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Thread: I hear more and more of these bullying cases on the news..

  1. #11
    Inactive Member 1inStripes's Avatar
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    Re: I hear more and more of these bullying cases on the news..

    Quote Originally Posted by R13 View Post
    Several problems with that. First one is that its usually not just one person, its a group of kids, you expect the kid to go standup to an entire group of others? Second one is that it doesn't work like it does in the movies, that whole standing up to them will make it go away, it makes it worse more times than not...and turns it into a physical issue, which makes it worse on the kid. The third thing is the zero-tolerance policies that ensure the kid getting picked on would get punished for no reason if they stood up to the bullies, which could cause a lot of problems academically and all because of these bullies. I haven't believed that 'coddling and want everything given to them' thing either, are the same parents who were supposed to have been raised differently suddenly started coddling their kids and going against how they were raised? Doubtful. I think its the same nostalgic view that's repeated by the older generation, but doesn't exist really IMO. I don't think at all its a 'if I don't get my way' issue, I see it as a view of 'I'm going to have to put up with this everyday of my life', anyone(esp. a younger person/kid) can get very pessimistic about their lives when they experience rejection/ridicule that early on in life. Who can blame them when that's all you've known, maybe even at home too, that life isn't going to get any better than this and 'I have to put up with these people all of my life'. Half of these are about some kid being called gay, there was one because the girl was from Ireland and picked on because of that, then the one girl who was tricked by a PARENT online to make her think this boy dumped her...we're talking 12/13 year olds, even a 10 year old hanged himself and the boy who jumped off the bridge was just 18.
    Thats partially why zero tolerance is ignorant. But, it at least brings attention to a situation and that will go a long way. But, whether you want to believe something or not, is up to you. We will just have to disagree.
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  2. #12
    Inactive Member MikeJones's Avatar
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    Re: I hear more and more of these bullying cases on the news..

    Quote Originally Posted by R13 View Post
    Who said he said something hateful? I said he specifically mentioned about him being with a guy, he had no problem with it and did nothing when he thought he was with a girl. The guy didn't jump because the guy said something hateful to him, he did it because the ******* broadcast what he was doing to a live audience on the internet and posted for people to go watched it. That's embarrassing for anyone, to have what you do in private put on the internet infront of his classmates, possibly family who didn't know about his life and complete strangers. That could ruin anyones life, just the sheer fact its your personal actions on the internet forever. The guy did it completely because he was with another guy and he put it on the internet like he was some freak show.
    The news is saying it dip****. Some are calling it a "HATECRIME". Dont act like you werent aware of that fact. Also what source did you find that states he did it because he was with a dude? I may have missed that. People are trying to make more out of his tweets than what they were. He was just being sarcastic thats along ways from being a nazi.

  3. #13
    Inactive Member 7teen's Avatar
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    Re: I hear more and more of these bullying cases on the news..

    Quote Originally Posted by collegetrumpet2010 View Post
    Bullying is never acceptable.
    Neither is suicide.

  4. #14
    Inactive Member Biggin's Avatar
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    Re: I hear more and more of these bullying cases on the news..

    Quote Originally Posted by 7teen View Post
    Neither is suicide.
    No, but since one is directly related to the other, bullying is a very serious and dangerous issue.

    Suicide should never be the solution to any young kids' problems, but something has to be done about the intense bullying in some cases.

    First, THE PARENTS! Its up the the parents on both sides to prevent something like this. The parents of the bullies need to be held as accountable as the children are. They are the reason this is allowed to happen. If the bully's parents would actually try and figure out why, its usually because of an extreme lack of self-confidence and insecurities by the bully.
    And the parents of the bullying victim has to get more involved and talk to their kids and explain how life is, how most of the time the douche bullying you in class ends up with 7 kids and on food stamps and make an effort to try and get the situation under wraps.

    and the schools have to be more proactive. Zero tolerance is retarded, it does not work. it keeps kids who are getting picked on from even standing up for themselves for fear of repercussions from the bully AND the school. The teachers need to try harder on curbing this problem instead of showing indifference. A lot of teachers like to get involved with some students and turn a blind eye to the kids who really need their help. That's what makes me sick, is administraitors and teachers who believe their favorites or popular kids over their victims who complain about bullying.

    Its an epidemic in schools right now, something has to be done, but it has to happen on an INDIVIDUAL BASIS! All these cases are different and should be handled differently, with a serious effort on helping the victim first, then explore WHY the bully is torturing the child.

  5. #15
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    Re: I hear more and more of these bullying cases on the news..

    ya know, im only 25 years old, but when we had problems like this in school we usually just bloodied a nose and went on with our business. usually ended up making up with the bullies/whoever we had a problem with in the next couple of days and all was well.
    Cant we all just get along?

  6. #16
    Inactive Member MikeJones's Avatar
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    Re: I hear more and more of these bullying cases on the news..

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post
    ya know, im only 25 years old, but when we had problems like this in school we usually just bloodied a nose and went on with our business. usually ended up making up with the bullies/whoever we had a problem with in the next couple of days and all was well.

    Man ive seen a lot of hugs after fights. Ive even gave a few right after I was wanting to kill the person 5 minutes earlier

  7. #17
    Inactive Member Biggin's Avatar
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    Re: I hear more and more of these bullying cases on the news..

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post
    ya know, im only 25 years old, but when we had problems like this in school we usually just bloodied a nose and went on with our business. usually ended up making up with the bullies/whoever we had a problem with in the next couple of days and all was well.
    are you really 25? i thought you were only a year older than I am.

    but yeah, my experience was a lot like yours, but we live in a close tight knit community where everybody knows everybody and the class size and population leads us to truly know each other.

    i didnt have a lot going for me in terms of not getting picked on when I was little, a fat kid who stuttered, so I understand why some kids feel so helpless. I feel for these kids.
    but by the time I got a lil older I was one of the biggest kids in the class so it ended quick. but most kids dont grow as big as I did.

    im not a big fighting solves problems person, I believe the best way to work something out is with words, solving hte problems at the root. But in some situations, the little kid just needs to pop the big ****er in the mouth.

  8. #18
    Inactive Member redhotrash's Avatar
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    Re: I hear more and more of these bullying cases on the news

    Getting bullied is a part of growing up. Consider this, how many teen suicides did we have between the 50s and the 90s? Then compare 90s to today. Bully is the same, but the numbers go up. Why? Because children today are the least resiliant they have ever been and are told from a young age not to fight back, to tell a teacher, to ignore them. All 3 of those solutions only make things worse in school. So we build this wall around them, where they dont actually face ANY challenges on their own and then what? They are a neurotic mess when they hit the real world and have to learn how to deal with things at 24 that they should have at 14. The Dr. Phil generation is failing. So by all means keep shoving anti-depressants and ADHD pills down your child's mouth while telling him hes a beautiful snowflake, just dont be shocked when he moves back in after college.

  9. #19
    Inactive Member Biggin's Avatar
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    Re: I hear more and more of these bullying cases on the news

    Quote Originally Posted by redhotrash View Post
    Getting bullied is a part of growing up. Consider this, how many teen suicides did we have between the 50s and the 90s? Then compare 90s to today. Bully is the same, but the numbers go up. Why? Because children today are the least resiliant they have ever been and are told from a young age not to fight back, to tell a teacher, to ignore them. All 3 of those solutions only make things worse in school. So we build this wall around them, where they dont actually face ANY challenges on their own and then what? They are a neurotic mess when they hit the real world and have to learn how to deal with things at 24 that they should have at 14. The Dr. Phil generation is failing. So by all means keep shoving anti-depressants and ADHD pills down your child's mouth while telling him hes a beautiful snowflake, just dont be shocked when he moves back in after college.
    What a mess of a post. Do you have any idea how many more outlets teens have to be bullied now? The ever going class divide, cyber bullying, there are a TON more kids getting bullied now. Thats a fact.

  10. #20
    Inactive Member R13's Avatar
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    Re: I hear more and more of these bullying cases on the news

    And it also wasn't like kids just started committing suicide because of bullying, it was happening in the 50's, before and happening now. As biggin just said there's a lot more outlets to do it in as well. There has just been a recognition of this more recently, kids were doing it back then and no one thought it was bullying because "that's the way it was" - which pisses me off so bad, just because horrible things happened for a long time and people were used to it, doesn't mean it's okay or that kids are somehow "wussies" for not accepting it. This notion that we were so better off back then, that kids are just softer and everything was just peachy is so childishly simplistic and ignorant. It's blind nostalgia of this "well I was just fine", "it never hurt nobody back then", "just havin' fun" etc. write-off of things that are so common-sense unacceptable. Not only that, most are so far off about this generation it isn't ieven funny, it's bad enough they're so far off on what they perceived back then but they're equally as far off with what they perceive these days.

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