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Thread: Wow, if you didn't think they were crazy...

  1. #11
    Inactive Member R13's Avatar
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    Re: Wow, if you didn't think they were crazy...

    Quote Originally Posted by Gotch View Post
    Just heard that a new poll is already showing a huge swing in public opinion on the health care bill. According to ABC News an up to date poll is showing 49% now in support of the bill!!!!

    Only 40% now saying it was a bad idea!

    Watch the Republican outcry turn to a whimper within days. Count on in.
    I seen that too, didn't know the exact numbers, but heard polls had shown increase support.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gotch View Post
    I wonder how many stupid death threats are received on "average" days? I bet there are some.

    I do agree that there is an unreasonable response for opponents. I wonder if the Rush Limbaugh's of the world are more to blame for the radical response than the Tea Party?
    Maybe not everyday or week, but I'd say it might happen some. This is insane though, all for this bill that does what? Help the general public.

    The Limbaughs and the Becks definitely hold a lot of blame, they subliminally say things and we all know they have(along with others like Palin) generated the fear and lies about this bill since day I lay a lot of blame on them. But they have to have a dumbass audience to soak this up, to take it literally and not actually take the time to look at what's in the bill and what's not.

  2. #12
    Inactive Member sup-rbeast's Avatar
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    Re: Wow, if you didn't think they were crazy...

    Quote Originally Posted by Gotch View Post
    Wow, glad you are finally realizing the truth!

    Tea Party death toll for the past year - 0 - unless I'm missing something

    Radical Islamic death toll for LAST MONTH - 600+ with 1600+ critically hurt

    Good to see someone else realizing that Islam is simply a violent religion....thanks again!
    My brother in law and his entire family are devout Muslims..he lives in Richmond with my sister (his wife) and my nephew (his son)..his family lives in Turkey and come here to visit as often as is allowed by the government..furthermore, my nephew has dual I take offense to the stereotype of Muslims projected by the ignorance of folks in this country who seem to know no better. Here you have what amounts to attempted murder of a representative of our government..more than likely an attempt by a Tea Bagger (a group embraced by the KKK who in terms of the bigotry of the Baggers' rhetoric is embraced back) This combined with Sarah Palin's (another personality both involved with and embraced by the Baggers) website which instructs Tea Baggers to "Reload" and marks congressional districts with crosshairs (one of which is this Rep's district) tells me all I need to know about the quality of people involved with this group...a person would have to be one stupid fuck to associate themselves with these people or attempt to defend them. So..come again?
    ...And if you ain't down with that, I got 2 words for ya....

  3. #13
    Inactive Member R13's Avatar
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    Re: Wow, if you didn't think they were crazy...

    Capitol Police officers stand outside the Capitol Building Sunday evening before the vote on the health care reform bill.

    Washington (CNN) -- House Democrats are concerned about their security due to increased threats since Sunday's vote to pass the health care bill, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said Wednesday.

    Hoyer told a news conference that "a significant number, meaning over 10," had reported either threats, vandalism or other incidents. Capitol Police officials have briefed House Democrats on reporting suspicious or threatening activity and taking precautions to avoid "subjecting themselves or their families to physical harm," said Hoyer, D-Maryland.

    Earlier Wednesday, the Albemarle County Fire Marshal's Office in Virginia confirmed the FBI was investigating a suspicious incident at the home of Virginia Democratic Rep. Tom Perriello's brother, days after the brother's home address was posted online by a Tea Party activist.

    An aide to Perriello told CNN that a line to the propane tank on his brother's gas grill had been severed.

    "While officials are not willing to characterize the exact nature of the incident because of the ongoing investigation, it did not involve an immediate threat to occupants of the residence," said Lee Catlin, Community Relations Director for the Fire Marshal.

    "However, officials are taking the incident very seriously and conducting a vigorous investigation."

    Catlin said the county joined the investigation late Tuesday after a request from the FBI.

    In addition, Democratic offices in at least three states have reported instances of vandalism that party members say possibly were tied to Sunday's historic vote on health care reform.

    Democracy "is not about violence," Hoyer said at the news conference joined by House Majority Whip James Clyburn of South Carolina. "It is about making sure everybody in America feels free to express their opinion and to take such actions as they deem to be necessary without subjecting themselves, their families or others to behavior, and frankly criminal behavior in some respect, that undermines democracy and undermines the safety of individuals."

    Referring to Clyburn, Hoyer said "both us believe that to remain silent in the face of such activity gives the impression of either condoning or sanctioning such action."

    The top Republican in the House, Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio, said Wednesday that opponents of health care reform should protest legally.

    "Violence and threats are unacceptable," Boehner said. "That' not the American way. We need to take that anger and channel it into positive change. Call your congressman, go out and register people to vote, go volunteer on a political campaign, make your voice heard, but let's do it the right way."
    If we can get across to the other side that they are within inches of provoking a civil war in this country, then that's a good thing.
    --Blogger Michael B. Vanderboegh, blogger who called for violence against some Democrats' offices

    The Tea Party movement that has protested health care reform held demonstrations outside Congress last weekend as the House debated and voted on the health care measure. Three African-American House Democrats, including civil rights leader Rep. John Lewis of Georgia, reported protesters shouted racial slurs at them and spit at one of them, while Rep. Barney Frank, D-Massachusetts, an openly gay House member, had anti-gay slurs yelled at him.

    During the demonstration, Republican House members encouraged protesters outside and inside the House gallery. On Tuesday, Hoyer said it was not fitting with regular order in the Capitol for members to cheer on protesters inside the House chamber or to hang signs from windows in the Capitol, or for Republican members to stand on the balcony just outside the House floor waving signs to protesters below.

    "We ought to all be careful as leaders in this country to conduct ourselves in a way that demonstrates to the public how we ought to act," Hoyer said.

    An Alabama-based blog, called "Sipsey Street Irregulars," says it has launched a so-called "window war" against Democrats and has kept a tally of the recent incidents of damage, including ones in New York and Kansas.

    Blogger Michael B. Vanderboegh of Pinson, Alabama, said Monday that in a Friday blog, he called for people to break windows at Democratic headquarters at the city and county level. He said he didn't call for the damages to congressional offices because, "I didn't want to be responsible for anybody breaking a federal law."

    However, "I can understand how someone can be frustrated enough to throw a brick through a congresswoman's window," Vanderboegh said. He said he feels the health care bill is "unconstitutional and tyrannical."

    "My answer is violence, by getting their attention," he said, adding, "If we can get across to the other side that they are within inches of provoking a civil war in this country, then that's a good thing."

    House Democrats report increased threats since health care vote -

  4. #14
    Inactive Member Gotch's Avatar
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    Re: Wow, if you didn't think they were crazy...

    Quote Originally Posted by sup-rbeast View Post
    My brother in law and his entire family are devout Muslims..he lives in Richmond with my sister (his wife) and my nephew (his son)..his family lives in Turkey and come here to visit as often as is allowed by the government..furthermore, my nephew has dual I take offense to the stereotype of Muslims projected by the ignorance of folks in this country who seem to know no better. Here you have what amounts to attempted murder of a representative of our government..more than likely an attempt by a Tea Bagger (a group embraced by the KKK who in terms of the bigotry of the Baggers' rhetoric is embraced back) This combined with Sarah Palin's (another personality both involved with and embraced by the Baggers) website which instructs Tea Baggers to "Reload" and marks congressional districts with crosshairs (one of which is this Rep's district) tells me all I need to know about the quality of people involved with this group...a person would have to be one stupid fuck to associate themselves with these people or attempt to defend them. So..come again?
    Sorry if you take personal offence to the undeniable FACT that Islam tends to breed an extraordinary number of fanatics by any standards and dwarfs those of any other religion by many, many multiples. It's simply a fact and an undeniable fact.

    Does that mean that every Muslim is evil? Of course not.......

    No one here (myself included) defended the acts of vandalism and potential violence. I just pointed out the statistical absurdity of comparing them to people who murder 10,000 folks (give or take a few 1,000) each and every year.

  5. #15
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    Re: Wow, if you didn't think they were crazy...

    Quote Originally Posted by Biggin View Post
    That is EXCELLENT news.

    Maybe it will hinder the GOP from complaining that the American people are not behind this.

    AND....this could also mean doom for teh GOP in November. If more Americans support the bill, it makes the GOP look bad for fighting so hard against it and refusing to cooperate for the better of the country.

    The next three months will define the next few years in America.
    I have actually heard a few folks locally who were dead-set against the bill soften their position within the last 48 hours. I know that probably doesn't really mean too much but I believe it does go along with those poll numbers.

  6. #16
    Inactive Member sup-rbeast's Avatar
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    Re: Wow, if you didn't think they were crazy...

    Quote Originally Posted by Gotch View Post
    Sorry if you take personal offence to the undeniable FACT that Islam tends to breed an extraordinary number of fanatics by any standards and dwarfs those of any other religion by many, many multiples. It's simply a fact and an undeniable fact.

    Does that mean that every Muslim is evil? Of course not.......

    No one here (myself included) defended the acts of vandalism and potential violence. I just pointed out the statistical absurdity of comparing them to people who murder 10,000 folks (give or take a few 1,000) each and every year.
    We've had this discussion before.. Christianity has been responsible for as much violence theoughout history as Islam. Christians nearly wiped out entire nations in the new world.. If you actually were around any Muslims you would realize there is no difference between them and any other people. But you stereotype them as all being the same in much the same way folks stereotype folks in this area as all being backwards, toothless imbred people. It's a shame a person of your intellect can't see past media propaganda and skewed research. But believe what you want, but when you post something characterizing the entire following of a religion as extremist, you expose your own shortsightedness and bigotry. But by all means, have at it.
    ...And if you ain't down with that, I got 2 words for ya....

  7. #17
    Inactive Member Gotch's Avatar
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    Re: Wow, if you didn't think they were crazy...

    Quote Originally Posted by sup-rbeast View Post
    We've had this discussion before.. Christianity has been responsible for as much violence theoughout history as Islam. Christians nearly wiped out entire nations in the new world.. If you actually were around any Muslims you would realize there is no difference between them and any other people. But you stereotype them as all being the same in much the same way folks stereotype folks in this area as all being backwards, toothless imbred people. It's a shame a person of your intellect can't see past media propaganda and skewed research. But believe what you want, but when you post something characterizing the entire following of a religion as extremist, you expose your own shortsightedness and bigotry. But by all means, have at it.
    The difference being that "Christians" seldom engaged in genocide in the name of their religion. I'm aware that it did happen, but most often PEOPLE FROM PREDOMINATELY CHRISTAIN NATIONS committed genocide in the name of a POLICTICAL movement. Another thing to keep in mind is that there is zero chance of a Spanish Inquisitor killing either me or you or 3,000 people in New York City. But guess who did?

    As you said, we've been through it before. In my opinion the facts are clear cut, the only reason not to see the truth is a personal bias or an undying devotion to political correctness. Of the 130 or so internationally recognized terrorist organizations about 100 or so of them are Islamic. What!? But the ones I know are so peaceful?

    Anecdotal evidence aside, Islamic groups and then Maoist group account for like 95/98% of all terrorist organizations.

    If 100 of the 130 terrorist organizations in the world had the common tie of being all lepers, or all middle aged guys with beer guts, or even all CHRISTAINS I guarantee who'd have zero problem with pointing that out.

    * You act as if I have never met and certainly never interacted with a Muslim? Where do you get that idea? Over the years I can think of numerous Muslim students that I have taught, one of whom I promoted to help me teach my children's class. He was a great young man. But one cannot confuse the individual with the historical and textual facts concerning the religion as a whole.*

  8. #18
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    Re: Wow, if you didn't think they were crazy...

    Quote Originally Posted by Gotch View Post
    The difference being that "Christians" seldom engaged in genocide in the name of their religion. I'm aware that it did happen, but most often PEOPLE FROM PREDOMINATELY CHRISTAIN NATIONS committed genocide in the name of a POLICTICAL movement. Another thing to keep in mind is that there is zero chance of a Spanish Inquisitor killing either me or you or 3,000 people in New York City. But guess who did?

    As you said, we've been through it before. In my opinion the facts are clear cut, the only reason not to see the truth is a personal bias or an undying devotion to political correctness. Of the 130 or so internationally recognized terrorist organizations about 100 or so of them are Islamic. What!? But the ones I know are so peaceful?

    Anecdotal evidence aside, Islamic groups and then Maoist group account for like 95/98% of all terrorist organizations.

    If 100 of the 130 terrorist organizations in the world had the common tie of being all lepers, or all middle aged guys with beer guts, or even all CHRISTAINS I guarantee who'd have zero problem with pointing that out.
    It doesn't matter who was responsible or when it happened....IT HAPPENED. And think about it, who declares any organization a terrorist organization? I consider the state of Isreal terrorist, doesn't mean you see it that way..But , they are responsible for the continual breech of peace in the Middle East..and it's even happening now. When you have some free time read Las Casas "Brief History of the Destruction of the West Indes" and try to deny that. The entire thing was written by a Catholic clergyman who witnessed what he wrote. Furthermore, in most 3rd world countries, Islam is the dominant religion...and most of your modern day numbers of deaths come from there. But like I've said, we've had this discussion before, and there is no talking sense to you on this issue. But it's up to you to post what amounts to's your short sightedness you expose, and I really don't care what you type on here..but you need to remember that history is written by the victors, and it is also skewed by them as well. So, if you want to swallow every article you read from biased Christian publications or Fox News hook line and sinker..that's your gullibility and your problem..not mine.
    ...And if you ain't down with that, I got 2 words for ya....

  9. #19
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    Re: Wow, if you didn't think they were crazy...

    LOL, Ad-hominem ramblings aside, you have shown yourself to have no real argument other than "I hate Israel" and Muslims killing other Muslims don't count" and "Christians are evil*****pointing finger at 5 hundred year old skeletal remains*****"

    I believe we are done.........

  10. #20
    Inactive Member CoeburnCane's Avatar
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    Re: Wow, if you didn't think they were crazy...

    I think the more salient point that I took from what sup-rbeast implied in that comparison is that yes--the Muslim extremists throughout history have been violent via Al-Quaida. What gets overlooked is that our domestic terrorists (and they do assuredly exist) used to only be in fragmented cells throughout the country. This Tea Party deal is only serving to give them a vehicle to mobilize their terrorism and an excuse to carry out terrorist activities against the government.

    The things like what Palin did recently are looked at as crazy/laughable by some, but domestic terrorists throughout the country see it as a call to arms, their chance to overtake the federal government. Not only that, but it's justified in their eyes, because people like Beck/Limbaugh/Palin/etc are all cultivating fear & hate against Obama b/c they claim he's a Muslim, they claim he's a communist...there's even some that claim he's the Anti-Christ. By proxy, this puts anyone who supports Obama or the government in danger of attack from these people.

    So, yes--the number of deaths is egregiously low for Tea Party activists compared to radical Muslim/Al-Quaida activity--the numbers back that up 100%, no argument from me there. The thing that should worry us all, is that if this Tea Party movement keeps up, those numbers may not be so skewed for long. We'll see more Tim McVeigh's and Scott Roeder's if we're not careful.

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