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Thread: Story: Succubus P.I. - The Purple Rose Part 1+2

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    Hostboard Member herbert3000's Avatar
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    Story: Succubus P.I. - The Purple Rose Part 1+2

    Hi folks,

    It's been a while since I posted here as I have been really busy but I promised a sequel and here it is. The story is completely finished, I just need to double check my translation a bit in the later chapters but I plan to have them all posted within the the next weeks. Again it contains a lot of sexfighting, titfighting, raunchy humor, occult mysteries, some very mild violence and this time the real even more disturbing truth about catholic nuns.

    If you haven't already, you can read the previous story here: Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 1+2
    I'm confident you don't have to for the purpose of understanding but you may find a lot of easter eggs if you do.

    I hope you enjoy it as much as the last one - let me know in the comments!

    Chapter 1 – Happy Hour

    It was one of those cold, damp winter nights when the patrons of the crowded strip club went wild. Spotlights illuminated a circular table in the center of the room, where a beautiful dancer slowly coiled herself around a metal pole that reached down from the ceiling. She looked like she had stepped out of an Arabian fairy tale, with olive skin and long, straight black hair that fell all the way to her hips. Her clothes, however, were more reminiscent of biker chick: she wore a studded black leather jacket and a matching miniskirt. Nylon stockings, high-heeled shoes and a leather collar, also studded, completed the look.

    When the music started, she began to spin around the pole, to the cheers of the audience, seemingly weightless, without her feet touching the ground. It was still happy hour, and she was the first act to get the guests in the right mood. Clinging to the pole with nothing but her muscular legs, she stripped off her jacket, which she tossed into the crowd. Underneath, a black lace bra was revealed. The outline of her abs were vaguely visible on her now fully exposed tight belly. Her right arm was tattooed sleeve-like with Arabian patterns, which were also found in smaller design on her hips.

    Still spinning, the dancer fluidly changed pose, now holding onto the pole with only her hands and performing a slow air walk with her nylon-clad legs. She hooked herself to the pole with the crook of her elbow and deftly removed her skirt, under which she wore a skimpy black thong.

    Aya loved to show off her breathtaking body like this. She enjoyed being gawked at by the estimated hundred men in the club totally mesmerized. Clenching the pole again with her legs, she let herself hang down backwards, giving the bystanders a perfect view of the deep cleavage formed by her full, ample breasts. The guests near the table were already waving bills in front of her with excitement.

    A voice in her ear jerked her back to reality, "Movement at the rear entrance. A stretch limo just pulled up."

    The voice belonged to her partner Elena and reached her via a small radio receiver. "Is it the boss?" asked Aya back. She had to raise her voice to be heard over the music. A drunk right in front of her apparently picked up on something and bawled, "Yeah, I'm the boss, baby!"

    "I think so," came the delayed reply. "A lot of bodyguards stepped out, but it's dark, and I can't make out much. Besides, I'm freezing. Detective work really sucks."

    "Keep me posted," Aya instructed her as she continued her pole dance.


    Outside on a dark side street, about a hundred meters from the back entrance of the strip club, Elena leaned forward over her red Ducati. She tried to pierce the thickening snow flurry with her crystal blue eyes to catch a glimpse of the target. She did not succeed.

    Frustrated, she shook the snowflakes out of her wavy blonde mane and cursed Aya for enjoying herself inside while she had to stand lookout in the chilly night. The cold snap had come suddenly and her tight-fitting red leather clothing were not really appropriate for the season.

    On the display of her phone, she followed what was happening inside the club. Video and sound were transmitted by a lens and a microphone in Aya's collar. She would have loved to sit in the audience now, or even better, dance in competition with the hot raven on another table. Aya had a fantastic body, but Elena could easily keep up with her in every way. Well, her breasts were a tiny bit smaller, as she was constantly reminded by Aya, but no less beautiful. In the end they would have counted their tips and compared who had earned more, who the crowd had found more attractive and desirable. And afterwards they would…

    Elena snapped out of her daydream as the men entered the club. Two broad-shouldered bodyguards remained at the door, and two more along with a smaller person, largely obscured by them, entered the building.

    "They're going in now," she reported. "Would you stop spinning around? I'm getting dizzy."


    In the warm club, Aya received the news with disappointment. She would have liked to finish her performance, but work was work, so she slowly let herself slide down from the pole. When her heels touched the table, she arched her back and rubbed her majestic butt against the cold steel. The pole practically disappeared between her full round buttocks. To the applause of the crowd, she strutted around in circles a couple of times and let the spectators put bills in her garter before she disappeared into the back of the club.

    "Hey, what are you doing?" a dark-skinned dancer snapped at her. She was pretty, but nowhere near as hot as Aya. "I know it's your first day and all, but you're supposed to show them your bare tits."

    Aya handed the tip, several hundred euros in total, over to her and kindly said, "Be a dear and fill in for me for a moment."

    With that, she left the other woman who was counting the money with wide eyes. Still in her underwear, she entered the area of the club that was only for the staff and management.

    "I wonder how you’re gonna pay my salary," the voice in Aya's ear complained. "First you don't take money from our client, then you give away what little these people donated out of pity over your lackluster dance performance."

    "We don't do this job for money," Aya passed over her partner's little quip, "but to help people. The poor old mother of the missing girl could have never afforded our services."

    She approached the manager's office. Two brawny bodyguards stood guard in front of the door. Aya walked up to them nonchalantly.

    "No admission," growled one as she stopped in front of them.

    She gave him and his comrade a disarming smile. "Well you're certainly sharp," she praised him, patting his upper arm. "And so strong. I'm sure you exercise a lot."

    As she spoke, her mental tentacles probed and penetrated his mind. It was as easy as breaking into a house with the front door open. Being a succubus, it was a simple matter for her to turn men into willing slaves. In the four hundred years she had spent on earth since her summoning, she had encountered few who had resisted her for more than a couple of seconds. Simple-minded ones, like these thugs, usually didn't even put up a fight. Before he knew what was happening to him, she had the second bodyguard wrapped around her finger as well.

    "I need to talk to the boss," she announced, "so let me through and keep your guard up. And whatever you hear, don't come in to check."

    "Yes mistress," they both confirmed in unison.

    The boss: a mysterious figure who had taken over numerous strip clubs in Berlin. No one knew what his real name was or what he looked like. All they knew was that the Boss was forcing young dancers, mostly helpless immigrants, to commit crimes. Fraud and blackmail were just some of them. Much worse was that those who refused to take part disappeared without a trace shortly after. Rumors said that the boss was also involved in human trafficking. No one could prove anything, however, and the police was completely in the dark.

    Aya entered the office. It was spacious and lined with a soft but stained carpet that had certainly once looked the part. A couch with worn upholstery stood in the corner, and the center of the room was dominated by a bulky, untidy desk piled high with papers, empty beer bottles, and a full ashtray. On the chair behind it, someone sat in the shadows, who Aya couldn’t recognize clearly. This changed when the person stood up and leaned forward into the pale light of the office lamp.

    It was a woman. A damn good-looking woman, as the succubus immediately noticed. With full red lips and bright brown eyes, just like Aya's own, accentuated by dark eye shadow and long lashes, her face did not need to shy away from comparison with that of the succubus. Her long black hair was tied back completely and artfully tied into a long braid almost as thick as her arm.

    Damn, Aya cursed silently.

    "Shit, what now?", Elena's voice sounded in her ear.

    Her supernatural powers did not work on the same sex. The plan to enchant the boss and elicit all the necessary information from him was now obsolete. Her own prejudices had thrown a spanner in the works. Now she had to improvise.

    "Are you the girl Antonio told me about?" the boss demanded to know. Aya was pretty sure to pick out an Italian accent from her sultry voice "Where is he? I'll teach him to ask me here first and then make me wait."

    "Something urgent has come up for Antonio," Aya lied. She had bent the club's operator to her will a few hours ago and sent him home because she didn’t want him to screw things up.

    The boss stepped out from behind the desk. She wore a yellow mini-dress along with dark stockings, platform shoes with heels as high as Aya's. A fur coat she must have worn outside hung over the chair. Her body didn't need to hide from anyone. From head to toe, she eyed the supposed stripper, her lips twisted into a wicked smile, her braid, which reached all the way down to her butt, swayed back and forth like a tail as she walked.

    "Yes," she whispered in Aya's ear as she walked in a circle around her. "Antonio was right. You could make a small fortune for me. What's your name?"

    "Aya," the succubus revealed.

    "From Syria?"

    She nodded. It wasn't quite true, but it was close enough and a lot of refugees had arrived from there over the last couple of years.

    "I'm Isabella," the boss introduced herself. "Are you willing to do some things for me that are not quite legal in this country but very, very profitable?"

    "What kind of things?", Aya wanted to know.

    "Nothing major." Isabella waved it off. "Sleep with some rich guys, gain access to their bank account, or failing that, blackmail them with some raunchy photos. Piece of cake for someone with a body like yours."

    "What if I refuse?" asked Aya defiantly.

    Isabella pouted. "That would be extremely rude, but I respect it when women want to take matters in her own hands, just as I did. That's why in this case we're going to play a game. If you win, you can leave and won't be bothered by me any further. If I win, I'll sell your pretty ass to the highest bidder as compensation.

    "A game?" asked Aya curiously, "What kind of game?"

    Isabella grinned lasciviously. "Very simple: you have to prove to me that you are a better woman than me. By making me come before I can make you come. Your body against my body, your sexual prowess against mine. How does that sound?"

    Now it was up to Aya to smile wickedly. "I like your way of handling things, but I suggest a few changes to the rules." While Isabella raised her eyebrows in surprise, she continued, "If I win, you'll tell me where you're holding the girls who haven't been sold yet, in particular a young Ukrainian girl named Natalia Stepova, whose mother hired me. If you win, I won't turn over the confession you just spoke on tape to the police."

    "Merda!" exclaimed Isabella, taking a step back. "You're wired? Didn't my goons search you? Luigi, Emilio, get in here now!"

    "Don't bother," Aya said, "I took care of them."

    Isabella took another step back, elbowed a couple of beer bottles off the desk, and suddenly she had pistol in hand, aiming it at Aya. "I should shoot you, like a bitch."


    Outside the club, Elena held her breath in shock. Being a succubus herself, she knew that bullets could not harm her partner. Gunshot wounds healed completely within a few hours for her kin. Still, it hurt like hell, and if a bullet penetrated her lungs, the lack of oxygen could easily cause her to lose consciousness.

    In her head, she went through her options. She wouldn't get there fast enough to stop Isabella from pulling the trigger, but she could wrap the two bodyguards at the back entrance around her finger, who could then force her to put the gun down. After that, Elena would be the one to play a few games with her. And they would all end with that bitch licking her boots and begging for mercy. She would force her down on all fours, grab her by her stupid braid and whip her ass with it. When Aya was back on her feet they could take turns and find out who was able to dominate this little cunt harder, oh yes!

    For the moment, however, she trusted that Aya knew what she was doing. She had an unerring instinct for such things. Spellbound, Elena looked at the screen of her phone to see what happened next.


    Aya was unfazed by the barrel pointing at her. "You could pull the trigger," she conceded to Isabella. "But the recording would still reach the police. And then, you'll never find out."

    "Find out what?"

    Aya thrust her chest forward challengingly. "Which one of us is the better woman."

    Their eyes pierced each other, neither of the beauties even blinked. After a few seconds, Isabella lowered the gun and relaxed a little.

    "All right," she agreed, securing the weapon and placing it back on the desk. "May the better woman win."

    With practiced movements, she stripped off her yellow dress, revealing matching colored underwear underneath. With swaying hips, she strutted back to the center of the room, where Aya met her in kind.

    "Not fair," Elena complained. "Why do you always get to do the fun tasks?"

    Face to face, the two rivals stopped in front of each other, examining their adversaries, taking in every little sexy detail. Isabella had an impressive body with full, juicy tits and a tight ass, even if her curves were a bit less pronounced than Aya's, which she registered with satisfaction. The Italian also had a tattoo. That of a cross entwined with thorny vines, just below her breasts.

    "Are you a devout woman?" Aya breathed at her. "Because now would be a good time for your last prayer."

    "I believe that God is with the able," Isabella breathed back. "With those who take the initative." With that, she wrapped her right arm around Aya's waist and pulled her in close, while her left tangled in the succubus' long mane and pulled her head back hard.

    Damn, this tramp is aggressive, thought Aya, who let out a hiss while Isabella's tongue was already licking along her exposed neck.

    "I love your long hair," muttered the crime boss. "Perfect to yank on."

    As much as Aya enjoyed some rough foreplay she wasn't about to just let it happen to her. In retaliation, she embraced her opponent and squeezed her even tighter so that both women could feel each other's hard nipples through the fabric of their bras. At the same time, she grabbed Isabella's braid and yanked on it like a bell rope, eliciting an angry hiss from her.

    "Two can play that game," Aya growled as she started to suck at the other's flawless neck with her lips like a leech. Marking it with her dark lipstick. With deep breaths, she inhaled Isabella's scent. It was intense and dominant. No wonder so many strippers had succumbed to her, intimidated by her power and looks, but it wouldn't work this time. Today Isabella would meet her master.

    As if by silent agreement, the women let go of each other's hair and began to undo their opponent's bra in return. They both succeeded at the same time and tore off each other's clothes. Both took a step back to admire the magnificent bulging boobs of the other. Both pairs were full and round, but now, without their clothes, it was clear that Aya's were bigger.

    The succubus grinned cockily, but Isabella appeared unimpressed. "I bet your flabby tits make nice soft pillows for my firmer breasts."

    "Come here and let's find out," Aya urged her. Isabella's nipples were brown and pointed perkily straight ahead, just like Aya's own. They met head-on, like knights armed with lances. Both inhaled sharply as their milk buds sent signals of arousal straight down to their pussies. Then they pressed their female mounds together, rubbing them into each other like balls of dough, eager to figure out which proud pair would ultimately have to yield to the other.

    To Aya's annoyance, the winner was not immediately clear. Isabella's tits proved firmer and her nipples more resolute than she had expected. They both leaned their foreheads against each other and moaned.

    "I see you're already wearing a collar," the seductive crime boss noted. "Time to put a leash on you. With that, she looped her braid around Aya's neck like a rope and pulled her even tighter by it. "Now you can't escape me."

    "Neither can you," Aya countered, reaching for Isabella's tight ass. The competing beauties' heads were now resting on each other's shoulders. Their cheeks touched, as did their flat, well-toned bellies. Their nylon-covered legs rubbed against each other as they struggled to get a better stance. Aya pushed her thigh as high into her opponent's crotch as she could and was rewarded by a moan of pleasure. The Italian's thong already felt moist.

    "Wet already?" the succubus whispered in her ear. "Enjoying your game a little too much?"

    Not wanting to back down, Isabella repaid her in kind, and Aya couldn't help but moan lustfully as well.

    "Just as wet as you," Isabella breathed back. "You may have a great body, but I've tamed countless hot sluts. None have ever bested me."

    She was right, Aya's pussy was moistening faster than was good for her. She had to keep her focus. Fortunately, Isabella was slowly losing her balance. As the pressure of Aya's superior bosom made her more and more uncomfortable, she had subconsciously leaned further and further back. With a small thrust of her hip, Aya toppled her off balance. For a moment they staggered around the room on their high heels, then Aya managed to push her rival backwards onto the tattered sofa.

    "That's it!" cheered Elena over the comm. "Don't play with your food. Cheap little whores like her want to be dominated."

    Aya had no intention of playing with her opponent any longer, as tempting as it was. With a determined move, she yanked Isabella's thong down and let it fall to the floor. The crime boss hissed and tried to get to her feet, but Aya shoved her back onto the pad.

    "Stay down," she ordered, slipping out of her own thong. Reluctantly, the naked woman obeyed, obviously a bit intimidated by the commanding demeanor of her opponent. Instead of making further attempts to assume the dominant position, she spread her legs invitingly. Except for a small strip of short hair right above her cunt, her pubic area was clean-shaven, her labia full and inviting. With one hand she took her long braid and playfully whipped her pudenda with it.

    "Come down to me," Isabella teased. "My pussy is good enough to handle yours even from on the bottom."

    Taking in the sight with delight, Aya presented her own glistening twat to the foxy criminal. "No matter how good you think you are," she taunted as she swung her left leg around Isabella's right and slowly lowered her own clean-shaven pussy onto her opponent's, "there's always someone better."

    Their lower lips met with a wet smack and immediately sucked each other tight. Aya took Isabella's outstretched left leg and placed her calf between her own bulging breasts. Like a fierce animal, she tugged at the stocking with her teeth. Then both women began to rub their hips against each other. Slowly at first, soon increasingly faster and more demanding.

    Both moaned lustfully while they were tribbing each other, their thick, naked vaginal lips perfectly aligned. Aya stared down at her adversary with bared teeth. That bitch was no pushover, but she was in a disadvantageous position.

    "Can you feel my superior pussy taking control?", she taunted the woman below her with a low, gasping voice. „How it is chewing on your pathetic quim like a dog on its toy?"

    "Give me your worst, whore!" hissed Isabella, "My pussy will outlast yours any day of the week."

    A bold claim, but it soon became apparent that it was the woman in the bottom position who was moaning more and more desperately. Aya controlled the pace, rotating her pelvis slowly and powerfully at times, quickly and teasingly at others, driving her foe skillfully towards climax.

    Isabella tried to support herself with her elbow and reach Aya's tits with her other hand, but she couldn't find any hold in the soft padding, and it was easy for the succubus to fend her off. In turn she reached down between them and squeezed Isabella’s engorged clit between her fingers. This did it. Aya could see it in the other woman's eyes: the realization that she could no longer contain it, that she had been beaten at her own wicked game.

    "No, oh no! Oh God, yes! Yessss!" the crime boss screamed out her orgasm. She reared up like a horse, her fingernails digging painfully into Aya's thighs while her hot female juices shot up the succubus' vaginal canal like a fountain. It was a wonderful feeling of sexual triumph that Aya savored to the last. Only when there was no longer any doubt who had won, whose womanhood had conquered and beaten the other, she succumbed to her own climax and sprayed it all back into the defeated pussy beneath her, along with her own cum.

    "What a feisty little fuck you were," she taunted Isabella. "But as it turned out, not woman enough for me."

    The outfucked criminal turned her head to the side and avoided her gaze, thus Aya grabbed her by the chin and forced her to look at her. "The girls. Tell me where they are."

    "Fuck you!" retorted Isabella gruffly. "My confession isn't worth shit, I'll recant everything. You can't prove anything against me."

    Aya snarled threateningly. Was this bitch going back on her word? This was bad. Antonio, the club's manager, hadn't known where the kidnapped dancers were kept, but had been pretty sure they were to be shipped out tonight. She didn't have much time.

    "Tell me. Right now!" insisted Aya, "Or you'll regret it."

    "Go to hell."

    "Been there, done that," she replied, revealing her true form. Finger-length horns began to grow from her forehead, about the diameter of a coffee cup at their base, black bat-like wings unfurled at her back, and an arm-length black tail suddenly whipped back and forth behind her. It was a risk to reveal her true identity to a dangerous criminal but one she had to take. In the end, who would believe her, if she told someone?

    "Madre di Dio," gasped Isabella, her eyes wide with terror. In panic, she tried to break free, but Aya kept an iron grip on her. Realizing there was no escape, she caved in. "They're in a warehouse not far from here. Do with them whatever you want, but please spare me!"

    "I might," Aya promised, "if you give me the exact address and the name of their buyer." Going after the buyer was not part of her contract, but she would love to do so nonetheless.

    Isabella desperately shook her head. "I don’t know his name. He uses the cipher P. R. and only communicates via straw men. Never talked to him in person. All I know is that he has very good connections."

    That was disappointing but Aya believed her. The frightened woman didn’t hesitate to give her the street and house number of the warehouse at least.

    "You got that Elena?" the succubus asked into the microphone on her collar.

    "Sure, do you want me to pass it on to the police?"

    "No," Aya decided, "Most of them don't have residence permits. Send the police to me and free the girls yourself."

    "If I have to," Elena grumbled.

    Just as quickly as she had become a demon, Aya took on human appearance again. "And now for you," she announced menacingly as she slid along Isabella, finally coming to sit with her pussy on her face. "Lick me clean. I want to be dressed again when the police arrive. Then I expect you to make a full confession. Voluntarily, of course. Otherwise, I'm going to swallow you whole."

    Chapter 2 – A New Way of Life

    Outside on the street, Elena dialed the number of Christian Ritter, her contact in the police department and, besides, a particularly handsome cop who was also kind of Aya's boyfriend. Knowing that the two most beautiful private investigators in town were in fact succubi, he didn't even ask how they had managed to nab the boss. He would arrive on the scene with reinforcements in fifteen minutes, he promised.

    Without wasting any more time, Elena started her Ducati. Watching Aya's confrontation with that bitch had made her incredibly horny, and there were a thousand things she would rather have done right now than check on some stupid kidnapped dancers. But when it came to work, Aya was in charge. Best to get it over with as quickly as she could.

    As fast as the snow allowed, Elena drove to the given address which was located in a deserted industrial park. On a loading ramp, a couple of armed men were about to load three helpless young women into a truck. They saw Elena coming, briefly brought their pistols to bear, but relaxed when they realized they were only dealing with an unarmed woman.

    "Whoever you are, fuck off," one of the men barked at her as she swung out of the saddle of her ride. Her heels clacked on the tarmac as she approached the group, hips swaying.

    "Now, now," she rebuked them, penetrating the men's minds. "That's no way to talk to a lady. Why don't you let the nice gals here go and lock yourselves up in the trailer instead. Meanwhile, I'll decide whether to turn you over to the police or send the driver straight to Siberia."

    "Yes, mistress," the thugs confirmed, speaking in unison, and complied with the order.

    The dancers looked at her from anxious, teary eyes, unsure where this turn of events would lead. All three of them were young and pretty. A few months ago they would have fit perfectly into Elena's diet and she would have seen nothing more than prey in them. Delicious little snacks that she would have fucked in order to feast on their sexual energy, leaving behind nothing but lifeless husks.

    But then she had met Aya, who had shown her another way of life. And gradually she had begun to warm up to people. She still didn't care about most of them, but some, like Chris, for example, were quite all right. Nowadays, magic potions provided her with all the nutrients she needed, yet it was not easy to shake off her old ways of thinking at times.

    "Don't be afraid," she spoke encouragement to the kidnapped girls. "You are free. No one will hurt you anymore."

    The girls were still staring at her fearfully. How were they supposed to understand what they had just seen? "Are you Natalia," she addressed one of them directly, who thought she recognized from the photo her client had provided them. "Your mother sent me. She's worried."

    "My Mom?" the young woman asked full of hope.

    Elena nodded affirmatively. As if a spell had been broken, Natalia threw herself around her neck and began to sob.

    "But how…?"

    Conspiratorially, the succubus put her finger to her lips and whispered, "A magic trick." Slowly, she thought she understood what Aya appreciated about detective work.


    A little later, as she was on her way back, Elena thought about how she had gotten into her current situation. A good two hundred years ago, a Russian count had summoned her to eliminate his rivals. Her appearance reflected his erotic fantasies in every detail. The only exception were her tattoos: Gothic patterns that covered her entire left arm, as well as her left leg including the respective ass cheek. They were the manifestation of random thoughts that had flashed through his mind during the summoning process.

    As long as he had lived, she had had to be at his service, completely bound by the dark pact that came with the summoning. At some point, her master had become overconfident and had set her on the Tsar himself. The Tsar, however, had been a very cautious man and had worn protective talismans day and night. When he found out what her master had planned, he had him executed. Only by sheer luck had Elena escaped the very same fate.

    After that, the world had been her oyster. She had taken whatever she wanted, traveled a lot, lived in Sweden and England for a while. A few years ago she had founded her own lingerie label in Germany. Mainly as a cover to feed on beautiful young models undisturbed but business had flourished nonetheless.

    During that time she had met a blonde French woman named Jolie de Lac, a fallen angel in truth and one of the few women who could match her in looks. Without knowing who she was dealing with, she had lured Jolie into her bed. But the moment she was about to feed on her, the angel's inexhaustible life force had overwhelmed her and opened the opportunity for the calculating beauty to force her into a new pact. As her mistress, she had used the talents of the succubus for her own twisted plans.

    Whether it was coincidence or fate, a little later she had bumped into Aya. The raven-haired succubus was the perfect antithesis to Elena's blonde perfection and they had immediately clashed. At first she had cursed Aya for managing, albeit by the narrowest of margins, to beat her in the very discipline she was most confident in: inflicting sexual pleasure. However, on condition that she obey her and learn to control her hunger for human life force, the other demoness had also saved her from being slain by a vengeful angel.

    Even though she had hated it at first, if she was honest with herself, she could hardly have met it any better: Her head was still on her shoulders, her will was stronger than ever, and Aya… Well, it had its perks to work with someone who could keep up with her in bed.

    When she returned to the nightclub, police cars with flashing blue lights were parked outside the back entrance. A young police officer who saw her coming opened the door for her. The two stunning private investigators were by now quite famous among the police department. As Chris once spilled, a lot of heated lunchtime discussions revolved around which of them was more attractive. She gave the man her most beautiful smile to make sure he would take her side of the argument the next time.

    Apparently, she arrived just in time to witness Isabella being led away in handcuffs. Boldly, she stood in her way, causing the policemen who were holding her to stop. Elena eyed the other beauty disparagingly from top to bottom. The braided criminal was now wearing her yellow dress and her coat again. Yes, she had an attractive body, Elena reluctantly admitted, yet no comparison to her own.

    "Who the hell are you?" the Italian growled.

    "Someone who would love to teach you a lesson if my partner hadn't already." She pulled out her phone and waved it in front of her. "Nice footage."

    Unfazed by Isabella's angry hiss, Elena stepped aside and let the cops lead her outside.

    Aya, now wearing her stripper outfit again, and Chris stood together in a corner of the room and were chatting. Elena joined them.

    "Hi, handsome," she greeted the attractive police officer. She could perfectly understand what Aya saw in him: He was tall, had short light brown hair and a prominent chin. Moreover, he was always a gentleman. "There are some thugs waiting to be picked up not far from here."

    "Nice to see you, Elena," he replied. "Aya already told me about it. Thanks to you two, the city is a little safer again."

    They hugged, with Elena intentionally pressing herself a little closer to him than necessary to feel his toned muscles.

    "Ooh, been hitting the gym a lot lately?" she flirted with him while smiling challengingly at Aya who in turn rolled her eyes theatrically.

    "Okay, that's enough," the dark-haired beauty intervened, separating the two. "I think there's work waiting for you, tiger," she told Chris, bidding him farewell with a slap on the butt. When he was gone, she turned to Elena. "Are the girls well?"

    She nodded. "They're fine, considering the circumstances. Natalie is on her way to see her mother."

    "Good job," Aya complimented, "So, did it feel good to help?"

    Elena swayed her head thoughtfully from side to side. "It wasn't bad. But there's something that would make my day even better. That is, if you haven't already over-exerted yourself."

    Aya grinned lasciviously. She knew exactly what the other succubus meant. "Did you enjoy the show?"

    Elena briefly looked around. There were still two policemen in the room who were busy securing files. Therefore, she stepped closer to Aya and whispered in her ear, "You made it more exciting than necessary. With four hundred years of experience over her, you shouldn't have broken a sweat."

    "Experience isn't everything," Aya lectured her. "Cross the wrong bitch on the wrong day and all the experience in the world won't save you."

    Elena giggled arrogantly. "Or maybe you're just starting to lose your edge. Why don't you stand guard next time and let me bang all the wannabe sluts. Then I'll show you how it's done."

    "Oh yeah?" teased Aya back in a low voice. "Why don't we go to your place so you can show me right now?"

    "My place is still full of moving boxes," Elena apologized. "My penthouse was company property and I had to sell the company."

    "A shame," Aya mused, "My place, then. Let me just get my jacket."

    She turned away, grazing Elena's tits with her own. All but accidentally, as the blonde knew very well. At work, Aya was in charge, but in bed, things were a little different. Elena had been submissive to her as long as the other had trained her to control her hunger. But with that lesson mastered, their rivalry had quickly resurfaced. Both sought to outdo each other in every imaginable form of sexual competition and they never missed an opportunity to test their skills against each other.


    Shortly after, they were sitting in the saddles of their motorcycles riding through the night. Elena on her Ducati, Aya on her Harley.

    The latter lived in a fairly ordinary two-room apartment, on the second floor of a tenement downtown. A humble abode by Elena's standards, but it had the advantage that they didn't have to drive far. Also the neighbors didn’t mind if it got loud as the flower shop on the first floor was closed at night, and the old lady next door was virtually deaf.

    Elena was incredibly hot for Aya and from the sparkle in the dark-haired succubus' eyes she could tell the feeling was mutual. They pounced on each other as soon as they had closed the apartment door behind them and took off their jackets. Eagerly they began to rip each other's remaining clothes off.

    Aroused, Elena sniffed Aya's neck and inhaled her strong, enticing scent. But her keen nose registered something else, something that enraged her.

    "I can still smell that tramp's sweat on you," she hissed, "I'm going to rub it off you and drench you with my own."

    "Didn’t know you were that jealous" Aya teased her.

    She was right. Elena was jealous. She was the only one who deserved to conquer Aya's phenomenal body, the only one worthy of taming her dangerous cunt and claiming it as her price! Still, she pretended to be calm. "Jealous? That whore was wearing yellow lingerie. How desperate for attention can anyone be?"

    "Says the one who wears red every day."

    "Hey!" complained Elena. "I don't always wear red! Sometimes I mix it with other colors."

    By now they had reached the door to Aya's bedroom and didn't have much left on their bodies except their underwear. Of course she wore red today. She simply loved the color more than any other. And Aya, although a bit more willing to experiment with her look, preferred black, as was showing again today. Since it was her stripper outfit, she even wore a bra, unlike she normally did.

    "I like you best when you're not wearing anything," Aya breathed, pushing her back against the doorframe. For a brief moment their faces hovered close in front of each other, then they pressed their full, glossy lips together in silent agreement.

    It was never just a kiss between them. It was a first test of skill in which they sought to establish dominance and prove their superiority. The tips of their tongues fenced briefly, then slid past each other to conquer the warm, moist oral cavity of the other temptress. Their bra-covered breasts touched in a brief taste of what was about to come. They had their eyes open, Aya's brown ones piercing into Elena's crystal blue ones, watching for any sign of weakness, no matter how small. Their mouths filled with spit as they attempted to devour each other, twisting their flexible pink muscles into slippery knots. With no clear winner, they parted after a while, gasping for air.

    "You still kiss like an old nun," Elena teased her.

    Aya smirked at her allusion to their first encounter. "You think? Enough foreplay. Get on the bed, you jealous little minx," she ordered, literally shoving the other succubus over the doorstep.

    Elena dropped onto the bed, which was also covered in black. She hastily slipped off her shoes and removed her bra. The bedroom of a succubus was a bit like her temple. Her little realm, where she expressed her personality and sexuality. She had spent a lot of time in this one in the last few months and knew it inside out. The walls were decorated with posters of old album covers, mainly rock music, which showed a lot of naked skin. There was even an old electric guitar standing in the corner. She knew that Aya could indeed play the instrument and had actually performed on stage as part of a band in smaller clubs back on the day. Other keepsakes were apparently much older, but their owner didn’t talk a lot about her past, and Elena was not particularly interested in old stories either.

    Aya dimmed the light, strutted around the bed and lowered the roller shutter. Normally she didn't mind anyone watching, but not when wings and tails were involved.

    She also took off her bra. Her dark brown nipples were hard and stiff in anticipation of the upcoming confrontation, just like Elena's more reddish ones. As Aya bent down to remove her shoes, she daringly flaunted her full, firm ass at her guest, and the blonde seized the opportunity. Their asses had been a focal point of their rivalry since the very beginning, and neither of them was willing to make any concessions in that regard. On all fours, Elena crawled across the bed and playfully bit into one of the juicy ass cheeks with an animalistic growl. Just like her own, Aya's buttocks were both voluptuous and firm, yet her skin remained soft and smooth to the touch.

    "Ooh," moaned Aya. "You sneaky whore!" She spun around to face her and jumped onto the bed. Like two cats, they circled each other side by side attempting to sink their teeth into the other's ass. When they succeeded, they began to chew on each other's most prized asset with relish, marking it with bites. Thanks to their regeneration abilities, they did not have to hold back.

    Being on her left side, Aya bit into Elena's tattooed cheek and started pinching the other with one hand at the same time. Not to be outdone, Elena did the same and dug her nails as deep into the firm flesh as she could. They ran their hands over and around each other’s peach shaped glutes, down their inner thighs, stroking, squeezing and kneading whatever they could get a hold of. A burning wave of jealousy swept through Elena. No one but herself was allowed to have such a perfect ass!

    Their bites soon became more tender as their aggressiveness turned more and more sensual. The intense scent of Aya's nearby pussy rose to Elena's nose, drawing her in irresistibly. It was not the scent of prey that clung to most women. It was that of a rival predator whose territory she had invaded. One that she had to overwhelm and dominate if she didn't want to end up as prey herself.

    With her hands, Elena pulled down the thong of the dark-haired succubus just when she did the same with hers. They both tried to push their noses into each other's sex organ, which eventually caused them to lose their footing and come to lie side by side, arms entwined in each other's legs. The object of her desire was right in front of Elena, glistening moistly in the dim light. The knowledge that less than an hour ago another woman had licked it only increased her desire to pleasureo Aya better than she had ever been pleasured before.

    "Ready to go sixty-nine with me?" purred Aya.

    "I was summoned ready!" claimed Elena, placing her lips on Aya's labia. Her rival did the same and immediately they began eating each other out lustfully. They knew each other's bodies so well by now that it could only be a matter of minutes before the first of them exploded, and Elena knew it could go either way.

    "Hmm," Aya moaned as Elena licked out her vaginal walls with her tongue like a bowl of delicious ice cream. At the same time she squeezed and massaged her aroused rival's ass and inner thighs to increase the pleasure even more.

    "Ooh," Elena moaned as Aya followed suit, devouring her like she was starving. Lustful spasms shook the blonde as the raven changed tactics and tenderly took her swollen clit between her teeth. By a hair, she would have come right here and now. In the back of her mind, she realized how much she was at a disadvantage at the moment: Aya just has had a release, while watching her had made Elena incredibly horny.

    Only with great effort she forced back the overwhelming lust and went on the counterattack. She put her lips around Aya's clit and started sucking it like a lollipop. Immediately she was rewarded with a desperate moan. She could feel the other succubus' body begin to quiver. Despite it all, her opponent wasn't far from her own orgasm either.

    Both continued their oral onslaught with renewed vigor. In the end it was a particularly sharp pinch in Elena's ass, the perfect mix of pain and pleasure, that broke her concentration and made her lose all control over her body.

    "Oh fuck!" she screamed. "You sexy slut! You ravenous cunt!"

    But it was too late. The orgasm shook her and her pussy released the pent-up juices which Aya greedily swallowed. Elena tried to pull her over the edge with her at least, but her dark-haired adversary was already one step ahead. She rolled her onto her back and lifted her pelvis up into the air, out of reach of the currently completely defenseless Elena, who felt betrayed for her prize.

    After Aya had drunk her fill, she turned to face her, and licked her lips with delight. Smiling cockily she turned around, crawling over her on all fours. Elena could only snarl in defiance as her arms got pinned to the mattress. The powerful breasts of her dark haired sex rival swayed menacingly above hers, the tips of their nipples only centimeters apart. Her long black hair fell down on her, forming a curtain around them that made it look as if their faces were floating in a dark void. Being a proud blonde, Elena would never have admitted it, but she loved to feel that soft, silky hair on her skin. A part of her just wanted to lay back and let the tantalizing temptress on top of her fuck her into oblivion. But her desire to reverse their positions, and take control was much stronger still. She just had to wait for her opportunity.

    "Demanding to lead investigations, flirting with Chris right in front of me… " Aya teased her. "I think I have to put you back in your place. There's a reason the better woman should confront dangerous criminals like that wild chick I brought to heel today. She probably would have squashed your puny little tits and then made you her bitch if you had been in my place."

    "In your dreams," Elena snapped back. "My tits would have destroyed hers."

    "Let's see how long they last against mine," Aya suggested, lowering her perfect, round breasts to the blonde's slightly smaller ones. The touch sent new waves of arousal through Elena's body. Aya's breasts were soft yet firm, their olive skin seemed to melt right into Elena's fair skin, and her swollen nipples dug deep into her areolas. Elena's own milk buds tried to fend off the invaders, but they were still soft from her recent orgasm and were easily pushed around and bent by Aya's rock hard tips.

    "Just as I thought" the woman on top bragged. "Your puny little puppies seem to be intimidated by my big, mighty mounds. Like they should be."

    Elena moaned in frustration. While Aya took advantage of her weakness and dominated her boobs, she mindfully kept her pussy at a distance and thus avoided any retaliation. But she was still close to her own orgasm, and Elena already had a plan to draw her opponent out.

    "Intimidated?" she countered. "Maybe you've forgotten that these breasts have already gone nipple to nipple with Jolie's. And those were quite a bit more impressive than yours. Actually, I’d say she could do me better than you any day of the week."

    In fact Elena loved to grind her glands into those of bustier women and humble them, or at least, fight them to a standstill. That was especially true when it came to the other succubus who was ever so haughty because of their minor size disparity.

    Above her, Aya bared her teeth. "Jolie? You mean the whore whose overrated rack I crushed with mine before I made her scream out her surrender beneath me?"

    The Raven tried not to let on, but Elena wasn’t fooled. Just like herself, it aroused Aya immensely to be compared to other women, and Jolie in particular was a red rag to her because of the special circumstances of their encounter.

    "Oh please," Elena teased her further. "We both know that wasn't a fair match. And let me tell you this: big boobs are worth nothing without proper nipples to defend them!"

    While they had been exchanging pleasantries, the constant grinding had caused Elena's reddish sticks to swell to full length again. Now she aligned them with Ayas as best she could, and this time they didn't give way.

    "Ahhh," the Arabian beauty moaned in surprise. But instead of engaging in a fair fight, she switched tactics again and slid backward a bit. "I'll keep that in mind," she promised, lowering her mouth to Elena's right tit, which she began to chew and suck relentlessly. All while her toned belly was rubbing against her crotch.

    "Oooh," it was Elena's turn to moan. Again Aya applied the perfect mix of pain and pleasure which immediately overwhelmed her defenses. If she didn't want to be humiliated by experiencing a second orgasm in a row, she had to act fast. The good thing was that Aya's change in position meant that she could no longer pin her to the mattress with all her weight. Deciding on the spur of the moment, the blonde wrapped her powerful legs around her rival's waist and rolled her around with all her strength. They wrestled briefly, lean muscles locking and straining, until Elena was able to consolidate her dominant position. She came to sit on the other succubus' belly, straightened her upper body and thus withdrew her sensitive breasts from the hungry mouth of the raven.

    With wide eyes, Aya looked up at her, fully realizing she was in trouble now.

    "You know," Elena taunted her, "there is one advantage you have over Jolie. I can feast on you."

    As she spoke, she changed into her demon form. Short, red horns grew from her forehead and equally red wings unfolded on her back. She used them to keep her balance as Aya reared up and tried in vain to shake her off. Her tail didn't hesitate and immediately started caressing the exposed pussy of the bottom succubus, while Elena's hands reached for her shapely tits and started to fondle them eagerly. She loved to knead these globes and knew that the woman they belong to enjoyed it just as much when she did so.

    "Oh you dirty fuck!" gasped Aya, now changing into her true form herself. Her horns grew and her black wings burst out from between her back and the mattress. Most importantly, her tail slapped Elena's aside and then literally wrapped around it when it wouldn't let go of her pussy, effectively neutralizing it. Impressive, considering how clumsy Aya had been with that demonic body part when they had first met. Elena hadn't been the only one to learn something from the other succubus.

    The two predators were now fully awake and eager to establish the hierarchy between them, at least for that night. Although neither intended to harm the other, the mere knowledge that it was possible for them to completely drain each other's life force if the wanted to, added to the thrill of their confrontation. Which one of them was really the most dangerous demoness when it came down to it?

    For the moment Elena had the advantage. As Aya reached up, to grab her boobs in return the blond avoided her by releasing her juicy milk bags and leaning back. Instead, she reached behind her with her right hand to insert her fingers into Aya's dripping wet cunt. With the other hand she fought off her adversary’s feeble attempts to topple her.

    There was little Aya could do. As close as she was to her orgasm already, it took only minutes of skillful fingering till her eyes rolled back and she screamed out her surrender.

    "Oh yes, oh YES! You slut! You beautiful bitch! Fuck me raw!"

    As she splashed Elena's hand with hot girl juice, the blonde slammed her magical fangs into the other's soul and savored her life force in the form of the sexual energy that left her body. It was the only kind of life force that succubi could use, and only while her victim was experiencing an orgasm. Although their window of opportunity was short, a really good climax like Aya just had was usually enough to suck an average human dry. This would extend the succubus' life span by about a month or two. But when she fed on Aya, it was only to experience the thrill of the hunt. Therefore, she forced herself to let go immediately, taking only a little bit of her rival, just enough to make her feel it.

    "Oh, you wild beast," Aya moaned as her orgasm slowly subsided. "I'm going to get back at you for this. I'm going to reclaim what's mine."

    "Yes, you will," Elena murmured, licking Aya's sweet juices from her fingers with pleasure. "And then I'll rob it again. Until one of us can't go on anymore."

    "That will be you," Aya promised. "I'll make you my fuck doll. You'll wear your hair in cute pigtails and put on a black lolita dress for as long as I demand."

    Elena laughed mockingly. "On the contrary, it will be you. I will subjugate you and then I'll decorate this whole room red to mark the beginning of my reign. You will crawl on all fours before your Queen every time I pay you a visit."

    She bent down to the other demoness locking horns with her. "Tonight you will be mine," she promised.

    "No, you will be mine," Aya countered, pulling her in closer and possessively wrapping her black wings around the blonde's hips forming a tight cocoon.

    Read part 3+4 here: Story: Succubus P.I. - The Purple Rose Part 3+4
    Last edited by herbert3000; December 8th, 2023 at 06:58 PM. Reason: formatting

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - The Purple Rose Part 1+2

    Finally got a chance to read this. So glad to see you and your girls back. Aya and Elena have such a great frenemy relationship. Can’t wait to see where this goes.

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    Hostboard Member herbert3000's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - The Purple Rose Part 1+2

    Quote Originally Posted by YuriLesboLover View Post
    Finally got a chance to read this. So glad to see you and your girls back. Aya and Elena have such a great frenemy relationship. Can’t wait to see where this goes.
    Thanks Yuri! The next batch should be ready later this week. I hope I can catch up with your stories as well over the holidays. I probably have 10k pages waiting for me by now

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - The Purple Rose Part 1+2

    Hi! I have been busy and the spate of new stories on the board have meant I have a lot of reading to catch up on, come this weekend! I'm looking forward to reading this.


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