<BLOCKQUOTE><font size=2 face="Tempus sans ITC, Papyrus,Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><table border="0" width="90%" bgcolor="#333333" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0"><tr><td width="100%"><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#FF9900"><tr><td width="100%" bgcolor="#000000"><font size=2 face="Tempus sans ITC, Papyrus,Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by DarrensPassion:
Just a little more news to add to this debate:

Apparently Heart 106.2 fm (London radio station) said yesterday that SG would be reforming. Now although they have been very supportive of SG in the past, they were also the ones who said that Darren would be moving to the UK, so I take these rumours with a pinch of salt [img]wink.gif[/img]

Janie xx

I deleted my earlier post in this thread because this was getting more heated than I expected. But I'm going to briefly jump in with a couple of thoughts. [img]smile.gif[/img]

The press (as exploitive as they are) rarely makes up stories out of whole cloth. There is (generally speaking) a kernel of truth that gets distorted and expanded past recognition. BUT it is there.

Celebrities (like politicians) often use the press for their own purposes. For example, I've heard (and tend to believe) that Michael Jackson was behind planting some of those weird stories about him back in the '90's because he wanted to have a reputation as being outside the norm. AND ffrom what I could see, he played right into that rreputation though his words (his real ones in interviews) and even his dress (running around with a surgical mask.

Now I don't know what's going on this time, but it's not impossible to wonder if D&D weren't using the press this time around to see if there was any public interest in a SG reunion. OR (I've wondered this too) if it wasn't Dan's way of reaching out to see if Darren was interested. OR (yet another view) it might have been nothing but Dan rambling on to a reporter without any ulterior motives.

I'm going in circles, so I guess that my point is that we DO know some of what Dan said. And while he's come back to clarify a bit, no one has said 'HEY, they made that up. Dan never said THAT.' Thus the kernal of truth.

Even the report about Darren moving to the UK that was mentioned. If I'm not mistaken, Darren himself said that he was going do that. I think a radio interview or maybe even in something from the fan club. *thinks* I SWEAR he said it via the fan club..... the journal??? Damn, I can't remember now. LOL But I thought it was at the end of the tour because I remember thinking "Good. If he moves to the UK at least he'll likely use another producer rather than Wally A. again."