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Thread: Crusade

  1. #21
    Inactive Member ProfCrash's Avatar
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    The movie is suppose to be the pilot for a new series. (grins)

    Although I have to admit I find the Techno Mages much more interesting then the Rangers.

    A Techno Mage series would be tough, since they are mainly loners. Could get boring I guess...

  2. #22
    Inactive Member ProfCrash's Avatar
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    Galen's father was his primary instructor in the ways of the Mages. It could be that since the discussion was focused on Elric, Galen's teacher after his father died, Alwyn choose to mention Galen's other teacher. (shrugs)

    More likely that at that time Galen's entire family unit had not been discussed and his Mother was not added into the picture until the books.

    This was a fun episode. It was interesting to see how uncomfortable Galen was discussing somethings with Alwyn with Gideon in the room. Galen's eyes kept flickering over to Gideon. Yet when Gideon was not in the room, Galen was perfectly composed, as I pictured him in the book.

    I also noticed that Galen seemed more willing to show some emotion, all be it very little, in front of the crew of the Excalibur but none really in front of Alwyn. Control amongst Mages is so drilled into them...

    I loved the commentary about the Holo Demons, it made me laugh very loudly. Good stuff. I also liked that there were times you could see images that appeared on Galen's eyes, this ties in nicely to the books description of how the Mages communicate with Probes and the like.

    A fun episode that gives us a bit more insite into Galen's character. Most excellent.

    Screw a Ranger series, can't we have a Techno Mage series?

  3. #23
    Inactive Member absom4's Avatar
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    I posted this at CZ tonight. If anyone is interested, and has made it in to Hostboard, I'll repeat it.

    Go to

    Click on : "message boards". Read the topic: "Finally some good news for Crusade"

  4. #24
    Inactive Member sindatur's Avatar
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    I really, really enjoyed tonight's episode after having read the 1st Technomage book. Well, Iz (or was it Wizz?) I truly believe those first 140 useless pages were great for me and my understanding of the Technomages and my enjoyment of these Galen episodes in Crusade. And the answers to everyone's questions were great. What are Gideon and Matheson's questions, and their answers? And will we see them find them? What was Galen's question and answer, and will we see him find it? Does it have something to do with the spell?

    Minor spoiler for first time Crusade Viewers and those who haven't read the First Technomage novel.
    It's incredible how much he loved Isabelle so much in such a short period of time. Really gives you a glimpse into the strength of Galen's Passion. Technomage's seem to have a similar extremely strong connection as Teeps have when they become "One with each other"

    It never made sense to me when/how Galen worked his way back into good graces with Gideon. I am looking forward to seeing that played out properly. Is he in tomorrow's episode? (The one that was originally aired last with the Drahk return?) I am also looking forward to "The Path of Sorrows" on Monday which is the one episode I missed the first run through which I believe is also a Galen episode.

    What was the Part of Isabelle that Galen released at the Well? Was it the knowledge he inherited from her or did he somehow reclaim the article that Her mother/teacher (Burell?) made to serve as her "familiar"? (an amulet?)

    Do I need to re-read the Technomage opening book again to get an answer to this question? I've only had the opportunity to read it the one time.

    [This message has been edited by sindatur (edited April 18, 2001).]

  5. #25
    Inactive Member Wizz's Avatar
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    Wizzard points to Iznardy with regards to the first point
    I'll have to say, though that Iznardy has a combination of a liability and an asset. He mentioned that he's had the opportunity to take a writing class, (in the novel topic, I think) so he has some objectivity behind his eyeballs. The pace of the book sure picked up in the second half.
    I think what he carried in the amulet was a container of some of her ashes. The second story, though, was a little more thought provoking. And, when I heard a door had been opened, I was first thinking they'd spaced Mr. Jones. He has the same arrogance as Bester, just not the confidence.

  6. #26
    Inactive Member ProfCrash's Avatar
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    This was a great episode. I remeber thinking that when I first saw it as well.

    The last few paragraphs contain info from the book. I will add spoiler space at the end of the post as well so you can read the next post without seeing the end of this post.

    There are two distinct plotlines, the Mr. Jones story and Galen's. There is some intersting info about the new Telepath regulations in this ep. I was left wondering where the new Committee on Metasensory Regulation was located. Mr. Jones cannot have come from Earth and Mars is independent now so a telepath from Mars should not have to follow those regs. Not sure that it is an importnat question but one that nagged at me throughout the episode.

    I was impressed with the lengths that Gideon went to to help Matheson. Gideon is someone who believes in trust and loyalty. Once you are on his good side, he will go tot he wall for you. Wonder how Galen's stunt this week will influence Gideon's willingness to help Galen in the future.

    Glaen is very impressive in this episode. The idea of the Well of Forever is impressive in its own right but the role it played in this episode was amazing.

    Galen's relationship with Isabelle had to be very special for him to go to the lengths that he did. He was willing to sacrifice his relationship with Gideon and the crew of the Excalibur to fufuill his promise. And I wondered why his question would be "Why? I was intrigued that we never learned the answer to his question, only that he has to ponder the answer.

    Max must have flipped out when he lost all his data. Dureena was intersting in this ep. More in the background yet right there in the middle of it all. She had some amazing scenes with Galen.

    I remember watching this ep initially and thinking that the two had studied together for years, when in reality it had been only 2 or 3 weeks.

    My only question about what took place on the Well was where did the amulet come from, Isabelle's amulet was destroyed when Burell's place of power was destroyed. (shrugs) The ashes were Isabelle's, handed to Galen by Carven after Isabelle had been cremated.

  7. #27
    Inactive Member sindatur's Avatar
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    Last night's episode Each NIght I Dream of Home with the Drahk (originally shown as the final episode) presented us with another of JMS's classic moral dilemmas.

    As the plumber (sorry can't remember his name) I can understand him doing it. If my soulmate was on Earth with the plague and I wasn't, I would easily make the choice he did. Better to live 5 years with your other half, than to live those years without your love and watch them die. Also, knowing that your sacrifice, could, possibly aid in finding the cure for the Human race.

    On the other hand, Dr. Franklin's dilemma would be a tough one. A doctor's first priority is to cause no harm or to not make a patient worse. But he did have a volunteer, that probably would've continued trying to find a way to get back to Earth and if Dr. Franklin and the Government didn't help him, then they wouldn't have been able to gain the information of a newly infected person, thereby giving them another tool to try and win against the Virus.

  8. #28
    Inactive Member Wizz's Avatar
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    I liked it. Strange as it may seem, if you're attached to someone that much, there's no other choice. Besides, if he'd waited and the cure was found (which it was), there's no way to determine that they'd still be that interested in each other. I know that there are cases where people have waited for ages and still get together, but it's rare. Most just move their separate ways.

    I also caught Franklin's expression when discovering how the "virus" worked, " a zip file..." The folks at WinZip must be pretty pleased that their product is a household term, if not in fact still used.

    Then, there's the senator. Very inflated ego, bailing out when it was suggested that he get to a life pod as he was one of the few non-infected EA senators left. Away he if his being a sentator meant anything if the plague wasn't cured. :P

  9. #29
    Inactive Member ProfCrash's Avatar
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    ya know last nights ep leaves me with some questions. If the plague is similar to the nano tech virus that was created by a Techno Mage then maybe the cure is in the hand of the Mages.....

    Also, how many humans are living off of earth? OK 10 billion will die if a cure is not found and that is beyond bad. The show keeps leaving us with this impression that it is the end of humanity if a cure is not found. How many humans live on Mars? IO? Proxima 3? other colonies? B5, Minbar ect....

    Granted Humanity would no longer be a dominant race if the plague is not cured but humanity would still survive.As such, the survival of Earth's few Senators who were off world is very important. They are the only ones who can speak for Earth if something happens. Kind of like a government in exile.

    Sure, the Doc said that to get him out of her hair and not because she was really worried about him but there is a certain logic to it.

    By the way, do we ever see the Doc in a uniform?

  10. #30
    Inactive Member Sycamore Evenstar's Avatar
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    I can't begin to describe how much more I am enjoying the series with the proper beginning!! I really was amazed how much more logical it was and how many fewer "huh? Did I nod off?" there were for me with the opening ep! And so disappointed (again) with Dureena's new hairdo (ala TNT mandates) halfway through the series.

    I had been wondering the same two questions, PC--off-world humans and where's the Doc's uniform?

    My fashion vote also goes for the JMS uniforms, though I still think they remind me of current RCMP/bellhop uniforms. :-)

    My 2-cents! Just so glad to see it back--especially this way!

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