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Thread: Toe to toe >>>>>> Request

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    Senior Hostboard Member gmenn's Avatar
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    Toe to toe >>>>>> Request

    The story below is written mainly for people who have foot fetishes as
    well as catfight fetishes. The story is very graphically sexual in
    nature, so if you're not at the age of consent, go elsewhere. If you
    are, I hope you enjoy it. As always, positive feedback is encouraged
    and will keep me creating.

    Toe to Toe

    The night I first discovered something was wrong was last Tuesday.
    Monica and I are lovers, and we had been in the midst of some very hot
    lovemaking when she asked me to do something we hadn't done before. She
    asked me to suck on her toes. I had always had a fetish about feet, and
    had told Monica about it, but she had never acted on it, much to my
    dismay. I readily complied now, putting her big toe in my mouth, still
    with my long fingers buried in her sweet hot pussy. Facing in opposite
    directions, I didn't see, but rather felt her put one hand around my
    bare foot and bring it toward her mouth, where I felt her soft, full
    lips encircling my big toe and sucking. Still with our fingers inside
    each other's pussy, thumbs circling each other's clit, we licked and
    sucked each other's feet and toes and came thunderously within moments
    of each other. Lying beside each other, sweaty and spent, I asked her
    how she had come upon the idea of footplay. She didn't answer right
    away, then said she had discussed it with one of her female coworkers.
    Immediately, I tensed up but I had to ask the question.
    "Was it Robin?"
    A delay, then "Yes."
    "You're seeing her again, aren't you?" It was a wild accusation, but my
    jealousy always bubbled close to the surface. Despite the accusation, I
    was honestly shocked when she replied that she and Robin, who work in
    different parts of the same office, had met at Robin's apartment during
    lunchtime the day before and had made love to each other. During that
    lovemaking, Robin had confessed a foot fetish of her own and they had
    done all sorts of things to and with each other's feet. She apologized,
    saying that Robin had been the aggressor but that that was no excuse.
    She said it wasn't my fault and that our relationship was fine. Monica
    had always been prone to flirting with other women. That's how I met
    her in fact, stealing her from Robin, but I thought she would have
    calmed down by our sixth month of living together. I'm not exactly a
    saint in that department myself, so call me a hypocrite, but I was
    pissed. Because Robin and I had never liked each other and had
    threatened each other physically when Monica moved in with me, she
    begged me to blame her rather than Robin. It didn't work. After
    calling my Italian lover a few choice names, I grabbed a thin sheet,
    wrapped it around my naked body and walked out to the couch. For an
    hour I laid there picturing Robin, a beautiful black woman, licking and
    sucking the woman I thought belonged to me. I also couldn't help
    picturing yesterday's lunchtime encounter, only with Monica replaced by
    me, tasting Robin's treasures. My emotions roiling with a mixture of
    hate, jealousy, and lust, I was determined to confront her the very next
    That morning I called Robin at work and told her that if she wanted
    something to do for lunch that day, I had something a little different
    in mind. It would take place at her house, but it would involve pain
    instead of pleasure. Robin took the challenge immediately, telling me
    to "carry my bony ass" to her house at noon sharp. All morning I was
    virtually useless at work, butterflies in my stomach as I pictured
    subduing my rival. Anticipating the physical confrontation to come, I
    took the afternoon off.
    At noon, I pulled up to her house, sweating in the afternoon heat. She
    was already home. We hadn't discussed many details on the phone, as we
    were too busy cursing each other, but we had decided to wear cutoff
    sweatpants and tank tops. After some debate, I decided to wear nothing
    underneath that the bitch could rip and ruin.
    As I approached the door, it opened. Robin stood looking at me wearing
    the same gray sweatpants I was, and a very similar white tanktop. We
    both had short white socks and sneakers on.
    "I'm surprised you showed, Darcy," said Robin defiantly.
    Walking with purpose toward the door, I replied, "Oh, I wouldn't have
    missed this for the world. You've tasted Monica for the last time."
    "The hell I have. She likes her meat darker than you and she always
    ends up coming back." With that, she stepped away from the door and
    allowed me to enter.
    "I've got the perfect place for us downstairs. Follow me, slut."
    "Lead the way, cunt. I'm right behind you."
    After that verbal exchange, we stood inches apart in her entryway,
    feeling each other's hot breath as our bodies began to heat up, heeding
    their primitive reaction to an upcoming fight. For a moment, the look
    she gave made me think we weren't even going to make it downstairs, then
    she broke the stare and led me down into the cellar. She had cleared
    out a large area for us. The floor was covered with a very thick, soft
    red carpet. She walked into the center of the open area, hands on hips,
    and stared at me.
    Robin is about 5'7" while I'm 5'9". She has a slightly larger build
    than me, but we weigh about the same because of my small height
    advantage. My hair is blond and approximately the same length as hers.
    She may have half a cup size on me, but we both have fairly large
    breasts. We are both in good shape, with round, firm butts. Hers might
    protrude a bit more than mine, but is incredibly firm-looking, I have to
    admit. Our lightly muscled legs are also very similar.
    As I walked into the cleared area, we were only about four feet apart.
    She bent over, her eyes never leaving mine, and started unlacing her
    "I like to fight barefoot. What about you?"
    I bent down to untie my sneakers as well, our faces now a foot apart,
    and said "Oh yeah. Monica told me you had a thing about feet. Wait
    until you see what I do to yours," I replied. After we had removed our
    shoes, we both sat down on the floor so we could take off our socks.
    "Yeah? Well Monica told me the same thing about you. And if you touch
    my feet, I'm gonna touch yours."
    My anger at this arrogant bitch had crested so I slid forward on my butt
    and grabbed both her socks, one in each hand. By doing that, I had put
    my feet within her reach and she quickly grabbed my socks. We began to
    yank on each other's socks trying to get them off. One sock came
    halfway off her left foot, exposing her heel, but she had curled her
    toes and I couldn't get the sock the rest of the way off. The other
    sock came off in my hands, exposing a large black foot with a deep arch
    and long well-formed toes. Other than the darker skin color, it looked
    a lot like mine which only infuriated me more. Also like me, she wore
    red toenail polish. She was having more luck with one of my socks than
    the other, and pulled one off leaving each of us with one bare foot and
    one partially bare. We now lunged at each other's partially sock-clad
    foot with both hands, squirming on the floor, rolling over each other.
    I kept my foot and toes curled as tight as I could, Robin doing the
    same. After a bit more struggling, I dug my fingers deep inside the
    bitch's sock and yanked it off, my nails running along her sole as I did
    it. Robin got mine seconds later.
    Once barefoot, we rolled away from each other quickly and stood up.
    Both of us had a sheen of sweat from our first struggle. Robin's
    tanktop had become twisted during our skirmish and her erect brown left
    nipple peaked out of the shirt. She didn't seem to notice but I saw it
    and craved it as a target. Reluctantly, I took my eyes off her nipple
    and back to her face. She was glaring at me. She lifted her right foot
    up slightly and flexed her toes.
    "You wish you had feet like this," she said. Although I did think they
    were very attractive, I'd never let her know that.
    "My feet are much sexier," I said, likewise lifting my foot toward her.
    "And when I get a hold of yours, I'm going to rake my nails right across
    your soles."
    "You slut! I'm gonna bite your toes right off."
    Growling like jungle cats, we closed our distance again. Still unaware
    of her exposed nipple, she stepped towards me until we were scant inches
    apart. Both of us had our teeth bared, scowling at each other through a
    frame of black and blond hair. I decided to get this battle underway
    by going right at her. I brought up my right hand and simply started
    pulling her exposed nipple. Her face changed quickly from anger to
    surprise to anguish as my thumb and forefinger pulled her nipple towards
    me. She grabbed my wrist but I had a pretty good grip, having grabbed
    her nipple at the base. Her dark brown areola became oblong as I
    yanked. She dug her nails into my wrist, which hurt, but not enough to
    make me let go.
    "Owwwwwww let go, you cunt!" she screamed. She was dumber than I
    thought if she believed that would make me let up. Finally she did
    something that helped her cause, though, as she took her right hand and
    worked it inside my tanktop through the front, scooping my breast in her
    hand and digging her nails in. My tanktop's left strap slid down limply
    on my arm. I threw my head back in pain and yelled. Not knowing
    exactly how much pain I was giving her with my nipple pinching, I only
    knew her big black hand on my tit was killing me. I let go of her
    nipple and grabbed her tanktop with both hands, ripping it down the
    front until it came away. Her large breasts bounced free and I was
    surprised to see how much dewy perspiration had already settled on the
    tops of her breasts. She looked down at her exposed breasts and belly
    then back up at me. With teeth bared she grabbed my shirt at the bottom
    and began to pull it over my head. With her arms raised and my shirt
    coming over my head, I reached out blindly with both hands and found her
    breasts. I dug into them with my hands, squeezing my fingers together
    and feeling her soft breast flesh yield. She screamed in pain and
    flipped my shirt away. She brought her hands back down and dug them
    into my hair, yanking my head back and forth while I struggled to
    maintain my hold on her sweaty tits.
    "You CUNT!!!"
    "SLUT!!" we spat at each other as we slowly rotated around the room,
    torturing each other.
    Our legs began to strike out as we attempted to trip each other.
    Finally, our feet tangled and we fell to our butts down on the carpet
    more or less facing each other. Both of us had our legs spread and were
    sitting down, our earlier holds released. I laid back on my elbows and
    drove my right foot into her crotch hard. "Now you'll see what my feet
    can do, bitch," I yelled. Once my bare foot made contact with her
    sweatpants, I ground the balls of my feet into her crotch, twisting my
    foot back and forth.
    Robin took her right foot and surprised me by working her foot inside my
    sweatpants through the leg! She drove her long foot inside my shorts
    and soon her toes were pushing against my cunt. As her toes curled, she
    pulled my sensitive pussyflesh painfully. As her toes probed and
    pushed, she worked her big toe inside my pussy. While not very painful,
    this invasion at the hands of my archrival infuriated me. I quickly
    drove both my bare feet into her shorts, one on each side, and noticed
    that she had also elected not to wear panties. So much the better! My
    toes soon became bathed in hot moisture as it became obvious Robin was
    getting turned on as much as I was. My juices were likewise spilling
    all over Robin's black foot. Amidst grunts and groans from both of us,
    she brought her left foot inside my shorts and we battled this way, four
    feet digging, scraping, probing, scratching, penetrating each other's
    vulnerable cunts.
    After several minutes of foot fucking each other, Robin turned her feet
    so the toes pointed upwards then she pulled, trying to take my shorts
    off with her feet. I reached across to her shorts, pulled my feet out,
    then just started yanking. Her feet came out of my shorts soon
    thereafter and we rolled to our sides, yanking each other's shorts off.
    We pulled them down to each other's knees then put our feet in each
    other's shorts, pushing them off the rest of the way. Before they were
    even off us, though, we had buried our claws in each other's now exposed
    cunts, squeezing and scratching. As we each dug a hand around and into
    each other's cunts, the room was filled with our primitive yells,
    grunts, and curses.
    "Aaahhhhhhhh, Bitch!!"
    "Unhhhhhh, Slut!!"
    "Ooooohhhh, Fuck!! Oooooww, you CUNT!!!!"
    We had taken our arms closest to the floor and grabbed each other by the
    hand, fingers interlocked, nails digging into the back of each other's
    hands. Our other hands were buried in each other's crotch. Both of us
    seemed to know it would cause more pain to move around each other's
    crotch with our hands than to concentrate on one tactic. One moment I'd
    be pulling her thick, curled pubes while she'd be pinching my clit. The
    next moment we'd be driving two or three fingers into each other's wet
    canals, scraping the tender walls with our nails.
    I was incensed when Robin spat at me as we lay there yelling and
    hurting. Feeling her hot spittle run sideways across my face to the
    ground infuriated me beyond what I thought possible. I spat back at
    her, hitting her large bottom lip. Now staring daggers at each other,
    we decided without speaking to attack each other with our teeth. I
    moved closer and bit into her full bottom lip. Robin quickly countered
    and bit my top lip. As our lips connected, so did our breasts. Our
    nipples were like stone as they flicked over each other then were buried
    in each other's dense, sweaty titmeat.
    Locked in this way, my animal instinct noticed the one body part
    remaining to fight with. Our legs were already partially spread due to
    each other's invading hands, but now I used my upraised foot and scraped
    my toenails across Robin's soles. She let out a muffled squeal (muffled
    due to our mutual liplocks) then did the same to me, running her
    toe-talons along my sensitive soles. Our toes and feet continued to
    duel as we lay there, squirming. We soon had to stop our lip biting,
    primarily because we needed to suck in more air. Our hair now
    completely matted, we were staring at each other when our eyes didn't
    wince closed as a result of a particularly painful jab, pull, or pinch.
    Then I felt Robin try to climb on top of me. Our muscles straining, I
    resisted as best I could, prying my hand away from hers and pulling her
    long black hair backwards, but I couldn't stop her. Now on top of me,
    our hands were forced to pull out of each other's crotch. Both our
    hands were bathed in sticky wetness, though that didn't stop us from
    trying to get a grip on each other. We scratched, squeezed, and grabbed
    each other wherever there was an opportunity. As we both wailed and
    continued to hurl insults at each other, I took the hand that had
    penetrated my rival's pussy and slapped her ass with it. It hit her
    firm cheek with a wet smack. I kept my clawed hand on her ass, digging
    in, surprised at the incredible meatiness of it as it gave somewhat
    around my fingers. Robin's pussy juice on my fingers mixed with the
    sweat on her ass to make holding on difficult. Robin took her "dry"
    hand and grabbed my face by the chin, her fingers along my cheek. I
    countered, wrapping my other hand around her neck, my long fingers
    encircling her throat. She took her free hand, slick with my vaginal
    juices, and scraped it down my side, causing me to buck wildly and yell
    out. I could feel her black pubes brushing roughly against my blond
    ones and her heavy tits weighing down on mine. She had her teeth bared
    due to the pain I was inflicting on her asscheek and throat. She
    grabbed the wrist that was clamped onto her ass, trying to wrench the
    hand off. She was partially successful and our arms dueled, me scraping
    her asscheeks with my nails when I got close enough, her hand around my
    wrist pulling it away from her. She closed her other hand around my
    throat and dug in. We teetered back and forth and realized we couldn't
    keep up the choking. I took my hand off her throat and slapped her hard
    across the cheek, at least as hard as I could muster. It was enough as
    she fell away.
    Both of us were now bathed in sweat in her cellar, and moving slowly
    because of the supreme effort we had expended. Our crotches were on
    fire and our hands closed around our throats. While both our breasts
    had been the subject of attacks, they were relatively unharmed compared
    to the other long scratch trails we had left on each other's sides,
    backs, and buttocks. We looked at each other now through sweat-blurred
    vision, breathing heavily, our ample chests rising and falling as we
    laid on our backs, our heads turned to face each other.
    "Monica's mine, bitch!" I croaked, my voice still affected from Robin's
    "The fuck she is," Robin replied, her voice similarly hoarse and
    breathing hard "But I know a way to settle it once and for all."
    "Name it!" I spat.
    "Match me cunt to cunt first one to cum loses Monica."
    I didn't answer right away, looking at Robin and feeling my breath
    slowly come under control. "You got it, slut!!"
    Robin's eyes widened at the latest insult but she started to sit up as
    did I. We spread our legs wide and scooted across the floor on our
    butts toward each other, both of us staring at each other, wary of a
    recurrence of the more violent action we had been having so far.
    By now we had no modesty or reservations and we both pushed our cunts
    together without hesitation. An electric shock went up my body as
    Robin's slick, hot pussy lips contacted mine wetly. We had one leg
    draped over our opponent's and we were reclined slightly, supported by
    our arms on the ground behind us.
    "Anything goes to make the other one cum," Robin said, her voice still
    somewhat hoarse. "Anything."
    "You got it!" I said again. I didn't want to talk. I wanted to finish
    "Yeah," I replied and pushed my cunt into Robin's. She grunted and
    returned the thrust. We began to twist and thrust our cunts together,
    each thrust sending waves of electric pleasure through my body. I had
    cold shivers and my body tingled as this extreme pleasure replaced the
    pain I had been receiving. As Robin threw her head back, I could easily
    tell I wasn't the only one. I grabbed Robin's chocolate breast with my
    hand and started squeezing it lightly, fondling it, lifting its weight
    in my palm, circling her large dark nipple. She let out an involuntary
    gasp and her eyes popped open. She quickly moved her right hand toward
    me and started manipulating my left breast, focusing on its pink
    nipple. We continued to convulse and shudder, our clits rubbing rawly
    against each other, lips smacking together with wet, slurping sounds.
    Moans of pleasure replaced the moans of pain that had filled her cellar
    earlier in the afternoon, but neither of us was shy about making noise.
    "You're goin' down, bitch," Robin hissed as she pumped into me.
    "No way, hon," I replied, pumping back into her.
    Soon, our cunts were in complete contact, lip-to-lip, clit-to-clit and
    neither of us was breaking the clinch. Our legs slid over each other
    with each pump, both of us covered in sweat and girl-cum.
    Sensing we were deadlocked in this activity as well, Robin turned her
    head behind her and grabbed my bare foot. She brought it up to her
    mouth, put her full, round lips over my big toe, and started sucking.
    She flattened out her tongue and ran it wetly along the bottom of my
    toe. Seeing her suck hungrily on my toe made me spasm again. I was
    moving toward orgasm and I didn't want to lose so I grabbed Robin's foot
    and brought it up to my mouth. I flicked my tongue between her long
    black toes and felt Robin shudder madly against my pussy. Still pumping
    and twisting, we attacked each other's feet. Our tongues ran along each
    other's soles, we sucked each other's toes one at a time from the big
    toe to the small. As I sucked on three of her toes at the same time, my
    mouth wet and warm, I saw Robin's face contort. She was ready to
    explode! I pumped my cunt into hers even harder and sucked on her toes
    "Unhhh, unhhhh, unhhhh, aaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!" Robin yelled. I pumped as
    hard and as fast as I could, slamming my cunt into hers, hoping my clit
    was hitting hers head-on, determined to give her the best orgasm she had
    ever had. She worked her fingers between my toes and squeezed until it
    started to hurt as she shook with spasm after spasm. I was working her
    cunt so hard, though, that I began to feel my own orgasm hit. I
    shrieked in pleasure and Robin, through her haze, seemed to push into me
    even harder to make sure she drove me to an equally intense orgasm.
    After the waves of intense pleasure subsided, we fell onto our backs,
    legs still draped over each other. I smiled weakly, knowing I had won
    by the barest of margins. Knowing Monica was still mine.

  2. #2
    Senior Hostboard Member 44automag's Avatar
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    Re: Toe to toe >>>>>> Request

    I'd never actually read this one before, thank you so much for re-posting it.
    Last edited by 44automag; September 23rd, 2019 at 05:27 PM. Reason: typo

  3. #3
    Senior Hostboard Member Rivals_Rapture's Avatar
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    Re: Toe to toe >>>>>> Request

    I absolutely loved this tale. Feet aren't my trigger, but I can still enjoy them as the point of comparison if it's part of a fight/competition.

    I think you weaved them in exceptionally well here and bet there are a bunch of long-denied feet fans that will love this story.

  4. #4
    Junior Hostboard Member Thegent's Avatar
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    Re: Toe to toe >>>>>> Request

    Thanks so much for this story, was amazing. I've read it many times now, and hope to see more like it

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