I usually don't post much. Just help Sarah with her albums. Helping her with her albums actually got me playing with my dolls again. Thanks Sis. LOL
Today I got up and just did not feel good. Not sick just not GOOD. So I took a mental health day off school. No school-No cheer practice-no volunteer activities. I think my brain just finally said take a BREAK. I usually leave home by 5:30 a.m. and if it is a game night I do not get home until after 9.
It is now 9 :20 a.m. and I must say I am enjoying this! I have not had a new doll in years. My choice. I had to tell my Mom to STOP WITH THE DOLLS.
Now Jess is on my Christmas list. Does anyone else go through phases like this with your dolls?
I also strongly recommend an occasional mental health day for everyone. I guess I better get started on the fashion show. Sarah can help me when she gets home from school.
Tomorrow I will be back at it. Today is rest and fun. Take a Mental Health Day you deserve it! LOL