This board and the forums on it are for the discussion of sports, with a concentration on Lonesome Pine District sports. We do allow discussion of all sports, but the concentration is on the local, Southwest Virginia area.
There are additional forums, dealing with non-sports related issues.
If you want to read the forum(s), you must register a user name and respond to an email that you will receieve (normally within 24 hours). It is also requested that <b>all members participate</b>.
This is a discussion forum, and while we are happy to provide scores, game reviews, opinions and the like, but this only works if all participate. If you do not participate within a 6 month/12 month window, do not be shocked if you are removed from membership.
Privacy of users is an absolute right. If any user is found to be exploiting personal information that is given, harassing users (in any form) or using opinions against the members here, the offending party will be removed.
Any questions, please contact us.