Most of my memories come from the sony SGBBS I guess I am mourning the end of all the sony-ness once and for all. I didnt post on sony DHBBS for ages because I was in a funk about that whole SG debarcle lol

But I had such good times esp on that SG one.. OMG there was Prudence and her boyfriend Oli kept me in stiches. Then there were these girls I cant remember their names but chr*ist they were funny. Then Sara and her Darren/Daniel being tied to anything threads lol. The original Dear Poptart letters with Anni and Marie. Mine and Maries PMs about video cameras, Darren and certain men LMFAO.. oh we cracked ourselves up. When we first all got the demo cd (thanks Alli) oh the anticipation and the sweet surrender to the innocence of SG!!

The DH board I first remember when it was the blac k board and a full on war broke out with Barbie? It was quite funny at the time. We have had many a war and often a losing of fans which have been sad.. but sometimes people need to go where they need to go.

Overall the sony boards have provided a lifetime of SG/DH memories..sure theres been board wars to end all board wars lol .. but I think they are neccessary lol and you know at least we were allowed to have them!! We had some great times waiting for songs to be played.. waiting for albums to be released. Posting up pics of the guys. Having a great laugh between ourselves. Just as SG was magic some of those times were priceless. SG definately fits the quote "It was the best of times.. it was the worst of times"


<font color="#000000" size="1">[ October 05, 2005 06:57 AM: Message edited by: Kattitude ]</font>