Hollywood masterbates again. What sort of message is this sending out to young moviemakers? As I've said before, Copy is King.


The boys premiered Raiders: The Adaptation in an auditorium at a local Coca-Cola plant in 1989 and then, not realizing what they had, tucked the film away for nearly 15 years. In 2003, a VHS tape of Raiders: The Adaptation fell in the hands of Ain't It Cool News guru Harry Knowles, who played it at his Butt-numb-a-thon festival. It was a hit
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Dark days for anyone trying to create anything even remotely original (I count myself in that crowd don'tchyaknow).

Now excuse me whilst I remake Star Wars shot for shot on my mobile phone in order to get to stroke Admiral Ackbar in twenty years. "It's a trap!"

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