Does anyone know when the different neck markings were used? I thought the earlier dolls all had the large lettering on the neck. I have several Felicity dolls with varying shades of red hair and dates on the gowns. They are all pre-Mattel, but even the two with the very red hair (gowns 1986 and 1993) have small lettering with the "c" to the left of Pleasant. Does anyone understand the sequence of lettering styles with Felicity? I have reasoned that the ones with the "Made in Germany" tags probably came out after the fall of the wall to distinguish them from those made in Hungary. Before that they would have said "West Germany". I am just so curious to know all I can about my girls. I bought my original Kirsten and Samantha in 1991. Both of them have the c above the Pleasant, but Kirsten has smaller lettering. My white bodied Sam has small lettering, too. Does the size and manner of the lettering signify anything? People seem to make a big deal of it in auctions.