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Thread: Heavenly Purgatory: Part 2

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Heavenly Purgatory: Part 2

    So, I did some research on that Felicia girl that Carly told me about. She was indeed a sex guru and her place was close. I could not find any pics of her, though. Carly told me she was a hot redhead with hair just as long and thick as mine and I was dying to see for myself. Guess I was just gonna have to see her in person for that. I couldn’t even find out how old Felicia was. Carly was very tight-lipped about Felicia’s methods. I can’t help but wonder why. As you can imagine, my curiosity was piqued and I was dying to have all of my questions answered. I actually shot Felicia an Email and told her about the issues I’ve been having. All of them. My desire for a worthy opponent, my curiosity about what it’s like to lose and even my secret fantasy about fucking myself, which even Carly did not know about. Something about this chuck just drew me in and she is a sex guru after all. She said she has the answer to all of my problems and invited me to come see her.

    So, I searched her place’s address, showered, spent 45 minutes doing my hair, dressed up in a tight, short-sleeved T-shirt and Daisy Dukes and went off to see this mysterious babe. The drive was quite short, thankfully. I got there and it looked like just a regular building. Still, my heart was racing. The thought of meeting a new opponent always gets me going. I parked my car and got out. She didn’t even have a sign advertising her place. I imagine she really likes to be lowkey and appeal to very specific customers. Honestly, the thought of Carly and Ron having trouble surprised me. Those two have always been all over each other. What could this lady have done for them? My excitement increased as I opened her door. Inside looked like some kind of hippie paradise. I could smell incense and a touch of weed in the air. The color violet was very prevalent in the lighting. There were shag rugs all over the place, stained glass windows, bright lamps. I felt light-headed from the atmosphere alone.

    Hearing the bell ring, signaling her door opening, Felicia came in from the back room, walking past a curtain of beads. Holy fuck, was she hot! Everything Carly described and more! She was rather tan, wore a belly dancer outfit showing off her toned stomach and cute little belly button, had smooth skin, piercing green eyes, a rack that had to be at least a DD like mine and best of all, her hair was long, dark, crimson red and very thick! Down to her ass too, just like mine! I felt like I had died and gone to heaven! I haven’t even heard this bitch say anything and I already want to lick her like candy! She took notice of me and shot me bedroom eyes.

    “So, you must be Gwen?” She asked.

    I nodded, unable to say a word as I salivated over her.

    “Well, I am indeed Felicia.” She confirmed. “Why don’t you come on back and we can discuss all the problems you’ve been having?”

    I did as she instructed, following her shapely ass and flowing hair as she turned her back to me. From her looks, I’d guess she was in her late 20s, around 28, maybe 29 at the oldest. We went into her back room and sat on two bean bag chairs as I ogled her plentiful tits.

    “My eyes are up here, girl.” Felicia teased.

    “Yeah but your tits are down there.” I teased back.

    She giggled. She then walked behind me, reached out and began running her hands through my long, luscious hair. I couldn’t help but close my eyes in euphoria as I felt her fingers move through my beloved locks.

    “You like my hair?” I asked flirtatiously.

    “Yes.” She answered just as flirtatiously. “It’s every bit as amazing as you described in our email conversation.”

    “Good.” I said. “Because very soon, my hair is gonna be drenched with your cum.”

    She giggled again.

    “We’ll see whose hair will be soaked with whose cum some other time.” She said. “For now, I think I have the answer to your problem. Follow me.”

    I was disappointed at not getting to drag this bitch to the floor right away, especially after having her built up so much for me but I did still want her to fix the issues I’ve been having. That’s the primary reason I’m here. Finding another girl to fuck was the secondary reason. Honestly, I thought the latter would help solve the former but she had other plans. She stopped caressing my hair and turned around, walking to her back room as I followed her and ran my fingers through her hair in turn. Oh, God, it was so soft and silky but almost as thick as a blanket! I had to get my hands into it and all over her as soon as possible! So, I decided to just get this over with before I lost control of my libido. She led me to her back room, full of bean bag chairs and with a large cabinet against the wall. We sat down on the bean bags across from each other as I continued ogling her.

    “So, let’s go over this again just to make sure.” She said. “You say that you have never lost a sexfight once in your life and you are beginning to tire of it. You seek a worthy opponent and part of you even wonders what it’s like to lose.”

    “That’s exactly it.” I confirmed.

    Normally, I’d be annoyed at having to go over everything I already explained in our email conversation but anything that allowed me to be in this hot piece of ass’s presence for longer was fine by me. Her DDs were just inches away, begging to be squeezed.

    “If I might ask, Felicia…” I interrupted myself. “Can I assume that you’ve gotten into the sexfighting scene yourself?”

    “Why, of course I have, babe.” She answered without any hesitation. “You can’t be a sex guru without partaking in the ultimate pleasures that we women can experience.”

    I could’ve easily guessed that already. I just wanted to hear her say it and plant that drool-worthy image in my horny little mind.

    “In fact…” She continued. “Like you, I am also undefeated in the field.”

    I felt my heart jump up in excitement.

    “Is that so?” I asked naughtily. “Well, care to find out what happens when an unstoppable force meets an unmovable object?”

    “Patience, Gwen.” She said, wagging her finger. I was tempted to lick it. “I have the solution to your problem and as much as I’d like to rip your clothes off and make you scream, it’s not that.”

    “Ohhh…” I moaned in disappointment. I was hoping for the good kind of moaning.

    “I’ll tell you what…” Felicia said as she got up and walked toward the cabinet as my eyes followed her fine ass.

    She reached for a little bottle and brought it with her as she sat back down.

    “Drink this tonight.” She said as she handed me the red bottle.

    “What?” I asked. “My problem isn’t really a medical one. Unless this is some kinda drug that will get rid of those thoughts.”

    “No, nothing like that, beautiful.” She said. “This isn’t a drug or any kind of medicine at all…More like a potion.”

    “A what?” I asked. “Are you a witch now too?”

    “Some would call me that.” She said. I wasn’t sure if she was kidding or not.

    “What will it do?” I asked. “Is it safe?”

    “It’s totally harmless.” She explained. “I prescribe it to all my nympho customers experiencing the same problems.”

    “Well, what is it?” I asked again.

    “I can’t say or else it would ruin the intended effect.” She said.

    “I’m not so sure…” I said hesitantly.

    “Well, how about this?” She asked. “You take that tonight. By tomorrow, the effect will have worked and you will have proven yourself worthy. I can close up shop tomorrow and we can spend all day and night fucking each other’s brains out.”

    “Well, that sounds enticing.” I said. “Okay, I’ll do it.”

    I handed her my debit card for the payment. She is running a business after all. I was about to walk away with the potion when something else occured to me.

    “Wait a minute…” I said, turning back around. “What did you mean by “prove myself worthy”?”

    “Well, that potion will definitely allow you to put your sexual prowess to the ultimate test.” She said. “If you come back here tomorrow, you will have done something very commendable.”

    “Am I not worthy of you right now?” I asked in an offended tone.

    “Look, Gwen.” She began. “You’re far from the first slut that came in here who was undefeated before. Not a single one of them has been able to stand up to me in bed. I’m a sex guru for very good reason. I know the pleasures of the flesh inside and out. You don’t know what you’d be getting yourself into right now. Believe me.”

    “Oh, you cocky bitch!” I cursed.

    I wanted to march over there and fuck her right this second to teach her a lesson but she wasn’t willing and I’m no rapist.

    “I’ll drink this tonight and come back tomorrow to make you squirt like a dolphin all over me!” I threatened.

    “Go right ahead, if you think you can, slut.” She shot back. “I’ll be waiting here to finally show you what defeat tastes like.”

    I marched out of her shop. My libido skyrocketing. I desperately wanted to prove her wrong. Still, what was this potion or whatever that she gave me and how was drinking it supposed to solve a mental problem like mine? I went home and as soon as I got settled in, I drank the thing. It had a distinctive pink hue and tasted kinda like strawberries. It was surprisingly refreshing. I downed the whole thing and…nothing. At least not yet. I waited for a solid hour for something to happen but it never did. The thought just occurred to me that I might’ve been scammed but why would Carly recommend her if she was just some con artist? She did say to come back tomorrow, so I figured the change would happen overnight. Little did I know how right I was.

    I went about my day as usual. I played some video games, watched some lesbian sexfight porn, read some stories on hostboard which was actually fucking working now, thank God, etc. I was tempted to visit one of my clients for a little action but I thought it might interfere with whatever the potion was doing, so I decided against it. I showered, washed my beloved hair nice and thoroughly and then went to bed naked like I always do. I really should become a full time nudist. Anyway, I began to drift off to sleep. I then woke up the next morning in my room, opening my eyes as they stared towards one side of the room. I did not feel different at all. Goddamn it, maybe I really was scammed! Did that bitch just give me strawberry soda?!

    “Before you ask, no. You weren’t scammed.” A voice said from behind me.

    “Ahhh!!” I yelped in shock as I jumped out of the bed in surprise.

    I turned around and what I saw…Holy shit, I have to still be dreaming. On the bed…was me! It was another me sitting naked on my bed! She looked exactly like me in every single way! She had my DD cup tits, my pale skin and my flowing, thick blonde hair that covered the right eye, both of which were blue like mine! Did she drug me? This felt far, far too real to be a dream.

    “So, we meet at last.” My clone said. “You don’t need to look at your own reflection lustfully anymore.”

    I was totally speechless. I was wondering if I should call the cops.

    “Don’t bother calling the cops.” She said. “You’re still asleep. This is what Felicia did for you.”

    “What?” I asked, finally saying something.

    “She gave you the perfect opponent.” My clone explained. “Yourself. I’m you in every way. Your personality, your strengths, your weaknesses and especially your sexy, fuckable body.”

    I just remembered that I told Felicia in our emails that I actually had some amount of sexual attraction towards myself. We didn’t talk about it in the shop for some reason but she remembered.

    “Where am I?” I asked.

    “You’re in a living dream.” My clone answered. “Everything is exactly like it was in the real world except for one thing. It is completely and absolutely empty. You and I are the only two living things here. We just have each other. This was all a part of Felicia’s plan.”

    “So, she is a witch.” I said.

    “Some would call her that.” My clone said. “Others would call her a wiccan. Either way, she uses her powers for women like you. To help make sex as enjoyable as possible. You should thank her.”

    “Oh, I’ll thank her in the best way I know how.” I said. “How do I get out of here?”

    “What, you want to leave already?” My clone asked. “You have the ultimate match right here with you.”

    “I’d just like to know ahead of time. I don’t like being trapped.” I said.

    “Well, that’s too bad.” She said. “Because you are trapped.”

    “What?!” I asked in shock.

    “That’s right.” My clone said. “You are stuck here in this living dream world with me. Don’t worry, though. Time doesn’t pass in the real world as long as you’re here. You’re still sleeping like a baby.”

    “There has to be someway out!” I yelled.

    “There is only one…And I think you can guess what it is.” My clone said.

    I began to calm down and looked at my clone lustfully. Yeah, my libido was starting to rise, even in a borderline horror movie situation like this. My ultimate fantasy was right before me. Plus, the only way out of here was through my clone’s pussy. What choice did I have?

    “Alright.” I said, relaxing. “Might as well enjoy myself(in more ways than one) while I’m here.”

    “That’s a good girl.” My clone said flirtatiously.

    “Wait…” I interrupted. “What do I call you?”

    “You want to give me a name?” My clone asked.

    “Yes.” I said. “It feels weird fucking someone whose name I can’t cry out when I cum.”

    “Why not just Gwen?” She asked.

    “Because that’s my name, faker!” I said defensively.

    “Touchy.” My clone teased.

    “How about…Alexis?” I asked.

    “Our middle name?” She asked.

    “MY middle name. Not yours.” I corrected. “And yes. The whole point of a middle name is for something like this, isn’t it? To be a backup for your first name?”

    “I guess so.” She agreed. “Okay then. Alexis it is.”

    “Glad we agree on something.” I said. “Guess it’s time for me to go fuck myself.”

    “That’s what I’m here for, gorgeous.” Alexis said.

    I crawled onto the bed with my reflection, ready to live out my ultimate fantasy.

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Heavenly Purgatory: Part 2

    I think this is a really fantastic part 2. The idea of our main character, Gwen, taking on her twin in a fight in her mind is very novel. I'm really looking forward to what follows! To be honest, however, I'm looking forward to Gwen's eventual match-up with Felicia even more. That kind of puzzled me a bit, but I think that I can explain it. First, your depiction of the meeting between Gwen and Felicia is extremely erotic! As I wrote earlier, I think that this particular story is really well-written and you manage to make Gwen's reaction to Felicia very evocative. Writing in the first person may be your particular gift! Second, the battle between Gwen and "Alexis", while it will be incredible, will still be in Gwen's mind - so, as much as it may feel "real" and as much as it is (in a certain sense) it is still not flesh to flesh. Finally, where the next chapter is going is fairly clear - Gwen is going to have to win - but how her battle with Felicia will go is less clear. Will she finally be defeated or will she surprise Felicia? Or will they prove to be equal matches for each other? So, there is an added element of suspense there.

    This comes to my last point, which is one that I will put a bit more thought into. Like many people on this board, I really enjoy stories where the women in combat are virtual equals. I like that for a number of reasons - it means that the matches can be really close, it means that rematches are plausible and it also appeals to a very strong sense I have that enjoys pitting "like against like." Yet, oddly, I have never really been into "twin" stories. Don't get me wrong - I do like them -but I don't think I find them as exciting as two women who are nearly identical but different competing. I think part of it is because I don't like the "incest" element in twin stories (you get around this very neatly) but also because having the differences between the women establishes a real competitive element that may be lacking when the women involved are truly the same (or nearly so).

    Anyway, that's an overcomplicated explanation. I'm really looking forward to the next part and then Felicia after that! As always, your output amazes me!


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    Senior Hostboard Member 44automag's Avatar
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    Re: Heavenly Purgatory: Part 2

    I think I see possibilities of this "dream match" exceeding the real-world "physics" of a sexfight, in other words, there may be things possible in chapter 3 that could never happen in the waking world. As we all know, anything's possible in a dream or an animated cartoon.

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    Hostboard Member Killian's Avatar
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    Re: Heavenly Purgatory: Part 2

    Salute your super word composition ability in scrabble helper! With Scrabble Word Finder you can find the perfect words to increase your score and beat your opponents. Everyone, from crossword puzzle lovers to anagram lovers, will enjoy the thrilling process of finding words and scoring points. Stop getting stuck and start dominating the board with this indispensable tool!

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