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Thread: Synthesiser Software Suggestions?

  1. #1
    Inactive Member brianmalanson's Avatar
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    Hey I'm looking for some FREE software to create Synthesiser-type music for background music for a Independant Film I'm producing.

    I found this list, but I don't know whats good, what not? Any suggestions?

    Acid WAV Advanced sound editor and synthesizer
    Ambient automat Java Music Machine
    Analog Box 1.58 Powerful sound design tool for creating Jambots
    AnalogX SayIt 2.03 Generate custom computer synthesized speech
    ArborRhythms Music Processor Synthezise - Generate - Edit Midi and Wave
    Audio Compositor 4.1 MIDI-to-WAV renderer, MIDI-controlled sample player + patch editor
    AudioMulch 0.9b5 Real-time interactive synth/dsp for: Electroacoustics, techno...
    AXS 2.03+ Analogue Xpansion System: realtime software synthesizer
    Beat Creator Drum synthesizer program
    BOA Bassdrum 2.0 Bassdrum software synthesizer
    BrainWave Generator 3.10 BrainWave Generator creates sounds with binaural beats
    BUZZ 1.04 Hybrid tracker - synthesizer - generator - sequencer
    BUZZ 1.1 update Hybrid tracker - synthesizer - generator - sequencer
    Carley's Musical Keyboard Turn your keyboard into a musical instrument
    cesSynth1 VST software synth
    Chaosynth A software synthesiser that uses cellular automata and granular synthesis
    Chaosynth A software synthesiser that uses cellular automata and granular synthesis
    Coagula Light 1.4 Beta Industrial Strength Color-Note Organ
    Computer Sounder v2.5 Computer Synthesizer: Use keyboard like a piano
    crusherX-Live 1.53 Vapor real time synthesizer
    Density Granular synthesis for Csound
    DirectX 8.0 The Latest version of DirectX
    d-lusion DrumStation v1.08 DrumStation is exactly what you need for creating great techno or dance grooves
    Dream Station? Dream Station? is a new and versatile virtual workstation
    DrumSynth 2.0 Recreate classic analogue drum sounds and invent new effects from tone and noise components
    DYNAMO A collection of virtual instruments, synthesizers, rhythm machines..
    eNeMiX TR909-Klone for PC
    FlexiMusic Professional music producing, composing software for almost all purposes
    FMHeaven FM VST synth
    FruityLoops 2.7.2 Loop & Song creation tool
    FX2 rev 10a Virtual synth and sound effects processor
    GakStoar alpha 1.15 Free virtual analogue synth VST 2.0 plug-in
    GakStoar delta 2.01 Comprehensive virtual analogue synth plug-in for Cubase VST
    GakStoar delta 2.01 Comprehensive virtual analogue synth plug-in for Logic Audio 4.5 and n-track
    GM Sounds New WAVmaker sound (un)packer and GM sounds
    GranuLab 1.0 Realtime granular synthesizer and soundfile processor
    Graoumf Tracker 2 Beta 16 Graoumf Tracker 2 is a soundtracker
    GrooveMaker 2.0 Revolutionary loop-based remixing software and sound libraries
    JAYTRAX 2.0 JAYTRAX, a revolution in sound synthesis, composition and on-line playback.
    Jet-MIDI 1.1 COWON's Wavetable MIDI Synthesizer in "software only"
    JoyPlug JoyPlug is a joystick-controlled filter for Buzz software
    JX10 VST software synth
    JX10 VST software synth
    JX220 Free VST 2.0 compatible software synthesize
    JXSynth VST 2.0 compatible software synthesizer
    LoopAZoid 1.2 VST virtual drum sampler
    MASS An absolutely beasty modular synth - Now real stable
    Mercury-1 Virtual Analog VST Instrument
    ModSyn Software synthesizer for Windows 95
    MouSing v2.3 Create eerie "OOoooEEeeuuuu..." sounds with your mouse. Imitate the eerie tones of the theremin.
    Muon Atom VST2.0 Synth Plug-in Virtual Analogue Synth plugin for Cubase VST or Logic Audio
    Muon Tau Bass synth VST plug-in
    Mysteron Monophonic VST software synth inspired by the Theremin
    Neon Synthesizer VST instrument plug-in for Cubase VST
    NovaStation XG/GM/GS Midi software wavetable synthesizer for sound cards Pentium
    OnePingOnly beta 1 A VST virtual synth
    Orangator v2.0b Orangator is a most universal sound generator that NEVER expires!
    Orion 1.7 Complete studio with analogue, wavetable and sampling technology
    Pro-52 Softsynth based on the famous Prophet-5
    Probe 1.5 Virtual analog studio (Bassline, Minimoog?)
    QUACK Sound Effects Studio 4.0.1 Lets you create your own original sound effects with an easy to use visual editor
    Rainbow Synth 1.7 4 oscillators software synthesizer
    Rainbow VST Synth 2.0 4 oscillators synth plugin for VST
    Reaktor 2.3 Complete modular sound-design studio
    Reality v1.56 Professional synthesizer and sampler software
    Reason Analog synth, sampler, drum machine, ReCycle!-based loop player, mixer, effects, pattern sequencer, and more.
    Rebirth RB-338 2.01 upgrade for Windows The 2.0.1 upgrade adds several new features and fixes several problems in ReBirth 2.0.
    Rebirth RB-338 Demo 2.01 Software emulation of "TR-303s" and one "TR-808"
    Retro AS-1 2.0.1 Pro quality analog software synthesizer
    Retro AS-1 VST VST 2.0 plug-in version of the Retro AS-1 software synthesizer
    Roagine VST instrument that generate percussive sounds
    RSVP Retro Sounds Virtual Polysynth for win95/98 and AWE64 Soundcard
    RubberDuck H30+ 2.10 Realtime software synthesizer dedicated to electronic dance music
    Seq-303 v2.0.2.0 Analog sequencer emulator
    SimSynth 2.7 Classic analog sounding soft synth
    SMoRPhi 3.0 SMoRPhi is a software synthesizer
    SoundForum Synthesizer 1.0 Standalone software synthesizer
    Stomper Hyperion - the Drum Sound Synthesizer Create drum sounds such as 909 kicks and other Analog sounds
    Storm 1.1 A virtual studio for music composition, both modular and in real time.
    St-Sound ATARI ST Sound Emulator for PC
    SurReal SurReal turns your Pentium computer into a professional synthesizer
    SynC Modular 2.08.003 VST2 Fast, flexible and multitimbral realtime modular softsynth
    Synthia Synthia is a digital copy of an analog synthesizer Analog Synthesizer
    Tassman Demo Upgrade Upgrade for the Tassman soft synth demo
    Tassman? 1.2.1 Demo State-of-the-art sound synthesis software
    TB2000 1.0 Virtual bassline synth. inspired by the Roland Tb303
    TBL A four-way monophonic VST synthesizer
    TEXTURE 3.0 Generates musical information by stochastic means
    TimbreWolf V3.0 Virtual analogue synthesizer/sequencer
    TiMidity++ v2.10.2 TiMidity is a MIDI to WAVE converter and player (Full source code)
    TS-404 V1.05 TS-404 is a virtual analogue, multitimbral synthesizer
    Unity DS-1 2.0.1 Transforms your computer into a realtime programmable multitimbral digital sampling dream machine
    VAZ Modular 2.1 the hardware equivalent of up to 16 modular synths, a sampler, sequencer, 16 Channel Mixer, various effects with plug-in support
    VAZ+ 1.7 Realtime simulation of a 2 oscillator analogue synth
    VirSyn Software Synthesizer Analog and digital modeling with a step-sequencer
    Virtual Trumpet Play trumpet on your PC
    VisOrc SAOL Edition Open Source GUI for MPEG4 Structured Audio
    Visual Orangator Visual Orangator-continuation of Orangator,a great virtual synthesizer
    Visual Orchestra 2.0 Use the VisOrc interface to make pro-quality electronic music with Csound on your Windows PC
    WAVmaker III CD-quality MIDI rendering
    WillowTALK 2.5 FREE Trial Your computer can talk to you
    Yamaha S-YXG50 XG software synthesiser trial version

  2. #2
    Inactive Member Bradley Wilson's Avatar
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    Do you have a MIDI synth you will be using?

  3. #3
    Ralph Snart
    Guest Ralph Snart's Avatar


    That is quite a list you have there young fella, seen one eat a rocking chair one time.

    I opted for a Yamaha full size music keyboard psr160 about $100.00

    It has Midi Plugs or standard 1\4 inch headphone jacks that I plug into my onboard sound card by way of an adapter.

    Do not let the squeaky quality of the built in speakers throw you.

    I can tell you how it works and what makes music sound good. Even wright fairly complex songs but have no natural musical talent for playing.

    These things I am telling you for two reasons

    1 I figured one more option would not be that much more confusing.

    2 It is a different way of looking at a problem that you may be trying to overkill.

    i said may. As i learned everything i needed to know in about a week were it another chunk of software to contend with i do not even want to think of how confused i would be at this point.

    This may not pertain to your problem but I am happy with my learning curve if not my ability to actually play worth a darn.


  4. #4
    Ralph Snart
    Guest Ralph Snart's Avatar


    That is quite a list you have there young fella, seen one eat a rocking chair one time.

    I opted for a Yamaha full size music keyboard psr160 about $100.00

    It has Midi Plugs or standard 1\4 inch headphone jacks that I plug into my onboard sound card by way of an adapter.

    Do not let the squeaky quality of the built in speakers throw you.

    I can tell you how it works and what makes music sound good. Even wright fairly complex songs but have no natural musical talent for playing.

    These things I am telling you for two reasons

    1 I figured one more option would not be that much more confusing.

    2 It is a different way of looking at a problem that you may be trying to overkill.

    i said may. As i learned everything i needed to know in about a week were it another chunk of software to contend with i do not even want to think of how confused i would be at this point.

    This may not pertain to your problem but I am happy with my learning curve if not my ability to actually play worth a darn.


  5. #5
    Inactive Member darthshawn's Avatar
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    try one called anvil studio. very simple to use, and it's free mind you this does just do midi files. for better quality you would want something like cakewalk, but if you want that you will have to pay.

  6. #6
    Senior Hostboard Member JohnStaples's Avatar
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    Re: Synthesiser Software Suggestions?

    Today, digital technologies are everywhere and in every enterprise. Therefore, if you want to set up outsourcing in your company, I advise you to refer to . These guys have been working in this field for many years and have helped many companies and private entrepreneurs with IT. Therefore, I hope that their services will be useful for you and you will arrange outsourcing and outstaffing of your company.

  7. #7
    Junior Hostboard Member coffeemaker888's Avatar
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    Re: Synthesiser Software Suggestions?

    I think that this kind of software development won't be popular. Not many people like artificial sound. So better if you create a website for musicians.

  8. #8
    Junior Hostboard Member FranzJosephVIII's Avatar
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    Re: Synthesiser Software Suggestions?

    He seems to be fully aware of that. This is why he asked this software for free. So he is not even ready to pay for other people's work and time. I contacted rubyroid labs when I needed Ruby on Rails development for my company. We always evaluate the demand for our product and never seek for free software in the internet.

  9. #9
    Senior Hostboard Member JohnStaples's Avatar
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    Re: Synthesiser Software Suggestions?

    Python is a popular programming language for web development and data analysis. It is also the most used language in machine learning, data science, and data engineering. Because of its wide-ranging capabilities, Python is a great choice for many roles in the software industry. However, many companies are offering Python development, so which company is best for you?

    Many factors make a company- the best company. The biggest consideration is the quality of the development team. Other factors include Python developers' strengths and emphasis (such as numeric geeks, web developers, scientific programmers, and those who are interested in the arts) and the type of work they do.

  10. #10
    Junior Hostboard Member Rooby_gooby's Avatar
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    Re: Synthesiser Software Suggestions?

    What are the key trends in educational software development that are currently impacting learning and the learning process?

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