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Thread: Any Gay Drummers out there?

  1. #21
    Inactive Member PocketPlayer's Avatar
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    I was wondering where this would go...I saw the thread with one post yesterday. I do like the witty quibbles...I wouldn't start a thread like this to find them, but if it happens...they are funny. Makes me feel close to my drum brothas--Does that make me a gay-man-drummer?

    I do spend a lot of time thinking about male gyrations behind the kit, analyzing their movements, listening to their expressions...I'm a little obsessed actually. I can hardly listen to music without isolating the percussionist...and they are almost always male in gender. Hmmm, might have something here. I?m horny for drums?that?s it! (sorry, couldn?t resist this post)

    Speaking of gay?the other day I set up the program Cool Edit Pro with a cheap PC mic and played with my fingers on the PC keyboard?tapping (I?m lefty, so my right finger played the bass drum on the rt side of the keyboard and my left finger the snare on lft side).

    I tapped out some grooves I always doodle with and recorded them. Then I put them through Cool Edit's filters and you wouldn?t believe the incredible sounds this program turned that finger tapping on a plastic PC keyboard into. I wish I could post this. The end result was an Alex Van Halen thumping sound! It?s the ultimate??Can you name what this sound is??

    I digress?back to the gay thing [img]graemlins/chat.gif[/img]

    <font color="#a62a2a" size="1">[ January 12, 2006 07:33 PM: Message edited by: PocketPlayer ]</font>

  2. #22
    Inactive Member Dazzler's Avatar
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    LMAO ROFL etc etc etc..... [img]biggrin.gif[/img]

    That was the funniest post ever... sorry, but it really tickled me!!! Not in THAT way!! [img]wink.gif[/img]

    Anyone know of any famous session cats that bat for the other team??
    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Priceless!!! [img]graemlins/thumbs_up.gif[/img]

    I'm in a festive mood, but I would go so far as to say I'm gay!
    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Lovely Hank!!

  3. #23
    Inactive Member Lee Collins's Avatar
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    Hey pocket,
    I use cool edit pro 2.0 and yea it's a great program. I mostly use it to rip mp3s from my CD's and to edit and add fade ins and outs, but I've used it to enhance my own minidisc recordings of drumming and as you say, the sound effects are excellent. Some of the reverbs are sweet like the various drum plate sounds which are fantastic.

  4. #24
    Inactive Member PocketPlayer's Avatar
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    Hey Rudy
    I just started using this and need to know what it can sometime what you use it for.

    Here's the basic effects I put on my tapping:
    Amplitude?-Dynamic Processing?-Power Drums

    Delay Effects?-Full Reverb--Church

    I played with a few more, but the Power Drums and Church make any percussive sound HUGE! My tapping honestly sounded like drum corp on steroids. I couldn't get the high end dynamics happening, so I changed my tapping pattern to three and four stroke ruffs--think into to Ian Paice's tune off Deep Purple's Machine Head--and then a lot of fast finger picked up my finger flams great!

  5. #25
    Inactive Member Lee Collins's Avatar
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    Yeah, just mess around with it pocket, it's easy as pie. Sounds like you've got it mostly down anyway. Use normalise in the amplitude section. I always do. It seems to bring the volume up quite a bit. And mess around with the graphic equaliser to get more highs, mids and lows.

    Haha ye, a church effect and power drums is huge. Try dryer more subtle reverbs and different dynamic processing for best effects.

  6. #26
    Inactive Member Avi_drums's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Rudy_Ment:
    I once saw travis barker sit down on his drum stool before putting the seat on. I don't think it was an accident though [img]eek.gif[/img]
    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">LOL!!

  7. #27
    Inactive Member spaceotter's Avatar
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    OK, let me get my neck straightened ALL THE WAY out here. {Crack} This will be a rant.

    1. What makes this topic less relevant to drums than, say, titty bars, favorite movies, politics, religion, drunkenness, or Google fuckin' maps?

    2. Why is this a "classic troll topic," or a request for taunts or jokes? Is it unimaginable that a gay guy or lesbian might play drums and wonder if they were the only one? Isn't part of what we do here to support other drummers? Period?

    3. If somebody who wasn't white came on here and said, "Any bruthas (or whatever) in the house" would you say "keep your ethnicity to yourself, it has nothing to do with music?" Or "Any girl drummers here"? We don't care, shut up, it doesn't matter, focus on drumming? Would it be an opening for race jokes or talk about "bitches?"

    4. Do the het guys here preferentially shut up about their relationships and what they do with their sexuality? (Seem to remember a discussion about "Have her checked out for STDs before you check her oil" or something of the like...I could name names, but I will resist this temptation unless further provoked.) Do these topics not affect one's life playing and drumming?

    5. What if this guy's for real, and this isn't a big joke? How would you feel about fag jokes and pissy disrespect then? Or does it just not matter because "who cares what a fag would feel, anyway?" Furthermore, any clue how anybody else who's more quietly gay here or has gay people close to them might come to regard those who just made public adolescents of themselves on the topic?

    6. What do spandex and g-strings have to do with gay people? Chris, I appreciate you, really do, and your post was less mean spirited than it could have been. But the clue boat blew the big whistle and left you standing ashore on this one. For real. Ever actually hung out with gay people? Spandex??!? [img]eek.gif[/img]

    7. Affected, effeminate, truly heterosexual men. In surprising quantities. Burly biker gay guys that would throw you through a plate glass window if you looked at them crosseyed. That too. Rob Halford screaming "Breakin' the Law." Wesley Snipes as a drag queen. Straight actors playing gay cowboys in love. Rock Hudson kissing Doris Day on film. Freddy fucking Mercury rocking mulleted audiences worldwide while dying of AIDS he contracted from gay sex. Soft-voiced, scarf-wearing pretty boy Terry Bozzio whooping polyrhythmic ass while married to a (female) porn star. Everything in between. It all exists in greater quantities than once thought. Everything's mixed up. It's fucking 2006, people. Not all in the world is what it seems, or what it seemed to be circa 1956. Catch up.

    8. Mike Mangini. For chrissake, leave the man alone already.

    In case it's not abundantly clear by now, I have strong feelings on this subject. Why? Believe it or not, I *am* a gay man who plays drums. Been partnered for years, playing for decades. I have never made a big fuss here, have wanted to just get along and be part of the group. Add things, be valued. Leave sexuality at the door, or as best I can. Share & hear drum tales. Truth is it hasn't been easy and I've often self-censored, having wanted to ask the same question this guy did, tell certain drum tales that would show my hand, ask for support. I've kept quiet when people said stupid things but I just don't care anymore. This was OVER the f'n line and I won't sit quietly and take it.

    Don't spit on my life, or the lives of my friends and loved ones. My life is NOT some joke to be snickered at among "the guys." And lest you think it's easy to be a fag in the world, let alone one who plays drums, let alone one interested in macho jazz or fusion: I've been let go from gigs because of this. Musicians have stopped hanging with me, or listening to my opinions the moment there was a hint of queer. It's affected my ability to play music and fucked with my head. There are enough obstacles to playing in the world without this added one.

    Whether I wanted to play music with people who have these attitudes is debatable. Some have been amazing players. I've played with others who don't care, others (not many) that were also gay. But the topic is real, drum-related, and has affected my career in ways you might not imagine. I hate feeling like a second class citizen anywhere--here included--and it's something I really struggle with in the drum world. I'm apparently not supposed to be what I am, interested in the things I am interested in. Nobody thinks so, not gay people either ("you like who? Chick who? Is that like Cher?").

    For the record, I am not the Moldy guy who posted originally. Many of you know me and my voice well enough. I am not a troll, even if he was. To be honest, he sounds awfully sincere to me. I'm not sure I care who respects me here anymore, who disregards my posts, assumes I can't play, whatever. This was the breaking point. As a friend of mine once said, "I'd rather be a faggot than an asshole." If I'm forced to be both in order to reclaim my self-respect, so be it.

    Some of you guys acted like idiots on this one. Most of you I have really appreciated over my time here. I'm not here to tell you what to think or say, but to stop being ignorant and callous. Not everyone here is like you, or thinks the way you do. Some of your assumptions about this group of people are incorrect. This is the internet, not an "old boys club" unless the moderators want to step in and make it one, and I haven't seen that. I'm not averse to gay jokes if they're done with affection & true knowledge. Sometimes stereotypes have a grain of truth, and people of all stripes occasionially deserve a ribbing. This was not one of those cases.

    Rant concluded unless anyone wants to try for the bonus round.

  8. #28
    Inactive Member Degas's Avatar
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    So........ its not matched or traditional???
    its gay or straight......

    Well put me down for matched and straight.

  9. #29
    Inactive Member Degas's Avatar
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    Oh yeah and Chris..... stop checking out Mangini's G-string!!!!!!


  10. #30
    Guest cjbdrm's Avatar


    Why is it that a gay person's favorite subject is being gay? So you're gay. Get over it.

    I've got a great idea: If you want or need to talk about being gay, or being an alcoholic, or having a troubled childhood, check out another forum that caters to your favorite topic of choice.

    BTW- I think Moldy is a troll because I've NEVER heard a gay man say "batting for the other team"...that's a hetero phrase.

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