What are everyones thoughts or opinions on Religion being in the government? Should it be there? Would that make it a Theocracy? Here are my thoughts on it: I feel like without God being in the decisions of the government we will surely fall... it is only a matter of time. It began with our founding fathers and their belief in God... and their belief that God is all Soverign and we should adhere to the Bible .. yes even in government. I have been studying the founding fathers and I have learned so many things... but the sad thing is that we have moved so far away from how it was meant to be.Should our government be God ruled? I n my opinion it should and hey look at it this way: Once we get to heaven he rules there... so we better just get used to it [img]/LDPforum/ubbthreads/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif[/img] [img]/LDPforum/ubbthreads/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/whistle.gif[/img]