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Thread: Burn permit - DENIED!

  1. #1
    Inactive Member R13's Avatar
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    Burn permit - DENIED!

    Good, feel sorry for that city getting that kind of publicity.

    GAINESVILLE, Fla. ? Officials in a Florida city have denied a burn permit for a church that is seeking to burn copies of the Quran on Sept. 11.

    Interim Fire Chief Gene Prince said Wednesday that the open burning of books is not allowed under Gainesville's burning ordinance.

    The Dove World Outreach Center drew international attention after announcing a plan to burn copies of the Islamic holy text on church grounds to mark the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

    Prince says the church will be fined if the burning is held.

    In an e-mail sent out Wednesday, the church said, "City of Gainesville denies burn permit ? BUT WE WILL STILL BURN KORANS."

    The Gainesville church made headlines last year after distributing T-shirts that said, "Islam is of the Devil."

    Fla. city denies permit for 9/11 Quran burning - Yahoo! News

  2. #2
    Inactive Member CoeburnCane's Avatar
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    Re: Burn permit - DENIED!

    This whole thing is one more reason for me to hate Gheytorville and everything having to do with it. If Columbus, OH is the anus of America (my personal tag for it), then Gainesville has to be the armpit, at the very least, and I don't think they deserve that. Maybe I should give it co-anus status?

  3. #3
    Inactive Member centennialdawg's Avatar
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    Re: Burn permit - DENIED!

    I just wonder if the city will allow Florida to light up their annual bonfire for homecoming? Somehow, I bet they do. While muslims believe that their bloodline is blessed by God through Ishmael, it is not true. God condemned the bloodline of Ishmael because Sarah grew tired of waiting on God's blessing for her and blessed the bloodline of Israel from which Christ was born. If you look at the Koran, it runs virtually with The Bible until then.

    Whether the church burns them or not, to a Christian, they are an abomination to Christianity. Both religions are "rife" in bloody history and conflict. In Christianity, blood leads us into salvation and presence with The Lord, and with Muslims, blood leads them to their 40 virgins.

  4. #4
    Inactive Member CoeburnCane's Avatar
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    Re: Burn permit - DENIED!

    I just wonder if the city will allow Florida to light up their annual bonfire for homecoming? Somehow, I bet they do.
    Yeah--but they won't be burning Korans. Book burning (even religious texts) has been looked upon in disdain by just about every part of government across our nation, no surprise.

    Whether the church burns them or not, to a Christian, they are an abomination to Christianity.

    It's a text from a completely different religion. It does not infringe on the rights and wills of Christians to believe how they want to believe according to the Bible. Why is it an "abomination" if it's a completely separate religion? Shouldn't the issue be why are Christians attacking another religion innstead of practicing their own (see: "judge lest ye not be judged")?

    Remember--religious freedom in this country that you and I both hold dear means religions of ALL types are allowed to worship freely. Even the nutjobs, like these.

    Both religions are "rife" in bloody history and conflict.
    1000% agreed.

    In Christianity, blood leads us into salvation and presence with The Lord, and with Muslims, blood leads them to their 40 virgins.
    1) 72, but who's counting,


    2) Most Muslims I've ever had the opportunity to speak with aren't all about those virgins. They're more about what you mentioned re: Christianity...salvation and presence of the Lord (Allah).


    3) People bastardize both religions daily and in almost equal numbers. The Islamic extremists get a lot more pub and fear than the Christian ones do--that's the difference.

  5. #5
    Inactive Member R13's Avatar
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    Re: Burn permit - DENIED!

    Quote Originally Posted by centennialdawg View Post
    I just wonder if the city will allow Florida to light up their annual bonfire for homecoming? Somehow, I bet they do. While muslims believe that their bloodline is blessed by God through Ishmael, it is not true. God condemned the bloodline of Ishmael because Sarah grew tired of waiting on God's blessing for her and blessed the bloodline of Israel from which Christ was born. If you look at the Koran, it runs virtually with The Bible until then.

    Whether the church burns them or not, to a Christian, they are an abomination to Christianity. Both religions are "rife" in bloody history and conflict. In Christianity, blood leads us into salvation and presence with The Lord, and with Muslims, blood leads them to their 40 virgins.
    Interim Fire Chief Gene Prince said Wednesday that the open burning of books is not allowed under Gainesville's burning ordinance.

    And that's according to the Bible, plus all based on a person that lived to be what was it? 140 years old? I say both of them are full of it.

    It's not really an abomination, people claim it is, but of course the bible mentions nothing of it since it came much later. Christians, Jews and Muslims worship the same God, just older to newer versions of doing it. Blood is supposed to have led us to God, not leads us to it in the future, Christs blood...not shedding anymore in the name of god.

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