It's possible that this board will be going away before football season starts up this fall. I'm of the mind (as are some of you) that this place has run it's course, pretty much, and it's time to move on.

Now--a few questions I'd like what feedback I can get on:

1) IF this board does go away, would any of you like to know of a new board if some of the old guard from here decided to start another one elsewhere? It wouldn't be called LPD Forum and wouldn't have a lot of the same layout (read: it would be much smaller/informal, and we'd start from importing screen names/posts).

2) IF this board goes away, would you be more interested in a Facebook group, or another Message Board type of environment? This one is important, because I'd like to see a consensus on the preferences of who's left.

3) Since we're pretty much at the end of the line: any and all feedback from the past several years is welcome, good/bad/otherwise. I'm not moderating anything anymore at this juncture, so any and all opinions will be unfettered and as-is (save for the language filter that's in place in the Hostboard software). Look at this as your opportunity to speak freely about the good and bad things about the board...and if you have any solutions to problems you've seen in the past that we can all learn from--feel more than free to share that as well.