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    HB Forum Owner MikeJV's Avatar
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    Mom fights Leslie: rematch
    by Fanman

    : My name is Joan. A week ago mom fought that woman Leslie. Leslie destroyed mom. Literally destroyed her. Leslie beat moms tits till they were flat. She gouged off moms nipples, then to top it all off, she ripped out mom's clit. I had to watch the whole thing. The sad part is it was kind of exciting. Watching one women do that to another woman, watching one woman totally dominate another and then destroy her intentionaly, was amazing, exciting and very sexually stimulating.

    : Fortunately, the doctors at this hospital are great. Moms breasts will be fine. Not quite as firm or high as they used to be, but ok. They also fixed her nipples. The plastic surgeon said that as long as they didn't need to be "functional", no problem. They would even be as sensitive as the originals. As far as the clit was concerned, the doc says she's lucky. Well not lucky, but fortuate. It seems the damage Leslie did to mom's pussy before she sliced out mom's clit, made the clit go 'down'. Sort of like a man's penis. So when Leslie put her fingers inside mom, all she got was the tip of the clitorus. As a matter of fact, the doctor said that it is damn tough to get all of a women's clit. He says that if the clit can be recovered, it probably could be reattached. Anyway, mom will be fine. Even her spirits are good. I was afraid that after the beating she took, and the way she was humiliated, she would be depressed, but she's not. She says that in a way it was her own fault.

    : "Your fault? Mom how could it be your fault."

    : "Look honey, I went into this fight like it was any other fight."

    : "Any other fight? How many fights have you been in?"

    : "Oh two or three, depending on if you want to count the time that ?ah?well anyway, usually when someone quits, the other women lets up. Oh, you might get humiliated a little, well I saw one girl get humiliated a lot, but the physical damage usually stops. The problem here was that Leslie is a sadistic bitch who takes great pleasure from hurting other people, mentally, emotionally and physically. At least subconciously, I went into that fight thinking she wouldn't do it. If I had gone into it with a more realistic attitude, I would never had given up and I would have taken her apart when I had the chance. Next time will be different!"

    : "NEXT TIME?"

    : "Yes! There will be a next time. After I heal up and work out some, she and I will do this again."

    : "But mom, your body won't take that kind of damage a second time. The doctors will have nothing left to repair. Even if you win, you could be severly hurt, injured beyond their ability to repair."

    : "That's probably true. But I'm still going to do it. I am going to destroy that woman. It's hard to expain. This is something I have to do. Something I will do. When you face another woman like that?.well like I said it's hard to explain."

    : "No?I understand perfectly."

    : Later that night I am sitting with mom while she sleeps. I hear the door open behind me. I turn to look?and see Leslie's daughter Kim enter the room.

    : "What are you doing here?" I ask in a low feral voice.

    : "I don't know really. Guess I wanted to see how the bitch who was stupid enough to challenge my mother is doing."

    : "She's fine. They even put nipples back on. No thanks to your cunt mother."

    : "Hey, alls fair in love and war, as they say. Your mother got what she desearved. She was stupid enough to accept the challenge of a superior woman. My mom told her what she was going to do to her. All your mom had to do was not show up. Slink away like the lowborn scum she is. You heard her at the fight, begging my mom not to do what she promised she would do. How's her voice by the way. With the amount of screaming she did, I wouldn't be surprised at throat damage?. It was exciting though, wasn't it?"
    : "Yes, it was exciting."
    : Kim look straight at me and said "I want to do the same thing to another woman. I want to beat her physically, and dominate her emotionally. I want another woman at my mercy the way this slut was at my mothers mercy. And I want to destroy her."

    : I knew the answer before I asked the question "Got anybody in mind?"

    : "Yes?you."

    : My mind immediatelly went into overdrive, thinking about what mom had said earlier. This would be an everything you had fight. You have to ignore the pain and keep moving. What moves would I use? I would beat her physically first, then excite her sexually to make her clit as big as possible. Then I would take her clit out. After that the tits and nipples would be easy.

    : Kim said "Well slut, what do you say. Frozen with fear already, or what? Want to try and avenge your mother or not?"

    : "When and where whore?"

    : "Oh, it will be a while. I want your mother healed enough to watch. Plus it takes a month or so for the milk to come in."

    : "Milk?what the hell are you talking about?"

    : "I have some experimental pills that make a woman's milk come in. Developed to help small tited woman get bigger tits without surgury. Anyway, if we start taking the pills now, it will take about a month. I want you to have milk when we fight. I want to milk you dry before I destroy your tits and cunt. Call it an extra bonus. Besides it will be the only time in your life you will ever have milk. After I get done with you, I doubt you will ever have babies."

    : So that was that. It didn't take nearly the convincing I thought it would with mom. Jake, my brother, was a different story.

    : "Joan, you're only seventeen. You could be injured for life."

    : "Yea, so what's your point."

    : "You know what she's going to try to do to you! She's going to rip off your nipples and then reach up inside you and rip out your clitorus!! That's what her bitch did to mom."

    : "I know Jake. Remember? I was there, too. I saw the whole thing. I was just as helpless as you."

    : "So why do you want to do it? Revenge?"

    : "No. Mom's going to do that herself?"

    : "WHAT?"

    : Well the conversation went down hill from there, but Jake finally accepted the fact that I was going to fight Kim.

    : Jake helped me train. He couldn't teach me much in only a month, but he did what he could, teaching me a few moves and helped me understand pain. Also he added a few things to my normal exercise routine. And he helped with my milk. The instructions said that after two weeks the milk must be "expressed" three times a day. He helped me express it. In other words he sucked my tits two or three times a day.

    : Rusty wanted to arrainged for the gym again, so we felt he should also pick our outfits, like he did with mom and Leslie. I don't know if he's a pervert or has that good a sense of humor, but he had us dressed like school girls. Well we're only seventeen so in a way we are. Look who's calling people perverted. I am about to try ripping another girl apart. What could be more perverted than that. Anyway, he's got us in a plaid pleated skirt, white cotton shirt, knee socks and penny loafers. Under that a push up bra and thong panties. You know, sinful under sweet. And I knew I'd look the part. Like mom I am a natural blond, my hair down to my shoulder blades. Right now I'm measuring a healthy 37DD-27-36. I understand that Kim is coming to the fight at 36D-25-35. We're the same height, around 5' 6".

    : We decided that if this fight was going to be as brutal as we all expected, we wanted a more 'exclusive' venue. Mom checked around and found an island off the coast of Mexico not far from us that was owned by some one she knew. It was a vacation home and uninhabited but had great facilities, including a gym. We all went down in two boats, one for each group. We left at night about an hour apart.

    : Next morning we all got to the gym at the same time, early in the day and went in. Kim and I climbed into the ring. Our respective families took their positions in our corners. Here we were, two seventeen year old schoolgirls ready to tear each other apart. I looked at Kim in her outfit. She looked pretty sexy, that body in those little girl clothes. She looked at me and I knew what she saw. A sexier girl than her with a better body and prettier face. She couldn't stand it. She looked downright pissed. We were ready.

    : Rusty said "OK, we all know why we are here. Joan and Kim are going to fight until one is destroyed. The fight will not end until one of you has lost both her nipples and her clitorus. Then only the winner can end the fight. Anything goes. Nothing is illegal. Any additional damage you wish to infict on the others breasts or vagina is allowed. There will be no interferance from outside the ring. Any interferance will be considered a concession by the interferring family and therefore a loss. The winner will then be allowed to end the match as she see's fit. If either of you wish to back out, now it the last chance. After this, giving up just makes you opponents job easier. Kim, do you wish to fight?

    : "Yes, I want to destroy this lowborn scum right now!"

    : "Joan do you wish to fight?"

    : "Yes!"

    : "Very well ladies, you may begin."

    : I move toward Kim at a walking pace, but she rushes from her corner and charges me. Before I know it, her hands are in my hair, and she is pulling me around the ring. PAIN. That's all I can think. Nothing else comes to my brain. My hands grip her wrists as she pulls and tears at my hair and scalp. I scream and pull on her wrists. God I'm almost helpless already. She slams me into a corner and plants a knee in my stomach. I've got to do something or she is going to destroy me. PAIN. She slaps my face. One hand is still in my hair so my head can't turn as she lays into me with a will. She slaps me again. Two. Three. Four. Tears are running down my cheeks. My brain is spinning and my face fells like it's on fire. I start to sob as she drives a fist into my stomach. By the third punch I am crying loudly. She pulls me out of the corner by my hair and throws me to the center of the ring. I keep rolling right to the ropes. Get up?move. Jake had said that when you're hurt you've got to keep moving, stay away till you recover. I rise to my feet as quickly as I can, and see her slowly coming toward me across the ring. She's breathing heavily and moving slowly. I guess she's not in very good shape and that burst of excertion might have taken something out of her. I start to move away, but she cuts me off. Forget the pain. Do what you have to do. I move again the other way. I am recovering rapidly.

    : She moves in rapidly and goes for my hair again. This time I return the favor. She's as unprepared for the pain as I was. She gives my hair a few tugs then screams and grabs my wrists as I rip at her scalp and twist her hair in my hands. Now I pull her around the ring by her hair. She stumbles and goes to her knees. I kick her stomach twice before she can get back up. She's sobbing and tears are running down her face as we near a corner. I slam her into the turnbuckles and come in right behind her for a body splash. She screams and starts to sag in the corner. I pull her back up by the hair and slap her face four or five times. Another slam into the turnbuckle and two more punches to the stomach. She tries to stagger out of the corner, but I push her back and give her a knee in the stomach. I drag her out of the corner by the hair and nail her with a slap so hard she spins completely around then goes to the mat. As I approach her from behind she slowly rises to her feet. I grab her hair and pull back. I put my other hand between her legs, grip her knee and pull her onto my back. I've got her in a perfect backbreaker. As I stand up she kind of wails, but not enough for me. I pull down on her hair and knee. That brings a nice scream. I try bouncing her a little, each one brings a loud "uhn", so I try to pull and bounce at the same time. Another scream. Man we must look a site. Here we are in these little girl outfits, Kim on my shoulders, big tits pointing at the ceiling, screaming. We should have taped this. Could have made a fortune selling it on the internet. She's starting to get heavy so I shift her around a little so I can move my hand from her knee, up her skirt. I can feel the cloth covering her crotch, and I dig in with my nails, shredding the cloth and some of the skin below it. She wails "My pussy" as I dump her off my back. She goes face down into the mat with a most satisfying "thud". I stand her back up by the hair, give her a couple of shots in the kidneys then rake my nails down her back. My short but sharp nails tear gaps in the shirt and I even got a little skin. No blood but I can see welts. She lunges away from me as I rake her back.

    : I catch up to her as she makes the ropes. From behind her I grab her elbows and pull her down to her knees. I stand behind her, put my knees in her back then lean back. When I hit the floor, she is hoisted up, with my knees in the small of her back. I've still got her elbows and am pulling back. She is screaming that her back is breaking. I bounce her a couple of times and her screams become wails, mixed with crying and sobbing. After a couple of minutes, she is almost out and I toss her to the side.

    : She's at the ropes, using them to pull herself up as she trys to get some distance from me. I stop to take a couple of deep breaths and loosen up a little. She won't go far. I intercept her in the corner. I grab her hair and slam her face into the turnbuckle. She bounces off the pads, with a split lip. I spin her around and throw her back into the corner. Grabbing the front of her shirt, I pull to the sides. Buttons fly all over and we struggle for a second as I rip the shirt completely off her. A couple of punches to the breasts and a slap to the face quite her down. Next target, skirt. I get it at the waistband and pull, slinging her into the middle of the ring and tearing the skirt completely off her. I start to take a step toward her, when the mat sundenly reaches up and smashes my face. What the hell? SOMEBODY TRIPPED ME. My breasts smash into the canvas and my forehead bounces off it. Kim is on me cat quick. I'm on my side and rolling to my back when she gets to me. She grabs my hair and rams the back of my head into the mat three times, dazing me. She moves down my body, then fire rips through my crotch. She punched my pussy. I wail and send my hands toward the damaged area. I can feel her ripping away my thong taking some of my thick bush with it. My hands get down there just as she stabs two fingers into my cunt. I scream and sit up. She is scratching around the inside of my pussy, seaching for my clit. I get a hold on her wrist and our four hands struggle at my pussy. The pain is intense, she is really doing some damage. I cry and wail, pulling harder at her wrists, but I can't seem to get those fingers out of my cunt. The pain sundenly magnifies. She has found my clit and she jabbing at it with her nails. Oh, god it hurts. I can see the blood coming from my cunt, running down her fingers. She's jabbing and digging for all she it worth, scratching now at my clit. I realize her face is right next to mine. I release one of her wrists and slam my elbow into her face. Twice, three times. My fourth elbow catches her right on the bridge of her nose and she falls back with a cry, her hand popping out of my pussy. I roll away to inspect the damage.

    : There's some blood and a lot of pain. She might have scratched my pussy and clit, but I think that's about all she managed to do. Kim is rolling on the mat holding her face, so I rise to my feet, moving around a little to loosen up and work out the pain. I take a second to look around. Mom and Leslie are nose to nose, screaming at each other, but Kim's brother Tod is on his back, hands to a bloody face, trying to crawl away from my brother Jake. He's yelling "It was an accident, an accident." But I don't think Jake is buying it.

    : I help Kim to her feet by her hair. As she makes her feet, she weakly grabs my tits through the shirt and bra, and tries to squeeze. She hasn't got much strength left, but I can feel her squeezing. I rip her flimsy bra away and return the favor. We spend about five , six seconds squeezing boobs. That's about all she can stand, swaying from side to side, barely able to stand. With a wail, she releases my tits and grabs my wrists, trying to pull them away from her tits, and we struggle that way for another twenty or thirty seconds. I twist her tits slowly one way then the other. I wrap my hands around from the sides and dig my nails in the top. Milk is seeping from her nipples and I squeeze harder to make more come out. I get my thumb and forefinger on her nipples and try squeezing her nipples like you do a cow. Damn, it works. Milk is squirting from her nipples like a squirt gun. I squeeze the breasts together and continue to pinch her nipples with my fingers. Her crying and sobbing is getting weaker, and her panting is increasing. I knee her in the stomach and still clutching her tits, flip her over my hip to the mat. She lands hard, head bouncing off the mat. I step back to take a couple of breaths and she just lays on the mat barely awake, crying and sobbing.

    : This time I grab her left arm and leg. Putting my foot in her side I pull. I think Jake called this the bow and arrow. Whatever you call it, it has Kim wailing away in no time. She keeps screamin "My back, you're breaking my back!" Duh. This is a fight you stupid bitch. I pull, relax, pull, relax. After two minutes or so her sweat slickened arm slips from my grip and she pops away.

    : As I approach Kim, Leslie is just outside the ring, screaming at Kim to get up. Mom is next to her so I don't think she'll be a problem. I stand Kim up by her breasts this time and lean her on the ropes facing her mother. I reach between Kims legs and rip away whats left of her thong, leaving her in only her knee socks. Somewere along the line I must have knocked her out of her shoes. I rip at her cunt just enough to start it bleeding a little. I lean into Kim, sliding her down till her tits catch on the top rope. I grab her nipples and pull down. The bottom of her breasts are scratched by the rope and the nipples are in my hands. I pull her tits from side to side cutting the bottoms with the rope. Then I milk her like a cow, squirting the milk at her mother. Everytime I pull a nipple, Kim wimpers.

    : I look down at Leslie and say "This is how we deal with decadent high-born scum."

    : I turn Kim over on the ropes and jamb the heel of one hand under her chin, pushing up. I fire a punch right into her bare pussy, twice, three times. Her arms are hanging limp. She is barely crying and pretty much out on her feet. I lean over and tongue her left nipple. Dispite the beating she has taken, or maybe because of it, her nipple responds, becomes erect. My nipples are just over a half inch long and Kims are almost as long. I tongue the nipple once more, then lay my lips on it sucking. A little milk comes out and I bite down hard. I have to grind with my teeth a little, chewing into the flesh, but I cut the nipple completely off. I immediately spin Kim back around, grab the breast and squeeze. Blood and milk ooze from the severed nipple and hit the mat in front of Leslie. I spit the bitten piece of tit down at her. I pump the breast making more and more milk and blood pore forth. With my other hand I rake my nails across the top of both of Kims breasts, putting scratch after scratch into her tits. Kim comes back to conciousness and screams from the pain and the vision she sees. The tops of her breasts are covered with blood from the deep scratches and one of her breasts is pumping its contents onto the mat. I squeeze harder and harder. I roll the breast in my hand and press it against the other breast. She has a lot of milk in there, but it's all coming out. I keep pumping until the milk runs out. Leslie is looking up in horror as I spin her daughter back around, grip the drained boob in both hands and squeeze. I knead her tit like bread dough, breaking the tissue, streatching the muscles, destroying her tit. Now just blood comes from the severed nipple. She starts to beg.

    : "Joan, please stop, your destroying my breast. I can feel the milk saks?I can feel you crushing them?.please stop..Oh, shit, my tit?you're crushing my tit! Ahhhh" I add a few punches for that nice black and blue effect. I pull the tit as far up as it will go and punch into the bottom. Then I use my nails on the bottoms, scratching and digging. Kim is sobbing and wimpering. I drag her over to the corner and hang her arms on the top rope. I sit her ass on the middle turnbuckle and stretch her legs over the middle rope. I lean over and tongue the other nipple into erection.

    : As it reaches its full length, I do what her mother did to mom. I ask "Kim are you watching?"

    : No response. I place a hand on her bare pussy and pull out one hair.

    : "Kim, are you watching?"

    : No response. I pull on a hand full of pussy hair, slowly, till they each rip out. She crying loudly now, sobbing, tears rolling down her check.

    : "Kim, are you watching?"

    : "Yes."

    : "Watch your last nipple Kim." I lean over and tongue it again, then place my nails around the nipple and pinch, HARD. I gouge into the breast with my nails. Kim screams and the nipple slices off. Again milk and blood immediately flow from the sliced nipple. I grab the breast with both hands and squeeze as hard as I can. The blood/milk mixture almost gushes from the nipple. I pump and squeeze and twist and pull. After what seems like hours, the last of her milk is puddled at our feet on the mat. She is crying uncontrolably, sobbing, wimpering. Sundenly, I feel a warm liquid on my legs. I look down. She has pissed herself. Emptyed her bladder, to mix her piss, with her milk and blood on the mat. I reach down and start rubbing her cunt. She must be into pain, because in very short order she is wet. Not much later, she is humping my hand. I can feel her getting hotter and hotter. She is driving against my hand. Finally, I decide she is ready. I plunge my entire hand into her pussy. She screams, and her entire body tenses. It takes very little seaching to find what I am looking for and wrap my nails around it. She is crying and saying "No..No..No?" over and over. She is trying to close her legs, but they are hooked over the middle rope. I slowly pinch my nails. Her eyes widen as she feels my nails digging into her. Her body is trying to draw itself up, away from my imbedded nails. Very slowly I dig in with my nails, gouging and tearing at the delicate flesh. As my nails snap together and her clit pops into my hand, she screams and faints. Damn, she doesn?t even feel it as I dig my nails into her vagina walls slicing her up on the way out of her cunt.

    : I slap her lightly till she wakes up, then I plunge my hand back into her cunt and slice her up somemore.

    : "Mama, please help?she's killing me?mama please stop her?she's going to destroy me..Oh God she ripped out my clit?mama pleaaasssseee."

    : Leslie wails and trys to climb into the ring but mom is there pulling her back. Jake has finished with Ted, but Rusty has left his place and is coming around the ring. I rush over to see if mom needs help. While I'm distracted, Kim manages to get herself off the ropes. Rusty throws Kim something but I am over yelling at Jake to watch out for Rusty. Ted comes out of no where and Jake is in trouble. Suddenly a fourth male appears from a side door. Uncle Charlie. Where the hell did he come from. Well that should take care of Rusty and Ted. I turn back to the ring just in time to catch Kims punch right in the belly. Jesus, where did she get that much power. I double over, unable to breath. She slaps down and lays me out on the mat. I roll and try to get away. A kick to the stomach helps me keep moving. Before I can get up she is stomping my back, three, fours, times. She grabs my hair and bounces my face off the mat twice. Now she rolls me over and straddles my stomach. I get a good look for the first time at what is going on. What Rusty threw her were catfight gloves. They are lead weighted across the knuckles, sandpaper palmed, with steel fingernails. She punchs me in the jaw to lay me out then rips away my shirt. She starts slashing at my breasts with the nails. The bra shreads as she cuts me up. She slashs over and over. Weakened as she is, only half the slashes penetrate skin, and none are deep, but shit they hurt and I am losing blood. By the time I got my senses back I have half a dozen cuts on each breast. She grabs my left breast in both hands and dugs the nails in puncturing my tit. I scream and grab at her wrists, but she keeps digging in. She digs her thumbs into my nipple and I can feel the damage she is doing. I scream and pull on her wrists.

    : "Are you watching Joan? Watch your nipple slut!" With that she drives her nails into my aureola and digs at the nipple. I watch in horror as she digs in, tearing and ripping at my flesh, blood boiling around her fingers, till finally she pulls away with my nipple in her hand. I'm crying and screaming as she throws it in my face. She goes for my other nipple and I grab her hands. I'm a little nuts by now as we struggle, hands swaying back and forth. She is exhausted and hurt, going only on adreneline. I'm digging my nails into her wrists, drawing blood as I push her over to the side, and get on top. I pin her arms over her head and bounce on her stomach till she starts to moan, then I get a knee between her legs and pound on her cunt. She is wailing and crying as I pound away with my knee. Finally I stop and put one of her hands under my knee to hold her down. Using two hands I strip off her catfight glove and put it on my own hand. I pull up her other hand and get the other glove.

    : Now I start pounding my fists into her ravaged cunt. Right about where the clit used to be, then up some I pound and pound. When my arms get tired I use my knees. Over and over. Her lower abdomen is a mass of bruises. Blood is flowing from her destroyed pussy. I reach down and rip out the rest of her bush. I tear up her cunt lips then I push the steel fingernails up into her cunt, to scratch and dig. I make sure there is nothing left were her clit was. I figure by this time her sexual organs are pretty well destroyed so I start pounding on her tits. I use the sandpaper palm on the tit that has some aureola left, and scrape it away. Blood is oozing from where her nipples used to be, the flow increasing as I butcher her tits. I concentrate on the left tit, pounding on it till the top if it bursts open with a long pressure cut. Before I can switch to the right tit, I hear a commotion outside the ring. Mom and Leslie are rolling on the floor scratching and pulling hair. Ted is out with his hands between his legs, so I guess Jake stomped his balls. Rusty is on his knees in front of Uncle Charlie. As I look back at Mom and Leslie, Mom is kneeling on her stomach with one leg, bouncing, punching into her face and breasts. Situation outside the ring well in hand I return to Kim. Her eyes are open, though swelling, and she watches as I start on her right boob. Again I pound and punch, over and over. This time I am concentrating on the bottom and continue till it splits open. She's not even crying by this time, just staring, eyes glazing over. I slash with the steel fingernails ripping her tits wide open. The cuts are both long and deep. Milk and blood seep from each one. I scratch my way down her stomach to her pussy. All the hair has been pulled out, so I slash her up a little. She is watching everything I do, wimpering, crying, sobbing loudly. I pull on a labia and use a nail like a knife to cut it away. Her eyes roll up into her head and she falls back. A little piss flows from her cunt and I can detect that sewer smell that tells me her spincter has opened and she has shit herself. I leave her in a pool of her own blood, milk, piss and shit. As I stand over her, I'd say this fight is over. He cunt is totally destroyed, blood, piss and other fluids oozing from it. Her clit is gone along with part of her pussy lips. Her tits are a mass of blood and hang limp from her chest where they were once proud and firm. I give her one more kick to the pussy, then turn to my family.

    : Mom has pounded Leslie unconcious and is stomping her pussy, really destroying it. Mom must have done some real damage inside her because blood is flowing from her cunt. Rusty is down and out also. They gather around me to check my wounds. I find out that Mom asked her brother Charlie down just in case Rusty did what he did. Also, he taped the whole thing. I doubt we'll sell it but it should be quite the tape to watch.

    : As we head for our boat, I figure if Rusty or Ted wake up in time, or at all, they should be able to get Kim and Leslie to help before either loses too much blood. I don't think they'll die, but one can hope.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Catwacher's Avatar
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    Thanks for the great reposts MikeJV! Two damn hot ones for sure!


  3. #3
    Inactive Member tedfreele's Avatar
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    Long time! Excellent and exciting story - gets me all enthsiatic again! Production slowed down for
    awhile, but this one woke things up! In touch again!


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