Earlier today, I started feeling pretty tired. I have been having troubles with high blood pressure and I didn't sleep much last night. I wasn't feeling too good, but I wanted to stay up to watch my favorite dress come up on ebay. I had fallen in love with it the moment I first saw it. So I go to check on it and someone else has bid on it.

I decide that $45 is already a high price. I really shouldn't spend even that much on a doll dress, so getting in a bidding war is not a good idea. I decide to bow out. I feel a little bad, but accept that it jsut isn't meant to be. I need sleep more than I need a doll dress. so I go take a nap.

When I wake up, the first thing I think of is THE dress. I assume the auction has ended, but maybe not. I think that maybe I can still bid. Maybe I was meant to have it. To be fair, I take my time getting to the computer. I even stop and get a drink. The whole time I am so hoping it hasn't ended, yet I know it will be for the best if it has. I go to the page and hit refresh.

Yes it has ended, and surprise, SURPRISE! ! ! ! It says that I won! I am stunned. I am in shock. I know I didn't bid on it. I am sure I didn't bid on it. Did I???

I am sitting here falling to pieces. I am thinking I must have had some sort of stroke or something. I am totally freaking out and. . . .
then my dd comes upstairs. I didn't even know she was home. She wasn't supposed to be home yet. The fog in my brain begins to clear. Could she have done it?

Ahhhhhahhhhhhaaaaaa! YES she did it! Scared the bejeezus out of me!!!

Of course now she is upset with ebay, because she had come to my computer and deleted all of the emails that said I bid and I won. She even emailed the seller and told them to use another email address. She just forgot about the ebay summary. It seems that her and her father cooked up this plan and wanted to surprise me. Well they sure did!!!

Now my dd says that she is counting on my failing memory kicking in so it will still be a surprise on my birthday. LOL

<font color="#33CCCC" size="1">[ April 03, 2006 05:14 PM: Message edited by: JuliaAM ]</font>