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    Re: pictures


    The Social Forces Behind the Development of Usenet
    By Michael Hauben
    [email protected]

    Right at this moment someplace in the world, someone is being
    helpful (or someone is being helped.) At the same time, others are
    participating in various discussions and debates. A new communications
    medium is currently in its infancy. Over the past two decades the global
    computer telecommunications network has been developing. One element of
    this network is called Usenet (also known as Netnews). The original
    carrier of this news was called UUCPnet (or just UUCP). The rawest
    principle of Usenet is its importance. In its simplest form, Usenet
    represents democracy. The basic element of Usenet is a post. Each
    individual post consists of a unique contribution from some user placed
    in a subject area, called a newsgroup. In Usenet's very beginning (and
    still to some extent today), posts were transferred using the UUCP utility
    distributed with Unix. This utility allows the use of phone lines to
    transmit computer data among separate computers. Usenet grew from
    the ground up in a grassroots manner. Originally, there was no official
    structure. What began as two or three sites on the network in 1979 expanded
    to 15 in 1980. From 150 in 1981 to 400 in 1982. The very nature of Usenet
    is communication. Usenet greatly facilitates interhuman communication
    among a large group of users.

    Inherent in most mass media is central control of content. Many
    people are influenced by the decisions of a few. Television programming,
    for example, is controlled by a small group of people compared to the
    size of the audience. In this way, the audience has very little choice
    over what is emphasized by most mass media. However, Usenet is controlled
    by its audience. Usenet should be seen as a promising successor to other
    people's presses, such as broadsides at the time of the American
    Revolution and the Penny Presses in England at the turn of the 19th
    Century. Most of the material written to Usenet is by the same people who
    actively read Usenet. Thus, the audience of Usenet decides the content
    and subject matter to be thought about, presented and debated. The ideas
    that exist on Usenet come from the mass of people who participate in it.
    In this way, Usenet is an uncensored forum for debate - where many sides
    of an issue come into view. Instead of being force-fed by an
    uncontrollable source of information, the participants set the tone and
    emphasis on Usenet. People control what happens on Usenet. In this rare
    situation, issues and concerns that are of interest and thus important to
    the participants, are brought up. In the tradition of Amateur Radio and
    Citizen's Band Radio, Usenet is the product of the users' ideas and
    will. Amateur Radio and CB, however, are more restricted then Usenet.
    Currently the range of Usenet connectivity is international and quickly
    expanding around the world into every nook and cranny. This explosive
    expansion allows growing communication among people around the world.

    In the 1960s, the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the
    Department of Defense began research of fundamental importance to the
    development and testing of computer communications networks. ARPA
    research laid the groundwork for the development of other networks such
    as UUCPnet. ARPA conducted an experiment in attempting to connect
    incompatible mainframe computers.(1) This experimental connection of
    computers was called the ARPA Computer Network (ARPANET). ARPA's stated
    objectives were:

    "1) To develop techniques and obtain experience on
    interconnecting computers in such a way that a very broad class
    of interactions were possible and

    2) To improve and increase computer research productivity through
    resource sharing."(2)

    ARPA was both conducting communications research and trying to study
    how to conserve funds by avoiding duplication of computer resources.(3)
    Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Inc. (BBN), a Cambridge, Massachusetts company,
    was chosen to construct the network, and AT&T was chosen to provide the
    communications lines. The ARPANET was needed because it was found that a
    data connection over existing telephone voice lines was too slow and not
    reliable enough to have a useful connection.(4) Packet switching was
    developed for use as the protocol of exchanging information over the
    lines. Packet switching is a communications process in which all messages
    are broken up into equal size packets which are transmitted interspersed
    and then reassembled. In this way, short, medium and long messages get
    transferred with minimum delay.(5)

    The ARPANET was a success. ARPA provided several advances to
    communications research. ARPANET researchers were surprised at the
    enthusiastic adoption of electronic mail (e-mail) as the primary source
    of communication early on. E-mail was a source of major productivity
    increase through the use of the ARPANET.(6) By 1983, the ARPANET
    officially shifted from using NCP (Network Control Program) to TCP/IP
    (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.) A key point to
    TCP/IP's success is in its simplicity. It is very easy to implement over
    various platforms, and this simplicity has accounted for its continued
    existence as a de facto standard of the Internet up to the present.
    ARPANET's lasting contribution was demonstrating how a backbone
    infrastructure can serve as a connection between gateways. A gateway is a
    computer or part of a computer programmed to receive messages from one
    network and transfer them onto another network.

    ARPANET grew quickly to more than 50 nodes between Hawaii and
    Norway.(7) However, it did not extend to all who could utilize it.
    Computer scientists at universities without Department of Defense
    contracts noticed the advantages and petitioned the National Science
    Foundation (NSF) for similar connectivity. CSnet was formed to service
    these computer scientists. CSnet was initially financed by the NSF. Very
    quickly the desire for interconnection spread to other members of the
    university community and CSnet grew to serve more scientists than just
    computer scientists at universities. CSnet became known as "Computer
    'and' Science Network" rather than just "Computer Science network."(8)

    By the mid 1980s, ARPANET was phased out by the Department of
    Defense, and was replaced by various internal networks (such as Milnet).
    The role of connecting university communities and regional networks was
    taken over by the NSF funded NSFnet, which originated as a connection for
    university researchers to the five National Supercomputer Centers. CSnet
    and NSFnet were made possible by the research on ARPANET. The NSFnet
    became the U.S. backbone for the global network known as the Internet.

    ARPANET research was pioneering for communications research.(9)
    Researchers discovered the link between computer interconnection and
    increased productivity from human communication. The sharing of
    resources was proven to save money and increase computer use and
    productivity. The development of packet switching revolutionized the
    basic methodology of connecting computers. The source of these
    discoveries were the people involved. The personnel involved in the
    ARPANET project were very intelligent and forward looking. They
    recognized their position of developing future technologies, and thus
    did not develop products that commercial industry could (and would)
    develop. Instead they understood that the communications technologies
    they were developing had to come from a not-for-profit body. ARPA
    researchers had no proprietary products to support, and no commercial
    deadlines to meet. Either would have tainted, or made developing networks
    of incompatible computers impossible or limited. Current users of
    international computer networks are in debt to the pioneers of ARPANET.

    The ARPANET was successful in its attempt to connect various spatially
    remote computers, and thus more importantly the people who used those
    computers. However, these people were either professors at universities
    that had Department of Defense research grants or employees of a limited
    number of Defense Industry companies. There were still a mass of
    people who wanted a connection, but were not in a position to gain one.
    Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    were two such locations. It was in these underprivileged fertile grounds
    where the grassroots computer communications breakthrough of Usenet
    originated and developed.

    The Unix operating system provides the basic tools needed to share
    information between computers. Unix(10) was developed as "a system around
    which a fellowship would form."(11) One of the programmers of Unix,
    Dennis Ritchie, wrote that the intended purpose of Unix was to "encourage
    close communication."(12) Unix's general principles thus conceptually
    foreshadowed the basic tenet of Usenet. How else should one go about
    designing communications programs, but on an operating system which was
    designed with a basic principle of encouraging communication? The Unix
    utility UUCP was created at Bell Labs in 1976 by Mike Lesk. It was
    further developed by David Nowitz and later by Nowitz, Peter Honeyman and
    Brian E. Redman. UUCP provided a simple way of passing files between any
    two computers running Unix and UUCP. One of the motivations for AT&T
    developing Unix was to make software production cheaper in order to bring
    down the cost of telephone service. Unix's popularity also arose from
    AT&T's prohibition to profit from other than their main business, phone
    services, under the terms of the 1956 Consent Decree. Unix was thus
    available on a "no cost" (or very low cost) basis. The operating system
    was seen as an "in-house" tool on DEC and other computers and was in use
    throughout Bell Labs. Many universities used the same type of computer
    and were licensed by AT&T to utilize Unix. It was thus easily accessible.
    Schools picked it up, and computer science students used it to learn
    about operating systems, as Unix was a model of elegance and simplicity
    compared to most operating systems of the time. Unix became a widely used
    operating system in the academic world. This paved the way for an
    international public communications system to form.

    When Usenet was developed in 1979, it was created to form a `Unix
    Users Network'. The developers thought Usenet would be used to discuss
    problems and to share experiences about Unix. Usenet provided a forum for
    people to solve problems with Unix, as AT&T initially provided little
    external support for Unix. In an early handout, Usenet was originally
    referred to as a "poor man's ARPANET."(13) In an email message, Stephen
    Daniel explained that people who didn't have access to the ARPANET were
    hungry for similar opportunities to communicate.(14)

    Usenet has been full of surprises from the beginning. The
    originators of Usenet underestimated the hunger of the people. As the
    initial intentions were to produce an easy method of communicating with
    other users at the same site, the programmers thought people would want
    to have local bulletin boards.(15) However, people were attracted by the
    possibility of communicating with others outside the local community as
    well. Even today, the global communication it makes possible is part of
    what makes Usenet so enticing. It was also thought Netnews would be
    useful as a method of communications at individual locations, and between
    sites close to each other.(16) Usenet grew as a grassroots connection of
    people. The people who utilized Netnews wanted to communicate, and
    communicate they did! People have a fundamental need to communicate and
    Usenet aptly fills the bill.(17)

    Early in 1981 the gap between ARPANET and Usenet was bridged.
    The University of California at Berkeley had connections to both
    ARPANET and Usenet. This allowed Usenet pioneer, Mark Horton,
    to bring mailing list discussions from ARPANET mailing lists into Usenet
    newsgroups.(18) This was a significant achievement. Communities other
    than ARPA sponsored researchers were finally able to see what the
    ARPANET had made possible. The gatewaying of ARPANET mailing lists into
    Usenet attracted a wave of people. These people became attracted to
    Usenet when two ARPANET mailing lists (SF-LOVERS and HUMAN-NETS)
    began to appear on Usenet. These lists provided interesting material
    and discussions. The size of the news feed (i.e., the raw data of Usenet)
    thus became larger and provided more for people to read. Later
    other sites would serve as gateways to even more discussion lists from
    the ARPANET. Netnews was also seen as a superior method of holding
    discussions. Gatewaying these FA (From ARPANET) newsgroups proved
    to be politically courageous. The ARPANET was accessible by only a
    certain group of people, and these gateways challenged that notion. The
    effect on the ARPANET was important as Steve Bellovin, another of the
    Usenet pioneers, wrote:

    "The impact of Usenet on the ARPANET was more as a (strong) catalyst
    to force reexamination (and benign neglect) on the strict policies
    against interconnection. Uucp mail into the ARPANET became a major
    force long before it was legit. And it was obviously known to, and
    ignored by, many of the Powers that Were."(19)

    Usenet, a network made possible by UUCP, expanded to connect people
    across the entire continent. Rather early UUCP expanded across the
    continent when the University of Toronto Zoology Department joined the
    Net in May of 1981.(20) Two companies proved helpful to this
    communication by distributing Netnews and electronic mail long distance.
    Each UUCP site had to either pay the phone bill to connect to the next
    system, or arrange for the other system to make the phone call. System
    administrators at AT&T and DEC did the footwork in order to take e-mail
    and news where it might not have reached. These people went through the
    trouble in order to try to see the system work. However, easy connections
    were not always available. In one example, Case Western Reserve
    University graduate students had to route mail across the continent twice
    in order to send mail through UUCP to reach their professors who were
    connected to the ARPANET next door.(23) Usenet encouraged the idea of
    connectivity to the ARPANET. Gradually the ARPANET was interconnected
    with other networks eventually functioning more as a backbone to other
    networks than a self-contained network.(22)

    Contributed effort is the crucial foundation of UUCPnet and Usenet.
    On one side, there are those who donate time and energy by contributing
    to Usenet's content - writing messages and answering messages or
    participating in a debate. Without the time and effort put in by its
    users, Usenet would not be what it is today. Also important to Usenet's
    success are the system administrators who make the functioning of Usenet
    possible. Resourcewise, Netnews takes up disk space on computers
    throughout Usenet, and phone calls in some cases must be made to transfer
    the raw data of the news. In particular, system administrators at AT&T
    and DEC found it worthwhile to transport Netnews across the country.
    Certain sites emerged as clearing houses for Usenet and UUCP e-mail.(23)
    These machines served as major relay stations of both news and e-mail. A
    structure grew that was considered the "backbone" of "the net." Backbone
    sites formed the trunk of the circulatory system of news and e-mail. A
    backbone site would connect to other central distribution computers and
    to numerous smaller sites. These central backbone sites provided a
    crucial organization to the Usenet communications skeleton. People formed
    the center of these connections. For example, 'ihnp4' at AT&T existed
    mainly because of Gary Murakami's effort and only partially from
    management support. Usenet services and support were not officially part
    of Murakami's job description. After Gary left Bell Labs Indian Hill
    Laboratory (Naperville, Illinois), Doug Price put time and effort to keep
    things running smoothly. Certain system administrators in universities
    also picked up the responsibility for distributing Netnews and e-mail
    widely. Often these individuals would find ways of having their site pick
    up the phone bill. Sometimes sites would bill the recipients. Also, those
    who received a free connection were obliged to provide the same to others
    for no charge.(24)

    Initially, expansion of sites receiving Usenet was slow.(25)
    Why did this happen? Initially Usenet was only transported via UUCP
    connections. Soon, besides UUCP, other resources were used, such as weekly
    airmailing of magtape data to Australia to provide connectivity.(26)
    Today, Usenet travels over all types of connections. The evolving
    ARPANET (and now the Internet) provided a faster way of transporting
    Netnews. However, a large number of Usenet recipients only have
    connectivity via UUCP. Universities and certain businesses can afford
    to connect to the Internet, but many individuals also want a connection.
    Even as late as 1992 when 60% of Usenet traffic was carried over the
    Internet via the instantaneous Network Transport Protocol (NNTP), 40% of
    Usenet was still carried through the slower UUCP connections. There are
    still many examples of various types of connections using UUCP. These
    representatives of the "fringe" give a clue to what the origins of this
    communication must have been like.(27)

    The number of sites receiving Usenet continually increased,
    demonstrating its popularity. People were attracted to Usenet because of
    what it made possible. People want to communicate and enjoy the thrill of
    finding others across the country (or today across the world) who share a
    common interest or just to be in touch with. Besides the common thrill,
    it is possible to form serious relationships online. Usenet makes this
    discovery possible because it is a public forum. People expose their
    ideas broadly. This wide exposure makes it possible to find compatriots
    in thought. The same physical connections which carry Usenet often also
    transport electronic mail. Interactions and discoveries are only made
    possible by the public aspect of Usenet. Mailing Lists have as wide a
    range of discussion, but are available to a much smaller sized group. The
    appeal of Usenet can become tiresome at times(28), but it is rare that
    anyone leaves Usenet permanently. Unless, of course, someone can't find
    the time to fit Usenet into his or her life. As more universities,
    schools, libraries, businesses, and individuals connect, the value of
    Usenet grows. Each new person eventually can add his or her unique
    opinion to the collection of thoughts and information that Usenet already
    has. Each new connection also increases the area where new connections
    can be made through cheap local phone calls. The potential for
    inexpensive expansion is limited only by the oceans, other natural
    barriers or perhaps mistaken government policies.

    The ARPANET was supplemented by CSnet and eventually replaced by
    U.S. government funding of its successor, NSFnet. Both CSnet and NSFnet
    were created by the U.S. Government in response to research scientists'
    and professors' pleas to have a similar connection to the ARPANET. The
    NSFnet was also created to provide access to the five supercomputer
    computing centers around the country. The NSFnet, as the backbone of the
    U.S. portion of the Internet, provided another route for the distribution
    of Usenet. Similar to the ARPANET, NSFnet was a constant connection run
    over leased lines. One of the ways Netnews is distributed is using the
    NNTP protocol over Internet connections. This allows for Netnews and e-
    mail to be distributed quickly over a large area. Internet connections
    also assist in carrying Usenet and e-mail internationally. The Internet
    class networks and connections include the established government and
    university sponsored connections. However some of the way individuals are
    connected at home is via phone lines and various versions of UUCP. There
    are also commercial services that, for a fee, provide connections for
    electronic mail and Usenet access, as well as access to the Internet.

    Much of the development of Usenet owes a big thanks to the early
    restrictions on commercial uses. Where else in our society has the
    commercial element been so clearly separated from any entity? Forums of
    discussion and communication become clogged and congested when
    advertisements use space. Because of the voluntary actions of those who
    use and redistribute Netnews and e-mail, people on Usenet feel it wrong
    to assist commercial ventures. When people feel someone is abusing the
    nature of Usenet, they let the offender know through e-mail and in public
    messages. In this manner users work to keep Usenet as a forum that is
    free from commercial exploitation. Usenet is not allowed to be abused as
    a profit making venture for any one individual or group. Rather, people
    fight to keep it a resource that is helpful to society as a whole.

    On what was the ARPANET and what was afterward the NSFnet portion of
    the Internet, there were Acceptable Use Policies (AUP) that existed
    because these networks were initially set up, founded and financed by
    public money. On these networks, commercial usage was prohibited, which
    meant it was also discouraged on other networks that gatewayed into the
    NSFnet. Unfortunately, the NSF encouraged privatization of the NSFnet
    backbone.(29) However, the discouragement of commercial usage of the
    global Usenet is separate and developed differently from the AUP.

    The social network that Usenet represents supersedes the physical
    connection it rides on. The current Netnews rides on many of the physical
    networks that exist today. However, if ever there were the need, Usenet
    could reestablish itself outside of the current physically organized
    networks. Usenet's quality is such that it will survive because of its
    users' determination. Usenet draws its strength from being a peer to peer
    network. People who use Usenet do so because they wish to communicate
    with others. This communal wish means that people on Usenet find it in
    their own and in the community's interest to be helpful. In this way,
    Usenet exists as a worldwide community of resources ready to be shared.
    Where else today is there so much knowledge that is freely available?
    Usenet represents a living library. Usenet is an important part of the
    worldwide computer networks.

    The very nature of Usenet promotes change. Usenet was born outside
    of established "networks", and transcends any one physical network.
    Currently, at this time, it exists of itself and via other networks. It
    makes possible the distribution of information that might otherwise not
    be heard through "official channels." This role makes Usenet a herald for
    social change. Because of the inherent will to communicate, people who
    don't have access to Usenet will want access when they become exposed to
    what it is, and people who currently have access will want Usenet to
    expand its reach so as to further even more communication. Usenet might
    grow to provide a forum for people to influence their governments
    allowing for the discussion and debate of issues in a mode that
    facilitates mass participation. This becomes a source of independent
    information. An independent source is helpful in the search for the

    Administrators and individuals who handle the flow of information
    have been predicting the "imminent death of the net" since 1982.(30) The
    software that handles the distribution of Netnews has gone through
    several versions to handle the ever increasing amount of information.
    People who receive Netnews have either had to decrease 1) the number of
    days individual messages stay at the site or 2) the number of newsgroups
    they receive; or they have had to allocate more disk space for the
    storage of Netnews. Despite all the predictions and worries, people's
    desire for this communication have helped this social network develop
    and expand. Brad Templeton once wrote, "If there is a gigabit network
    with bandwidth to spare that is willing to carry Usenet, it has plenty
    more growth left."(31) Various research labs have been working on producing
    usable gigabit networks.

    Usenet is a democratic and technological breakthrough. The
    computer networks and Usenet are still developing. People need to
    work towards keeping connections available and inexpensive, if
    not free, so as to encourage the body of users to grow. There are
    several cities and governments across the world where the public has
    access to network services as a civic service. This direction is to be
    encouraged. Exclusive arrangements for access are to be discouraged. The
    very nature of Usenet means people are going to be working for its
    expansion. Others will be working for the expansion for their own gain,
    and some forces will be an active force against expansion of Usenet. I
    can only ask that people attempt to spread this book in an attempt to
    popularize and encourage the use and fight for Usenet.
    Notes for CHAPTER 3

    (1) "In September 1969, the embryonic one-node(!) ARPANET came to life
    when the first packet-switching computer was connected to the Sigma 7
    computer at UCLA. Shortly thereafter began the interconnection of many
    main processors (referred to as HOSTs) at various university,
    industrial, and government research centers across the UnitedStates."
    (Leonard Kleinrock, "On Communications and Networks," IEEE
    Transactions on Computers, vol C-25 no 12, December, 1976, p. 1328).

    (2) F. Heart, A. McKenzie, J. McQuillan, and D. Walden, ARPANET
    Completion Report, Washington, 1978, p. II-2.

    (3) Alexander McKenzie and David C. Walden, "ARPANET, the Defense Data
    Network, and Internet" in The Froehlich/Kent Encyclopedia of
    Telecommunications, vol. 1, New York, 1991, p. 346.

    (4) Lawrence G. Roberts, "The ARPANET and Computer Networks," in A
    History of Personal Workstations, ed. Adele Goldberg, ACM Press,
    New York, 1988, p. 145.

    (5) Leonard Kleinrock, "On Communications and Networks", IEEE
    Transactions on Computers, vol C-25 no 12, December, 1976, p. 1327.

    (6) Alexander McKenzie and David C. Walden, p. 357.

    (7) F. Heart et al, p. II-25.

    (8) Alexander McKenzie and David C. Walden, p. 369.

    (9) "For many of the people in government, at the major contractors,
    and in the participating universities and research centers the
    development of the ARPANET has been an exciting time which will rank as
    a high point in their professional careers. In 1969 the ARPANET project
    represented a high risk, potentially high impact research effort. The
    existence of the net in practical useful form has not only provided
    communications technology to meet any short term needs, but it
    represents a formidable communications technology and experience base on
    which the Defense Department as well as the entire public and private
    sectors will depend for advanced communications needs. The strong and
    diverse experience base generated by the ARPANET project has placed this
    country ahead of all others in advanced digital communications science
    and technology." (ARPANET Completion Report, p. II-109.)

    (10) Unix was born in 1969, the same year as the ARPANET.

    (11) Dennis. M. Ritchie, "The UNIX System: The Evolution of the UNIX
    Time-sharing System," Bell Systems Technical Journal, vol 63 no 8,
    October, 1984, p. 1578.

    (12) Ibid.

    (13) Stephen Daniel, James Ellis, and Tom Truscott, "USENET - A
    General Access UNIX Network," Duke University, Durham, North
    Carolina, Summer 1980.

    (14) Stephen Daniel, a personal communication, November 1992.

    (15) Steve M. Bellovin and Mark Horton, "USENET - A Distributed
    Decentralized News System", an unpublished manuscript, 1985.

    (16) Ibid.

    (17) See, e.g., Gregory G. Woodbury's "Net Cultural Assumptions,"
    reprinted in Amateur Computerist, vol 6 no 2/3, Winter/Spring,

    (18) Comment from Steve Bellovin, October 10, 1990, Usenet History
    Archive: "Correct. The original concept was that most of the traffic
    would be the form now known as UNIX wizards (or whatever it's called
    this week). Growth was slow until Mark started feeding the mailing lists
    in because there was nothing to offer prospective customers. Given a
    ready source of material, people were attracted."

    (19) Steve Bellovin, October 10, 1990 - Usenet History Archive.

    (20) Henry Spencer, Usenet History Archives,

    (21) From Amanda Walker, Tue, Oct. 16, 09:11 PDT, 1990, Usenet History

    (22) Alexander McKenzie and David C. Walden, "Indeed, during a typical
    measurement period in June 1988, over 50% of the active ARPANET
    hosts were gateways, and they accounted for over 80% of the
    traffic." p. 369.

    (23) At AT&T, the computers 'research', then 'allegra', then 'ihnp4'
    served as major mail and/or news distribution sites. At DEC - 'decvax'
    gradually increased its role (e.g., 'decvax' in New Hampshire would call
    long distance to San Diego across the country.)

    (24) E.g., Duke University fed Usenet files to Greg Woodbury who in
    turn gave "feeds" as they are called to others who requested them
    from him. See "Net Cultural Assumptions."

    (25) See table of site growth in Chapter 2.

    (26) Andrew Tanenbaum is quoted as saying something similar to "Never
    underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of 9 track tape
    (or magnetic tape)."

    (27) Usenet began with the spirit that still exists today. On several
    newsgroups I posted a message with the following subject: "I want to
    hear from the four corners of the Net - That means YOU!" In return I
    received numerous wonderful answers. One new pioneer was going to use
    packet radio to send e-mail up to the CIS's orbiting Mir Space Station
    in the heavens. Others in Krakow, Poland, in Australia and in the
    ex-USSR sent me information about their connection. Some told me of how
    they made other connections possible. One user in South Africa told me
    how he distributed news and e-mail and was trying to gain access to a
    satellite in order to set connections up with the interior of Africa
    that lacks the otherwise needed infrastructure. The world is still in
    the infancy of this communications interconnectivity!
    See description of this result in Chapter 1.

    (28) "Flame Wars" (highly emotional attacks) can become annoying.
    There are ebbs and flows of interesting posts. Even though Usenet is
    addicting, it can also be overwhelming.

    (29) See e.g., the U.S. Office of Inspector General's Report of April,
    1993, for documentation of the process set in motion to implement
    the privatization of the NSFnet.

    (30) From the Usenet History Archives,

    (31) From Usenet History Archives,

    Special Thanks to Bruce Jones for establishing and archiving the
    Usenet History Archives at
    Also thanks to the Usenet Pioneers for getting Usenet off to the right start.

    Last Updated: October 15, 1995
    ================================================== =============

    This article is a draft chapter from Michael Hauben's
    <[email protected]> and Ronda Hauben's <[email protected]> netbook
    titled "Netizens: On the History and Impact of Usenet and the Internet."
    *Commercial use is prohibited*

    Please send us any comments about this draft. Send comments to
    both [email protected] and [email protected].

    - - - Updated - - -

    guns kill people,

    like spoons made rush limbaugh,

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    fill1FILL 'ER UP[hr][/hr]Make a small box act like a larger one with polyester fiberfill
    TOM NOUSAINEThe word "FIBER" is turning up in a lot of hip conversations these days – you know, the ones that take place in art galleries, bistros, and install bays. In the galleries, they're talking about the fiber-optic conduits through which compressed digital audio and video will travel when the Intergalactic Superhighway concludes the long and winding road to our homes. In the bistros, they're talking about the colon-scrubbing glory of fiber-rich delicacies like oatmeal quesadillas and bran flan. But, to us – the few, the proud, the mighty Box Builders – fiber means dacron-polyester fiberfill, that magic and powerful ingredient that helps deliver maximum bass from a tiny space.[table]
    [TD="colspan: 4"]SEALED ENCLOSURE
    1.4-ft³ Box
    [TD]Stuffing Density
    (lb/ft³ )
    [TD]System Resonance
    It's no secret that you can use fiber- fill to make low-end magic; clever installers have been using it for years Take two boxes of the same size and type, insert the same woofer into each one, and stuff one with some fiber-fill – the one with the stuffing should kick out lower bass.
    In simple terms, it works like this: The fiberfill fools the woofer into thinking that it's in a larger box (one with more air, or internal volume, in it). than it really is. And, in general, the larger the box, the lower the bass you can get out of it.
    Fiberfill stuffing is a popular alternative for people who can't or don't want to allot a lot of space for a subwoofer box. A compound or Isobarik configuration, which pairs two woofers in one box, is another popular option, though it has some considerable downsides: For one thing, you have to buy two woofers. There is also a theoretical sensitivity loss (on the order of 6 dB) because you end up with twice the cone mass, though you can cut your losses – losing only a few dB SPL – by running a pair of the drivers in parallel.
    [TD="colspan: 4"]SEALED ENCLOSURE
    5.1-ft³ Box
    [TD]Stuffing Density
    (lb/ft³ )
    [TD]System Resonance
    The particulars of fiber stuffing are pretty interesting: The air inside your enclosure actually heats up as your woofer moves, making the air stiffer. (I'm absolutely serious.) When the enclosure is stuffed with fiber, the fibers wiggle, dissipating some of the heat and making the system work as though the box were larger. Theoretically, your woofer/box bass system can act like a system that's a maximum of 40 percent larger when you've latched onto the right stuffing recipe – in other words, if you have an enclosure that offers 1 cubic foot (1 ft³ ) of internal volume, in a perfect world a good stuffing job will make it perform like an enclosure that offers 1.4 cubic feet of internal volume.
    There are three types of stuffing that are commonly used for this purpose: fiberglass insulation, long-fiber wool, and polyester fiberfill. Fiberfill is the best choice because it doesn't come loose and fly around and irritate your skin or lungs like fiberglass, it works as well as either of the others, it's a lot cheaper than wool, and moths hate it. I recently bought five 20-ounce bags of it at $1.99 a pop (a total of 6.26 pounds for $9.95) at Minnesota Fabrics; that turns out to be about $1.60 a pound. You should be able to find some at any fabric store or in the bedding section at friendly stores like K-Mart or Home Depot.
    To evaluate the effectiveness of box stuffing, I used an MLSSA analyzer to measure the impedance of three enclosures – 5.l-cubic-foot sealed, 1.4-cubic-foot sealed, and 1.4-cubic-foot ported (the port measured 3 inches in diameter and 6 inches in length) – with various densities of stuffing. For the sealed boxes, I was able to determine the effective box size – as enhanced by the stuffing – using the system's resonant-frequency and Qes values. For the ported box, I compared the tuned frequency of the empty enclosure to the tuned frequency of the stuffed enclosure, using the Speak for Windows computer program; this enabled me to find the effective box size that fit the actual resonant frequency I'd measured.
    [TD="colspan: 4"]PORTED ENCLOSURE
    1.4-ft³ Box
    [TD]Stuffing Density
    (lb/ft³ )
    [TD]System Resonance
    In each case, the news was good – make that very good. With all three boxes, I enjoyed roughly 25 to 35 percent of "space gain" by using stuffing at a rate of 1 to 1.75 pounds per cubic foot of internal volume.
    When making system performance predictions, be aware that the Qes figure – and, therefore, the Qts figure – of the sealed boxes dropped. And with the ported box, the peak of the impedance curve on the lower side of the tuned frequency became heavily damped below the box's point of resonance. I also found that there is such a thing as too much of a good thing: System resonance (Fsb) rises again, beginning with densities of around 1.5 pounds of stuffing per cubic foot of box volume; this happens because the fibers are jammed so tightly together that they stop wiggling and, consequently, stop dissipating heat.
    I also found that stuffing gets less effective as box size increases. The morale: The bigger your box is, the harder it is to fool your woofer.
    A few rules of thumb: Stuff small enclosures – those with up to about 3 cubic feet of internal volume or less – with 1.5 pounds of fiberfill for each cubic foot of internal volume and you should get about a 30-percent increase in box volume without seriously affecting other performance variables. For larger enclosures, add stuffing at a rate of approximately 1 pound per cubic foot and you should get a virtual-space boost of about 25 percent. One thing's certain: You'll impress the heck out of your friends at the art gallery and bistro.
    [hr][/hr]CAR STEREO REVIEW®
    March/April 1995
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