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Thread: District Attorney Who Didn't Charge Sanduskey Missing

  1. #11
    Inactive Member centennialdawg's Avatar
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    Re: District Attorney Who Didn't Charge Sanduskey Missing

    Quote Originally Posted by UnIoNfAn View Post
    Joe done what he was supposed to in all honesty. He told the Dean and Athletic Director. Think about it like this guys. If at your job someone accused you of a crime but had no proof, would you want your supperior to go strait to the police or up the chain of command? Better yet, If you had someone who works for you come and accuse another person of a crime would you run strait to the police no questions asked no matter what, or would you do something different? Dont take me wrong i am in no way taking up for Sandusky and his actions but its awful hard to run strait to the cops on the word of someone with no proof. Plus its hard to get the cops to do anything without physical evidence to back them up.
    I don't think he did everything that needed to be done. When you have someone accuse another of such an act with children, you should go to the police and let them sort things out. If you value youth the way Joe says he did then he should not just stop with telling the president of the college, or whoever without going to the authorities. Remember, it is better to be investigated by the police than it is to let something like this "snowball" into something bigger.

    I do believe the he knew there was at least some factual evidence in this and he wanted to try and cover this up any way he could. And, BTW, I don't think it is any coincidence with his retirement planning that he had ownership of his home transferred to his wife.

  2. #12
    Inactive Member UnIoNfAn's Avatar
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    Re: District Attorney Who Didn't Charge Sanduskey Missing

    I feel it was alot of cover up as well. Im sure they knew more than what was said and yeah Joe should have went to the police. I would guess that looking back on it Joe would have but hiensight is 20/20 and nobody can go back in time to change things. I hope this will be used as a lesson to everyone in athoritative positions that you have to do what is right no matter the cost

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