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Thread: A little Jett humor /click on the link

  1. #1
    Guest 4Jettheads's Avatar


  2. #2
    Guest 4Jettheads's Avatar


    Umm, 'bout time for Cherie to hit the concert tour again. Too much plastic pop queen out there. They need a dose of what rock and roll was meant to be.

  3. #3
    Inactive Member almarockstar's Avatar
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    Ouch low blow for Simpson!


  4. #4
    Guest famveronica's Avatar


    I hear ya !!!!
    I hate all this r & b music. It's all the same. MTV never play's real music anymore. You have to be black and wear allot of bling blind and sing yo baby jo to get into MTV this days. I just can't stand that R & B music....
    I mean they don't eaven play Madonna anymore...
    Just black artist's..............
    What a shame..........

    Just to make one thing clear.. I have nothing against black people. I just don't like there R & B stuff.......................

  5. #5
    Guest famveronica's Avatar
    WOW can you imagine
    Cherie Currie world tour 2005 !!!!!!
    Now that's a trip worth going to....
    Cherie on tour ohh that's just clings so good in my ear............ [img]graemlins/sure.gif[/img]

  6. #6
    Guest famveronica's Avatar
    WOW can you imagine
    Cherie Currie world tour 2005 !!!!!!
    Now that's a trip worth going to....
    Cherie on tour ohh that's just clings so good in my ear............ [img]graemlins/music.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/star.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/party.gif[/img]

  7. #7
    Guest 4Jettheads's Avatar


    Ronnie Blue-eyes: "Cherie on tour ohh that's just clings so good in my ear............ "

    Down grrrl ! Down ! But it is time for the as*-kickin' women of R & R to burn up the stage again. I can't stomach all these "See me with my lip-synch mic ?" silicon queens anymore. They ever did a live sound concert, ya better call the paramedics cuz I'm gonna go into shock.

  8. #8
    Guest 4Jettheads's Avatar


    AlmaR- Rumor has it that Ashley dearest is trying to get a return appearance and the show's head producer said -NO ! I don't know if it's true, or not. Wouldn't surprise me though. She's gonna hafta get a lot tougher if she plans to stay in the music industry. Things go wrong. It happens.Probably happened in your band on more than one occassion. She'll never make it if she keeps up the walk offstage and boo-hoo in the hallway. She wouldn't have lasted a month if she pulled a stunt like that 20 years ago. Rock and rollers don't whine. The Runaways toughed it out in a lot worse situations, as did other female performers of the earlier female rock bands, than Ashley and came out fighting against a very male-dominated industry. It's still there, but not like when Cherie and her bandmates were coming of age. The Ashleys and Aprils woulda been just a couple pansies. I remember those days of the first female rockers. They had a terrible time trying to be accepted as serious performers.

  9. #9
    Inactive Member almarockstar's Avatar
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    OH yeah s*it happens.

    I don't have enough fingers and toes to count all the times something has gone wrong at our shows.

    I agree, i read some pretty hard things about experiences The Runaways went trough as pioneers of rock. I remember one particular story Jackie Fox had on her site where she mentions Rush was on the side of the stage during the girl's performance making fun of em. Ever since i read that , i can't stand Rush. Why is it so hard for the industry to accept and value femenine talent in rock n roll !!! [img]graemlins/grrr.gif[/img]

  10. #10
    Guest 4Jettheads's Avatar


    Well, to answer your question, I think my sisters have got it pretty well covered with "All men are idiots." The more I see in the music industry, the more I'm convinced of the quotes truthfulness.
    Joan had her ribs broken once by some fool guy in the crowd that thought women didn't belong on stage. Joan walked it off and went right back on stage and finished her set. There's probably a lot more women that went through the same manure. My sisters are right-Men are idiots.

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