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Thread: In case you did not hear it

  1. #21
    Inactive Member mykbyk95's Avatar
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    Originally posted by kustom55:
    Are you sure it's what the fans want or more of what YOU want? As kraut said the wlwhwt days were written based on his feelings, aggression and anger back then. Times change and so do people. Based on your post maybe it's time you found another band to listen to...
    <font size="2" face="verdana, arial">Yea i do want another album. What music fan would NOT want a new album from their favorite band?

    People do change and Ness is no exception. He is all over the place with what he says and does. I dont hate the "solo" stuff, i just dont think it should come before the band that got him where he is today. Most of the "solo" stuff is just rehashes of other artists work. Do you really think another album full of old cover songs is what MOST fans of Social D want? Also, i wasnt saying i wanted another album exactly like white light, just another album that goes back to true Social D punk roots.

    I dont see how what i said was "bitching" kraut, considering this is public domain where fans share their opinions and input. Your posts have no more significance than mine. I get aversion for sharing my opinion and i cant say im surprised. This is why i dont post much anymore, fanboys are so aggressive.

  2. #22
    Inactive Member kustom55's Avatar
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    I appreciate you explaining what you meant and now I can see your point of view. I think with the addition of Johnny and Brent SD has taken on a different direction than say when it was John, Chris and Dennis. Im not saying it's a bad thing by any means, just different. I think their (Brent and Johnny's) background and musical influences have also influenced Mike to write and perform in a whole new style. I can see the yearning and desire to hear a MLM style album; I just don't think it will happen.

  3. #23
    Inactive Member sean606's Avatar
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    lets face it the social d's actual music is pretty simple so why is it taking so long for an album - it just seems that theyre putting in TOO much time into touring the same places, which theyve done billions of times before.
    to each his own a lot of people want a different style of album, fair enough. im not fussed what direction they go in - theyre enevitably gonna change - it'd just be good to actually see an album (soon). either that, or touring outside of america/canada. basically, acknowledging the existence of non-american/canadian fans

    <font color="#FFFF00"><font size="1">[ May 07, 2008 05:53 PM: Message edited by: sean606 ]</font></font>

    <font color="#FFFF00" size="1">[ May 07, 2008 05:54 PM: Message edited by: sean606 ]</font>

  4. #24
    Inactive Member Glenn Cole's Avatar
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    I'm with you all the way Wolfpits and Kustom55 not just becuase they are friends of mine, but becuase this rock and roll band that we call call our "all time favorite" is simply the best that they have ever been and the strongest line-up/song-writing/live performance/chemistry and everything else and that is the BOTTOM LINE!

  5. #25
    Inactive Member mikeehowe's Avatar
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    Who said he was putting his solo stuff before social d? Maybe other social d members had stuff they wanted to do, maybe they wanted to take a break from social d and this was a good time for Mike to do his thing. Maybe they're taking a break now and then they meet up again in the fall before they record and put all their ideas together..who knows. And even if he was putting his solo work before social d, lets be honest he has always been seen as the "leader" of social d, im not taking anything away from the other members so dont take that the wrong way.. but everything will work itself out in the end. Until then, im going to listen to my good charlotte records.

  6. #26
    Inactive Member kustom55's Avatar
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    Now that's funny! What was that song about the rich and famous? Oh, that's right it's about them...

  7. #27
    Inactive Member kustom55's Avatar
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    Originally posted by mykbyk95:
    I dont believe anything that comes out of Mikes mouth anymore because its always so dam inconsistent. They've never been the same since the White Light era. Since then the music style has slowed down and the time in between albums has gotten longer. I miss the punk rock, anger filled Ness that was all about aggressive music with powerful lyrics. Not the cowboy hat wearing Johnny Cash/Hank Williams wannabe who plays a bunch of old country shit. If they would stop touring all the f-ing time they could give the fans what they really want. They have over played sxdx songs on the tour to the point where they were playing them acoustically and now they just change hats and play country cover songs ... no thanks [img]graemlins/thumbs_down.gif[/img]
    <font size="2" face="verdana, arial">Are you sure it's what the fans want or more of what YOU want? As kraut said the wlwhwt days were written based on his feelings, aggression and anger back then. Times change and so do people. Based on your post maybe it's time you found another band to listen to...

  8. #28
    Inactive Member kraut's Avatar
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    Originally posted by mykbyk95:
    [...]Yea i do want another album. What music fan would NOT want a new album from their favorite band?

    People do change and Ness is no exception. He is all over the place with what he says and does. I dont hate the "solo" stuff, i just dont think it should come before the band that got him where he is today. Most of the "solo" stuff is just rehashes of other artists work. Do you really think another album full of old cover songs is what MOST fans of Social D want? Also, i wasnt saying i wanted another album exactly like white light, just another album that goes back to true Social D punk roots.

    I dont see how what i said was "bitching" kraut, considering this is public domain where fans share their opinions and input. Your posts have no more significance than mine. I get aversion for sharing my opinion and i cant say im surprised. This is why i dont post much anymore, fanboys are so aggressive.
    <font size="2" face="verdana, arial"><font color="#E9B756">Your opinion is just as welcome to me personally as the opinion of anybody else is.
    It's your choice of words that I found "bitchin'":

    Originally posted by mykbyk95:
    Not the cowboy hat wearing Johnny Cash/Hank Williams wannabe who plays a bunch of old country shit.
    <font size="2" face="verdana, arial"><font color="#E9B756">Just as significant as my opinion, yes, but you can't seriously claim to be able to speak for most fans, can you?
    Ness "is" Social Distortion, fact. So if he decides to give the fans another treat of acoustic stuff, take it or leave it. No one's forcing you, right?

    You want the true punk roots of Social Distortion? Listen to it, they are there. Punk isn't about screaming teenagers that can't play shit on their instruments. But then again that's just a fanboy's opinion...

    Oh, and actually I didn't really mean to be as aggressive as it finally came across. I think I can claim to manage the English language more than well, but it's still my second language only, so I might have unconsciously used some register that you found aggressive, I apologize for that.

  9. #29
    Inactive Member mykbyk95's Avatar
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    Originally posted by kraut:
    <font color="#E9B756">Just as significant as my opinion, yes, but you can't seriously claim to be able to speak for most fans, can you?
    Ness "is" Social Distortion, fact. So if he decides to give the fans another treat of acoustic stuff, take it or leave it. No one's forcing you, right?

    You want the true punk roots of Social Distortion? Listen to it, they are there. Punk isn't about screaming teenagers that can't play shit on their instruments. But then again that's just a fanboy's opinion...

    Oh, and actually I didn't really mean to be as aggressive as it finally came across. I think I can claim to manage the English language more than well, but it's still my second language only, so I might have unconsciously used some register that you found aggressive, I apologize for that.
    <font size="2" face="verdana, arial">I'll try to keep this short to avoid anymore argument because everyone has their own views. Some people see Social D and Ness solo as the same and can appreciate them both equally, i dont. The way i see it is they are completely different and just because Ness has a "punk" background doesnt mean everything he plays or puts his name on to sell is of relation or connection to punk/rock/rock n roll music. Lyrics are always similar from genre to genre in music but what separates music styles and genres is how its presented, whether it be a love song thru rock n roll music or thru country for example. Good example, Ball & Chain, he has a punk/rockabilly/rock n roll version and then theres the solo "honky tonk" version.

    The whole point of my first post in this topic was that since post white light era the music style has slowed down and so has the production of new albums. The solo thing at first was something Mike did for fun as he took time off from sxdx in 99 but now it seems like just another excuse to keep touring and postpone a new album.

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