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Thread: Alternate plot for T3

  1. #1
    Inactive Member jones's Avatar
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    Two things before we start:

    1. I haven't seen the movie yet, so I don't know exactly what plot they went with. But I've read enough to know it's not this.

    2. This has nothing to do with the plot, but I just want to beat all the lesbians on the board to the punch and say I miss Linda Hamilton's biceps already.

    Okay, the very concept of this movie has bugged me from the start. T2 was a fine sequel to a fine movie, and in an entertainment industry that excels at producing awful sequels, a good sequel is a real achievement and not something to be screwed around with. Yet screw around with it they have done. The reviews I've read all indicate that to make this sequel, the plot was written in such a way as to nullify everything that the Connors/Terminator accomplished in the last one. Skynet still exists in the future and once again sends back another Terminator to the past to waste John Connor (the only twist is that now there are multiple targets that include all of John Connor's future lieutenants -- which I'm sure are only there so that we can see some characters with a connection to Connor get horribly killed along the way). That bugs the crap out of me.

    Now let it also be borne in mind that I'd be willing to tolerate the concept of a T3 if it were done in such a way so as to make the second movie not seem superfluous. That could've been accomplished if Hollywood had only taken the time to track little old me down in Ohio, tell me they were doing a sequel, and follow my advice to the letter when writing the script. Now how hard would that have been? <sheesh!>

    Here's how it should've gone down: after the events of the first movie, John Connor spends the 1990s coming to grips with the fact that he has screwed himself out of a great destiny. From birth to about age 12, he believes that one day he will be the man who saves the human race from certain extinction. He's supposed to be the George Washington (dare we say the Moses?) of the 21st century! But by destroying all the computer gizmos and such, he stops Skynet from ever being built. At first this seems like a good thing, but then he goes through his teen years and into young adulthood and has to cope with the agonizing frustrations of an ordinary life. He can't find a job, can't hold a relationship together, can't even graduate from high school because he's been in and out of juvey and various mental hospitals for the last ten years. He has saved the future of humankind, but nobody knows it and nobody believes it when he tells them.

    And so, very much like his mother, he ends up very pissed off and has no social skills to speak of. He has, in fact, no skills whatsoever EXCEPT... an uncanny familiarity with deadly weapons and sophisticated technology. It is at this point that he's approached by a recruiting representative from a technology firm that is barely afloat financially, never having recovered from the disaster that befell their R&D facility way back in 1991! So he goes to work for... (if you've read this far, you already know how to complete this sentence).

    And so, in the future, Skynet sends a Terminator back through time, but this time, it's mission is to protect it's creator, John Connor. And a future John Connor, having now seen the war for himself and realizing the error of his ways, sends another Terminator back to kill himself!

    Okay, so there are some temporal mechanics paradoxes to work out, but I think it's a good start! Now let's all lobby Hollywood to withdraw T3 before it opens, so that they can reshoot it using my exposition!

    take care


  2. #2
    HB Forum Owner erisesoteric's Avatar
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    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=2 face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><table border="0" width="90%" bgcolor="#333333" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0"><tr><td width="100%"><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#FF9900"><tr><td width="100%" bgcolor="#DDDDDD"><font size=2 face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by jones:
    But by destroying all the computer gizmos and such, he stops Skynet from ever being built. At first this seems like a good thing, but then he goes through his teen years and into young adulthood and has to cope with the agonizing frustrations of an ordinary life. He can't find a job, can't hold a relationship together, can't even graduate from high school because he's been in and out of juvey and various mental hospitals for the last ten years. He has saved the future of humankind, but nobody knows it and nobody believes it when he tells them.</font></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></BLOCKQUOTE>

    See, and here I thought you were going for a Terminator-meets-Scared-Straight angle...

  3. #3
    Inactive Member Jadian's Avatar
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    It's like the ultimate d'oh.

    I'd support the re-write. Especially since the current T3 seems to be "Busty blonde wears tight red leather and wrestles with an over-tanned wooden Arnold and there are guns and stuff."

  4. #4
    Inactive Member Branflakes-Straight Girl's Avatar
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    I'm voting for that rewrite. Now, if I only had clout in Hollywood and T3 hadn't opened yesterday.

    I'm still going to go see the movie, but I think I'll be disappointed because T2 really did do a good job of wrapping things up.

    (and, oh yeah, I miss Linda Hamilton already)

    (excuse the alt use, forgot to log out and log back in)

  5. #5
    Inactive Member Ski's Avatar
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    as far as movies go then yes T2 did a good job with the wrap up. HOWEVER if you read the comics, it's still going on AFTER T2. the comic in question is called "cybernetic dawn" and takes place right after T2. and the story is what I'm hoping T3 will be based off of. if you have the money and time find this set (4 in all I think) it explanes alot.

    <font color="#a62a2a" size="1">[ July 03, 2003 09:37 PM: Message edited by: Ski ]</font>

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