I am happy to finally announce that the Hostboard Control Panel (HBCP) has officially reached version 1.0 After months of coding Adam has given his blessing and released the code into production.

What is "The Hostboard Control Panel"
The HBCP is the core software that makes Hostboard different allowing complete customization of individual forums allowing owners/moderators to make their forum(s) unique.

So what does this mean?
We have equaled and surpassed in many ways the older outdated system's abilities and now have a platform to continue development upon. Development now will be much easier allowing for a quicker turn around from concept to production. We have a massive laundry list but will be concentrating on some very specific items for the next release that we know are of importance to many members.

I would like to thank Adam again for all the time and effort he has spent in pushing the software development further then I could have imagined and look forward to his continued efforts moving forward to bring Hostboard to a level that has yet to be experienced.

Owner, Hostboard.com

Lead Developer, Hostboard.com