options set for this forum since Day 1 and have never touched them since as I never had to. The problems we're facing is also forum-wide. Hostboard just hired a bunch of new coders who are working on adding new functionality. On top of that, Hostboard is expanding. From what I understand, they're going through a period of adjustment and that period has, unfortunately, come with some "growing pains".

    As for me, I am actively trying to get the forum's functionality back to normal. This does NOT mean I am sitting here writing code. I have no ability to actually do that. All I can do is manage the forum using the options Hostboard has given me. And, as I mentioned in Shak7's other topic, I currently don't have the ability to do that. Steven, who is one of the owners of Hostboard, has a developer working on fixing my own account to allow me to manage the forum.

    In regards to the Edit function, Steven told me that Hostboard is implementing a new function that puts a Time Limit on editing. So, if you just created a thread, it will be Editable for a certain amount of time before it stops being Editable. This is a forum-wide function, affecting every single forum on Hostboard. However, I have asked Steven to please not implement that function on the Titfighting and Sexfighting Forum because none of us want it. In other words, I have asked Hostboard to do something different for one specific forum on their system. Hopefully, they'll be okay with that.

    And, that's everything, guys. Seriously, Hostboard isn't out to get us and definitely not purposefully ruining our experience. Just bear with them and trust that I am in constant contact with them to try to get things back to normal.
    Dear XP

    Earlier I had it in mind to post a response stating I don't believe there's anything "conspiratorial" going on here. You just saved me the effort.

    In my former professional life, we relied heavily on computers, programming, etc...and ALL the foibles and frustrations that went with it. Many of our problems occured during "upgrades" and "adding new functionality." I get this. It's frustrating, but I get it. I also understand your situation. I'd be willing to say that all the classy authors on this forum are willing to wade through this period of adjustment for the sake of a new and improved product, provided one is forthcoming.

    However, having said all that, your statement "if you just created a thread, it will be Editable for a certain amount of time before it stops being Editable" is not quite accurate. That certain amount of time is very limited. I posted Brandi's Opus, part 20, two days ago. I can no longer edit that post. Indeed, I lost the edit function shortly after the chapter was posted. Please pass that on to Steven and his new coders. It's a souce of frustration for all the writers.

    Thanks for your efforts in our behalf, XP. I hope this "glitch" is resolved soon.

    A. Penman

  4. #14
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    Re: What can we do to help?

    Hello again everyone

    I'm not reading into motivations about why things are the way they are. I only know what is and what isn't. I cannot edit my stories, I cannot add to my stories. I am not a professional writer with professional editors. I may write a story today and go back and see numerous errors a week later, then a month later, then even a year later! We take pride in our work and a desire to improve our work is important. To take away or severely limit the ability to edit our own stories is not a good thing. But for XP to have limited options in running a forum like this is troubling to me. My stories require constant editing, because my creative brain flies faster than my rational brain. I know what I'm trying to say, but many times it comes out a little twisted!
    I support you XP, you do what you can and what you have to do. I appreciate this forum, it is a lot of fun and a great creative outlet for weird people like me. I just sincerely hope we can keep the editing feature for our stories long term and not just a day or so. My only petition is for that, continuous editing for our stories. I can't speak for others, but my stories are not just random thoughts and words. My stories come from the heart and my life experiences and my imagination.......I want the ability to continuously improve them!


  5. #15
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    Re: What can we do to help?

    I have a problem with the time limit too, in which regard I agree with shak7. I was a moderator on different forums and it would have been a shot in the leg to not being able to edit posts for offensive or illegal content. So while it's not conspiratorial, it still is an "easing the burden" move on the part who operate the whole site, the less we can edit, the less can previous content appear as if it's a bumped up old thread (which it would be through editing).

    Shak7, I don't have editors either, everything I know, I learned from creative writing. One such move is, and it's a viable "fix" even in this situation is to publish a revised entry on the same story. In case of a creative mind being faster than the rational one... I know the feeling. This is just a suggestion, but this very space here is, where I write this reply is a sandbox. The option of previewing a post exists exactly to review your content for any outliers. I actually wish internet message boards were this advanced back when I wrote 8 to 10 drafts on the same story.

  6. #16
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    Re: What can we do to help?

    Hey, everyone,

    I absolutely understand the need for editing and really appreciate the insight into how some of you write. It's why I have been pushing for our forum to be made an exception to the time limit.

    Speaking of which, I just received a message from one of the Hostboard owners saying they manually lifted the time limit for editing from our forum! So, can some of you help me out and try to edit, then let me know here if it works? Thanks!

    MaskedSuperstar, I must apologize as I admittedly read so much that I misremembered and therefore misquoted you. So, my bad. I would like to mention that your response sounded rather rude. I had meant no offence by my original quoting of you, but regardless, simply letting me know of my mistake would have been sufficient. Thanks.

    Anyway, here's hoping everything's been fixed. If not, I'll go harass Hostboard again.
    Check out the Titfighting and Sexfighting Forum at [url][/url]

  7. #17
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    Re: What can we do to help?

    Look XP......

    Don't ask an obsessive, repetitive junkie like myself to start editing to my hearts content. I'm an addict and always take things way too far!!!
    OH MY GOD......I COULD BE EDITING 24/7!!!!!!!!!
    (just kidding...........I think!)

    Thank you XP, for your efforts and for this creative vision. Especially thank you for letting a weirdo like me write on this board and edit away!
    Again my friend......thank you.........thank you.........thank you!


  8. #18
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    Re: What can we do to help?

    Quote Originally Posted by XP View Post
    Hey, everyone,

    I absolutely understand the need for editing and really appreciate the insight into how some of you write. It's why I have been pushing for our forum to be made an exception to the time limit.

    Speaking of which, I just received a message from one of the Hostboard owners saying they manually lifted the time limit for editing from our forum! So, can some of you help me out and try to edit, then let me know here if it works? Thanks!

    MaskedSuperstar, I must apologize as I admittedly read so much that I misremembered and therefore misquoted you. So, my bad. I would like to mention that your response sounded rather rude. I had meant no offence by my original quoting of you, but regardless, simply letting me know of my mistake would have been sufficient. Thanks.

    Anyway, here's hoping everything's been fixed. If not, I'll go harass Hostboard again.
    For now I hope we're back, because I promised 2 stories, one of them here, but I'll see about editing

  9. #19
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    Re: What can we do to help?


    I was not going down the conspiracy road until everything went bad last weekend. I was scratching my head wondering if I was being locked out because I spoke up and opened up this can of worms or worse the Hostboard head-honchos decided to lock us all out! But XP put my fears to rest letting us know this was only a problem, a glitch and will soon be corrected. But I have to admit, for a moment there, this had me going.
    Glad it's back up and glad I can edit.


  10. #20
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    Re: What can we do to help?

    Interesting thread... here's my take...

    #1 There is NO conspiracy
    #2 There is NO lock out
    #3 Me and XP go back MANY years. If there is a problem he contacts me and he knows I have always replied at some point (I'm not on the site daily)
    #4 Hostboard is FREE. This means this community exists solely on my back pocket (and the very few who have graciously donated) as I am the only owner. Thus there is no contract, no fees paid, just me trying to continue to run an online
    community, which I have now done (sometimes good, sometimes bad) in excess of 38 years.
    #5 The edit feature was requested by a few other communities, so I paid to have it developed (any new features are always posted int he Hostbaord News forum and then promoted to an article on the front page).
    The default setting is 15 minutes. However this can be over ridden by any forum owner with a physical time or indefinite. As XP noted I manually over rode the settings until we figure out item b.
    b. Of course it would help if XP had access to the control panel, which we started to trouble shoot around the same time we had a hardware failure taking down the drive that houses the database.
    Now that we are back up I have asked the developer to look into why XP can't see his own communities control panel. After that on to adding some more functionality and possibly stirring the hornets nest again

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming...
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