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Thread: RIP Hostboard

  1. #1
    Guest DogWithABone's Avatar

    Thumbs up RIP Hostboard

    After years of enjoying a few of the forums on hostboard, the current version, and its pathetically bugged release, is just too much.

    Old post formats are ruined.
    One of my favorite boards is already looking for a new host.
    Options, like the censor button, don't function properly.

    Just a pathetic experience to try and read anything on the boards now. Hopefully something of quality comes along and swallows up the good board from the host and puts it out of existence.

    Steve, you ruined hostboard.

  2. #2
    Site Administrator Team Hostboard's Avatar
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    Re: RIP Hostboard

    Well first off thank you for the time spent and wish you all the best and allowing us a reasonable amount of time to address the known issues.

    I ruined Hostboard for trying to make it better and moving it off a platform that was bug ridden and needing manual intervention on a daily basis? Echoes the same sentiments as when I first moved Hostboard from its initial platform to the prior one. A platform that was antiquated and dead with little or no ability to develop on? Hostboard remained stagnent for many years and quite honestly slowly dieing due to other sites being able to offer more features.

    Hostboard... New release announced some time ago. Asked for testers and help. How many came? ONE person. Well over 1.3 million posts and over 170,000 members there was NO WAY myself and 1 developer was able to test everything. Thus we have a few small bugs WHICH ARE being worked on. Adam who is our developer is commited to Hostboard and its continued development and is working on resolving the known issues. Again realize just how many varitions we have with the amount of posts and users and the need to test. Now that we have indivisdual known problems we can concentrate our resources and work on them individualy. Then again I wont get into the costs or time involved in running Hostboard over the last 8 years with everyone screaming I WANT, YOU DID THIS, HOW DARE YOU, and NO ADS while NO ONE HAS EVER donated one red cent or EVER offered to help offset the thousands of dollars I lay out each and every year so people LIKE YOU have a placed to come to and enjoy. There have been only 5 individuals over 8 years that have offered to at least to help admin the site in responding to questions to which I am thankful but who do you think was the one sole who handled the day to day stuff to make sure everything was running?

    So go ahead complaign about MY hobby that I PAY FOR out of the generousity of my heart for YOUR and others benefit. Hostboard is a survivor. It has survived under many more problamatic times and will continue to do so well in to the future. We have ALOT of plans for Hostboard and once we get over the initial hump of the migration it is full steam ahead and will be offering more abilities then ever before.

    Please have a safe and happy new year as we will be in the middle of a server transfer while you and others celebrate.
    Please do not PM or e-mail me for support.
    The fastest way to get support is through our Help Desk

  3. #3
    Guest DogWithABone's Avatar

    Re: RIP Hostboard

    That sums up the horrible job done by the tools who ruined this forum host. You guys should get the webhost version of a Darwin award. Just horrible. Please return to the previous version until you actually know how to run the new version.

    Better yet, just sell to someone competent.

  4. #4
    Site Administrator Team Hostboard's Avatar
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    Re: RIP Hostboard

    Again nothing but negativity and ZERO offers to help or offer useful suggestions. And if you have read the help desk we are aware of the issues and have prioritized them so here is a list just for you:

    1. Server move - fixing all 404 and time out issues - What are you doing new years eve? Were handeling a server move :P
    2. Censor issue
    3. Mod access to HBCP
    4. Eliminate the FUBAR CSS custimization for a WYSIWYG editor of some sort

    And if you think you can do better go purchase a domain, buy some software, hire a developer and code it yourself and figure out just how easy it is to please an entire community in one easy step.

    You obviously just did not understand the level of complexity trying to port a non-standard platform to a standard one and be able to test the amount of activity with 2 people. We asked for help got none, zero, zlilch, nada. So instead of being part of the problem how about listing the issues and help us understand them as you see them as an end user and some reasonable amount of time to resolve them along with some suggestions on maybe how to better display or handle the information so theat the site over all becomes better.
    Please do not PM or e-mail me for support.
    The fastest way to get support is through our Help Desk

  5. #5
    Inactive Member Greg F.'s Avatar
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    Re: RIP Hostboard

    When searching I have a great deal of difficulty with the Image Verification. I guess you might say it is doing its job a little too well. Over half the time I can't read it. I can't understand the audio portion either. Of all the forums I visit I can think of few that require the Image Verification. Is it really needed?
    Also this forum is very slow. I did think it was a problem with NoScript, but I tried
    Firefox, Chrome, IE8, Opera 10 and Minefield or Shiretoko or whatever it is called this week, they are all slow. It just hangs more than about any other site I visit.

  6. #6
    Site Administrator Team Hostboard's Avatar
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    Re: RIP Hostboard

    Quote Originally Posted by Greg F. View Post
    When searching I have a great deal of difficulty with the Image Verification. I guess you might say it is doing its job a little too well. Over half the time I can't read it. I can't understand the audio portion either. Of all the forums I visit I can think of few that require the Image Verification. Is it really needed?
    Also this forum is very slow. I did think it was a problem with NoScript, but I tried
    Firefox, Chrome, IE8, Opera 10 and Minefield or Shiretoko or whatever it is called this week, they are all slow. It just hangs more than about any other site I visit.

    Human verification removed for searching and locked searches to members only.

    Performance issue will be eliminated as woon as we finish moving to our new server today.

    In the future pleae use our help desk for support issues.

    Please do not PM or e-mail me for support.
    The fastest way to get support is through our Help Desk

  7. #7
    HB Forum Owner KingBean's Avatar
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    Re: RIP Hostboard

    Well, I for one appreciate all that has been done and the quick responses always made to any problems with the new system.

    It's only been a week, give it some time to get the kinks sorted out and you might find that what Hostboard is now is much more than it could ever have been on the old system.

    And an admin who actually responds and talks to you rather than an email address you never hear back from.

    I've got six years worth of threads that have lost all formatting and images, and yeah it sucks but jumping ship onto another host isn't going to fix that. I'm staying here and we've still got everything available in one way or another.

    For a free service with no advertising and very minimal spammers getting through (on the old sytem, let alone the new one) you would think people would be a bit more appreciative of what's on offer.
    Rockin' back and forth; that's my only destination.

  8. #8
    HB Administrator Concorde's Avatar
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    Re: RIP Hostboard

    As an admin here at Hostboard for the past 7 years, I have witnessed first hand the amount of time, effort and money Steven and the other developers have, and will continue to put into developing Hostboard. To say that he ruined it without knowing the facts is just ignorance.

    I myself am having some issues on my end, but I will continue to stick with it and offer to help wherever I can because Hostboard always was, and will continue to be one of the premier online message board hosts.

    I only wish you'd be patient and have some understanding during this time of transition so that the bugs can be worked out and things will begin to run smooth, but if not that's okay, we'll be fine without you.
    Hostboard Administrator

    Please use our [url=]Help Desk[/url] to request support.

  9. #9
    Senior Hostboard Member The KoRn's Avatar
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    Re: RIP Hostboard

    Well thanks Steven for your great job, with all respect to you.
    But I don't know, my favourite board is were just going to increase members pretty fast and it was growing really big. Now alot of this threads, photos and links are totally gone, again...
    I don't know if I want to be a part of this anymore, I kind of lost my interest....but it still depends:/

    But thank you Steven and Happy New Year

  10. #10
    HB Forum Owner lovebeezle's Avatar
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    Wink Re: RIP Hostboard

    see, now, Mr. Secretary of Shag (and staff)...

    if this were posted in deep shag/buzz core, i'd have to go ahead and amaze you guys with my quick wit and sharp tongue (or fingertips, as it were)
    in the form of cleverly veiled insults directed at the haters and ingrates.

    just sayen.
    shiny tops and soda pops
    when I hear your lips make a sound

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