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Feel free to go there and "Like" the page to keep up with the transition process as it gets going over the next few weeks, and hopefully is done over the Summer months. If something happens you can't see the page via the link above, let me know.

Once we have a new forum, the link will not only be posted on here to redirect--but also on this FB Page so folks can share the link if needed. Hopefully, we won't have attrition of members due to not being able to find the new Forum's link--as happened with the HostBoard transition.

Use the Wall on the FB Page to give any input as it pertains to platforms, new controls, new features, or software concerns. If you have issues w/moderation or administration, please continue to address those via PM to those mods/admins on here. The Wall needs to be used to plan for the new board, not to rehash any grudges or problems we've had on the Forums and/or trash another current/past poster.

If everyone contributes, I'm fully confident that we can make the new Forum the place we all want it to be. Thanks in advance for your assistance, and wish the Mods/Admins luck.