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    Re: pictures

    Mike Portnoy
    about 7 years ago

    The world lost a great man today…a man who was a teacher of mine in 11th Grade in High School: Mr. Pat Lynch
    Mr. Lynch was my Robin Williams from Dead Poet Society (5 years before the film came out...)
    He gave a lesson in Health class that had a huge impact on my life.
    The date was Friday November 16th 1984:
    He was telling the class to Seize The Day ("Carpe Diem")...pointing out how life was so precious and that it could change any moment on the drop of a dime...and to appreciate everything you have NOW while you have it.
    He encouraged everybody in the class to go home that evening and give our parents a hug and a kiss and make sure to let them know how much we loved and appreciated them.
    That evening my mom was preparing to leave on a private jet to Atlantic City with her boyfriend for the weekend...just before leaving the house to go out with my friends, I turned around and ran back in the house to give my mom a hug and a kiss and let her know how much I loved her. (I had NEVER done that before!)...she was taken aback and asked where that came from...?? I told her I just wanted her to know how much I love her...
    That was the last time I ever saw my mom...she was killed that evening when the plane crashed off the Atlantic City shoreline...
    I tell this story not for sympathy...but to encourage others to do the same.
    I wrote about this story in my lyrics to "A Change Of Seasons" by Dream Theater...hoping to pass on the lesson of Seizing The Day...I even have CARPE DIEM tattooed on my left forearm, so I always remember it...
    And I share this story today to thank Pat Lynch for that incredible lesson that November afternoon...a lesson that gave me my final moment with my that I would NOT have ever had if it weren't for his powerful lesson in class earlier that afternoon.
    Thank you Pat Lynch for changing my life and countless others...

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    guns kill people,

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    Re: pictures

    On presidential ambition
    "My hands are clean, but if I ever become president, they'll be covered in blood."
    On Russian language
    "Don't make kids learn English. Let them study the Kalashnikov rifle instead. Then, the entire world will speak Russian soon.
    On democracy in Russia
    "Where did the mad cow disease come from? British democracy. What kind of democracy are you even talking about if 65% of Russia is permafrost?"
    On his partial Jewish background
    "Why would I ever renounce Russian blood, Russian culture, Russian land and love the entire Jewish people just because my father left a drop of Jewish blood in my mother's body?"
    On smoking
    "Let our people smoke. Smoking and drinking every day is the only salvation from suicide. If they stop smoking, they'll be hanging themselves."
    On sex
    "We'll introduce a new standard for sex lives: one time in three months. The young generation has a new standard thanks to porn and frivolous movies: the more the better. The less the better!"
    More on sex
    "Sex is a large part of my life, unfortunately."
    On stress
    "How do I deal with stress? I ordered cheap plates in every office. Won't regret smashing them if it comes to that."
    On holidays
    "On Friday, Muslims don't work, on Saturdays Jews don't work, on Sundays Orthodox Christians don't work. On Monday comes the revolution."
    On women in politics
    “Politics should be about sober calculations, there is no place for lyrics here… [Ukraine, Ex-Prime Minister Yulia] Tymoshenko is a woman, I’m sorry to say. I don’t like them, because it’s easier to make a woman change her mind.”
    On the British government
    “Not a single embassy in Moscow has diplomats as insolent as Britain’s. The most odious intelligence in the world is Britain’s MI-6. And the biggest spies are the British journalists. They get their paycheck from two places.”


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    guns kill people,

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    Re: pictures

    Husband and wife walk down the street, pass by a jewelry store...
    "Misha, aren't you ashamed that I've been wearing nothing but earrings for a whole year now?"
    - Lyusya, e... tv..u m...t,... Can I show you my socks?...

    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

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    [h=DHEA]1[/h]Reviewed on 6/11/2021


    Other Name(s):3b-Hydroxy-Androst-5-Ene-17-One, 3BetaHydroxy-Androst-5-Ene-17-One, Androstenolone, Dehydroepiandrosterone, Déhydroépiandrostérone, DHEA-S, GL701, Prasterone, Prasterone.

    DHEA is a hormone that is naturally made by the human body. It can also be made in the laboratory from chemicals found in wild yam and soy. However, the human body cannot make DHEA from these chemicals, so simply eating wild yam or soy will not increase DHEA levels. Don't be misled by wild yam and soy products labeled as "natural DHEA." DHEA serves as a precursor to male and female sex hormones (androgens and estrogens). DHEA levels in the body begin to decrease after age 30. This decrease occurs more quickly in women than men.
    DHEA is taken by mouth for slowing or reversing aging, improving thinking skills in older people, and slowing the progress of Alzheimer's disease.
    Athletes and other people take DHEA by mouth to improve physical performance. But DHEA use is banned by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and Olympic Committee.
    DHEA is also taken by mouth for sexual dysfunction, and to improve well-being and sexuality in men and women. It is also used for preventing clogged arteries, breast cancer, infertility, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.
    Some people take DHEA by mouth to treat systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), an immune condition characterized by dry mouth and dry eyes (Sjögren's syndrome), weak bones (osteoporosis), a form of muscular dystrophy called myotonic dystrophy, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis (MS), low levels of steroid hormones (Addison's disease), depression, schizophrenia, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), muscle damage from exercise, inflammatory bowel disease, to slow the progression of Parkinson's disease, for withdrawal symptoms, and for a condition called atrichia pubis.
    DHEA is taken by mouth for weight loss, decreasing the symptoms of menopause, rheumatoid arthritis, and aging skin.
    People with HIV sometimes take DHEA by mouth to ease depression and fatigue.
    Women sometimes use DHEA inside the vagina for strengthening the walls of the vagina, for increasing bone mineral density, sexual dysfunction, and for a precancerous condition called cervical dysplasia.
    Some people use DHEA intravenously (by IV) to induce labor and for a form of muscular dystrophy called myotonic dystrophy.
    Some people inject DHEA as a shot for psoriasis.
    DHEA is applied to the skin for aging skin and to strengthen the walls of the vagina.
    Like many dietary supplements, DHEA has some quality control problems. Some products labeled to contain DHEA have been found to contain no DHEA at all, while others contained more than the labeled amount.
    [h=How does it work?]4[/h]DHEA is a "parent hormone" produced by the adrenal glands near the kidneys and in the liver. In men, DHEA is also secreted by the testes. It is changed in the body to a hormone called androstenedione. Androstenedione is then changed into the major male and female hormones.
    DHEA levels seem to go down as people get older. DHEA levels also seem to be lower in people with certain conditions like depression. Some researchers think that replacing DHEA with supplements might prevent some diseases and conditions.

    schizophrenia s 1[h=QUESTION]4[/h]
    Schizophrenia is the most disabling mental illness.See Answer

    [h=Likely Effective for...]4[/h]
    • Vaginal thinning. The walls of the vagina can become thinner after menopause. This can cause pain during sex. Using vaginal inserts containing DHEA can reduce pain during sex by up to 15% in women after menopause. A specific DHEA product (Intrarosa, Endoceutics Inc.) is a prescription medicine used for this condition.

    [h=Possibly Effective for...]4[/h]
    • Aging skin. Some research shows that taking DHEA by mouth increases the thickness and hydration of the top layer of the skin in elderly people. Also, early research shows that applying DHEA to the skin for 4 months improves the appearance of skin in postmenopausal women.
    • Depression. Most research shows that taking 30-500 mg of DHEA by mouth daily improves symptoms of depression. However, using lower doses of 5-20 mg daily over three weeks does not appear to improve depression.

    [h=Possibly Ineffective for...]4[/h]
    • Aging. Taking DHEA daily for up to 2 years does not seem to improve body shape, bone strength, muscle strength, insulin sensitivity, or quality of life in people older than 60 who have low DHEA levels.
    • Physical performance. Some research suggests that older adults who take DHEA have increased muscle strength. However, most research shows that DHEA does not improve muscle strength in younger or older adults.
    • Psoriasis. Early research suggests that injecting 300 mg of DHEA as a shot weekly does not improve symptoms of psoriasis in most people.
    • Rheumatoid arthritis. Early research suggests that taking 200 mg of DHEA by mouth for 16 weeks does not reduce symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis in older people.
    • Withdrawal symptoms. Early research shows that taking 100 mg of DHEA daily together with standard therapy for 12 months does not improve symptoms of drug withdrawal in people addicted to heroin. Also, taking 100 mg of DHEA daily for 12 weeks does not appear to improve symptoms of cocaine withdrawal.

    [h=Likely Ineffective for...]4[/h]
    • Mental function. Most research shows that taking DHEA by mouth does not seem to improve mental function or decrease mental decline in healthy older people, patients with HIV, or in healthy young adults. However, some early research suggests that taking 50 mg of DHEA daily for 4 weeks might improve vision and memory in middle-aged and older women.
    • Dry mouth (Sjögren's syndrome). Research suggests that taking 50-200 mg of DHEA daily for 4-12 months does not improve a condition called Sjögren's syndrome that causes symptoms including dry mouth.

    [h=Insufficient Evidence to Rate Effectiveness for...]4[/h]
    • Addison's disease. Research about the effects of DHEA on Addison's disease is conflicting. There is some early research that taking 50 mg of DHEA by mouth daily for 12 months might improve symptoms of Addison's disease, including weight loss and bone density loss, but it does not appear to improve mental function. Other research shows that taking 50 mg of DHEA daily for 12 weeks does not improve mental function, sexual function, body weight, or bone mineral density in patients with Addison's disease. However, it might improve mood and feelings of tiredness.
    • Adrenal insufficiency. There is conflicting research about the effects of DHEA on feelings of well-being, sexuality, depression, anxiety, and other symptoms in people with this hormone deficiency. Some research suggests that DHEA might improve these symptoms, while other research suggests that DHEA provides no benefit.
    • Improving growth and maturation in girls with hormone deficiency (atrichia pubis). Some early reports suggest that DHEA might help growth and maturation in girls with atrichia pubis.
    • Abnormal cell growth on the cervix (cervical dysplasia). Early research shows that administering 150 mg of DHEA through the vagina for up to 6 months reverses abnormal cell growth on the cervix.
    • Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Early research suggests that taking 25-100 mg of DHEA daily for 6 months reduces symptoms of CFS.
    • Lung disease (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)). Early research suggests that taking 200 mg of DHEA daily for 3 months improves lung function and walking distance in people with COPD.
    • Clogged arteries. Population research shows that having low blood levels of DHEA is linked to an increased risk for clogged arteries in men. However, it's not clear if taking DHEA might help lower the risk of clogged arteries.
    • Muscle damage from exercise. Early research shows that taking DHEA twice daily for 5 days improves muscle soreness in men competing in an exercise program.
    • Fibromyalgia. Early research shows that taking 50 mg of DHEA daily for 3 months does not reduce symptoms of fibromyalgia.
    • HIV/AIDS. Research shows that people with HIV tend to have lower levels of DHEA. Also, lower levels of DHEA appear to be linked with HIV disease severity. As a result, there is interest in using DHEA in people with HIV/AIDS. Early studies suggest that taking DHEA might improve HIV patients' mental health and quality of life. However, DHEA does not seem to actually impact the HIV disease process itself.
    • Infertility. Research on the effectiveness of DHEA for infertility is conflicting. Some population research suggests that taking DHEA by mouth daily for at least 2 months reduces the risk for miscarriage. Other research suggests that taking 75 mg of DHEA daily before in vitro fertilization (IVF) increases the chance of getting pregnant in women who are infertile, including those with reduced ovarian function. However, other research suggests that this dose of DHEA does not increase pregnancy rates.
    • Inflammatory bowel disease. Early research shows that taking 200 mg of DHEA by mouth daily for 8 weeks reduces symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease in patients with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.
    • Menopausal symptoms. Evidence about the effects of DHEA on menopausal symptoms is inconsistent. Some research suggests that taking 10-25 mg of DHEA by mouth daily for 12 months reduces symptoms, including hot flashes. Also, inserting a DHEA product (Vaginorm, Recipharm, Karlskoga, Sweden) into the vagina for 12 weeks seems to increase strength in the vaginal wall and improve sexual activity in postmenopausal women. But other evidence suggests that taking DHEA daily does improve psychological symptoms of menopause.
    • Metabolic syndrome (a cluster of conditions that put people at high risk for heart disease). There is early evidence that DHEA might lower some of the health risks that make overweight men and women more likely to develop metabolic syndrome. The risk factors that DHEA seems to lower are obesity, fat around the waist, and high insulin levels.
    • Inherited condition with many symptoms including muscle wasting (myotonic dystrophy). Taking 100 to 400 mg of DHEA daily for 12 weeks might not affect muscle strength in people with myotonic dystrophy. However, administering DHEA through injections seems to improve daily function, heart function, and muscle strength.
    • Osteoporosis. Research on the effects of DHEA for osteoporosis is conflicting. Taking DHEA by mouth daily seems to improve bone mineral density (BMD) in older women and men with osteoporosis or osteopenia (pre-osteoporosis). DHEA may also increase BMD in young women with the eating disorder called anorexia nervosa. However, analysis of clinical research suggests that DHEA does not improve bone strength in postmenopausal women.
    • Hormone deficiency in men (partial androgen deficiency). Early research suggests that taking 25 mg of DHEA daily for one year improves mood, fatigue, and joint pain in older men with hormone deficiency.
    • Childbirth. Research suggests that giving DHEA or DHEA sulfate (DHEA-S) intravenously (by IV) beginning at 37 or 38 weeks gestation shortens the time until labor onset.
    • Schizophrenia. Evidence on the effectiveness of DHEA for schizophrenia is unclear. Some research shows that taking DHEA by mouth improves schizophrenia symptoms. DHEA may be more effective in women than men. Other research shows it provides no benefit.
    • Sexual dysfunction. Research about the effects of DHEA for sexual dysfunction is conflicting. Taking DHEA by mouth for 24 weeks seems to improve symptoms including erectile dysfunction and overall sexual satisfaction in men with some types of erectile dysfunction (ED). However, it does not seem to be helpful if erectile dysfunction is caused by diabetes or nerve disorders. Also, DHEA does not seem to improve sexual dysfunction in men with low levels of the hormone androgen or those with low sexual desire. Some research shows that taking DHEA by mouth might improve sexual function in women with decreased libido or those who are postmenopausal. Also, some research suggests that inserting DHEA into the vagina (Vaginorm, Recipharm, Karlskoga, Sweden) daily for 12 weeks might improve sexual function in postmenopausal women. But other research shows the taking DHEA does not improve sexual function in postmenopausal or premenopausal women. In male or female patients with certain types of depression, taking DHEA by mouth might improve sexual function.
    • Improving symptoms of lupus (SLE). Evidence on the effectiveness of DHEA for SLE is inconsistent. Some research suggests it provides no benefits. Other research suggests that taking DHEA by mouth along with conventional treatment might help reduce the number of times symptoms flare up and may allow a reduction in the dose of prescription drugs needed. DHEA might also help SLE symptoms such as muscle ache and mouth ulcers.
    • Weight loss. Research about the effects of DHEA on weight loss is conflicting. Early research suggests that DHEA helps overweight older people who are likely to get metabolic syndrome to lose weight. It is not known if DHEA helps younger people to lose weight. Other early research suggests that taking DHEA by mouth or under the tongue does not affect body weight or shape in obese adults.
    • Breast cancer.
    • Diabetes.
    • Heart disease.
    • Parkinson's disease.
    • Other conditions.

    More evidence is needed to rate DHEA for these uses.

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    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

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    guns kill people,

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    guns kill people,

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    700 nw
    guns kill people,

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    Re: pictures

    AKedOLSqIy8b6YfNAD17HBbG8sRQw64E0 9cqg6DDAfSs32 c k c0x00ffffff no rj[COLOR=var(--yt-live-chat-moderator-color)]Erin Alston

    ​[COLOR=var(--yt-live-chat-primary-text-color,var(--yt-spec-text-primary))]glizzy and the boogs[/COLOR]
    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

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  9. #3709
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    Re: pictures

    Washington Examiner

    [h=Russia threatens Zelensky: 'We will strike decision-making centers' in Ukraine]1[/h]
    Victor I. Nava - Yesterday 10:42 PM

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    pngbase64iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABCAQAAAC1HAwCAAAAC0lEQVR42mNkYAAAAAYAAjCB0C8AAAAASUVORK5CYIIThe Russian military on Wednesday threatened to strike "decision-making centers" in Kyiv if Ukrainian forces continue attacks across the border in Russia.
    The warning comes as Russia has begun to stage its forces just across the Ukrainian border for the next phase of Russian President Vladimir Putin's "special military operation" in Ukraine. The capital city of Kyiv has hosted several foreign leaders in recent weeks, and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has refused to leave Kyiv since the start of Russia's invasion.
    California Gov Will Cover The Cost To Install Solar If You Live In Panorama City


    "We are seeing Ukrainian troops' attempts to carry out sabotage and strike Russian territory," Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said in a statement. "If such cases continue, the Russian armed forces will strike decision-making centers, including in Kyiv."
    Russian officials have blamed Ukraine for several attacks on Russian soil since the start of the invasion on Feb. 24. Ukrainian authorities have not claimed responsibility for any of the alleged attacks, but some officials have said that Ukrainian forces have the right to strike military targets inside Russian territory.
    Russia's Belgorod region, just 25 miles from the Ukrainian border, has been the site of several attacks, some of which have been attributed to Ukraine by Russian officials.
    On April 1, Russian authorities alleged that Ukrainian forces used two helicopters to attack a fuel depot in Belgorod, causing a massive fire.
    A Russian railway bridge in Belgorod was also reportedly damaged on Tuesday, possibly the result of an explosion. No explanation was given by Russian officials as to the cause of the blast.
    Last month, Russian media reported that an ammunition depot at a military base in Belgorod had exploded. The cause of that explosion is unclear.
    Most recently, Russian authorities in the Kursk region on Wednesday claimed a border checkpoint in a western Russian village had come under fire by Ukrainian forces.
    Senior Ukrainian official Oleksandr Danilyuk told the Washington Examiner in March that "of course we will try to destroy [Russia's] capabilities."
    "It's enormous, but anyhow, especially those arsenals and those storages which are on our borders — they are our targets for sure," Danilyuk said.
    Satellite images released by Maxar Technologies on Tuesday show a Russian convoy with more than 200 vehicles, including tanks, armored personnel carriers, towed artillery, and support equipment, moving into Ukraine from Belgorod.
    AAW9OTPimg?w534&amph180&ampm6© Provided by Washington ExaminerThis satellite image provided by Maxar Technologies shows a new deployment of troops, tents and vehicles west of Soloti, Russia, Monday, April 11, 2022. AP

    The satellite images also show that the Russian towns of Soloti and Biriuch appear to be the staging grounds for the new troop deployments. Soloti is approximately 25 miles from the Ukrainian border, and Biriuch is only about 5 miles from the border.
    The threat of a new wave of Russian assaults on Kyiv came on the same day the presidents of Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia traveled by train to meet with Zelensky. The countries have been supplying Ukraine with weapons they call "defensive."
    On Saturday, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson made a surprise trip to Kyiv to meet with Zelensky as well.
    The prime ministers of the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovenia also met with the Ukrainian president in Kyiv last month.
    Zelensky has refused to leave the Ukrainian capital even as Russian and Chechen hit squads roamed the capital city early in the invasion, attempting to assassinate him.

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    is actually hiding in Florida,

    so the Russians can't capture him.

    and he cant

    snitch on the goverment,

    of the USA.

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    more bs from the Fascist,

    that run the USA

    [h=U.S. quietly paying millions to send Starlink terminals to Ukraine, contrary to SpaceX claims]4[/h]

    SpaceX, led by Elon Musk, is credited with helping to keep the Internet on in Ukraine. (Al Drago/Bloomberg)

    After Russia launched its invasion, Ukrainian officials pleaded for Elon Musk’s SpaceX to dispatch their Starlink terminals to the region to boost Internet access. “Starlink service is now active in Ukraine. More terminals en route,” Musk replied to broad online fanfare.

    Since then, the company has cast the actions in part as a charitable gesture. “I’m proud that we were able to provide the terminals to folks in Ukraine,” SpaceX president Gwynne Shotwell said at a public event last month, later telling CNBC, “I don’t think the U.S. has given us any money to give terminals to the Ukraine.”

    But according to documents obtained by The Technology 202, the U.S. federal government is in fact paying millions of dollars for a significant portion of the equipment and for the transportation costs to get it to Ukraine.

    On Tuesday, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announced it has purchased more than 1,330 terminals from SpaceX to send to Ukraine, while the company donated nearly 3,670 terminals and the Internet service itself.

    While the agency initially called it a “private sector donation valued at roughly $10 million,” it did not specify how much it is contributing for the equipment or for the cost of transportation.

    Sometime after the announcement, the agency removed key details from its release. It now states that USAID “has delivered 5,000 Starlink Terminals” to Ukraine “through a public-private partnership” with SpaceX but does not specify the quantity nor value of the donations.

    USAID agreed to purchase closer to 1,500 standard Starlink terminals for $1,500 apiece and to pay an additional $800,000 for transportation costs, documents show, adding up to over $3 million in taxpayer dollars paid to SpaceX for the equipment sent to Ukraine.

    In a letter to SpaceX last month outlining the deal, the USAID mission director to Ukraine said the terminals would be “procured” and sent on behalf of USAID by a third-party contractor, which would “arrange for transportation and delivery of the equipment” from Los Angeles International Airport to Ukraine via Poland.

    The letter said the nearly 3,670 terminals donated by SpaceX would come with three months of “unlimited data.” In addition to the more than 1,330 terminals that USAID confirmed it had purchased, the agency earlier agreed to buy a separate 175 units from SpaceX, according to the documents.

    On Thursday, USAID spokesperson Rebecca Chalif said in a statement that the “delivery of Starlink terminals were made possible by a range of stakeholders, whose combined contributions valued over $15 million and facilitated the procurement, international flights, ground transportation, and satellite Internet service of 5,000 Starlink terminals.”

    The agency declined to answer questions about how much USAID funding is going toward buying and transporting equipment for Ukraine, referring them to SpaceX. SpaceX did not return a request for comment on the arrangement and the specific financials of the deal.

    It is also unclear whether the price the U.S. government is paying for individual Starlink units matches their typical market price.

    USAID is paying $1,500 for each standard terminal and the accompanying service, documents show. According to the Starlink website, a standard terminal set costs $600, while the monthly service charge costs $110, plus an additional $100 for shipping and handling.

    According to The Verge, Starlink recently unveiled a separate premium service that prices the equipment at $2,500 and the monthly Internet charge at $500, but it remains unclear whether that is what Ukraine has received. SpaceX did not return a request for comment on the pricing.

    The revelations show that while SpaceX appears to have donated a significant sum to Ukraine’s cause, it has done so with public assistance.

    The United States and other countries have paid to send much of the known equipment to Ukraine. The transportation costs USAID has paid to ship the 5,000 terminals exceeds $800,000, according to the documents. French officials confirmed they also helped with transportation.

    The office of the French state secretariat for digital affairs Cédric O told my colleague Rick Noack that SpaceX “transported 200 Starlink satellite kits, bound for the Ukrainian authorities, via cargo plane to Poland.” The office said that while they “provided logistics and transport,” they did not purchase the equipment, which was a donation from SpaceX.

    Shotwell, the SpaceX president, had told CNBC that “France helped” and “I think Poland is helping.” The Polish Embassy did not return a request for comment Thursday.

    Ukrainian officials have lauded the SpaceX contributions and credited the Starlink equipment with helping to keep their Internet online during the war.

    “We are using thousands, in the area of thousands, of terminals with new shipments arriving every other day,” Mykhailo Fedorov, the Ukrainian minister of digital transformation, told my colleagues in an interview last month, using a Starlink connection from an undisclosed location.

    His office did not return a request for comment Thursday on exactly how many terminals have been donated by SpaceX and other sources, including foreign governments.

    not to mention,

    wefare for the Rich

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    AF1QipMHwcMRgH6QR6BjkN0d0Tj8IbTHyZFFPTimKTzWw600 h563 p k no

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    AF1QipPReeV N2FQ10QOLO867bPCkdkaqzQ dhh01fMEw600 h563 p k no
    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

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    biden couple?quality75&ampstripall&ampw744

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    [h=Jill Biden’s ex-husband accuses her of affair with Joe in 1970s]1[/h]By Ebony Bowden and
    Aaron Feis

    August 17, 2020 1:24pm

    biden couple?quality75&ampstripall&ampw744Jill and Joe BidenGetty Images

    [h=MORE ON:JOE BIDEN]2[/h]

    Jill Biden’s ex-husband has accused the potential first lady of having an affair with Joe Biden and says they lied about how they met in the 1970s, according to a bombshell new report.
    Bill Stevenson on Monday accused the presumptive Democratic nominee of being a home-wrecker and says the feel-good story of how Joe and Jill met on a blind date is completely made up, the Daily Mail reported.
    “I don’t want to hurt anyone,” said Stevenson, now 72, who is working on a book that includes the lurid claim. “But facts are facts and what happened, happened.”
    Stevenson and his then-wife grew close to Biden in 1972 while working on his first campaign to represent Delaware in the US Senate.
    That same year, tragedy struck when Biden’s first wife, Neilia, and infant daughter were killed in a car crash.
    Stevenson said he first suspected an affair in 1974, when his wife passed on meeting an up-and-coming rock star who was set to play at his Delaware club.
    “I know exactly when it was,” he told the Daily Mail. “Bruce Springsteen was going to play at The Stone Balloon and I had to go to Northern New Jersey to pay him in advance.
    “’I asked Jill to go with me and she said no — she had things to do, she had to look after Joe’s kids, Beau and Hunter. It was kind of a big deal to go meet Springsteen,” he continued. “I had no idea she and Joe were that kind of friendly.
    “Then one of her best friends told me she thought Joe and Jill were getting a little too close. I was surprised that she came to me.”
    A couple months later, Stevenson got all the evidence he needed when he was told that his wife had been in a fender-bender in her car — while Biden was behind the wheel.
    “I was at work and a guy came in and asked, ‘Do you own a brown Corvette?’” Stevenson recalled. “He said back in May it had crunched his bumper and they told him to get an estimate and he never heard back from them.
    “I said, ‘Wait a minute. Who is they?’ And he said, ‘Funnily enough, Senator Biden was driving.’”
    “I considered Joe a friend. I’m not surprised he fell in love with Jill. Everyone who meets Jill falls in love with her immediately. It’s hard not to,” Stevenson said.
    The Bidens, who have been married since 1977, have publicly said they met on a blind date in 1975 — after Joe became a widower and Jill’s first marriage had broken up.
    The damaging Daily Mail report comes just days before Biden is expected to be officially named the Democratic nominee Thursday.

    The Biden campaign declined comment.

    [h=Jill Biden’s ex-husband accuses her of affair with Joe in 1970s]1[/h]By Ebony Bowden and
    Aaron Feis

    August 17, 2020 1:24pm

    biden couple?quality75&ampstripall&ampw744Jill and Joe BidenGetty Images

    [h=MORE ON:JOE BIDEN]2[/h]

    Jill Biden’s ex-husband has accused the potential first lady of having an affair with Joe Biden and says they lied about how they met in the 1970s, according to a bombshell new report.
    Bill Stevenson on Monday accused the presumptive Democratic nominee of being a home-wrecker and says the feel-good story of how Joe and Jill met on a blind date is completely made up, the Daily Mail reported.
    “I don’t want to hurt anyone,” said Stevenson, now 72, who is working on a book that includes the lurid claim. “But facts are facts and what happened, happened.”
    Stevenson and his then-wife grew close to Biden in 1972 while working on his first campaign to represent Delaware in the US Senate.
    That same year, tragedy struck when Biden’s first wife, Neilia, and infant daughter were killed in a car crash.
    Stevenson said he first suspected an affair in 1974, when his wife passed on meeting an up-and-coming rock star who was set to play at his Delaware club.
    “I know exactly when it was,” he told the Daily Mail. “Bruce Springsteen was going to play at The Stone Balloon and I had to go to Northern New Jersey to pay him in advance.
    “’I asked Jill to go with me and she said no — she had things to do, she had to look after Joe’s kids, Beau and Hunter. It was kind of a big deal to go meet Springsteen,” he continued. “I had no idea she and Joe were that kind of friendly.
    “Then one of her best friends told me she thought Joe and Jill were getting a little too close. I was surprised that she came to me.”
    A couple months later, Stevenson got all the evidence he needed when he was told that his wife had been in a fender-bender in her car — while Biden was behind the wheel.
    “I was at work and a guy came in and asked, ‘Do you own a brown Corvette?’” Stevenson recalled. “He said back in May it had crunched his bumper and they told him to get an estimate and he never heard back from them.
    “I said, ‘Wait a minute. Who is they?’ And he said, ‘Funnily enough, Senator Biden was driving.’”
    “I considered Joe a friend. I’m not surprised he fell in love with Jill. Everyone who meets Jill falls in love with her immediately. It’s hard not to,” Stevenson said.
    The Bidens, who have been married since 1977, have publicly said they met on a blind date in 1975 — after Joe became a widower and Jill’s first marriage had broken up.
    The damaging Daily Mail report comes just days before Biden is expected to be officially named the Democratic nominee Thursday.

    The Biden campaign declined comment.

    - - - Updated - - -

    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

    fat ....

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