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Thread: Religion and Music.

  1. #1
    Guest 's Avatar

    Religion and Music.

    Ill open a can of worms, what do I care. I know since the early days of rock and roll, the mystique (sp) of the devil and rock and roll have been intertwined. The legend of Robert Johnson, to The Rollings Stones and LeVey, to Black Sabbath, to Led Zepplin and Jimmie Page, to Judas Priest, to Ozzy Osbourne etc. Is there a connection between the two? Does commercial music "act satanish" to sell, do bands like Merciful Fate, Venom, Mayhem and other acts that most on here have never heard of, do they truly represent the Satanic community?
    Has country music also fallen into these same pit falls?

    Im very interested to see what many people (especially who post on our boards as a whole) think about this topic, among others.

    Lets talk some talk and tell some stories.

  2. #2
    Inactive Member Monkeyhead's Avatar
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    Re: Religion and Music.

    The mystique of satanism has played a big part of music. Take bands such as Motley Crue who used pentagrams and other satanic symbols to sale more records when they first came out. You seem to hear about this happening more in the late 70's and 80's than any other time. It was a givin that most rock'n'roll would be portrayed as evil.

    Today's music is a little different IMO. It's not portrayed as satanic music as in the past. It now has just come down to many different sub-genre's or whatever. There are bands that seem to lean towards shock value such as Slip Knot and of course Marilyn Manson, but for the most part I don't really see as many bands trying to sell there music as satanic, as it once was.
    crack is whack

  3. #3
    Inactive Member NotSoSilentBob's Avatar
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    Re: Religion and Music.

    Slipknot isn't satanic. They're just a little screwed in the head.

    I do think a lot of bands put forth an image that isn't really them. The music business is very conscious of image and if you're a metal band, you've got to be somewhat satanic.

  4. #4
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    Re: Religion and Music.

    Not all music is bad.... it is the message in behind the words that determine whether or not it is good or bad music. Most people are drawn to a certain type of music through the beat... most people cannot even tell you what the message of the song is.... I think music is a powerful tool than can be used for entertainment, evil, or good... we must determine which one it is and then pick what we listen to. I think today they do not just come out and say the serve the Devil... but by their own words we must determine that..... It is just accepted today like a lot of other things.... I personally think if the message behind the music is good then listen... but if it is bad then do not listen... I only listen to Worship music but by no means am I saying all other music is bad... because all music is not bad... I only choose to do this.

  5. #5
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    Re: Religion and Music.

    I agree that an image is created for the band... but is it a good image or not?

  6. #6
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    Re: Religion and Music.

    Is it though?
    When Mick Jagger spoke of sympathy for the devil, was it just a well constructed song or was it a plea just for that, LeVey conveighed a simple creed with the COS, DO What thou Wilt, meaning life should not be governed, one should do as they please. Goats head soup, the baphomet etc all are linked to some

    SOme say that all music is the Devils music, I have spoken to people who think bands such a POD a commonly known religious band are the worst of the worst, falsey expounding an image through the devils music.

    Or is truly the Jason Vorhees syndrome, do we, or are we attracted to the "evil" in music simply because it isnt evil, its a psudo-evil that allows us to rebel but to do it in a safe manor?

  7. #7
    Inactive Member plantsman's Avatar
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    Re: Religion and Music.

    Speaking of music: I went to TN Saturday night and saw Phil Keagy. He is undoubtedly one of the greatest guitar players in the world, regardless of music genre. Fantastic!

  8. #8
    Inactive Member steer's Avatar
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    Re: Religion and Music.

    I dont think he said Slipknot was satanic? just out there for shock value, and they are.

    I myself love all styles of music. But if there is a bad message in a song, I won't listen to it. I can't stand songs that use GD. I also, love christian rock/metal, it's great and has some killer bands.

  9. #9
    Guest 's Avatar

    Re: Religion and Music.

    Slipknot is def not satanic, they are mall core. I mean I like their songs, but they are a image driven machine, Corey Taylor is talented, Stonesour shows that.

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