OK, Glenn Beck is not important, really.

but the budding Tea Party movement is important. The TPer's claim to be a grassroots, middle class organization. They claim to be champions of the people, with no agenda except the betterment of the common man.

How many of you on here believe that??

Just curious, because its a total, boldface lie.

The claim that the Tea Party has gotten most of their capital from donations of $20 or less?
They dont mention the $1 million dollars recently donated by one "anonymous" person.
They don't mention that FreedomWorkers, an organization that has supported the party by donations and training, is ran by Dick Armey, the former House majority leader and corporate lobbyist.
Also neglected is the Citizens for Sound Economy, one of the biggest Tea Party backers in the US. Who is giving a significant amount of money, and runs Citizens for a Sound Economy?
The billionaire Koch brothers.

Americans for Prosperity, one of the largest Tea Party supporters and financial backers?
Funded by.............guess who? Koch brothers.

I just want people to be aware that the Tea Party is no different from any other political organization. Big business runs everything, do not be fooled.