I found a interesting wrestling text simulator which to create what you want. The simulator simulate a fight and describe what happen by a text. The name of the simulator is "eChoice Wrestling".
But my enslish is very poor so I need your help.
At the time, I need:

Some names of minor injury wich could happen after a titfight ( "Painful nipples" for example ).
The main part:
Names of move for a titfight and three or four different descriptions of the move. (for example "%a smash the breast of %d. The two opponents scream "etc...).You can write more than a sentences to describe the move, you can add trash talking ect.... %a must be the the name of the attacker, %d of the defender. for each move I need two kind of descriptions : %a have the advantage, and %a and %d don't have any advantage (but no %d have the advantage because it is only the defender).

This is an example of a description from the wrestling simulator
%d is lifted up over %a's shoulder so %d is facing upwards and his back is held over the shoulder of %a. %a holds %d in place and spins around a few times, then tosses %d into the air dropping him back first to the mat. A fantastic display of skill.
%a looks like he trying the classic Airplane Spin Toss on %d, but somehow %d manages to free himself and get back on his feet

and for example this is what I write for hairpulling (it is just an example):
Soudainly, %a grip two handfull of %d 's hair. Immediatly, %d do the same. Cheek to cheek, the two titfighters pull harder and harder. %d scream and release the hair of %a. %a do the same and say "Now, I will hurt your tits too !"
%a tries to catch the %d 's hair but %d anticipate the unfair attack and grap the hands of %a. A short test of strenght begins. %a say "fucking cheater ! it is a titfight, not a bitch fight !". "fuck you bitch !" answer %a.
%a begin to hairpull %d with two hand. But %d do the same quickly and the two rivals looks at the eyes at the other with anger and hatred.%d say "Do you want a catfight, or are you afraid to fight tits to tits ?". %a say "shut up cunt, I will smash your fucking boobs with mine". And the two opponents realase the hairpulling.

About my [MISS], you can see I wrote two different descriptions. The simulator choose randomly a description between those of the move. So the more different descriptions the move will have, the more interesting the simulator will be.