Well i have always believe in honor on the battlefield. Just because an enemy killed me don't mean he was a ba dperson, especially a enemy who is in a enemy clan ran by less than honest leadership like KOR.

Anyways We'll talk ot CoJ See if he'll accept your apologise and anyways you will be helping him get his nassen earring parts and etc back, so ideally he should just take the offer, L2 isn't a game where you should hold a grudge it's ptless.

The 4 guys who killed mightygiant back when iw as RED and level 24 i seen them everyday i don't bother killing or messing with them, because i was RED and well it wasn't there fault for trying ot kill me plus i don't wanna mess with them anyways its a waste of time and i got better things to do [img]tongue.gif[/img]