Well I hope she's reading this..if she is then this is what I'd like to say to her.

What you did is totally un-acceptable and incredibly rude. What the hell makes you think that John has any obligation to you at all? He doesn't. His job is to perform on a stage, it's how he makes his living, when he leaves that theatre his time is his own to spend how he wants it. How would you like to finish a horribly tiring day at work and have to stand and make small talk to someone you don't know who's drooling over you and telling you that they are your biggest fan?

I'm not even a "fan" of John, so I'm defending him as a performer who I believe is talented, not because I have some little-school-girl crush on him. Neither he or any other performer deserves an annoying obsessive groupie coming and shouting abuse at him. Oh and don't give me some crap about how it's a horrible disappointment. Do you have no self control at all? If all you can do is shout, stamp and moan when things don't go as planned then you're very immature and childish. I'd never dream of calling myself a fan of someone and then shouting at them that they are an asshole. You've got some serious growing up to do.
