Conversation Between tomt and Mazeppa

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Appreciate the response. I'm a member of diyaudio, but I'm hesitant to post a request for help with such an obscure piece and not having a schematic to work from. I may start recapping and see if I get lucky.
  2. my altec 351 is buried in a storage space 1600 miles from where i am now.

    it may be a few years before i can get to that particular place.

    try asking at

    they almost always help people get things working ...

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  3. Hey tomt,
    You mentioned having an Altec 351B in response to a thread in which I was requesting help to get mine going. If you would be interested in parting with it in support of my efforts to get a pair of 351B's in service, I'd begin the discussion by offering a Marantz 1060 integrated amp that needs only a new volume pot as trade bait.

    Stephen Franco aka Mazeppa
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