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Thread: Gladiatrix Modern (Part XI)

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    Senior Hostboard Member mcgoll's Avatar
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    Gladiatrix Modern (Part XI)

    WARNING: This is an extreme fantasy with absolutely no founding in reality. If extremish violence and/or fatal-finish combat disturb you then do not read further, seriously.

    Modern Gladiatrix Entertainment loved nothing so much as a single man. Some of the best battles in its history had been the otherwise senseless hatred between Gladiatrixes after the same man.

    Thus, when eligible bachelor Mike decided to find himself a new permanent lover, MGE officials scrambled to set up a fitting match. Everyone wanting to see Mike find somebody to replace the still missing Emily. Who had disappeared after so handily stealing Mike away from his (now ex) wife three weeks ago.

    No simple one on one matchup could decide the romantic fate of the much valued male, Gladiatrixes who had never even been in the same room as the man offering to battle for him. Wanting to avoid a bloodbath though, it was decided that he would choose merely the top four contenders for his heart (or at least cock) and let them have it out till only one remained. A four woman mini-tournament, with only one survivor.

    While MGE officials thought themselves very clever at coming up with such a plan, it was the exact idea Mike's former mistress had had. Wanting to both prove herself to Mike, and earn him legitimately, it was the blonde Shyla's plan to make it look like she was just another Gladiatrix chasing after Mike. If anyone suspected she'd long been his lover, they might find it a little more suspicious that Emily had last been seen at her house.

    Before the much anticipated fights, Mike spent a dedicated hour with each woman. They had all slept with him in the last month, but it was tradition for him to show no favouritism leading up to the matches.

    ************************************************** ************************************************** *****

    As it was assumed that the four Gladiatrixes that were about to fight over Mike were all fairly chosen, no-one suspected that in the past few weeks he had been sleeping with certain fighters at the behest of his one-time mistress. Now, she had three women she wanted to see dead lined up to be taken out in spectacular fashion.

    The first of the Gladiatrixes rushed into Mike's private waiting area with an urgency born of needing to fill her allotted hour with as much sex as humanly possible. Immediately hitting a switch that would make the next hour available to be watched by the public, the blonde wanted everyone to see her claim her new man before fighting for him. Down below in the arena, the audience cheered as huge view screens lit up with shots from all over the private room.

    Winning Percentage

    Red lingerie, black leggings with garters
    Last Match
    Two weeks previous, cage deathmatch, win, beatdown finish, strangulation execution

    Within a second of being asked who she would want to face off against, Mike's lover Shyla had immediately named the newcomer Gladiatrix Kagney. The small blonde having made a big splash when she cruelly executed a pair of Gladiatrix sisters one after the other in a mass melee brawl. The newbie had then made the mistake of comparing herself to Shyla?s famous mother, who had began her career by similarly killing a pair of twins. Mike?s blonde lover flew into a rage that this unproved upstart thought of herself as ?The new Taylor.?

    After tracking down the new Gladiatrix a few days later, Mike had walked into a seedy underground fight venue just in time to catch the blonde, dripping blood from a dozen claw marks, choking the life from a busty black fighter in the center of a stained cage. Kagney had then ignored her opponent's expectant boyfriend, simply tearing off her dead foe's bra as a trophy and going home with Mike instead.

    In the weeks since that first explosive fuck session, that had to eventually ended in the hospital as Kagney's wounds were too severe to ignore, Mike had returned to the blonde repeatedly. While it had been Shyla's intention that he merely sleep with the other blonde once and then invite her to the small tourney, the vicious Kagney's oral skills were just too much to pass up.

    Mike spent the hour with Kagney sitting in a well cushioned chair as the horny blonde rapidly swapped from using her mouth, to fucking him as hard as possible and back again. Any attempt by Mike to take control was met by a firm shove or a light slap. The blonde wanted to show that he was hers, and while she'd soon be risking her life for his cock, it obeyed her, not the other way around.

    Below Mike's private room, a waiting crowd gathered and cheered on the vigorous blonde as she rode her man for all she was worth. As Kagney described all the gory things she would do to her opponents (whoever they ended up being), bets were made as to whether she would actually follow through or not, of if she even could.

    Gripping Kagney by the hips, Mike drove up into the gasping blonde as he shot his load deep inside her, the timer going off just a moment later as the Gladiatrix's eyes rolled back with rapturous pleasure. His hour with Kagney done, Mike would only have a few minutes to clean off and fill himself up with much needed fuck drugs to keep going through three more hours.

    ************************************************** ************************************************** *****

    Unlike the excited Kagney, Mike's next lover slinked slowly into the room as she was admitted. Deciding to keep the proceeds private, the dark haired beauty still took her time making her way over to her waiting man.

    Winning Percentage

    Transparent pink skirt
    Last Match
    Three days previous, wrestling sexfight, win, six forced orgasms

    Officially the favourite in tonight's matches, this was hardly Lily's first time fighting over Mike. The fact that the brunette had a history with her man was all it took for Shyla to want to see her dead.

    One of the few women who could repeatedly defeat Mike's ex wife, Lily had taken him as a trophy half a dozen times in the past year. Having nearly crippled Eve on every occasion, it was common knowledge that Lily had been planning on killing her married rival in their next match. While it looked like that particular fight might never happen, the brunette had eagerly agreed to this fight, looking to earn Mike in proper Gladiatrix fashion.

    In no hurry, despite the time limit, Lily swept across the room swaying her hips in a graceful belly dance. Laughing as Mike tried to grab her, the brunette artfully dodged him multiple times before allowing herself to be caught, a common game she played with him. Gasping with pleasure as he finally entered her, pressing her down on the plush carpets, Lily cooed in Mike's ear that once he was hers, she would fight Eve one last time, and torture the bitch to death just for him.

    Shyla was a dangerous woman, and a deadly Gladiatrix, but as the timer ran out and he fired his third load between Lily's lips, Mike considered that his blonde mistress was not the only woman he would be happy to wind up with.

    Leaving Mike with a wet kiss on the cheek, Lily confidently left the room rearranging her cum-soaked skirt. Her mind already past slaughtering whoever was in her path today, and fixated on finally killing Eve, her real enemy.

    ************************************************** ************************************************** *****

    Kicking open the door as soon as she was allowed to enter, Mike's third choice rushed into the room with a wild gleam in her eyes.

    Winning Percentage

    Transparent black panties
    Last Match
    Six days previous, strap-on boxing match, win, choke out finish, Added humiliation: eight broken teeth from oral fucking

    Alice, the "Brothel Brawler" was one of the first Gladiatrixes Mike had ended up with after Emily's "disappearance."

    Staying away from Shyla at first, to avoid the blonde being blamed for Emily's death, Mike had, at Shyla's insistence, gone to the city's most popular brothel as any newly single Gladiatrix lover would. The only available man in a building full of horny Gladiatrixes expecting at best to get fucked by a slave with a strap-on, Mike had been swarmed in seconds.

    Wanting to avoid some kind of riot, the brothel owner had quickly set up an elimination tournament between all the Gladiatrixes willing to enter. After hours of fierce combat in a makeshift and increasingly blood spattered ring, it was Alice who emerged triumphant, crushing her final enemy's throat with a perfectly executed high kick that tossed the dying woman over the ropes at Mike's feet.

    A brothel regular, Alice rushed over and mounted Mike with the enthusiasm of a Gladiatrix that only really fought for sex in the first place. Tonight, she was here to lay claim on Mike's cock, and had made sure to make her warm up hour entirely public. The crowd below was sure to be loving it as the brunette tugged her panties to the side and slid Mike inside her.

    Much like Lily, Alice declared that once Mike was hers, she'd be challenging Eve to a match at the brothel. She would force the largest dildo she could get deep into Mike's former wife's ass and leave it there as she broke the brunette's neck. Once Mike belonged to her, Alice guaranteed no Gladiatrix would be brave enough to try and fuck him without permission.

    An hour later, Alice screamed into the pillow as the timer ran out. Whether it was out of rage at being cheated of more time, or Mike's entire length buried in her ass, was unclear. Stalking from the room naked, the brunette would have to replace her panties, which had been torn in two in her hurry to remove them half an hour ago.

    ************************************************** ************************************************** *****

    Fourth and final, Mike's former mistress was grinning widely as she entered the room. Much to the crowd's surprise though, Shyla kept her hour entirely private. She of course, wanting to be free to discuss the fact that her plan was going swimmingly, among other reasons to not want any eyes on her.

    Winning Percentage

    Black lingerie with red trim, Black leggings
    Last Match
    Five days previous, cage match, win, beatdown finish, Added humiliation: broken arm, broken leg

    Shyla was giddy with excitement as she skipped across the room. Tonight would see the deaths of several Gladiatrixes she hated, and be the first time she was ever able to officially claim Mike as hers.

    The first of Mike's lovers to turn on the gigantic television available, the blonde queued up a "special video" she claimed had taken her the past two weeks to edit together. Sliding to her knees as the video started up, Shyla kissed the hardening cock she had already killed for, and planned to again. The video was another reasons she wanted privacy, as not every shot was entirely legal to own.

    The video's first shot was truly archaic footage, Gladiatrixes in classic lingerie and wearing boxing gloves. Mike had no clue who they were, but the busty blonde in white was on her last legs. Her petite redheaded enemy in black had her cornered against the turnbuckle, pounding her once pretty features flat.

    Within twenty seconds of the video starting, the blonde collapsed to her knees and fell to her face with a wet splat, the panting redhead placing a foot on the back of the clearly dead woman's head and raising a bloody glove in victory. She had eyes only for the man now climbing through the ropes though.

    The image then cut to a similar setup, only now it was the redhead being dominated. Her black bra was half hanging off as she was held up by her hair ring center. The cruelly grinning ebony skinned Gladiatrix slamming a knee up under her chin clearly had no plans on letting her live. Much like the first clip, once the redhead flopped limply to her back, bloodshot eyes unfocusing, the man clearly being fought over stepped through the ropes to congratulate his victor.

    Once again there was a rapid cut, to a much less legal venue. The gasping black fighter lay shuddering on the floor of an apartment bedroom, covered in bruises and blood. An almost equally thrashed looking Gladiatrix with olive skin and shiny black hair stood panting over her. The victor placed a heel over the whimpering loser's throat and pressed down as, much to Mike's surprise, a totally different man came walked in front of the camera. Apparently the dying black fighter had been a bit of a man hunter.

    As the clips played out, Mike quickly got the link between them. Each one was a deathmatch over a man, the winner from the previous clip being the next ones loser. The most impressive thing to Mike was that Shyla had somehow gotten access to so many private and illegal deathfights. Her missing mother's rumoured private collection must have been even more expansive than Mike had ever assumed.

    The video went on and on, up through the decades, with no faces that Mike recognized. It was thirty minutes in when he finally saw a Gladiatrix he was familiar with. The small brunette that had previously been seen handily choking an enemy to death in a cage had apparently not done so well in a private fight. Her wrists tied to the top of a punching bag, the doomed woman spat blood as her opponent got a workout.

    The tight bodied black fighter was one half of a famous tag team, and judging by her workout gear, had been interrupted by the doomed brunette she was currently laying into while in her private gym. As the dangling woman slumped limply, the grinning Gladiatrix calmly drank from a waterbottle and approached her waiting man.

    Much to Mike's surprise, the next clip didn't jump very far at all in time. The dead brunette still hung above a puddle of blood, as her killer was forced faceup into one of her own exercise machines by her sadistically laughing teammate. The curvy blonde's arm shuddered as she hauled down on a metal bar with one arm while forcing her bruised and exhausted ally into the space made by the lifting weight. The screaming black woman's yell cut out as the blonde released the bar and let the fifty pounds of lead slam down from a foot in the air. Mike had always wondered how such a famous tagteam had ended so suddenly. That blonde had gone on to have a very poor solo career once her longtime ally vanished, and had eventually been beaten, fucked and executed in a brothel ring by a complete newbie, as was playing out now.

    The video slowly began having more and more familiar faces, with each clip being that much closer to the modern matches Mike was used to. He sat up straighter though when an exceedingly familiar pink haired Gladiatrix with studs in her nipples appeared. Laughing madly, Bell dug her thumbs into the throat of a completely destroyed blonde, holding the dying woman against the cage mesh, inches from the gagging blonde?s lover. Slowly choking the life from the limp blonde, Bell only let her drop once the veteran Gladiatrix was dead, having pissed her panties in terror.

    Bell's own death was no less brutal, ring center, the pink-haired Gladiatrix was strangled by the blood spattered rival she had had on the ropes only seconds before. The timer had only a minute left as Emily raised up off the dead Bell, but Shyla had timed it out perfectly.

    As the final clip played, an aerial view of Shyla bashing Emily's skull in with a trophy (from a camera Mike didn't know existed), Mike shot his load between Shyla's tits. Somehow, she had backtracked the trail of deathmatches and murder back over decades of Gladiatrix history, just for him. With luck, she wouldn't be added to the video anytime soon, like tonight.

    Without wiping the cum from her breasts, Shyla simply stood and made her way to the door as the timer rang out. She'd be back soon to take care of her own needs anyway.

    The video had been more annoying than fun to make but was worth it for Mike's reaction, as well as satiating Shyla's bloodlust a bit. The blonde had to admit though, it was only because of dedicated man hunters like Bell that she'd been able to backtrack so far, not all Gladiatrixes died in fights over men, and even Taylor's astounding collection of private fights (bought at Gladiatrix-only auctions and stolen from dead enemies) only held a fraction of the illegal murders that happened every year in the city.

    ************************************************** ************************************************** *****

    12b296744839593 Lily vs Alice 16a8f4753024763

    The crowd was howling for blood as the first fight was announced. Everyone had loved watching Alice fuck Mike like a feral animal, but that had been an hour ago, and everyone was impatient. If they couldn't see the sex, they at least wanted to see some violence.

    Alice was announced first and skipped towards the ring waving her arms to her adoring audience. Slapping her ass and laughing at the called questions if she was having trouble walking, she did a cartwheel before climbing into the ring by hopping the ropes.

    Posing for the camera in her corner, the brunette flicked her hair over her shoulder and bounced from one foot to the other. Shaking her bared tits for the camera, she knew her impressive stats were visible to anyone watching from home.

    Alice's smile faltered only slightly as Lily was announced. Having no idea of the other women that would be fighting tonight, she had assumed Mike would set her against some sexy jobbers, just to watch her slaughter them to the roar of the crowd. Lily was a true veteran though, which suddenly made Alice all the hornier for the bell to ring.

    Swaying out into the arena much like how she had made her way into the private room before, Lily had changed out her cum soaked skirt for a new one that flowed over her shapely legs as she confidently walked towards the ring.

    There were surprised cheers as the veteran Gladiatrix outperformed Alice and made a hands free cartwheel, flipping gracefully in a swirl of pink cloth before sliding through the bottom ropes on her hip. She had been sneaking a peek into the arena despite supposedly being locked in her waiting room during Alice's entrance. Seducing a ring attendant into unlocking a door was simple, not getting caught was just fun.

    As her own stats appeared over her head, Lily paced around the ring, waving her arms and gyrating her hips in her favourite bellydance. A pre fight tradition she'd gotten from her Gladiatrix mother, who had retired a rich woman as Lily planned to one day do, with Mike in tow naturally.

    Alice stomped forward as Lily went through her expert motions, the pink skirted fighter moved about her rival as if inviting her to dance as Alice simply glared at her and circled. Spitting on the ground between them, Alice snarled at the dancer, "Cute moves, slut. You think they'll count for shit when I get my hands on you?"

    Twirling in close, Lily nearly shoved her ass right into the surprised Alice's crotch, forcing the wide-eyed brunette back a step. "Cute threat, idiot. You think you're gonna lay a hand on me before I butcher you?"

    Fuming with rage at being backed up, Alice stepped forward, slamming her already wet crotch into the other brunette's butt. Reaching around the shocked Lily, she gripped a large beast in her hand and tugged the veteran around.

    Having been purposefully grabbed, Lily was well within her rights to defend herself, but she was too surprised as Alice pulled her forward into a kiss, the brothel regular ramming her tongue into Lily's mouth as the audience hooted and laughed.

    Lily was gasping for air when Alice released her, and, placing a hand on each of the dancers breasts, shoved her backwards. The veteran brunette had missed her chance to fight back, and had had her dance completely derailed. She nearly stumbled back into her turnbuckle, her rhythm shattered.

    To avoid any kind of riot, with the crowd already wild from Shyla not letting them watch her private hour, the MGE official in charge of the bell barely waited for Alice to return to her corner before starting the match.


    Alice rounded fast and charged back across the ring at a dead sprint. Throwing herself shoulder first at the bracing Lily, who had spread her legs and outstretched her arms.

    The ring shook as Alice smashed into the turnbuckle, Lily somersaulting right past her at the last moment. The pink skirted brunette had to grab the ropes to heave herself upwards as her enemy twisted around to face her.

    Alice stumbled forward, disoriented from failing to ram into her rival. With a gasp of pain, she was thrown back against the turnbuckle as Lily, gripping the ropes for added stability, high kicked her right in the tits. Snarling, she launched forward, this time ducking past Lily's expected kick as she punching the acrobat in the jaw.

    Pushing off the ropes, Lily dodged a follow up uppercut and cartwheeled to the ring center. Her foot clipping Alice's arm as the woman took another wild swing. The crowd loved the evasion, even if she'd used her hands this time.

    Shaking her numbed arm, Alice followed quickly after her opponent. Missing with a high kick that could break bones, she screamed in rage and pain as Lily jabbed her hard in the breasts and twirled away in a flash of pink cloth.

    As Alice grabbed her pink skirt and hauled on it, Lily reversed course on a dime and threw herself back into the snarling woman. Her knee snapping up into the surprised Alice's torso at an impressive height, striking right between her bruised breasts.

    Lily landed on top of the toppled Alice, ramming her knee into the gasping woman's ribs and somersaulting over her before she could get her bearings. Raising to her feet easily, the veteran bowed to her fans as they shouted out their adoration of her acrobatic fighting style.

    Alice took a kick to the chest that nearly knocked her back over as she frantically tried to rise. Gagging, she managed to catch the next swung foot though, couching it under her armpit as she surged forward. She'd seen Lily slowly take Gladiatrixes apart with her hit and run tactics, and figured her only chance was to get in close.

    Lily hopped on one foot as Alice ran her backwards a few steps into the ropes. Taking an elbow to the face, she fell backwards, missing the top ropes and landing with her shoulders on the middle ropes. Swinging her arms up, the dancer narrowly avoided being shoved out of the ring as Alice's body charged into her crotch.

    Charging blindly, the top ropes dug into Alice's breasts and stretched before she was rebounded back into the ring. Lily's legs snapping shut around her midsection, her weight pulled the brunette off the ropes. Slamming to her back, Alice was winded as Lily's crotch crashed down on her stomach.

    Plugging Alice in the face with several quick shots that cracked the brunette's head against the floor, Lily jumped to her feet. One foot on each side of the downed Alice, she once again cartwheeled away as her enemy went berserk.

    Flailing wildly, Alice hit nothing but air as she thrashed on the ground. Screaming in hate, the brunette rolled to her feet and threw herself at her pacing enemy. Taking a kick to her bruised chest, Alice plowed into the dancer as full speed.

    Thrown back against the ropes by her enraged rival, Lily brought both legs up to once again lock her knees around the charging brunette's torso. Her full weight rebounding off the ring edge, she spun the suddenly (much more) top heavy Alice off her feet. Landing easily on her side, Lily launched the screaming brunette skidding across the ring as she released her. Rolling up without issue, the veteran chased after her panting enemy.

    There was a loud crack as Lily snapped a kick up under Alice's jaw as the woman tried to get back up. The downed brunette was thrown against the bottom ropes, one arm hanging out of the ring. She spat up blood as Lily stomped down heavily right on her breasts.

    Kicking out madly, the wild eyed Alice was knocked senseless by a stomp right between the eyes. Lily was done being artful, instead she just drove her heel down again and again on the weakly struggling Alice, gripping the top ropes with both hands as she delivered a savage beating to the brunette's stomach and chest.

    Reaching down, Lily dug her nails into each of Alice's swollen tits and hauled the woman to her knees. There were yells of "Kill her!" and "Tear her tits off!" from the excited crowd as the veteran cocked her fist back.

    Blood sprayed across the ring as Lily smashed a punch across Alice's mouth. A savage backhand blasting another arc of blood in the opposite direction, Lily grinned widely as she repeated the one two attack over and over again.

    After a solid minute, that left Alice a slumped wreck, blood drooling from busted lips, Lily finally relented. Her hands dripping with the brothel brawler?s blood, she dug fingers into the woman's scalp and pulled her up.

    Alice moaned pathetically, eyes rolling as she slackly stood in Lily's grip, ring center. Her eyes went wide though as the veteran slipped behind her and locked a hand under her jaw.

    In a brief burst of adrenaline, Alice's hands streaked up to grip Lily's arm, too late though as the veteran twisted her chin to the side with cruel precision and a sharp crack.


    The bell rang out as Alice slammed to the ground with a wet thud. Her face, shocked eyes still wide open, staring blankly in Mike's direction from where he watched ringside.

    Placing a foot on the dead or dying Alice's rump, Lily took her usual dancer's pose. One leg sticking out through her skirt, with her arms raised in victory. With her victory photo taken, the surviving brunette yanked off Alice's panties with one deft move that left the dead woman tits up in the center of the ring spattered with her own blood.

    ************************************************** ************************************************** *****

    b13554744839583 Kagney vs Shyla 6c10f9744839603

    Shyla was announced first to mixed feelings from the crowd. Many loved the sadistic blonde, and wanted to see her commit her usual violence, but there were many that resented her. With the still unsolved disappearance of her mother, Shyla was now one of the richest Gladiatrixes around, her mother's fortune reverting to her with no one having taken it in a deathmatch. MGE didn't like unsolved murders, as they often made inheritance a tricky subject, in this case though, a surviving daughter made things simple.

    Many in the audience felt that Shyla had done little to earn her mother's vast wealth and resources, and would gladly see it taken from her. That and many merely wanted to see Kagney follow through on her earlier threats to claw her first opponent's pussy inside out. Not everyone cared about the politics of Gladiatrixes.

    Climbing through the ropes after a calm walk to the ring, Shyla took her corner and raised a middle finger towards the most vocal area expressing hatred. Her eyes picked out a few faces of lesser Gladiatrixes who jeered that she was about to die. The blonde had a good memory for those she hated, and each one of those women would now be on her ever expanding list.

    At her introduction, Kagney was much more animated than her enemy. Bounding into the arena to cheers from the excited crowd, the eager blonde waved to her fans. Slipping fingers under her red panties, she bit her lip and rubbed herself while looking over at Mike while hanging from the ring ropes by one hand.

    Throwing herself into the ring with a thud, Kagney chuckled darkly as she looked the scowling Shyla up and down. Raising her wet middle finger to her lips, the blonde licked it clean as she swaggered over to her rival. Leaving her just giving Shyla the finger as she finished cleaning it of her and Mike's mixed juices. The new Taylor didn?t see any need for Shyla to be around anymore.

    Shyla looked ready to kick Kagney right in the crotch as the petite blonde approached, and was doubtlessly considering much more crippling attacks as she glared contemptuous hatred at her foe. "Liking the taste, bitch? Cause it's the last thing you'll ever enjoy."

    Kagney just laughed as she took up position in front of Shyla, her bra inches from the taller blonde's larger bust. "Oh I'll be sucking this taste out of my man for years to come, babe. Maybe I'll even let you have one last sample before I snuff you out."

    Her eye twitching, Shyla leaned forward, pressing her breasts slowly against Kagney's. Breathing heavily with barely suppressed rage, the blonde snarled, "He's mine you dumb cunt! Admit it and maybe I won't hang you with your own fucking leggings!"

    Kagney laughed gleefully as she backed away from the enraged Shyla. "Good luck with that, bitch. Keep thinking that's true while I claw your insides out!"

    Once again, the MGE officials wasted no time before striking the bell. While it was common for the bell to be held off on for several minutes as the fighters got more and more impatient, the audience was baying for more blood and shaking the stands already. Any waiting could start a bloody riot.


    Shyla stomped across the ring as kagney raised her fists and approached swiftly. Taking the smaller blonde's first testing jab right on the chin, Shyla swung a full power haymaker that nearly took Kagney's head off.

    Even those that hated Shyla cheered as she laid into the backpedalling Kagney. Hammering her fists into the surprised blonde's covered tits, the snarling Shyla maneuvered Kagney right back into her own turnbuckle.

    Bracing against her corner padding, blood sprayed from Kagney's lips after a particularly powerful blow drove right past her frantic defences. Backhanding a lucky blow right across Shyla's face, the petite blonde took a deep breath and shoved forward, slamming her shoulder in between the more veteran Gladiatrix's large tits.

    It was Shyla's turn to be backed across the ring, shoved by her rival, she viciously smacked away the newbie Gladiatrix's initial punches but still took a good hit to the chin that snapped her head back and made her stumble. Finding her feet ring center, blood leaked out from the side of her mouth as she caught Kagney's wrist as the smaller woman aimed a straight shot right at her nose.

    Kagney coughed in pain as Shyla managed to lift her leg and kick her right in the gut while holding her arm in a deathgrip. Wrenched forward, the blonde was sent sprawling as Shyla's foot smashed into her leg.

    Shyla knee dropped onto Kagney's hip as the blonde tried to get back up. Revelling in the shriek it prompted, she nearly broke her hand smashing her knuckles into Kagney's teeth.

    "I fucking told you what I'd do to you, slut." Shyla spat as she knee dropped once again onto her downed enemy, this time landing on the side of the woman's head, crushing it against the floor. Roughly stripping the twitching blonde of her leggings, Shyla tied them tightly together, making a small noose out of the foot of one as she sneered down at the recovering Kagney. "Should have admitted just who Mike belongs to."

    Moaning in confusion as her leggings material was squeezed over her head, Kagney sputtered blood as she was then hauled back across the ring, nails digging into her scalp as she was jointly tugged by her throat and hair.

    The audience howled approval as Shyla tied Kagney's leggings to the top ropes, leaving the small blonde suspended against the turnbuckle nearest Mike. Kagney's ass hung inches from the ring floor, and it was easy for her to get her feet under her to stop from choking.

    As Kagney, shaking her head to clear it, tried to stand, clawing at the material tightly digging into her neck, Shyla backed up a few feet. Taking a small running start, the veteran blonde threw all her weight into kicking the distracted newbie right in the chest, crushing the petite Gladiatrix's arms in the process.

    With a look of sadistic glee, Shyla gripped the winded Kagney by her bra and pulled up as she drove a punch down into the blonde's throat. Throwing away the torn shreds of Kagney's top, she dug her nails into the underside of the woman's tits and raked upwards, leaving bloody furrows behind.

    Kagney's shrieks of agony were drowned out by the audience's cheers. Clawed, kicked and punched relentlessly, the newbie feebly tried to slap at her torturer. Body wracking coughs interspersed the yells of pain as blood flowed from the choking woman's broken lips.

    Grabbing Kagney's arm as the woman tried to smack her away, Shyla grinned cruelly and wrapped her hand around the sputtering blonde's middle finger. A quick twist and there was a crunch that made Kagney spasm, kicking her legs wildly as she bounced on the end of her noose.

    Gripping the top ropes, Shyla smashed her knee up under Kagney's chin, forcing the blonde to bite her own tongue. Stepping back, she calmly inspected her nails as the once again senseless Kagney choked against the turnbuckle, hanging inches above the floor.

    A puddle of piss formed under the shuddering Kagney, blood running down her limp body joining it and dripping over the side of the ring.

    Placing a foot on the bottom rope, Shyla simply watched as her would-be rival died slow and painful.


    Raising her fist in silent victory, Shyla let her victory image show the ruined Kagney hanging slackly against the turnbuckle. Not bothering to take the dead blonde's soaked panties as a trophy, she did deliver one last crushing kick to the dead woman's throat, crunching it against the corner padding.

    Ignoring the cheering crowd, Shyla marched out of the ring, the next fight was set to take place in the same private room she'd entertained Mike in only half an hour ago.

    ************************************************** ************************************************** *****

    The crowd grew silent as they waited, a large pillar once again lowering over the ring, giant view screens blank, waiting for the fighters above to make the private fight public. Like before, if neither Shyla nor Lily felt like it, nobody would ever know the specifics of their fight.

    The last time Mike knew of one of these mini-tournaments being held, the final two fighters had kept the final match almost entirely private, much to the crowd's consternation. The victorious Asian fighter eventually did turn on the camera, just to show off that her blonde rival had been left a bloody weeping mess. Lying faceup on the floor and clearly having shit her panties, the blonde?s predicament had been a big change from the confident woman who titsmothered her first rival to death two minutes into the first match.

    While it was considered at least something of a payoff, seeing the broken blonde slowly choked out by the better woman's heel as the victor was fingered by her new man, everyone here now wanted to see the entire showdown. Whether it was Shyla or Lily who reigned supreme, the crowd wanted to witness every spray of blood and grunt of pain.

    After several tense minutes, the audience moaned and yelled at the fact that by now the match had to have started. Both Gladiatrixes had kept their private hour entirely secret, and looked to be doing the same now. If only Alice or Kagney had survived, they would undoubtedly have wanted everyone to view the bloody fight.

    The view screens suddenly snapped on without warning, prompting a cheer that could probably be heard up in the soundproofed room. Much to everyone's shock, it showed a laughing Shyla, setting up a camera to face the bed specifically. Over the blonde's shoulder the crowd could see her opponent, still wearing her pink skirt, Lily rode Mike on the bed for all she was worth, ignoring her enemy in unconcerned bliss, his hands fondling her large breasts.

    Walking calmly around the bed where her romantic rival fucked her man, Shyla made a big show of picking up the digital clock that had seen use as a timer. With a strike to the top button, it set for an hour. The audience loved it, the fighters, despite the burning hatred they no doubt felt for one another, had agreed to having a threeway before ending the feud forever.

    As Shyla joined the couple on the bed, forcing her face down into Lily's crotch and engulfing Mike's cock as it pulled free from the brunette, the crowd got a good look at the big television playing just off to the side. It played the same two minutes of footage on a loop, a shot taken from Lily's last match with Mike's then wife Eve.

    Sitting on top of the twitching Eve's face, Lily faced down the woman's bruised and bloodied body. She cooed happily as she made Mike softly push his dick between his wife's swollen breasts. Sliding forward, the victorious brunette shoved her bared crotch against the top of Eve's giant mounds. She gasped with delight as the tip of the married man's cock pushed through and entered her, if only barely. Fucking the man while punishing the groaning Eve's ravaged chest, Lily was in complete control.

    As Shyla deepthroated her man, Lily gently ran her fingers through the blonde's hair and suddenly snarled, "Choke on it, bitch." She chuckled when Shyla's head snapped up warrily, a line of saliva trailing from her lips. "I can wait slut,? she purred ?Get back to work!" The brunette giggled as her rival slowly returned to her man, once the fight was done, maybe she would choke the blonde to death with Mike?s steeled erection.

    From there, while the two Gladiatrixes shared their mutual lover, any change of position was greeted by snarls and the fighters jockeying for position. Over and over again, it was Lily who got the coveted position though, gasping anew each time Mike's cock dove into her readied pussy. Shyla didn't seem to mind so much though, forcing her tongue in wherever it could fit and swallowing her man whole every time he spent more than a second outside the giggling brunette.

    At first, both fighters looked at the timer's digital display every few seconds, neither wanting to be caught unawares by the buzzer. As the minutes dragged by though, they busied themselves more with the business at hand. For the final ten minutes, Mike didn't once see either Gladiatrix so much as glance at the quickly depleting number.

    As the video of Mike fucking Lily right through his beaten wife's swollen tits ended once again with his shooting a load right into the moaning Eve's face, the last few seconds disappeared.

    Propped up on her elbows, Shyla leaned back with her eyes closed, moaning contentedly as Lily's tongue flicked in and out of her dripping cunt. Her panties dangling from one ankle, the blonde still wore her bra, even if it was soaked through with sweat and cum. Breathing heavily, she massaged her rival's shoulder as the brunette delved ever deeper inside her.

    On her knees, Lily dug her fingers into the blonde's firm ass cheeks as she pushed her face in as hard as she could, trying to get her tongue in as deep as it could go. Her own moans of pleasure were muffled, but were still made with each full length thrust Mike rammed into her oversexed pussy. After constantly forcing herself down on his steeled member, she wondered if she'd be able to walk straight for a while.

    The Gladiatrixes were deep in the throes of passion when their timer finally ran out completely. Lily having barely even noticed it as Mike quickly pulled out and backed off the bed at the last moment.


    12b296744839593 Lily vs Shyla 6c10f9744839603

    With a scream, Lily shoved herself up off the bed, and raised her elbow high, aiming to slam it right down between Shyla's spread thighs. Her yell cut out though as the blonde's legs snapped shut like a vice, the only thing stopping the brunette from being choked was her arm awkwardly slamming into her head as Shyla's legs closed on her neck.

    Groaning as she came hard, having been about to drench Lily's face, Shyla plugged the brunette several times in the head with a quick series of straight shots before the dancer shoved them both to the side. Releasing her trapped enemy as she slammed to the ground beside the bed, the blonde rolled away to gain distance as Lily gripped the bedsheets and hauled herself up.

    Launching to her feet, Shyla was about to pounce but stopped asa standing Lily calmly readjusted her cumstained skirt. Not taking her eyes off the brunette, Shyla leaned down and quickly tugged her panties up her slick thighs, snugging the fabric against her sensitive crotch.

    With their outfits back in place, the fighters began to circle slowly, raising fists as they glared death at one another. Lily made a big show of licking the blonde's leaving off of her lips as she grinned wickedly at her rival.

    When Shyla finally took a warry step forward, Lily snapped into action, darting to the side, she kicked out hard at the blonde's face forcing her to back up. Spinning tightly, the brunette let out a series of short yells as she hopped from foot to foot, rapidly kicking at the air as Shyla had to throw herself out of the way or end up struck by the dancer's strong legs.

    Her ass slamming against a dresser, Shyla had to bend backwards to avoid a strong kick to the jaw, the back of her head striking the huge television as once again, Mike shoved his cock through his wife's breasts to fuck the victorious brunette. Snarling, the blonde lunged forward as Lily finally lowered her leg.

    Her pink skirt whipping out in a circle, Lily twisted nimbly out of Shyla's way, elbowing the charging blonde in the ribs before trying to skip away as she fought better from a distance. She yelped though as her hips were tugged backwards suddenly. Thrown off balance as Shyla dragged her to the side via her skirt.

    Teeth clenched in a savage grin, Shyla wound the wet pink fabric around one fist and lashed out with the other. Holding Lily in place, she drove a punch into the woman's undefended side, right beneath her large tits. Yanking the pink skirt with both hands, Shyla dug her knee into Lily's stomach hard enough that she heard fabric rip.

    The skirt giving away at the hip, Lily was sent tumbling half-on half-off the bed, her upper body rolling once before she ended tits up, and slid to her ass. Yelping in surprise, she threw herself forward and to the side a second before Shyla's knee would have slammed into her unbraced head.

    Rolling awkwardly across the bedspread, Shyla cursed as she nearly fell off the other edge. Having thrown herself forward as hard as she could, she had hoped to finish the fight right then and there, mashing the brunette's face if not snapping her neck in one blow.

    Getting to her feet and rounding, Lily somersaulted to the side as a screaming Shyla dove off the bed after her. Coming up on her feet, the brunette lifted a foot into the blonde's ribs as she stumbled from the miss.

    Winded by the heavy blow, Shyla dodged backwards coughing as Lily's heel swiping across, inches from her jaw. She was blasted off her feet a moment later as a laughing Lily rammed a foot into her breasts.

    Shyla's tight bra snapped as she was hurled back into another dresser. Gasping for breath, the topless blonde's head was slammed back into the wall as Lily's foot pressed into her throat. The dancer's strong leg kept the desperate Shyla pinned as her air cut off.

    Bending Shyla backwards over a dresser full of sex toys, Lily's lips peeled back in a grin as she choked the life from the breathless blonde. She wouldn't kill the blonde quite yet of course, Shyla hadn't suffered enough. But the first step in torturing the blonde to the crowd?s approval, was taking the fight from her.

    Out of air before being choked, Shyla smacked weakly at the brunette's leg with one hand while trying to push herself off the dresser with the other. Gripping the swinging metal drawer handle in her fist, Shyla's knuckles whitened as she twisted the fine piece of metal in desperation, trying to find purchase to shove against.

    With a crack, the metal handle came free and the trapped blonde's hand streaked up between Lily's spread legs. The crowd's howl from below shook the arena as the brunette screeched in agony.

    Letting in a body wracking breath, Shyla collapsed to her knees as Lily flung backwards screaming. The brunette thrashed on the ground, clutching her crotch as the blonde raised the jagged chunk of metal up to dazedly look at it, dripping with blood on one side.

    After a quick shake of her head, Shyla pounced, landing knee down on Lily's stomach and cocked back her fist, gripping the bloody hunk of metal. The downed brunette's shrieks cut out as Shyla smashed an augmented punch down across her face. Bringing her knee up reflexively, Lily rammed it into the cackling blonde's spine, throwing her forward.

    Her bared tits smacking Lily in the face as she bounced, Shyla rolled to the side to avoid the thrashing brunette's retaliation. Getting to her knees with hands on hips, the blonde winced as the sharp broken handle dug into her side annoyingly.

    Lily forced her way to her feet, wiping blood from her eye from the new gash right across her forehead. She cried out at the matching slice across her cheek. The brunette had been lucky her enemy hadn't plunged the weapon right into her eye, but the torn skin bled heavily and flared with pain.

    When Shyla tried to once again ram her jagged piece of handle into her enemy, this time aiming straight at Lily's tits, the brunette twisted into her. Catching Shyla's arm at the wrist, the brunette cried out as she was stabbed in the side, but dragged the blonde back across the room. Smashing Shyla's arm down on the top of the dresser, Lily disarmed the yelling blonde, knocking the handle, slick with her blood, behind the set of drawers.

    Taking a strong punch to the jaw, Lily rammed her open palm between Shyla's breasts and knocked the blonde back. Bracing against the dresser, the nude brunette brought her leg up and smashed her heel deep into the blonde's tit, launching her away.

    Hitting the ground on her shoulders with a heavy thud, Shyla rolled hard to the side as Lily tried to stomp on her crotch. Kicking the brunette in the knee, the blonde gripped the bed edge to haul herself up as her bloodied rival shrieked and stumbled to the side.

    Working her leg, Lily hobbled across the room as her enemy breathed heavily and likewise paced a wide circle. Both Gladiatrixes glared daggers at one another, sweat-slicked chests heaving in usison.

    When the wounded brunette went to once again wipe blood from her eye, Shyla charged without a word. Planning on drawing the blonde in, Lily dove to the side. She?d gain distance with her signature cartwheel, and hopefully kicking the oncoming Shyla in the face while doing so.

    With a grin, Shyla came up short and spun tightly. Stomping down heavily, she drove her heel down on the upside down Lily's chin, crushing the brunette's head into the hard floor and sending her flopping limply across the room. Spitting on Lily's upturned face, the blonde sneered down at the insensate acrobat, "You know, I always wonder just why you bitches that use the same move over and over again think you can actually fight anyone with skills."

    Lily spat up blood as Shyla knee dropped onto her ribcage. Moaning, the ringing in the brunette's head both increased and focused as the blonde smashed a fist down on her eye. Swinging a leaden arm, she caught her laughing Shyla in the mouth and knocked her off her perch.

    As Lily coughed wetly, Shyla spat blood and laughed darkly. Slowly rolling on her back, the blonde cackled as her rival likewise moved sluggishly beside her, only out of weakness.

    Raising leisurely, Shyla got to her feet and swayed her hips widely as she paced a patient circle around the downed Lily. When the brunette suddenly lashed a kick out at her, Shyla narrowly caught her by the ankle and harshly tugged her into a stomp to the crotch. Ramming her heel down on Lily's oversexed pussy over and over again, Shyla's laughter drowned out the brunette's shrieks of agony.

    Swinging her other foot up, Lily clipped her torturer on the side of the face, her foot crashing to the floor as Shyla released it. Clawing at the floor, the brunette cried out as she dragged herself backwards, leaving a bloody trail from her savaged crotch.

    Shyla snarled, picking herself up off the floor after Lily's surprisingly powerful kick. Rubbing at her bruised cheek, she raised her fists and shouted at the terrified and injured brunette, "Get up and fight, slut!"

    With several big gasps, Lily's look of fear faded and was replaced by sheer rage. With a yell that started in the back of her throat, the brunette shoved her way up to wobbly legs and charged the equally furious looking blonde.

    Blood sprayed as Lily smashed a fist across Shyla's mouth, she gagged in pain though as the blonde jabbed her in her stab wound. Swinging a backhand wildly, the brunette missed entirely as Shyla ducked it and hammered a much stronger blow into Lily's aching side.

    Staggering as Lily punched her in the side of the head, Shyla surged forward, ramming her shoulder in underneath the brunette's tits and bodily lifting her into the air. Lily's legs hitting the side of the bed, both screaming Gladiatrixes fell onto the plush cumstained spread. Shyla shrieked as her enemy hauled back on her sweaty hair, but as her back arched, she lined up a perfect downward punch at the dancer's throat.

    Lily made wet choking gasps as the blonde mounted her and once again brought a fist down on her neck. Her numbed legs hanging off the bed, the brunette kicked spastically as she slapped pitifully at the wild-eyed Shyla. She screamed in fresh terror as the blonde grabbed her by the wrist.

    "Want to know what I did to the last bitch I slaughtered?" Shyla chuckled as she looked down into Lily's bloodstreaked face. Wrenching the brunette's weak arm forward, the blonde gripped the shrieking woman's middle finger and bent it backwards. As her enemy made soundless screams, Shyla unloaded a brutal beating down on the woman's face and tits.

    Releasing the hyperventilating Lily's slack wrist, Shyla reached back, twisting her fingers into the brunette's perfectly shaped triangle of pubic hair. The blonde strained, digging her knees into her beaten enemy's ribs as she tugged on Lily's short hairs.

    Seeing that the end was coming, Mike walked forward, having thus far stayed well away from his Gladiatrix lovers as they fought all about the room. Now though, as Shyla looked back at him with a gaze of such intense desire, he knew she was nearly done.

    Looking at her man, Shyla came in her panties as she ripped a handful of dark hairs away from the mewling Lily's crotch. Laughing madly, the blonde leaned forward, tugging her soaked panties to the side as she stretched out over the broken Lily, large tits swinging dangerously over the brunette's upturned face.

    Standing in between Lily's spread legs as blood and urine soaked the sheets down to the ground, Mike gripped his blonde lover by the hips. Her bared pussy already dripping wet, he rammed his steeled cock forward, sinking the entire length into the screaming Shyla.

    Shyla's sweaty tits smacked down on her enemy's face with a wet splat, blood from Lily's brutalized face oozing out of her cleavage. Unable to keep up the smother as Mike railed her from behind, the blonde laughed so hard she ran out of breath, trying to force her breasts down over the shuddering brunette's head. It was impossible though, Mike was simply being too rough for Shyla to effectively seal her tits over Lily?s mouth, and she couldn?t bring herself to tell him to stop or even slow down.

    Yelling at Mike to pull her hair, Shyla was pulled up off the blood smeared Lily. Digging nails into the brunette's breast, she cocked her fist back, still with the broken woman's dark little hairs clenched in her hand.

    Lily's body bounced on the bedspread as Shyla threw everything she had left into relentlessly pounding her face to a pulp. Driving her fist down again and again no matter how much her hand ached, Shyla only had to pause every few seconds to groan as another orgasm sent paralyzing shocks up her body.

    Mike gripped his victorious lover by the breasts to keep her stable as he kept rabidly fucking her from behind, finally shooting his load deep inside her as Lily stopped twitching completely. Not that something as simple as the death of her enemy stopped the wild blonde, who kept up the brutal beating, a punch for every thrust, leaving a ragged mess where the beautiful Lily?s face had been.

    Finally climbing off the dead dancer, Shyla collapsed gasping to the ground, sliding in the pool of fluids at the base of the bed. Uncaring, the blonde motioned Mike to get down on top of her. She moaned happily as he fucked her much more gently, the limp legs of her rival hanging off the edge of the bed above them.

    ************************************************** ************************************************** *****

    Watching everything with red-rimmed eyes, Eve sat on her couch, clutching a tear-soaked pillow to her chest. Any joy she might have felt at seeing Lily killed (with such excessive brutality) was eclipsed by the agony of seeing the look of desire Mike had while fucking Shyla.

    The blonde, her new landlord, had sent Eve a message just over an hour ago, while waiting for Lily to finish executing Alice. It had just read, "Say goodbye to your man forever, babe." And was followed by a single image of the blonde sucking Eve's former husband off, flashing a wicked cum covered grin at the camera.

    Eve's phone was now a shattered mess, lying beneath a dented section of wall. The brunette having hurled it away when she realized the background of the picture was her own private viewing box from the Goddess of War's event. That series of fights had been months ago, long before Emily had broken Eve's arm and then vanished.

    Burying her face in the pillow, Eve sobbed as she worked a dildo shaped just like Mike's cock back and forth inside herself. Hating that she was getting off on the blonde bitch's complete victory, she screamed in rage as she watched her husband fuck another woman with the passion and enthusiasm he had always saved just for her.

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    Hostboard Member zero1400's Avatar
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    Re: Gladiatrix Modern (Part XI)

    Another great story. I liked that you went and detailed each woman's back story with Mike. I was kind of hoping for Lily to somehow pull an upset, but alas, I'll settle for a hard fight that she could have almost won.

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    Senior Hostboard Member mcgoll's Avatar
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    Re: Gladiatrix Modern (Part XI)

    Quote Originally Posted by zero1400 View Post
    Another great story. I liked that you went and detailed each woman's back story with Mike. I was kind of hoping for Lily to somehow pull an upset, but alas, I'll settle for a hard fight that she could have almost won.

    At this point, I feel I've kind of put too much into the Eve/Shyla rivalry (even if Eve only JUST found out about it) to have the story get derailed by Shyla's death. I try not to have anything set in stone, and frequently change my mind, but at this point even I kind of want to see what will happen when they face off!

    I think if I'd started the story with Lily being a main character I'd have been a lot more likely to have her win the bedroom fight. If she was the enemy in the open while Shyla was still hidden, but I had no such plan when I started. I didn't even know if it would be an ongoing story when Eve was first introduced, or just a setting like The Club, with recurring characters.

    Also, I don't know that I would call Lily potentially winning an upset. She was at least Shyla's equal, if not better until the blonde used a broken handle to inflict some pretty nasty injuries. Otherwise, Shyla's only advantage was that unlike Alice, she actually pays attention to her enemy and was waiting for Lily to try a crowd favourite cartwheel manuever the entire time. As put, sometimes having a signature move isn't so hot an idea.

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    Re: Gladiatrix Modern (Part XI)

    Quote Originally Posted by mcgoll View Post

    Also, I don't know that I would call Lily potentially winning an upset. She was at least Shyla's equal, if not better until the blonde used a broken handle to inflict some pretty nasty injuries. Otherwise, Shyla's only advantage was that unlike Alice, she actually pays attention to her enemy and was waiting for Lily to try a crowd favourite cartwheel manuever the entire time. As put, sometimes having a signature move isn't so hot an idea.
    Oh. What I meant with pulling an upset is that it's clear this is going to end in a Eve vs Shyla showdown. The plot has already advanced too far in this direction to chance course now. Yet, I know sometimes you kill off long standing characters (Taylor!), so I was kind of hoping to see Lily become a main protagonist in the series. As a stand alone story, Lily did put a pretty good fight, and it seemed like she was going to win at some point.

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