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Thread: The Talent Scout (Part XX)

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    Senior Hostboard Member mcgoll's Avatar
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    The Talent Scout (Part XX)

    WARNING: This is an extreme fantasy with absolutely no founding in reality. If extremish violence and/or fatal-finish combat disturb you then do not read further, seriously.

    The Talent Scout
    Chapter V
    The Best Bust

    Summer's head pounded as she was released from her healing pod. While her face was no longer bruised, the severe blow to her eye was far from healed underneath. With an aching migraine, the brunette stumbled into a nurses arms as the Maiden's door's slid open with a hiss.

    Roughly pushing the nurse off, the brunette took stock of her surroundings. Her eyes narrowing just as much from hatred as pain, Summer glared into the ring at the woman who had injured her.

    Cynthia stood proudly in the ring, hands on hips as she stared hungrily down at the other busty brunette, flanked by the corpses of the Third Round losers, Beth and Sareena, Cynthia waited patiently for her injured opponent. She had had to finish Beth as quickly as possible, but would now be free to take her time dismembering Summer. Standing ring center, she clearly wanted a face-to-face before the fight.

    Summer obliged, stalking right up to the smirking Cynthia. Ramming her breasts right up against her enemy's equally large bust, the brunettes locked eyes. "You cheating whore! Couldn't face me in a fair fight, huh?"

    Cynthia just shrugged, "Well I'd hoped you'd just fucking die." While she liked to drag out her pro matches, Cynthia had actually tested whether she could kill with one punch before. There were a few dead bar fighters that hadn't signed up for deathmatches due to her successful tests.

    Shoving her chest forward as hard as she could, Summer snarled at the cocky brunette stumbling back a few steps, "Well you fucked up then." Cracking her knuckles one by one, Summer backed away from the excited looking Cynthia, "Cause now you're gonna die."

    Without responding, Cynthia made her way back to her corner, waving to the crowd as she positioned herself right in front of the brutally beaten Beth. Grinning happily as Summer faced her from across the ring (blocking her view of Sareena's corpse), the brunette was shaking with excitement. She couldn't think of a better set up for her tournament finale.

    Pissed that Cynthia was apparently going to ignore her threat, Summer pouted as she waited for the bell. Her pounding headache only adding to her mounting fury.


    With the bell, both brunettes raised their fists and advanced. Cynthia's wild-eyed enthusiasm was countered by Summer's grim scowl.

    Waving her fists threateningly, Cynthia surged forward with a delighted yell. Missing entirely as Summer fell backwards away from her, the brunette's yell became a pained shriek of surprise as Summer's heel dug into her crotch.

    Rolling to the side as Cynthia nearly fell over her, Summer tried to roll to her feet in a single motion. Her head spinning, she stumbled as much as her injured opponent.

    Cynthia rounded on the woozy Summer. Suddenly furious, she lashed out with her fists as the other woman dodged backwards in a panic.

    Of all her potential opponents in the tournament, Summer had prepared the most for Cynthia. Going up against the brutal brunette in a fistfight was sheer suicide, so she'd have to be careful.

    As Cynthia advanced across the ring, she hit nothing but air. She winced in pain as the bobbing and weaving Summer repeatedly kicked her in the stomach and thighs.

    The crowd cheered Summer on as her shoed foot dug over and over again into wildly swinging Cynthia. Finally taking a hit to the tits, Summer was thrown backwards by the blow.

    Cynthia stood huffing, her heavy tits rising and falling as she shook with rage. Fighting an injured foe and she was looking like a fool, taking a number of hits in return for a single punch.

    Summer was on her feet in an instant, grinning in Cynthia's face. Ducking under a fist launched at her head, she fired a rapid-fire assault into Cynthia's undefended stomach before throwing herself to the side.

    Gasping from the assault on her midsection, Cynthia doggedly pursued the moving Summer. Managing to kick the white-wearing brunette in the ass, the fuming fighter growled fiercely as she aimed to finish the sprawling Summer.

    Bowled over by the kick to the ass, Summer wound up on her back. She was painfully bounced on the ring floor as Cynthia pounded a fist right down into her tit, full-force. Even Summer's durable breasts were little defence against the raw power Cynthia could dish out.

    Grunting in pain as the toe of Summer's shoe dug into the small of her back, Cynthia stumbled forward. Looming over the prone brunette, Cynthia screamed in frustration, "Just fucking die!"

    Summer's mentor Eve had been a grappling master in her day. While Summer had never been the greatest student in that regard, she did now see the chance to use one of Eve's favourite moves.

    Placing one foot almost gently between Cynthia's hanging breasts, Summer yelled up at the fury-filled brunette before ramming her other shoe right into the woman's crotch. Bracing with all her strength, Summer bodily lifted the surprised Cynthia into the air by the to points.

    Cynthia's shriek was ear-piercing as she was rapidly spun right into the floor at fantastic speed. Landing on her head with Summer's leg wrapping around her shoulder, her scream became a yell of rage as she was pinned by strong legs.

    Summer's pin didn't last long. Trying to squeeze Cynthia's arms against her sides was ultimately only a stalling tactic as the straining woman quickly pushed against her thighs. While it took obvious effort, Cynthia cackled as her arms proved far stronger than Summer's legs.

    Rolling Cynthia onto her back, it was Summer's turn to loom over her foe. Her legs spreading apart as the red-faced Cynthia got ready to throw her off, Summer unloaded everything she had into brutalizing the barely trapped woman's face.

    Cynthia had no choice but to take the blows. Her head pounded repeatedly into the floor, she screamed and finally drove both her arms between Summer's legs.

    As Summer pitched to the side and rolled away, Cynthia shoved her way to her knees and followed. Snarling like a wild animal, she grabbed Summer by the foot and hauled her back, driving a fist into Summer's leg with enough force to nearly break it.

    Rolling hard enough to injure her own shoulder, Summer swung her knee up under Cynthia's chin. Rewarded with a sharp crack as Cynthia's teeth crashed together. Crying out in pain as she brought her injured leg up, the flexible brunette shoved her foot right up under the stunned Cynthia's jaw, and kicked out hard.

    Cynthia was flung back across the ring. She smashed back against one of the empty turnbuckles her neck at an awkward angle. Eyes unfocused, she only just moved her head before Summer rammed into her at full speed. One second longer and her neck would have been shattered.

    Summer took a wild swing to her bruised tit, the flaring pain was caused more by the previous injury than the relatively weak blow (it was a good hit, but for Cynthia it was almost pitiful). Pushing forward, she rammed her breasts into Cynthia's face and clung on for dear life.

    Dazed and in pain, Cynthia went into a frenzy, bucking with her curvy hips as she began digging her balled fists into Summer's sides. Not able to achieve full power in the cloe range, Cynthia's inner arms kept painfully getting blocked by Summer's outflung elbows.

    The crowd cheered Summer on as she smothered the undefeated Cynthia. Even audience members that had bet on the brutal pugilist, called for Summer to finish her. But Cynthia would not be finished so simply.

    Reaching down, the out-of-breath brunette gripped the kneeling Summer by her leggings and yanked up. Gasping for air as Summer pitched forward with a yelp, Cynthia grabbed her smotherer by the hair and returned the favour.

    The audience didn't know who to cheer on as roles reversed almost instantly. Summer's face enveloped by Cynthia's massive breasts, her scream of surprise was muffled to the point that even Cynthia couldn't hear it.

    Tears rolled down Cynthia's cheeks as Summer dug her nails right in under her red panties. Squeezing Summer's head against her bust, Cynthia shrieked as blood flowed from between her thighs.

    The brunettes rolled across the ring as each tried to break the others deathgrip. Summer's sharp claws won out and it was Cynthia who broke the hold first. On her back, Cynthia gripped Summer by the scalp and hauled her backwards, slamming a punch into the woman's jaw, Cynthia flung her enemy away and lay gasping on the ring floor.

    Crowd members chanted for their favourite fighter to get up, both lying nearly still in the ring. Chests heaving in unison, the brunette's slowly pushed their way up, never taking their eyes off one another as they rose to their feet.

    In between massive breaths, Cynthia spat out, "I'm... Gonna... Fucking... Slaughter... YOU!" She stomped her foot for emphasis, blood pooling around her feet.

    Summer cockily raised a hand and egged her enemy to come at her. "Come try it then, bitch."

    With equal screams of rage, the fighters charged the few shaky paces to the center of the ring. Cynthia's first blow dug deep into Summer's bust but didn't stop the oncoming brunette in the slightest. Summer's elbow mashed into Cynthia's teeth at full speed, snapping the other woman's head backwards.

    Stumbling past one another, the brunette's turned back as one. Summer took a jab to the chin that sent her eyes spinning, but reaching out she grabbed Cynthia by the hair with both hands. Bringing her knee up, blood prayed out to either side as Summer drove all her might into crushing Cynthia's ravaged pussy.

    The two slammed heavily to the floor, with Summer on top, her head feeling like it was about to explode. Still gripping Cynthia by the hair, Summer hauled herself up the weeping woman's body and once again slammed her sweaty tits down over Cynthia's face.

    This time, there was no struggle, no frenzy. Cynthia held her brutalized crotch with both hands for several precious seconds before even trying to stop her enemy from smothering her. Weakly bringing her arms up, she pushed against the heavy breasts crushing her, to no avail.

    The crowd gasped as Cynthia's arms collapsed limply out to either side. A titan toppled.

    Summer had no strength to do anything but pin her defeated opponent. Proving that of all the chesty fighters to vie for the title attempt, she truly was the Best Busty Brawler.


    The loud bell rang out across the entire city. Even those not in attendance would know that a tournament had been concluded.

    Amongst the surging crowd, Wyatt collected a heavy purse from the dead Cynthia's own Talent Scout. Like Wyatt, the man had had utmost confidence in his fighter, and bet more money than he could probably afford to lose.

    In the ring, Summer couldn't even stand, she raised her fists in victory and kneeled over the splayed out Cynthia. Laughing in ecstasy, the brunette cried happy tears at having not only survived, but conquered the Best Bust tournament.

    High above the crowd, the current champ watched the proceedings from behind tinted windows. Stirring a drink and smiling, she looked forward to combating this particular challenger.

    Champion for five years, she had only to kill one more challenger and she could retire, ludicrously wealthy and with her name forever recorded as one of the handful of women to conquer her league.

    End Of Chapter V
    Last edited by mcgoll; May 31st, 2017 at 05:39 PM.

  2. #2
    Guest InThisCorner's Avatar

    Re: The Talent Scout (Part XX)

    As always, one of the best things I have read.

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