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Thread: Mage Knight

  1. #1
    Imbalance Biomechanoid's Avatar
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    Yeah, I know Mage Knight died for most players. I never had much more than a passing interest in it aside from the figures themselves, but managed - through trades and eBay - to acquire a moderate-sized collection of the HC cousins. Lately, though, I've had a bug up my keister and found myself hankering for even more of what I missed out on back in the day, despite the fact that it never caught on locally anyway.

    It was just over a year ago that JW proclaimed the death of MK, and it's sad to see so many diehard players are breaking down to part ways with their loot. Entire collections are selling on eBay and elsewhere for next to nothing. I'm seeing cases...entire sealed cases...with BIN prices lower than what many singles sold for just a year ago. That's got to hurt. Now, with the forthcoming Horrorclix cannibalizing the last suitable remains of MK from its lifeless, rotting corpse, I'm wondering if the game will ever get to have another shot.

    When they came out and said that they would no longer be producing or supporting MK, they declared that it would return in a different form sometime in 2007, and pointed to the production-ready video version of the title. That game is supposed to release next month. Noone's holding their breath.

    Personally, as an alternative to jumping onto the next WK offering or much less their next vg market entry, I'm going retro. In between HC releases you'll most likely find me stocking up on massive quantities of obsolete MK stuff, simply because I want to. Seeing that this forum was never meant to, nor has been, exclusive to HeroClix, I'm somewhat likely to report some of my dealings here (although considering how far behind I am on posting raw FixClix articles that may end up being another pipe dream).

    In any event, I really only got online tonight to download the MK module for Battle Planner. Tsk...more tedious inventory, but I guess that's just what geeks do.

  2. #2
    Inactive Member Ronfar's Avatar
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