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Aunt Bessie's How to Survive a Day Job While Pursuing the Creative Lifeir?trocketcityrec 20&ampamplas2&ampampo1&ampampa0976757508

By Joel Eisenberg

Features best-selling novelists: Clive Barker, Brad Meltzer, Laurell K. Hamilton, Richard Paul Evans, Douglas Preston, Andrei Codrescu, Jonathan Kirsch, Thomas Perry, Carolyn See, Lisa See, Father Andrew Greeley, Alan Dean Foster, Stuart Woods and Kelly Lange, President of CBS Entertainment Nancy Tellum.

Actors: Sally Kirkland, Dee Wallace Stone, Elya Baskin, Robert Hays and David Hess. TV icons Jamie Farr, Wink Martindale, Mike Conners and Larry Hagman, producers Stephen J. Cannell, Bob Kosberg, Bob Kiviat, Gene Perret and Russ Streiner, legendary director Robert Wise, ESPN commentator Bill Pidto, former World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Larry Holmes and many others all graciously contributed to Joel's first book: "Aunt Bessie's How to Survive a Day Job While Pursuing the Creative Life."

Joel will be signing copies of ?Aunt Bessie?s How to Survive a Day Job While Pursuing the Creative Life? in Barnes and Noble (Encino, CA) - September 14, 7:30PM.

Off topic, but this great book was written by a friend of ours and features excellent interviews with numerous interesting creative people!