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Thread: Fan fiction

  1. #1
    Inactive Member ovenmitboy's Avatar
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    Okay so these never worked over on the WW board but I thought we could give it a go over here at our new home. Okay so maybe not ?home? but summer house, somewhere to go for the weekend, I'm rambling aren't I? You all know how these work, you can write as much or as little as you like but try not to kill anybody off too early or have daisy's coming out of instead of Wolverines claws etc. etc. So I guess I'll start it off. Are we sitting comfortably.....

    The familiar smell of your own church.

    That was the last thought that went through the mind of the mutant teleporter know as Kurt Wagner, the second before the attack happened. It is a curios smell. A smell that separates the house of God from the rest of the outside world. Keeps it special, sacred even. When you step into a church before you even notice the ornate roof sculptures, the light cascading from the stained glass windows or the regimental uniformity of the rows and rows of pews, it is the smell that grabs you first.

    It is a weird smell, no, a unique smell. Made up of the remnants of incense from this mornings mass, the perfumes and after shaves of this afternoons confessioners but most importantly the smell of melting wax emanating from the smouldering candles left behind by mourners for the remembrance of their loved ones.

    This was one of Kurt's favourite jobs as a trainee priest, tending to the candles. Making sure that the holders are kept clean, the stock replenished and the money collected. What made it so special wasn't the revenue that it made for the church. Although that was a necessary part of this whole ritual. No, it was the thought that within each candle he holds in his hands, he holds a persons remembrance, a persons memories. That day there had been a lot of people to remember. Thirty six in all. Thirty six candles stood in front of him burning brightly, illuminating the small chapel. He only had one more duty to perform before he finished his daily tasks. Everyday he would light a candle for a fallen friend, Illyana Rasputin a mere child when she died, all the more reason for her to be remembered.

    As he lifted the unlit candle towards the wick of another he felt a chill like he had never felt before in the sanctuary of the church. It was gone almost as soon as it had happened. He was about to block it out of his mind as one of those freak occurances when he felt it again. This time stronger, strong enough to blow out each and every one of the thirty six candles. As he stood in the darkness he knew he was not alone.

    "Who's there?" He inquired to thin air "If you want the money, you can have it, you are obviously of more need of it than I am, but remember this is a church that you are robbing from."

    "Oh its not the money I want Father Nightcrawler.? The voice growled.

    ?You know my code name friend.?

    ?There's a lot I know about you fuzz ball, but now I just want to make a few confessions. Aaaaaargh!" A huge figure launched itself at where the priest stood, claws glinting in the reflection of the shallow moon.

    "Sabertooth!" BAMF! With a speed that would put athlete's to shame, Kurt accesses his power to teleport himself to the roof of the church and out of Sabertooths reach. "What do you want Sabertooth?"

    "The same thing I want blue boy. Only you won't find it so easy escaping from the Toad" Not expecting anybody else to be in the church rafters, Kurt is taken by surprise as the Toad uses his extending tongue loosen Kurt's grip on the boss on the ceiling. Kurt tries to teleport as he falls but somehow Toad has infected him with a venom that has nullified his unique mutant ability.

    "I got him, I got him, leave this one to Fred J. Dukes. I haven't dropped one yet!."


    "Okay I don't got him"

    "You clumsy idiot Blob, she said she wanted him alive. Hey Fuzzy, you still with us?" Sabetooth picks up the fallen mutant like he was nothing but a new-born child and begins to bring him round.

    "I - How?- The Brotherhood - Why? - If your here - then she can't be -"

    "Far away?" The blue skinned shape shifter known as Mystique saunters into the fray. Her shimmering red hair resting on her shoulders and her white dress barely covering her scaly skin. "Yes my poor dear, Mother is here, and has she got an offer you can't refuse!"

    Okay so this is what we got, a fallen Nightcrawler, the Brotherhood Of Mutants, an offer from Mystique. I can't wait to see what you guys come up with.

    Keep It Safe In The

    [This message has been edited by ovenmitboy (edited December 02, 2000).]

  2. #2
    Inactive Member Drags's Avatar
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    That was really cool mit!Maybe'you'should write the Nightcrawler mini.I think I will let someone else take it from here though,this bum really just woke up and still has a fuzzy head. smile*about to head to the cupboard for some Folgers*


    Who finds Nightcrawler very sexy.

  3. #3
    Inactive Member BAMF!'s Avatar
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    WoW I DEFINITELY want to play in this thread!
    'MIT what a kick-A@@ idea and story!
    Hiya DRAGS/DRAGONLADY! (mooches a sip o' DL's coffee) Nice to see so many familiar faces in here!

    O.K. lets see if I can do that spectacular intro justice...

    Held fast in Sabretooth's vise-like grip nightcralwer glares at the approaching shape shifter...

    "there is NOTHING you have to offer that would interest me in the least 'Mother'."

    "Then you are an even bigger fool than i'd imagined Kurt Wagner." Mystique hisses at the x-man. "Deny me at your peril and the peril of those you hold most dear."

    Kurt seethes... his glowing yellow eyes seem to actually flash in anger. Fangs barred he snarls back through clenched teeth...
    " Like Moira McTaggert? You have ALREADY 'caused the death of a friend held very deeply in my heart. You have attacked me without provocation. You and yours desicrate this Holy place just by your very presence. I will warn you only ONCE Mystique. LEAVE. NOW."

    "HAwr HaWR!" Blob's laughter echoes throughout the Church. "Tha rest a the X-geeks arent here to back your useless-blue carcass up fuzz-ball! Ya get with tha program or 'tooth 'll rip your arms off and i'll SQUASH whatevers left!"

    "Blob. Please." Mystique retorts.
    "There is a task that I am setting before you Herr Wagner. Something that lends itself to ALL of your very unique mutant abilities." Mystique walks directly up to Nightcrawlers face..the eerie yellow glow of his eyes matched by her own. " A very powerful and dangerous man has come into possession of something that belongs to ME. Something that I fully intend to take back by whatever means necessary. If I could have re-aquired this item myself, whether through GUILE or by FORCE, obviously I would have done so already. YOU will re-claim that wich is rightfully mine Kurt Wagner... "

    Kurt tenses as senses that he is still unable to teleport. Regardless, Sabretooth will NOT hold him for long. But first his curiosity must be satisfied..
    "Or else, Mystique...?"


  4. #4
    Inactive Member ovenmitboy's Avatar
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    Kick a$$ Bamf! I can see where you're going. Next....

    Keep It Safe In The

  5. #5
    Inactive Member Spatula Gal's Avatar
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    this is gooood...

  6. #6
    Inactive Member Drags's Avatar
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    Hey,that was great BAMF! biggrinMaybe you and mitboy should calaborate on the mini. wink


    Who finds Nightcrawler very sexy.

  7. #7
    HB Forum Owner Knight_Crawler's Avatar
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    I think it's very cool, and I'm an allright writer, but I have no idea where it's going, so I'll leave it up to someone else! Good job, so far, though!!


    [This message has been edited by Knight_Crawler (edited December 03, 2000).]

  8. #8
    Inactive Member ovenmitboy's Avatar
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    Okay Bamferoonie, it looks like it is just me and you mate, so here goes ...

    The time : Three days later. The Place : 1047 Greymalkin Lane. The place in particular : A room full of technology that you and I can only dream of. A place where the mutant hero team known as the X-Men come to hone their skills and special abilities. A place that they have come to call 'The Danger Room.' He's been at it for nearly three hours now and still he hasn't slowed. He knows he's got to be better, he was jumped the other day and he didn't even know they were in the room. In a battle situation that could lose him his life, but more importantly it could lose one of his team mates life.

    Kurt Wagner's main passion in life is the church, he has given himself to his religion body and soul. But there is something about combat that makes him feel alive. As if this was what he was born to do, his purpose, his calling. As he ducks under a falling block, jumps onto the swinging platform, teleports to miss poisoned arrows, and then lands with all the agility of a circus performer he feels that nothing in this world could touch him. Nobody can touch him.

    The training program that he is running is from the Alph-A category designed by the best to make the best better. Kurt Wagner makes it look like a day in the park. Nothing in the room stands still for more than a second before blurring into a flurry of darts, lasers and projectiles. Hazards come at him from all angles, but today he focused, in tune with his powers, nobody is going to sneak up on him today. Nobody.


    ?You?re tagged elf?

    ?Huh! Wolverine! Computer: end programme. I?m sorry my friend I didn?t hear you come in?

    ?Not many do. I?m impressed Kurt. This program was designed only to be used by me, even Cap America would get his little winged head shaved on this one. Ever wanted a more real sparring partner??

    ?I don?t think even I am ready to face ?the best of what he does? yet!?

    ?I?m not so sure. You?ve been training pretty hard these last few days. Something up??

    ?No. Nothing, just wanna? be ready. Things don?t usually stay quiet around here for long eh.?

    ?Never heard a truer word. Well if you can take a break Bruce Lee, we?re all heading into town tonight. Gambit has got some shin dig going down with his guild. Coming??

    ?No I think I?ll just take it easy?

    ?That?s not like you, you are normally the first reveller to ?bamf? into any party. This promises to be some do, lots of easy New Orleans women. Even old cue ball head is coming?

    ?The Professor! But he never goes out for parties. What made him change his mind??

    ?Well I hear that Storm has got hold of some of his baby photos and is threatening to post them on the internet if he doesn?t come. Me, I reckon he just wants to check out the topless dancers at the Crazy Horse.?

    ?Well thanks all the same but I really do think I should get an early night.?

    Later that evening at the Xavier School for gifted mutants, the mansion lies silent as its occupants head into town for a night of fun. Silent everywhere, except in the study of mutant expert Charles Xavier where a thin layer of brimstone clings to the ground and furniture and the soft toes of Kurt Wagner creep towards his mentors desk.

    ?Please forgive me Charles, but I have no choice.? The mutant whispers as he sits down at the Professors desk and starts to boot up his computer. ?I hate these things, I wish Kitty was here now. So then Charles where are they? Where would you keep them? She says they are in here and she is not often wrong.? He searches through folder upon folder, programme upon programme until he eventually finds what he is after ?Ah, finally, the Xavier proto-?

    ?This is the second time in one day that you have let me sneak up on you.?

    ?Huh? Wolverine, I thought you-?

    ?Had gone to town with the others. Yeah I can see that, but I thought you looked pretty down and figured you could use some company. So are you going tell me what she has got on you??


    ?Don?t play dumb. Mystique. I could smell her stench on you the second you walked through that door. So what is it elf, or am I going to have to do this the hard way??

    Okay back to you guys. I would love to see some new writers (althought the encouragment has been nice *shucks*) even just a line or two would be cool. Go on you might like it biggrin

    Keep It Safe In The

  9. #9
    HB Forum Owner Knight_Crawler's Avatar
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    "You KNOW what she's got on me, as well as I do."

    "Oh do I? All I know is that she's s'posedly your Mo--"

    Kurts eyes flash with pain or anger as he turns away from his old friend.

    "ENOUGH!" he yells, a twinge of memories breaking his voice, as his eyes fill with tears.

    Surprised, Logan takes a step back before laying his hand lightly upon his friend's shoulder.

    "She's tortured me for long enough, I'm not going to let her get away with this..."

    "Let her go, don't let her get to you this time."

    "She'll never leave me alone. She's got me sneaking around in one of my most sacred places, breaking a commandment and questioning myself! She's got me, and I don't know why! She's even got me wondering if she's the reason I'm taking the path that I am. She and my father..." Kurts voice softens as he speaks the last few words.

    "You" Logan's eyebrows knitting, his voice breaking uncharacteristically, was it curiousity or emotion getting the better of him?

    The early 70s, Western Canada, Logan's Cabin

    Smoke rolls out of the chimney as Logan walks through the snow with an armful of firewood.

    *sniff, sniff*

    Well, there's my part for now! Keep it going! Everyone remember Silver Fox?

    [This message has been edited by Knight_Crawler (edited December 05, 2000).]

  10. #10
    Inactive Member ovenmitboy's Avatar
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    Red face

    Woah, KC even I wasn't going to go there! I love it!!!!

    Keep It Safe In The

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