I talked to a guy who served there. He said every day was just a day to survive.
The media is limited to what all they can tell. But his words chilled me.
He said if most knew the truth, US soldiers are pushed to their max.
This also made his second time to Iraq, even after requesting a hardship, to come home to a dying relative.
In WW11 that was not even denied.
He said our military is pressed to it's max in Iraq.
And the Iraq's that want freedom cannot get it, because of fear tactics from others insurgents.
His words was similiar to what has been posted. We are now caught in a civil war between two factions in Iraq.
And neither will give in, to have true peace.
He said we are the enemy because we are called the Devil and invaders.
Just thought i would share that from a person who served on the front lines in Iraq.
He said the US military was stretched to it's limits, and if anything 50,000 more troops may not be enough.