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Thread: i have never seen a forum die like this one.....

  1. #11
    Inactive Member basketballguy's Avatar
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    Re: i have never seen a forum die like this one.....

    I have been around since the black and green days... granted i was young then. I have had my fair share of experiences here. My other name got lost in the transfer so this was my extra name. The forum has def. died out here as of lately. I usually check this thing daily but rarely post.

  2. #12
    Inactive Member 1inStripes's Avatar
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    Re: i have never seen a forum die like this one.....

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeJones View Post
    Nobody post probly cause its over modded. Posting should be simpler
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  3. #13
    Inactive Member SWVA-Football's Avatar
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    Re: i have never seen a forum die like this one.....


  4. #14
    Inactive Member CoeburnCane's Avatar
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    Re: i have never seen a forum die like this one.....

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeJones View Post
    Nobody post probly cause its over modded. Post about a news caster losing his job and you get cussed in a pm for not putting it in political. A thread about osama getting killed is ok in general. Go figure. Posting should be simpler
    If you want to moderate somewhere else and then have people like you second-guess every move you make, then be my guest. I'll take heed to the above only after you do that. It sucks. Were it not for the other 99% of posters on here who don't complain and try to understand how crazy things are here, I'd have left a long time ago.

    I'd be willing to put up a poll to see what moniker people would give the "news caster" you called Glenn Beck. Either "news caster", as you put it, or political pundit/entertainer--as he's been self-described and as most I'd wager would call him. Thusly...that got moved to politics. It was my judgement call to moderate it since we had a politics board, and I never backed down from it. Only you, seemingly, had an issue with that. I didn't get a single PM or message from anyone else with a problem with that.

    I let the Bin Laden thread go because of it's national significance to everyone. That was the only Bin Laden thread created. Had we had 10 million pop up and they started getting out of hand politically, I would have had to do more. And, once again, it seems only you had an issue with how I handled PM's saying "move the Bin Laden thread elsewhere, please".

    Let's open up the conversation--Everyone else not named MikeJones or CoeburnCane: if you have a problem with the way I handled either situation above, then speak up. It will either a) be a learning time for me as a mod and validate MJ's complaint, or b) settle MJ's beef with me. Either way, I'd like to have that resolved instead of having stuff thrown back in my face a month after the fact.

  5. #15
    Inactive Member Ironlung's Avatar
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    Re: i have never seen a forum die like this one.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Biggin View Post
    Lung still lurks, PVFAN, CC, hell even mega lurks. We need to get this place rocking again.
    I'm still here everyday. It's just the ****season and not much to talk about. This place isn't as dead as everyone says. The other day when Rocky made this post I looked at the main page and there were over 30 people viewing at that time. On Fall Friday nights there are still over 100 on about 10-11 pm. When this umpteenth version of hostboard came up a problem arose that wasn't a problem with the old board. It was opened to the public and anyone can read. The last format you had to be a registered user to read which made it easier for someone who didn't intend to post to end up posting anyway.

    Regardless, Hostboard is a huge pile of dog**** and I hope they rot in hell. Can't wait till I never have to visit a hostboard site again. My only suggestion is that when the transition takes place send a mass email, put a link on the other forums (G-Man's, the CD, and the CMD site), and leave the link to this forum open for a month or so with a redirect link to the new site.
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  6. #16
    Inactive Member beamer_ball's Avatar
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    Re: i have never seen a forum die like this one.....

    Quote Originally Posted by starbuck View Post
    like I said in a previous post, I found out about this place because of it being talked about on Friday night radio broadcast during the games. if we could find someone to get the word out during games that would have to help
    Getting the WAXM crew riled up seems to be a good way of promoting banter about the forum, they've "talked" about it some the past couple of years, lol.

  7. #17
    HB Forum Owner SBG's Avatar
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    Re: i have never seen a forum die like this one.....

    MJ, I don't have any issue with you so please don't think I mean this in any negative way possible. If you want a completely unmoderated forum to post on try Topix. Browse that steaming pile of sheet for a while and you'll click back to this place so fast you'll break your mouse. If a forum is going to be worth anything it has to be moderated. When you're just a member it's over moderated and when you're a mod it's not moderated enough. I've been on both sides (I've modded at a few sites other than this one) so I totally know what I'm talking about. It's not as bad as it seems. And if it is, it's only a web forum.

    Cane, I'd like to throw my name in the hat (if there is one....LoL) of people who'd be willing to help any way they can. I could help with the FB page as I'm gonna get a data account for my iPad ASAP. Or I can help in any other way possible. Just let me know if you need anything.

  8. #18
    Inactive Member MikeJones's Avatar
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    Re: i have never seen a forum die like this one.....

    SBG I don't have any issue with you. I have no clue where you got I wanted a unmodded forum. Consistency would be nice tho.

    Cane Saying I second guess every move you make is absurd. But cussing a poster in pm and then not being consistent with what riled you up is ridiculous. You act like this is the most stressful job in the world. Only one Glenn beck thread and the Osama got way more political. Sound like you jump when someone sends you a PM telling you what to do.

    So your really gonna say you are correct in cussing posters?

  9. #19
    Inactive Member CoeburnCane's Avatar
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    Re: i have never seen a forum die like this one.....

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeJones View Post
    Cane Saying I second guess every move you make is absurd. But cussing a poster in pm and then not being consistent with what riled you up is ridiculous. You act like this is the most stressful job in the world. Only one Glenn beck thread and the Osama got way more political. Sound like you jump when someone sends you a PM telling you what to do.

    So your really gonna say you are correct in cussing posters?
    I've already read the Sent PM's in my saved messages and know what's there, but go ahead and post my responses (undoctored, please). I want to see you slit your own throat here, b/c if you're going to get mad over "blue he||" and "pi$$ed" being used once apiece in the past about 10 PM's between you and I on my part, then you need to get over yourself and take some life inventory.

    Full disclosure on this isn't going to work well for you if you keep going down this path of accusing me of verbally abusing you and throwing PM's laced with profanity your way...b/c that's not what happened.

  10. #20
    Inactive Member pvfan's Avatar
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    Re: i have never seen a forum die like this one.....

    Obviously, this is all my opinion, but here goes:

    The LPD Forum has lost its value over the years. Like most long time posters here, I believe the problems with hostboard are the main culprit but hostobard is not totally to blame. I really feel part of the problem is the advanced social media world we live in. This is not major college athletics where people around the globe have inside knowledge. This is small time high school athletics, those that have information know each other. If something is going on in Coeburn that I want to know about, I pick up the phone and call Cane. With the political games that go on in this area nobody wants to have their name tied to any "sensitive" information in print form online (including me). We (those of us who have been here forever and have knowledge) all know each other and I can go to my phone now and track down a phone number for a poster on this board in every community that can tell me what exactly is going on. Facebook is increasingly being used as a major tool as well, all of us are friends on there and information is passed freely back and forth via facebook chat and inbox messages. Finally, to me the biggest blow came when the sanctity of the old timer's club was broken. I wouldn't post anything here for the public to read now that is somewhat hairy and I imagine others feel the same.

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