If this is how they spend their free time. Money well spent I must add.. File under "Meals"..haha

RNC 'investigating' money spent at racy nightclub
Posted: March 29th, 2010 01:49 PM ET

From CNN Political Producer Peter Hamby

Washington (CNN) – The Republican National Committee is examining a nearly $2,000 expense at a racy West Hollywood nightclub where scantily-clad female dancers are reputed to mimic sex acts on stage.

"We are investigating the expenditure in question," a spokesman for the RNC said Monday.

The $1,946.25 expenditure from February 4 is listed under "Meals" on the RNC's latest financial disclosure report filed with the Federal Election Commission.

The money was spent at Voyeur, a hip nightclub on Santa Monica Boulevard sometimes visited by starlets like Lindsay Lohan and Heidi Montag.

Club-goers posting on Yelp, the user-generated review Web site, describe the venue as having "voyeurism cages with men and women" and a "dark velvety feel with masked naked models." One user claimed to witness "two girls simulating oral sex in a glass case."

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