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    Re: pictures

    Pushback: Global Crime Syndicates v Keshe Groups
    By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor on June 24, 2016
    Global Corporate Terror rears its ugly head

    ?by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

    There is a battle going on over technology, but more than that, its about education, about the pseudoscience our universities teach to go along with their imaginary history lessons, their love of GMO crops and so much more. We live in a world where even the laws of nature are censored and edited.

    More than that, those who have profited from ignorance and poverty, generation after generation, crush truth, play war, kill off innovators, like the strangled Tesla whose name even few today know.

    Two years ago we published the designs of radiation free nuclear weapons you could hide in a purse, we made it rain on poor Colonel Hanke?s home 7 days running in dry season using our microwave system we got from DARPA and then there is the other stuff, not so funny.

    Suffice it to say we can sit up in a C130 or Skyship600 and send a little signal down to earth that makes everyone in a hundred square miles forget where they parked their car (or camel) or even if they just inhaled or exhaled.

    We?re going to talk about technology, a bit of how it all could change, all of it, and what we are doing to bring that about and how that other business of ours?after all we are military and intelligence scholars, how that can, should, and will collapse on itself, if we and those with us are allowed to live long enough to bring that about.

    There are others, the current generation or incarnation of those who stopped Tesla, that name is known, but so many others as well. This is a different universe than we are taught, with different physical laws. Energy is not only free, we are drowning in it.

    Then there are the monsters.

    We begin

    VT began tracking down pedophile networks here in the US before there was VT, dating back to 1991 and the Franklin Scandal, which we out of idiocy believed was what we were told it was by those next to the White House who needed our help. Though we still aren?t ready to point fingers at George H.W. Bush, we are convinced that there is a massive security threat against the United States, one that made 9/11 possible, Oklahoma City, all of it.

    The names we can name, so many you have heard, some not so familiar, the Federalist Society, PJ Media, AIPAC, SPLC, the Heritage and Jamestown Foundations, the American Enterprise Institute and to some extent, even the US Chamber of Commerce.

    Recently, there was a secret demonstration of a magic electric box. We had tested things like this before, like the Magrav that plugs into the wall, acts a bit odd for days and then begins putting out more power than it receives, even when skeptics and labs do it.

    This last thing is a mind blower, it doesn?t plug into anything and the version we can?t talk about, that the Navy is looking at, power a lot more than a few popup toasters. You can it seems, get enough electricity out of nowhere at all to do more than power a car or save on an electric bill. This is why we put a net on Keshe.

    You are going to have to bear with me here a bit, this is a story, one in development, nothing clean and neat, maybe with good guys though everyone thinks they are good guys including, it seems, some of the rottenest monsters on this earth and this is exactly what we have stumbled on. I am linking an article here which I would like all of you to scan.

    When we started following Keshe?s technology like we had with weather modification, remote viewing and inducement/mind control, not the internet cartoon version but the ones governments spent untold millions of black budget shekels on, we found ourselves steeped in his baggage as well.

    For regulars and Keshe followers, particularly for those with an addiction to high drama, and there is plenty of that, we go back to 2005 when Keshe gets suckered into heading to Belgium to develop products with a company, a huge semiconductor company, owned largely by the Belgian king.

    What he ran into, however, and what we have tracked across the internet, is a criminal organization run out of Belgium and the Netherlands that, for those who actually read the article tied to the link above, know kidnaps children and adolescents for pay Euro-trash sex parties.

    Belgium has a Moroccan community and in 1991 two Moroccan girls from a town near Antwerp were kidnapped, serial raped forever and butchered by, and this is the good part, people who work in what they call ?patent development for emerging technologies.?

    I have people posting on VT comment boards that we know had chained up children, sexually abused them, trafficked some, murdered others. Imagine what goes through my mind regarding such folks who are protected by a shield of brazen ignorance.

    For those following this story in VT, we tie some of it together with Sterling Allan, the Rense Radio host and self appointed energy guru now doing ?life plus forever? for child rape in Utah. Allan was busted when his protector, Justice Scalia, was killed after Obama got Sterling Allan?s blackmail file. If only we were making this up.

    We could go on about Allan, an excommunicated Mormon who once wanted to run for president. Allan, part of a sect that wanted the age of consent ?adjusted? downward more than a bit eventually discovered the Belgian child rape cult online and began the ?go between? between them and their friends in DC.

    Allan did online child victim recruiting which is now, we have noted, done on Facebook by a very small Belgian toy design company. Anyway, we go back to discussing the linked article, a long read for those with a strong stomach.

    In Belgium, as the article describes, the police and courts are totally involved, yes the Freemasons, the Illuminati and the Vatican version of the Knights of Malta (not KMFAP). The scandal dominated the tabloids of Europe for years but not a word here though, as some may know, Washington was a big part of it.

    Out of the Rabbit Hole

    A technology now being validated though reopening a previously closed door in physics could well change it all, end the arms race, gut hydrocarbon slavery and even effectively treat many cancers, after adequate testing and research, for next to nothing.

    For over a decade, organized crime has tried to get control of ?Magrav? technology. Ten years ago a criminal group in Belgium even tried to patent it after an official testing lab proved it reduced electric bills by over a third. Units introduced last week are ten times more powerful.

    This is going to be a war, not just because grid based electricity has always been a ?con? in the world of censored teaching and the fantasy physics universities have been peddling for over a century and a half.

    VT Science Editor Jeff Smith, with full access to the secret archives of the US Department of Energy, aided by Ian Greenhalgh, will continue to challenge this issue like they debunked nuclear weapons.


    There have been explosive breakthroughs with Keshe related technology, some publicly announced, some very well known to the Pentagon and even worse places, should worse places exist.

    To the public, long sick of energy scams or perhaps real energy technologies quashed by oil industry thuggery, there is no reason to take note until someone brings a box to the house that eliminates that $300 per month electric bill.

    That day isn?t so far away. Moreover, it won?t just be the electric bill at the house. The technology is out there that will power that car, motorcycle, the trucks and trains power our economy, the tractors that til the soil and, of a more serious note, in the process dismember the global game that has led to a current ?medium intensity? world war that will last generations.

    It is all connected. NATO and in particular the US military exist for one thing, to support global chaos in partnership with their masters, the overt armies on one hand, the terror armies on the other and the wars in between little more than theatre, but we all knew that or, at least suspected it.

    Energy technologies based on, according to physicist Jeff Smith, suppressed works by Maxwell and Cavendish, so many years ago, are capable of supplanting our current wire and grid based power systems. Tesla knew this but then again, Tesla?s name pours out of the mouths of scamsters every day, often little more than another tool of deceit by ?New Age? ripoff artists.

    For those of you unfamiliar, the Mehran T. Keshe is an Iranian born nuclear physicist, former employee of Britain?s Ministry of Defense Special Projects Group, who ?went walkabout? a little more than a decade ago. In a story that reads like a comic-tragedy of errors, false starts and harrowing escapes, he is now building a global network, individuals, sometimes even acolytes and, less know, governments, one after the other.

    In the process, Keshe has made enemies. I can understand this, he is often impatient and brusque, driven to a fault, never sleeping, working 20 hour days and demanding the same of anyone around him.

    However, when we noted a systematic and well financed trolling effort run by a failed Belgian commercial artist with ties to an international child trafficking ring we took a wider look. When that look led to a report given to the FBI that led to the prosecution of Sterling David Allan, ?Mr PES-Wiki,? the self appointed and technologically infantile ?guru? of the global ?free energy (read ?scam?) community, for serial child rape leading to sentencing this month to decades in prison, we began paying attention.

    When this led us to the shadowy Bohemian Grove group of Alex Jones fame, the St. Hubertus Society and the murder of Supreme Court Justice Antonio Scalia, not to mention child sex scandals that spread like a net across Washington, London and into the Balkans, the Middle East and Africa, tying so much together, we weren?t surprised at where this went next.

    A global terror organization, paralleling ISIS, has been identified attempting to infiltrate a global technology group, one that is entirely ?open source? and user run. Thus far 52 websites have been identified as actively recruiting everything from internet trolls to contract killers and even, potentially, suicide bombers.

    Here is how it works: A global ?casting call? for lone-wolf types, drawing them from social media and channeling them into secure websites, has been tracked to a Belgium-Netherlands based offshoot of what we have now found more than one name for.

    Dr. Preston James calls it the RKM (Rothschild Khazarian-Mafia) while barrister Michael Shrimpton says they are the DVD (Deutsches Verteidigungs Dienst). Keshe himself calls it the Red Circle, a name first mentioned in Arthur Conan Doyle?s, The Adventure of the Red Circle, a Sherlock Holmes story about a mysterious European criminal organization.

    That?s a lot of power for an imaginary group.

    Why we are involved

    My own interests always tie to global security issues and I tend to look there first though the truth may well be more complicated than even this. Let?s start on this by rerunning an often told story, about the USS ?Donald Duck.? Really called the USS Donald Cook, an AEGIS naval destroyer of the US Navy with an advanced missile defense system, we go back to 2014 in the Black Sea.

    This was a critical time, war in Ukraine over Russia?s move in Crimea, advanced arms moved to ISIS while Turkey began covert moves into Macedonia as well. The entire region faced a meltdown, still does, and the Donald Cook was there to control the air except that a single Russian plane with an unidentified set of jamming pods disabled the ship, stopped it dead in its tracks.

    There are vulnerabilities tied to ?hive functioning? with AEGIS and we looked at systems that could have used ?cross-eyed jamming? to get the observed result but the AEGIS fail was beyond this. This only left Keshe based ?plasma? jamming, something regularly demonstrated by Keshe experimenters on a number of occasions.

    It Gets Worse

    Without getting into this too far, we can talk a bit about ?plasma.? Within this set of definitions, which are non-traditional but as we speak being brought into the fold, different plasma fields, based on nano technology, can take on different characteristics, where one could jam a satellite 120 miles in the air while another might act on a tumor, 20 centimeters in diameter, in a normally unreachable part of the brain.

    The effects in both instances can be demonstrated, the technology exists but, as in medical applications, the methodologies and treatment protocols must be the product of real research, or at least every attempt should be made to include the medical community. As much as conspiracy theorists can make a case against the ?cancer industry,? there is no evidence that all research is controlled and that these technologies will be stifled, not yet anyway.

    I am not a proponent of magical medical cures but I have witnessed repeatable phenomenon that should be able to, by my own untrained estimation mind you, replace far more dangerous radiation treatments for cancer. This is being extremely conservative. There are real life licensed physicians who claim much more than this. With millions out there suffering including, VT subscribers and their families, I don?t engage in these discussion easily.

    Suffice it to say, if you are a medical professional and interested in what I have just written and have an interest in being part of this process, please contact me. We want credible and skilled people and aren?t a bit afraid of skeptics.

    The Real Military Issue

    We can?t say this enough, all military technologies, particularly ?defensive technologies? are offensive. Current military theory on ?force projection,? and by that we mean someone far away sending their military into your neighborhood with the ability to stay there and do damage, is all predicated on making planes, ships and submarines survivable, invulnerable to attack.

    This ?defense? in turn makes these ?platforms? capable of delivering ?ordnance? using ?weapons systems? while invulnerable to attack. Note the doublespeak here, sickening isn?t it?

    Let?s take a case in point. America uses planes and ships, protected by technology, to intimidate China. China builds missiles to destroy American aircraft carriers and American AEGIS destroyers are being upgraded to knock down the Chinese missiles.

    China then will be forced to build more of their own aircraft carriers and submarines, parade them off San Francisco, as they have done in the past. Nobody wants this, not any of it but this is exactly where things are going and it is going to kill us all.

    This is the same kind of thinking coming out of extremists in Washington that led to the coup in Ukraine and those still advocating a US invasion of Syria to overthrow the locally extremely popular Assad government and put an ISIS controlled terror state it its place?which will quickly overrun Israel, thank you very much Mr. Netanyahu for your ?deep thought? and leadership.

    Secret Societies

    They killed Kennedy. This is where we have ended up.They tried to take down the Clinton presidency as well. For those of you who have no memory and get your historical education from bumper stickers, Clinton may well have been the greatest president of the 20th Century.

    Reagan was one disaster after another, our economy in shambles, wages crashed, debt through the roof, industry racing overseas. For those who believe ?email reality? we can inform you now, Clinton was not the NAFTA president, it was Bush. He signed NAFTA despite what Limbaugh and Fox claim.

    Take the clock back, it was secret societies that took down Jimmie Carter as well. Who do you think sent the Ayatollah back to Iran and ordered the seizure of the US diplomats? Who do you think ran the prime rate to over 8 percent?

    It wasn?t just the October Surprise, Bush flying to Paris to ask Iran to keep American diplomats prisoner, in trade for weapons transshipped through Israel. It was Bush, done for Reagan, as former CIA director that was running the Ayatollah as an asset, that took down the Shah and that ordered the embassy taken. This was all a chaos theory game partnered with the Israelis and Brits, a move that might well have under some circumstances had positive consequences were it not managed by fools and psychotics.

    Then again, since it was treason, perhaps we have laws against such things for a reason though, as we all learned on 9/11, they cannot be enforced.

    Oh, you now say that when you look at 9/11 in light of past events, the Bush history, the idea that the Neocons working with the Saudis and Israel, using nukes to take down the WTC and dropping a missile into the Pentagon makes sense, just to take over the Middle East, start a drug empire in Afghanistan and finance color revolutions?..

    Oh that.

    For Our Keshe Audience

    VT began, as some know, tracking Keshe technology a few years ago. You see, Keshe had enemies, powerful ones, people we knew to be utterly rotten and corrupt, and we like people who are hated by the right folks.

    This is why we are so very suspicious of people like Assange, who loves the powerful and corrupt, who is oblivious to the suffering of the Palestinian people, who believes the 9/11 fantasy published by Bush, and who seems enamored with a love of Mr. Netanyahu, someone we find more than distasteful. Ah, but I digress?

    There is only one grass roots peace movement across the planet and that is the Keshe Foundation. There are no others. Some try, most are bought off, place holders, or worse. Keshe is different, this is the most stubborn person on earth, very suspicious and willing to go toe to toe with anyone or anything.

    Pugnacious is the term. It also means he knows.

    Pushback: Global Crime Syndicates v Keshe Groups | Veterans Today
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    " ? 'I've represented murderers.
    I've represented rapists
    . I've represented child molesters.
    And none of them received 35 years,'"
    defense lawyer David Coombs told NBC News.
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    Re: pictures

    Product Specifications
    Nominal Diameter8"Power Handling (RMS)110 Watts
    Power Handling (max)220 WattsImpedance8 ohms
    Frequency Response36.5 to 2,000 HzSensitivity87.2 dB 2.83V/1m
    Voice Coil Diameter1.5"
    Thiele-Small Parameters
    Resonant Frequency (Fs)42 HzDC Resistance (Re)5.5 ohms
    Voice Coil Inductance (Le)0.78 mHMechanical Q (Qms)5.7
    Electromagnetic Q (Qes)0.75Total Q (Qts)0.66
    Compliance Equivalent Volume (Vas)0.93 ft.?Mechanical Compliance of Suspension (Cms)0.41 mm/N
    BL Product (BL)8.26 TmDiaphragm Mass Inc. Airload (Mms)34.78g
    Maximum Linear Excursion (Xmax)8.41 mmSurface Area of Cone (Sd)213.8 cm?
    Materials of Construction
    Cone MaterialCoated PaperSurround MaterialRubber
    Basket / Frame MaterialSteelMagnet MaterialFerrite
    Mounting Information
    Overall Outside Diameter8.44"Baffle Cutout Diameter6.97"
    Depth4.39"# Mounting Holes8
    Optimum Cabinet Size (determined using BassBox 6 Pro High Fidelity suggestion)
    Sealed Volume0.72 ft.?Sealed F358 Hz
    Vented Volume2.09 ft.?Vented F328 Hz
    Peerless by Tymphany 830667 8" Paper Cone SLS Subwoofer
    BrandPeerless by TymphanyModel830667
    Part Number264-1102UPC844632084126
    Product CategorySubwoofer DriversUnit of MeasureEA
    Product Rating(3 Reviews)Weight5.95 lbs.

    Fountek FW200 8" Aluminum Midwoofer Speaker
    Fountek mid-bass drivers offer exceptional value with premium features like aluminum cones, robust cast frames, and optimized low-distortion motors. They?re the perfect choice for use in high-end loudspeaker systems, paired with premium-quality tweeters like Fountek?s own ribbon units.
    The FW200 model is an 8? midwoofer with an extended upper range that allows it to be used as a midbass driver, or as a woofer together with a dedicated midrange for further reduced distortion. The satin anodized-aluminum cone perfectly complements the other Fountek midwoofer drivers.

    Product Specifications
    Nominal Diameter8"Power Handling (RMS)75 Watts
    Power Handling (max)150 WattsImpedance8 ohms
    Frequency Response35 to 3,000 HzSensitivity88 dB 1W/1m
    Voice Coil Diameter1.42"
    Thiele-Small Parameters
    Resonant Frequency (Fs)35.7 HzDC Resistance (Re)6.8 ohms
    Mechanical Q (Qms)2.26Electromagnetic Q (Qes)0.68
    Total Q (Qts)0.52Compliance Equivalent Volume (Vas)2.18 ft.?
    Mechanical Compliance of Suspension (Cms)0.95 mm/NBL Product (BL)6.83 Tm
    Diaphragm Mass Inc. Airload (Mms)20.93gMoving Mass Of Diaphragm (Mmd)19.13
    Maximum Linear Excursion (Xmax)4.35 mmSurface Area of Cone (Sd)213.8 cm?
    Materials of Construction
    Cone MaterialAluminumSurround MaterialRubber
    Voice Coil Wire MaterialCopperVoice Coil FormerAluminum
    Basket / Frame MaterialCast AluminumMagnet MaterialFerrite
    Mounting Information
    Overall Outside Diameter8.54"Baffle Cutout Diameter7.28"
    Depth3.5"Bolt Circle Diameter8.13"
    # Mounting Holes8
    Optimum Cabinet Size (determined using BassBox 6 Pro High Fidelity suggestion)
    Sealed Volume1.55 ft.?Sealed F354 Hz
    Vented Volume3.82 ft.?Vented F326 Hz
    Fountek FW200 8" Aluminum Midwoofer Speaker
    Part Number296-731UPC848864004242
    Product CategoryWoofersUnit of MeasureEA
    Weight4.5 lbs.
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    Fatal error: Uncaught Hybrid_Exception: You cannot access this page directly. in /websites/ Stack trace: #0 /websites/ Hybrid_Endpoint->authInit() #1 /websites/ Hybrid_Endpoint->processAuthDone() #2 /websites/ Hybrid_Endpoint->__construct(Array) #3 /websites/ Hybrid_Endpoint:rocess() #4 /websites/ require_once('/websites/ibtim...') #5 /websites/ Auth->endpoint(Array) #6 /websites/ require_once('/websites/ibtim...') #7 {main} Next Hybrid_Exception: Endpoint: Error while trying to init Hybrid_Auth: You cannot a in /websites/ on line 217

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    Welcome To Ladun Liadi's Blog: Naked Possessed Woman Steals Police Car And Leads Cops On Hour-Long 100mph Chase In Shocking Bodycam Footage
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    Re: pictures

    A teenage rapist who carved his name on a schoolgirl's arm before leaving her for dead in a graveyard is facing years behind bars.

    'Deeply disturbed' Miles Hughes was just 17 when he stabbed the 15-year-old girl repeatedly with a Stanley knife, before launching the horrific sex attack.

    He had pinned the girl down on the ground, grabbed her round the neck and raped her, ignoring her pleas for him to stop in north London's historic Hampstead cemetery.

    After fleeing the scene, Hughes - now 18 - called police to say he had murdered a girl in the graveyard
    When cops searched Hughes? bedroom, they found a hand-drawn picture of a clown adorned with a Nazi Swastika and 666 - the number of the Devil.

    Welcome To Ladun Liadi's Blog: Disturbed Teen Carved His Name On Schoolgirl's Arm Before Raping And Stabbing Her In Horrifying Graveyard Sex Attack

    A second sketch of a person bore the words: "Anger creates Monsters, Hatred gives them reason".
    Hughes told police the drawings were a depiction of voices in his head and said they had told him to kill the victim.

    Hughes denied attempted murder and rape, but an Old Bailey jury yesterday found him guilty of both charges after 16 hours of deliberations.

    Judge John Bevan QC told Hughes he is ?bound to receive a substantial sentence? next month, ordering psychiatric assessments of the teenager to judge how much of a danger he poses to the public.

    He said the clown drawing and a letter to the victim after he had been arrested ?seemed to me to display a lack of real emotion and an absorbing self-interest which I find deeply disturbing.

    ?I?m bound to say I will take some persuading he is not self-absorbed, jealous, and controlling to a degree that makes him dangerous.?

    Hughes was convicted first by the jury of attempted murder, having already admitted wounding with intent by stabbing the girl.

    In a police interview, the victim told how he pulled his trousers down, grabbed her neck and raped her.
    She said she tried to fight back, but was repeatedly knifed in the neck and chest, leaving her with puncture wounds, lacerations and scratches.

    Hughes finally fled when a member of the public shouted "get off", allowing the girl to get help and call for an ambulance.

    During the trial, Hughes claimed he had sex with the girl consensually and denied trying to kill her.
    "I intended to cause her really serious harm and nothing else," he admitted.

    Hughes, of Dynham Road, Camden, will be brought back to court for sentencing on February 24.
    guns kill people,

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