For the first time ever I was made to take off my shoes before entering a venue. Security said they needed to check for weapons.
I'm 42 and this was one of the most friendly crowds I've ever seen waiting to get into a show. If it wasn't so inconvenient (They made you walk barefoot through the gravel parking lot to be patted down AFTER they wanded you with a metal detector (Yep, we all got searched twice!!!) it would have been funny.
Come to think of it, it was funny since we all were making jokes about it and giving the bouncers shit about it.
I just wish the venues had a better feel for the crowds differant bands attract rather than going on outdated stereotypes.
Also, everyone in line around me had driven down from Phoenix for the show. Just a thought, but why play crappy assed Tucson at all when the AZ. fan base seems to be located in PHX?