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Thread: a clinton family refresher..............

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    a clinton family refresher..............


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    Re: a clinton family refresher..............

    Here is the response from that site about 9/11/01...followed by their version of what Bush should have said. Did you just read the Clinton thing, or did you take time to see the warped view of the USA in general, good find, I'll put this right up there with "John Boy and Billy".

    "We are stunned and appalled at the enormity of the tragedy which has occurred in New York and Washington. Our thoughts are with those who have lost their loved ones, we are deeply saddened by their grief and suffering. We totally condemn all violence and oppression, however and wherever it occurs.

    We are equally horrified at the thought of the tragedy which will soon engulf the citizens of whichever countries the US government selects as targets for retaliation."

    " 12 September 2001 What GWB should have said-

    My fellow Americans. I would like to deeply and sincerely apologize to you all, and particularly to those injured and to the loved ones of those lost. You see, largely away from the public eye, my administration and its predecessors have intervened without cease in the affairs of other peoples. But we have not intervened to advance freedom. We have not intervened to advance democracy. We have not even intervened to protect the interests of the relatively small population of this country.

    Instead, we have intervened to advance the business interests of our campaign contributors and networks of friends and advisers, to put down the unrest of the many thousands of foreign people who are left impoverished and disenfranchised by our economic policies, and to ensure the military and political dominance of our country over other nations.

    In the last ten years alone America's manipulation of the politics and economies of other people has led us to impose economic policies that reduce access to health care and education in poor countries like Argentina, Turkey, and South Korea.

    It has led us to arm the governments of countries like Colombia, Israel, Indonesia, and Turkey that themselves use terror - but on a much larger scale than seen today - to suppress the desires of their own people.

    And it has led us to brutally attack the Iraqi people with both bombs and sanctions in order to cripple their dictator, in the process killing perhaps two hundred innocent Iraqis for every one innocent American who died today.

    I apologize on behalf of my own administration, but also on behalf of the Clinton administration, the first Bush administration, the Reagan administration, and previous governments stretching back to the very founding of the country, all of which used military and economic power to conquer other lands, choose their political leaders, or set their economic policies."

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